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His Crazy Little Vamp

Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  Pierce chuckled. “I didn’t say you had to be a mute.”

  “I just don’t want to be a pest,” Victor said. “I’ve been told I talk too much and say the dumbest things.”

  He wasn’t sure who was saying those things to Victor, but Pierce was starting to get ticked off. Colton had been right. Victor seemed like a really sweet guy, and the thought of anyone picking on him made Pierce want to go back into the club and pulverize someone.

  Regardless to what Pierce had said, they drove in silence to Hallman’s hideout. Pierce doused the headlights and rolled to the curb before parking and cutting the engine.

  Victor pressed his palms against the passenger window and looked at the house they were about to invade. “The lights are out,” he said. “Looks kind of spooky.”

  “Not as spooky as me.” Pierce got out and rounded the car, meeting Victor on the sidewalk. He pressed his finger to his lips, and the little vampire nodded. Pierce took the driveway, moving silently as he made his way to the back door.

  When he got there, he gave a small growl. Victor was already standing back there, peering into a window. Pierce hadn’t even seen the vampire pass him. Victor jabbed his finger at the window and mouthed, “He’s inside.”

  Pierce pinched the bridge of his nose and hoped like hell bringing Victor along hadn’t been a mistake.

  Chapter Two

  Calm down. Don’t go overboard, or your mate will never let you hunt with him again. Victor kept repeating that in his mind as he watched Pierce go in through the back door. Victor let out a long breath, forcing himself to contain his excitement before he followed him inside. He had never done anything badass in his life, and now he was about to take down a lion shifter.

  Take that, Riley!

  Victor tiptoed in, even though he didn’t have to. Vampires were quiet by nature, but it felt like the right thing to do in this situation. His body buzzed from adrenaline, and his heart wouldn’t stop racing as they crept down a long hallway with picture frames hanging on the wall. Victor stopped himself from gasping when Pierce pulled a gun from the back of his waistband.

  They entered the living room to find the lion shifter seated on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on his lap as he watched some old black-and-white movie. Victor knew this classic film. He’d watched it a dozen times.

  Without thinking, Victor began to say the dialogue before he slapped a hand over his mouth. His eyes went wide when Pierce looked at him with murder in his eyes.

  The shifter looked over his shoulder and then jumped from the couch, the popcorn spilling everywhere as he snarled as he shifted.

  “Get out!” Pierce shouted at Victor before he, too, shifted. It was a wolf and a lion, and Victor wasn’t sure who would win, but he didn’t run. Instead, he looked around for something to crack over the lion’s head.

  The sucker was huge!

  Pierce attacked, and so did the lion. They were locked in battle as Victor ran around the house, trying to find something small and heavy. Why on earth couldn’t you find what you needed when you needed it? He searched the kitchen and found a cast-iron skillet on the stove. It looked as though it hadn’t been washed in a decade.

  Victor curled his lip and grabbed a pot holder before he lifted the pan from the stove and ran back to the living room, using his inhuman speed to clock the lion on the head before the lion even knew he was coming.

  The wolf snarled at Victor as the lion went down, unmoving.

  Pierce shifted and snatched the pan from Victor and tossed it aside. It crashed into a wooden bookcase, breaking two of the shelves and sending the knickknacks flying to the floor.

  “Didn’t I tell you to run?”

  “But he’s knocked out cold,” Victor argued as he waved at the lion. “Wasn’t that the goal, to take him without a fight?”

  “If you hadn’t started mimicking the movie, this wouldn’t have happened.” Pierce lifted the unconscious lion from the floor and tossed the limp body over his shoulder.

  Victor was impressed with his mate’s strength but kept his compliment to himself. He wasn’t sure if Pierce would appreciate it. “Regardless to how things were done, the warrant was executed,” Victor sniffed. “So stop getting all snarly with me. We make a good team.”

  “We’re not a team.” Pierce practically ripped the front door off its hinges as he walked out and headed down the driveway.

  Victor stood there with his shoulders slumped. It seemed he couldn’t do anything right. Instead of going to Pierce’s car, he headed down the street, trying to get as far from his mate as he could.

