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The Willing Prey

Page 21

by Scarlett Sunday

  Jean’s eyes opened in wonder as the almost invisible form of a stunning woman with long flowing hair rose from the body of the young woman as if a soul of pure light. The spirit angel stood next to the big handsome man where the young woman on the bed had been standing before. She began to work his stiff sexual organ with spirit fingers. Jean sensed the young woman to be of high rank and watched fascinated. As the others, taken with her presence, bowed low towards her. On a second signal from the gong, all the couples began to make love to each other with wanton force. Which included the spirit woman, who had returned to her physical host. She pulled the handsome man on top of her and let him penetrate her physical body.

  Meanwhile, the dominant humans on the main floor. Seemed to be raping their common captives with unrestrained vigour. The prisoners offering no resistance appeared to be acting as slave lovers. But not the large man on the stage with the beautiful young woman. Or the beautiful young woman on the altar with her older still attractive captor. They were genuine lovers. The older middle-aged woman had her arms locked around, the younger woman’s body and had entered her with her dildo, as her young prisoner sucked hungrily at her throat. The beautiful young woman on the bed also sucked with uncontrolled vigour at her handsome captive’s jugular. While she made love to him like a ravenous Vampire.

  Jean watched in horror as the minor species in each pair. The big handsome man on the stage. And the older woman on the attractive young prisoner went limp under their lover’s sucking lips and disappeared into a red mist. At the same time, all the minor submissive victims began to vanish in a red haze also. Herself aroused by what she was witnessing, Jean felt invisible fingers caressing her body. She sensed something long and hard enter her between her legs and something soft sucking at the vein in her throat. She could not help but give in to her pleasurable sensations. Her eyes dilated, and her back arched in a powerful climax. As she watched the dominant lesbian couple enter their final lethal embrace, she began to shudder into the second phase of her long orgasm. Her thoughts aflame she thought, Ohh My God! What a turn on.

  With a sudden shock, Jean awoke. Fascinated by her dream, she surprised herself with another coming. Wide awake now, Jean found herself in the arms of Tanis. Who was gazing down into her eyes as she made love to her? Her whole body arched up off the bed in a third unbelievable explosion, and she cried. “Ohhh, Tanis my love. It’s you. What a weird, erotic, and wonderful dream I’ve just had.”

  Tanis smiled and withdrew. She turned Jean over, tied her wrists behind her back, and forced her legs open. Once apart she tied them to the bed end. Jean was her prisoner.

  Jean struggled as she felt Tanis’s wet dildo slip between her buns deep into her body. Her nervous system exploded into a myriad of stars, which made her whole body tingle. Not being able to control her emotions at Tanis’s surprising ambush, and what the dream had done to her, she couldn’t do anything but surrender herself to another great coming. Nothing mattered except the delicious feeling of euphoria. Nothing, but the full flush of her shuddering spirited finish. Nothing! Not even death can take this sublime moment away from me. Giant waves of intense feeling assaulted her being. She found herself screaming, part from shock, part in ecstasy. “Take me. Oh, Tanisss my love! Please take me.” The quiet thrusting of Tanis turned into a frenzy of naked lust, causing Jean to faint…


  When she opened her eyes an hour later. Jean found herself still tied and drowning in a sea of ocean-green. Tanis, her lips crimson and moist from the small meal she had enjoyed, smiled down at her. “I had to get to fuck you somehow Jean. It’s in my nature to be dominant. Can you forgive me?”

  With a sigh of relief, Jean came again. “Ohhh, Tanis! How wonderful to see you here? I was so scared. My dream both excited and frightened me. I’m glad you’re here beside me sweetheart. I feel much safer in your arms. Of course, I forgive you… For raping me in my sleep.”

  Waiting until Jean had finished, Tanis said. “I had to come to you Jean, I couldn’t sleep. Not with you in the next room tossing and turning like you were. I’m sorry for raping you. You were too tempting a morsel to resist.”

  “I was only teasing you, Tanis. I would never mind you making love to me like that. I know your appetite for my body. When you make love to me, my orgasms are out of this world.”

  Tanis untied Jean, took her into her arms and said. “Tell me about your dream Jean.” She fondled Jean’s breasts as she snuggled herself down next to her body to listen.

  Her weird experience finished, Jean began. “It ended with your mouth on my throat Tanis, as if you were feeding on me like those people in my dream. The feeling unbelievable. It triggered my strongest orgasm to date. Did I want to belong to you so much, ritual cannibalism was acceptable? Is that part of a loving relationship? I felt so vulnerable and yet so excited. It’s why I came so quick. It was bizarre and cruel watching someone eaten alive while having sex. Then disappear before your eyes into a red mist of climax. Is it why attractive Vampires have such a hold on our psyche? As worked up as I was, you could have done anything to me, and I would not have been able to resist you?” She looked up a little shy. “I awoke to find myself in the same situation as the victims in my dream Tanis, and I didn’t give a shit what happened to me. With you, I knew I was safe. Not scared, just delirious with happiness. You have something your lovers have no defence against my love, I wish I had it.”

  Tanis smiled down at her. If only you knew the power, I have over your species Jean.

  “Tell me what you think Tanis. Try to interpret my dream for me if you can.”

  Tanis kissed her. “Okay. Lay back and listen.” Her hand worked Jean’s nipples with soft fingertips. Until she closed her eyes in rapture.

  The memory of her dream still fresh in her mind, Jean gave in to Tanis’s light caress with a few moments of bliss. Lifted her head and kissed her with a light touch, on her lips. “I’m ready to listen now, sweetheart.” Jean’s head fell back onto the bed, and she closed her eyes waiting for Tanis to begin.

  Her hand still fondling Jean’s breasts, to keep her aroused, Tanis began her analysis. “I’d say the tall copper-haired people with the amber eyes were the dominant species on the planet. By what you described, it had to be a ceremony of fertility carried out by willing partners. Unless, of course, drugged.”

  “No, they weren’t drugged. The sexual partner's bits looked willing and erect enough to me. Although the lesser humans did strike me as slave lovers.”

  “If the lesser humans were willing, they couldn’t have known they were going to die in the act Jean. Or didn’t care whether they died or not. You sensed a strong sexual bond between the couples. In the end, from what you said. The dominant species seemed to be feeding on their willing lovers’ bodies. Their lovers must have been voluntary human sacrifices of some kind or at least one of them was. The two couples on the central beds were the main event of the ceremony. I think the young woman was letting the male of her species fuck her to conceive their child. The older attractive woman in the lesbian couple. Regenerating into the younger woman’s host body.”

  “It may be so Tanis. Yet, the Priestess was a ghost, and her lover lost his life in the act?”

  “Maybe he had to die. Hence the symbolism of the Mantis God in your dream. I’ll have to work it out, Jean. Yet, it does make sense. The Viking Kings and Queens used to take young willing slaves with them when they died. Sometimes ones not so willing. Human sacrifice, sometimes voluntary, has always been a part of early pagan religious rituals.”

  Jean’s breath was coming in quick, uneven gasps. Her misty eyes on Tanis, she sighed. “How cruel, give me a love-bite to make me come again, Tanis. Listening to you, makes me want to sacrifice my body for you. You have such a strong Vampiric charisma.”

  Tanis obliged and continued with Jean, now almost unconscious in her arms. “I think the ghost figure was the spirit of the young woman who lay in a coma on the altar, and not a ghost. Maybe she was a Queen
and the only one who could breed.” Holy Shit! What am I getting into here? Puzzled by her train of thought she continued. “One Queen and only a few of the dominant species would make sense Jean if you look at it that way. The dominants were the top predator on the planet. Unless… Oh My God! Unless there was another predator. One, who could only reproduce itself through its Queen. An unseen transparent predator who took the dominant physical species of humans as its hosts. And bred the inferior species of humans as its food.” How can I tell her I’m one?

  “Even so, why only one Queen?”

  “I can’t say, Jean. Maybe too many predators would decimate the planet.”

  “What about the lesser species? How could the dominants be ignorant of their parasites within, until they had one of them?”

  “I would prefer to call them natural predators or ghosts rather than parasites Jean. The lesser humans slaughtered, when they reached a certain age. As a convenient food source for the dominant human host species. Also, a way to control the common population. Every species must have its predator. It’s Nature’s first law.”

  “How cruel.”

  “Cruel, but necessary. As Nature is. It all makes sense when you think of what happened in the temple Jean. In Nature, a prey’s life means nothing to its predator except energy.”

  “Yes. It would explain the feeding frenzy of the predators. What about the dominants without predators, like the young girl with the older woman? They must have been cannibals too?”

  “There are tadpoles in this world from the same species of frog. Where some eat vegetation while others are cannibals to their siblings. The real predator is one who the dominants are unaware off until it occupies their bodies as its host. When the host body ages, they take another young dominant and so on. They can only do it through the sexual act with a willing unsuspecting victim. Through careful genetic breeding, the real predator has evolved the inferior species of humans into becoming an acceptable prey and the dominant species as its hosts. It must farm them as we farm our own cattle in this world. Nature must keep a balance by whatever means, or things will get out of hand Jean.” Is that why my pheromones are irresistible to my prey? Are they my amatory bait? I know it makes the hunt much easier?

  “Oh, how awful. You have some imagination, Tanis.”

  “It’s the truth, Jean. We farm our animals for food. We don’t have sex with them. Although, I know some personal sexual fantasies and preferences do include animals. We breed and slaughter our fellow animals in their prime. So, why not your dominants too. In this case, their inferior humans when in their prime. All Universal worlds evolve in different ways. The strong must always survive to the disadvantage of the weak. It’s the main law of nature. Predator and prey. Good or evil. Rich and poor. The spirit energy within. All must follow the law of predation.”

  “You are right Tanis. Although, I hate to admit it.”

  “Your theory about only one Queen could be right too Jean. Maybe you can’t have another Queen until one dies. The true predator can only breed with less frequency to keep its numbers down. You can’t have thousands of predators roaming the planet, or space for that matter. Feeding willy-nilly on their human prey. Planets like ours must be rare.” As I know, they are. Jean could see, Tanis had taken an extraordinary interest in her dream when she continued. “The few predators must have a long life span to have only one Queen.” Does that make my species doomed to extinction, for I know I am not a Queen Mantis?