  “Where’re you going?” Pierce caught up to him.

  “You yelled at me,” Victor said as he stopped to face his naked mate, and forced his gaze not to lower. “I figured I screwed up, so you didn’t want me around anymore.”

  Keeping his eyes off Pierce’s groin was a challenge. His mate was all muscles, and Victor wanted to lick every exposed patch of skin.

  “I was just worried about your safety, mouse. That lion was huge.” Pierce grinned. “He was kicking my ass.”

  A smile wobbled on Victor’s lips. “He was. I had to do something to save my hero.”

  One of Pierce’s brows arched. “How am I your hero when you saved me?”

  “You have no idea.” Victor chewed on his bottom lip. “So, I guess I’m riding with you?”

  “You gotta call shotgun,” Pierce said.

  That didn’t make any sense. “But I’m the only one riding with you, unless you wanna put the lion in the front seat.”

  With a chuckle, Pierce tossed his arm over Victor’s shoulders and walked him back to the car. “You haven’t called it yet.”

  Pierce popped the trunk and pulled out a backpack. Right there on the street, he dressed before tossing the bag back into the trunk and slamming it. He was glad he no longer had to fight not to stare at his mate’s cock, but hated that Pierce had covered his gorgeous body.

  Victor might’ve rolled his eyes at Pierce’s comment, but on the inside, he felt all fuzzy and warm. “Shotgun!”

  His mate winked as he opened the car door, and Victor hated how badly his face heated up while he slipped inside. He thought Pierce would’ve laid into him, calling him names or simply making him walk home. But Pierce had come after him and made Victor feel special, like the guy really wanted him around.

  That was how Pierce was Victor’s hero. “Why did you call me mouse?”

  As he pulled away from the house, Pierce shrugged. “You’re little, and you defeated a lion.” He slid his gaze at Victor. “Does that name offend you?”

  “Not if you’re calling me that because you think I’m a champion.”

  Pierce’s grin made Victor feel all gooey. The show of bright white teeth was a sexy look on his mate. “I’m calling you a champion, mouse.”

  “Colton calls me that, too.”

  Pierce growled. “I’m gonna have a talk with him. That’s now my official name for you.”

  They pulled down a paved road. Victor had never been to the prison before. It looked more like a utility building. It wasn’t very big, and he wondered how it housed so many criminals. So he asked.

  “The cells are underground,” Pierce explained as he pulled to the back where a dock sat and cut the engine. Victor watched a tall, thick guy walk over to them. He smelled lion instantly and wondered how offended the prison guard was gonna be when he discovered who the guy was still passed out in the back seat.

  Maybe he should’ve kept the frying pan with him.

  Pierce got out and handed over a piece of paper. “Everything’s in order, Aaron.”

  Aaron shook his head as he peered into the back of the car. He didn’t seem upset. The guard just yanked the back door open and pulled the limp body out, tossing the prisoner over his shoulder.

  “That went smoothly,” Victor said when Pierce got back in.

  “That’s rare.” Pierce pulled the car around and headed back down the driveway. “They usually fight to the bi
tter end.”

  “So…” Victor practically bounced in his seat. “How’d I do for my first time?”

  Yep, he was fishing for praise—something he rarely got.

  Pierce rested his hand on Victor’s nape and rubbed the patch of skin with his thumb. “You did good, kid. Real good.”

  Pride and joy swelled inside Victor. He had finally done something right, after all.

  * * * *

  Taking Hallman down had been tricky, but successful. In truth, Pierce was damn proud of…his mate. His mind was still blown about that. He seriously couldn’t believe how lucky he’d gotten, and it almost felt like a dream as his little vampire sat next to him, still smiling as he looked out the window.

  Still, as capable as Victor was, Pierce wasn’t about to let him ride along while he searched for the escaped creatures. That was a lot riskier than taking down a lion shifter. Colton, a seasoned bounty hunter, had nearly died in the attempt, and Pierce wasn’t about to risk Victor’s life.

  “Here we are.”