  “Go on Tanis, your theory fascinates me. But before you do untie me first. I need to be in your loving arms…”

  “Okay. Maybe these predators can’t live out of their hosts for long, and if caught out they’ll die.” I don’t know what I’ve started here; even so, I must continue, if only for my sake. It still does not please me though. “This predator seems to have a vast knowledge of the sexual psyche of its human prey and takes advantage of that knowledge. It’s both cunning and ruthless in its quest for food. Also, it's selfish sexual gratification.

  “Take us now, when we’re attracted to someone in a sexual way. We think nothing of wanting to taste the sexual fluids from that person’s body. In fact, we desire it, as it excites us. We give each other love bites and with relish drink each other’s sexual secretions. We lick our lovers’ bodies. Suck their tits, cunts, and cocks. Fuck them between their buns, in the cunt, and in the mouth. When we make love Jean. We are feeding on each other’s bodies like cannibalistic Vampires. However, without the need to kill them. Aren’t we?”

  “Yes. Yet…”

  “Not yet, Jean.” She silenced Jean with a pinch on her nipple. “Let me finish. The predator has taken this one step further. By subtle innuendo, seduction, body language, and expert foreplay. The predator softens its victim up for the kill. When it has its prey on its highest point of feeling. Where the prey’s body fluids are about to explode into orgasm. It strikes, paralysing its victims like a spider or snake. Afterwards. It’s only a matter of draining the victim’s body of all its rich nutrients.” She smacked her lips to give emphasis to her feeling. “They kill their human prey with sexual kindness when they need to feed Jean, not cruelty. To die unsuspecting, while you’re in orgasm can’t be a bad way to go. Certain spiders and praying mantis's killed their mates in the act. In some species, it’s Nature’s way for the male to die in the act of conception.”

  “Holy Shit Tanis! You look hungry. Don’t look at me like you are, it frightens me.”

  “I’m sorry Jean, I mean you no harm.”

  “I’m only teasing you, Tanis, you looked so seriously attractive then… Why the same-sex couple in three cases?”

  “There I can only hazard a guess Jean. The predator is bisexual and takes its prey from either sex. Or the dream played on your sexual preferences. Maybe the predator is bisexual because it can only regenerate into the same-gender body. As the mind and body makeup is similar. The old body goes as prey, the new as its host. Maybe different gender minds can’t survive a mating because of subtle gender mind variances. Maybe the lesser species human in the mixed gender pair. Is the only real sacrifice of the whole ceremony.” I wonder if a She-male, who believes himself a woman in mind, would survive in my mind?

  “You think the mind of the prey still exists in the consciousness of its same-gender predator then. Tanis?”

  “Yes, it has to. Why else go to your death with a willing heart?”

  “It would only make sense if the prey were conscious of it happening. So, the inferior male in the mixed couple on the main floor was the real sacrifice?”

  “Yes, Jean. The other minds survived in the minds of their predator.” Like one day, yours will survive in mine Jean. When your body is old, but your mind is still young and full of experience.

  “Christ! Tanis. What a thought, a form of gender reincarnation?”

  “Well. What do you think of my theory Jean? Does it sound plausible or not?”

  Tanis felt a little depressed, her thoughts on Paul. I sacrificed him for my own greedy purposes. Helen also. At least Helen survives in my mind. I had no conscience then either?

  “With your imagination, you should write a book, Tanis. It would be horrible if it were true though. Thank God! It’s just a dream. All the same, my dream had a strange excitement about it and was erotic to watch. It brought out the wild human side in me.”

  “I haven’t quite finished yet Jean. I have one more theory.” Telling Jean, the truth about herself in a way, which was safe excited her. Still, she had not expected the Queen bit. Which had depressed her? She took the bit between her teeth.

  “Please tell me more Tanis while you cuddle me.”

  “As I said, Jean. The Praying Mantis in this world sacrifices her mate. So too, the female spider, should her male get his signals wrong. The female praying mantis is eating her mate from the head down while he’s mating with her. I think the main male predator in your dream sacrifices his host as food for his lethal Queen lover as she mates with him. His consciousness and the mi
nds of his past hosts must pass into one of the female’s eggs. While his sperm penetrates and fertilises the other egg to carry on the species. In this way, he and his collective minds do not die Jean.”

  “Another form of reincarnation then Tanis?”

  “Yes. It’s the natural law for their species Jean. The Queen transfers her mate’s mind egg for him into another host of his gender and choosing. One who is waiting to receive it? The fertilised egg is the Mantis child. Which will evolve into an individual Mantis in a host body chosen by its mother? Which is waiting to receive the second egg? The embryo will take on its host’s gender and keep it for the rest of its natural life. Which could span millennia.”

  “Yet another form of reincarnation?”

  “Yes. The Mantis must keep on changing hosts throughout their long lives as their hosts’ age. In this way, they’ll always remain young and attractive to their human prey.” Tanis gazed into Jean’s eyes. “They could even be immortal if not killed. How do you kill a ghost?”


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