  Victor looked at him with furrowed brows. “You’re dropping me off at home? I thought maybe we would celebrate my first warrant takedown.”

  His mate looked like a kicked puppy, and Pierce was almost tempted to let him ride with him, but he recalled how terrified he’d been outside that exam room while Colton had fought for his life. He also remembered that horrific, sick, gut-wrenching feeling he’d suffered through when he’d lost his father to some crazed shifter.

  That was one reason Pierce had joined the agency. Back then, he’d been filled with nothing but hate and revenge. It was Matt, his alpha, who had helped Pierce channel all that rage and turned him into a superior hunter.

  He didn’t want to go down that road again. That was why Pierce had never faulted Colton when he was in his dark headspace. He knew that feeling all too well.

  “I’m not saying we can’t celebrate.” Pierce wiggled his brows, hoping to ease the pang of rejection his mate must’ve been feeling. “But I have a few things I gotta take care of.”

  “Those escaped guys from the veil,” Victor said. “I heard Colton talking about them.” He twisted in his seat and fully faced him. “But I just proved I’m an asset! You could use me. I swear I’ll listen this time!”

  Pierce saw now that telling his mate no wasn’t going to be easy. He seriously wanted to give in but held his ground. “You’ve never faced beings like this before, mouse. These…men are like nothing you’ve come up against. I won’t risk your life.”

  “But I’m supposed to let you risk yours?”

  “I’ve been doing this a long time,” Pierce argued. He held up his hand. “And, yes, Colton was severely hurt, but that only solidifies my reason for you staying behind.”

  He wasn’t sure how to explain his reasoning any better and hated that his mate looked so crushed.

  “Fine.” Victor crossed his arm and pouted like a petulant child, making Pierce grin. “I’ll obey.”

  Why did Pierce feel as though Victor didn’t obey that often? “And I appreciate your sacrifice,” he teased.

  The scowl on Victor’s face slowly faded. That was what Pierce wanted to see. Victor’s anger draining away. He also didn’t trust the easy compliance. If there was one thing he’d learned tonight, it was that his mouse was stubborn and impulsive.

  “Come pick me up as soon as you’re done,” Victor demanded. “I still want to celebrate.”

  “Plan on it.” Pierce had an idea how they could spend their time together. He wanted to take the little vampire back to his bedroom at the pack house and claim him.

  “First,”—Pierce tapped his lips—“you gotta give me a departing kiss.”

  God, he loved how deeply his mate blushed. Victor was pale, which made the rose coloring glow like a beacon. Pierce pulled his seat back and patted his lap. “Get over here.”

  Victor was on him instantly, running his hands over Pierce’s chest. His mate wiggled his ass, driving Pierce insane. If Victor didn’t stop grinding his ass into Pierce’s denim-covered cock, they would fuck right there at the curb in front of the line of partiers waiting to get into Black Dragon.

  “You’re not shy.” Pierce chuckled.

  “Not when I want something badly enough.” Victor nipped Pierce’s bottom lip. “Are you gonna kiss me already?”

  He slid his hand around Victor’s neck and pulled him close, devouring his mate’s mouth. He pulled back and arched a brow. “I didn’t know vampires had minty breath.”

  Victor wiggled some more as he dug something out of his front pocket. It was a small plastic container of mints. “I came prepared.”

  Pierce slammed their lips together, eating up his mate’s groans and that minty flavor. He palmed Victor’s small, plump ass and kneaded the soft flesh. He’d meant to get a simple kiss, but this was turning into so much more. He was supposed to meet up with Nick, but Pierce was gonna be late.

  He couldn’t let his mate go inside a packed club so needy.

  Victor leaned back and closed his eyes, panting as Pierce unfastened his mate’s pants and curled his hand around his cock.

  “Pierce,” he moaned.

  Hearing the little vampire whisper his name ignited a fire deep in Pierce’s belly. He licked his hand and curled it back around Victor’s dick before stroking the hard flesh.

  “Yes,” Victor hissed.

  This wasn’t the easiest position. There was barely room between their bodies, but Pierce made it work. “Do you know how badly I want to fuck you?” he whispered against the shell of Victor’s ear.

  Victor made a needy, whimpering sound as he arched his back, his hands clinging to Pierce’s shoulder. “Do you know how badly I want your dick in my ass,” Victor countered.

  Pierce groaned, almost tempted to rip Victor’s jeans off and fuck him. He stroked his mate faster, pre-cum leaking onto his fingers, helping to lube his hand as he slammed his lips against his mate’s, kissing the vampire with passion as he slid his hand up and down the man’s hard cock.

  “Close,” Victor said against Pierce’s lips. “So close.”

  “Come for me, beautiful.” He nipped Victor’s bottom lip.

  His mate arched his back and let out a cry as he came. It was the most erotic sight Pierce had ever seen. And as badly as he wanted to get off, he knew he had to end this now or he’d never get out of there.

  When Victor’s eyelids fluttered open, Pierce locked gazes and licked the cum from his hand, making sure he smiled as he cleaned every last drop off him.

  “Holy hell,” Victor breathed.

  Pierce tapped Victor’s hip. “As much as I hate to say this, I gotta go.” He gave his mate a quick but thorough kiss. “We’ll pick this up again when I get back.”

  He fastened Victor’s pants. His mate climbed off his lap and reached for the door handle but stopped and looked over his shoulder. “You better be careful.”

  Pierce brushed his knuckles over Victor’s pale cheek. “I will.”

  Once his mate was gone, Pierce drove to meet up with Nick.

  The wolf crinkled his nose when Pierce got out. “You smell like you bathed in spunk.”

  Pierce winked. “My mate’s spunk.”

  A rare smile curled Nick’s mouth as he gave a quick nod before they took off.

  * * * *

  Victor hurried back outside when he saw Pierce drive away. He didn’t care what his mate said. Victor knew he could be of use, and he was gonna prove it. He’d rather get yelled at by his mate then go back inside and get harassed by Riley and his groupies. Been there, done that, and didn’t even get a lousy T-shirt.

  He took off, sticking to the shadows, making sure he stayed out of sight as he tracked the car. Even if he wasn’t out to prove his worth, he owed those escaped creatures for nearly killing Colton. The wolf shifter might not have become their Master, but he was always kind to Victor, and Victor really liked the guy.

  Victor hid behind a clump of bushes in someone’s front lawn when the car pu
lled to the curb and the headlights went out. He stared between the branches, watching as his mate and Nick exited the car and headed up the street.

  Why were they walking? Why had they ditched the car? It would be harder to track them like this. There was a good chance one of them would smell Victor and he had to be very careful that they didn’t or Pierce would take him back to the club and Victor’s night of excitement would come to an end.

  He waited until they rounded the corner before hurrying to catch up. Victor stopped too suddenly, dropping behind a parked car and whacking his nose when Pierce looked over his shoulder.

  He had to suck down the curses as his nose throbbed, and when he pulled his hand away, he saw spots of blood on his palm. Way to go, idiot.

  When he looked up, he didn’t see them. Victor hurried into the backyard of the corner house, hopped the wooden fence, and… “Holy shit!” he screeched when a large black dog chased him. Victor scrambled over the fence, his heart in his throat, and landed on his ass with a solid thud. He stared at a set of legs before he looked up and saw his mate’s gorgeous green eyes glaring down at him.

  “Mind telling me what you’re doing here?” Pierce asked as he helped Victor to his feet. “I thought I told you to stay at home.”

  Victor dusted off his butt. “I was just going for a stroll. Fancy meeting you in this neighborhood.” He gave Pierce his best fake smile. “Lovely night, huh? For a stroll, I mean. Not for hunting down the bad guys.”

  Just shut up already before you make matters worse.

  One of Pierce’s brows arched. “Are you seriously going with that story?”

  “I’ll meet you there.” Nick looked Victor over before he walked away. Victor had heard stories about that particular wolf and didn’t want to find out if they were true. According to some of the vampires, Nick wasn’t quite right in the head, and no one wanted to come up against him in a dark alley.


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