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The Willing Prey

Page 24

by Scarlett Sunday

  “Yes, Welland. Lucky for me she did.” Her hand moved downwards again. “Of all the women, which one would attract you the most?”

  Welland smiled. “That’s a leading question, Tanis.” He thought for a moment. “Not counting Tanis, for she was incomparable with those rare, beautiful eyes. Freyja! Yes. Freyja, it is. I have a weakness for golden-haired women with eyes the colour of the ocean. Or maybe with a little amber in them like Viking Tanis had. Freyja is my ideal though. She is the stuff of my fantasies. I like Kathy’s type too.” He studied her for a moment. “If Freyja looked and fought anything like you did the other night. She must have been formidable in battle.”

  Tanis continued her caress. She was Welland. She looked up at him and smiled. Her hand crept up under his sweater and into his chest hair. She began to comb the growth over his nipples with her fingernails feeling them harden to her touch. She kissed him there through his sweater. If only you knew Welland. The body you hold in your arms is, in fact, Freyja’s. She laughed at the irony of it all and shook her golden mane in wonder. “The stone tells me Freyja was a terror in battle, and a good hand with a war-bow.”

  Welland gave a deep, thoughtful sigh and pulled Tanis closer. “Tanis it’s nice to see you smiling again.” He continued reading. “The legend goes. No trace of the prisoners Viking Tanis captured was ever found after they’d spent the night with her. Tanis never said what happened to them. Only one prisoner stayed with her as her lover before she also disappeared. She was the Irish Princess Erin Connor. Erin had challenged Tanis to a duel to decide a battle and had come the closest to killing her. Erin came to love Tanis. Even so, it didn’t stop her disappearance when Viking Tanis left the scene.”

  “Finish your reading Welland, then we’ll go. I’m hungry.”

  “Okay. When Viking Welland died. Viking Tanis gave him a grand Viking funeral in his own longship. There happened to be a young female slave who had become Welland’s lover in the last few months before he died. She didn’t want to live without him and asked Viking Tanis to let her join him on his journey to Valhalla. Tanis officiated as the ‘Angel of Death’ in this instance. She wanted to sacrifice the young slave girl herself. The custom had called for her. Being Welland’s best friend. To make love to the slave girl before she sacrificed her to Odin by strangulation with a silken cord. The saga says the girl had Tanis cut her hair short to make it easier for her neck to take the rope. Jesus Tanis! The slave must have loved Viking Welland for her to give up her young life for him.”

  “It was the custom then Welland.” We all loved Viking Welland.

  “They were brutal times Tanis.”

  “Yes.” She remembered the day. She had lain with the young slave in Welland’s longship. Alongside his body, she had taken the slave with tenderness and passion. She had loved her for her sacrifice to Viking Welland and as she brought the girl to orgasm. She had kissed her first on the lips, then on the throat paralysing her. ‘This is your reward for your sacrifice to my Welland, and your service to me, my little one. Your body will die to feed my host. Yet, your loving mind will live within mine forever.

  After she’d taken her astonished young lover’s body into climax, the red powder, which remained, she’d sprinkled over Welland’s body before kissing his beloved lips and departing. Afterwards, she’d set his Dragon ship ablaze and pushed it from the shore into the ebbing spring tide. It had burned in silhouette to the setting full Moon. As it went, she had raised her sword-filled hands in a silent farewell salute. In silence, she had watched the Dragonhead burn to the keel on the short horizon. She had loved her Viking sub-chief and sensed Shani loved him still.

  ‘Indeed, he was a rare man Tanis. A rare man indeed.’

  Without conscious thought, Tanis raised her fists to the rune, as if her hands were filled with her short Roman swords, in another silent farewell. Tears streaming down her face. She felt Shani’s spirit hands around the spirit sword’ hilt’s gripped in her hands. “Ohhh Welland.”

  “Why the tears and the clenched fists in the air Tanis. I thought you’d cheered up?” He watched as the tears streamed down her beautiful face. Quiet sobs racked her body, as he took her into his arms. Holding her close, he studied her eyes and saw there a flash of amber, then a flash of green. Her hair had changed colour too. From gold to red and back again. He kissed her, Holy Shit! Get a hold of yourself Welland. “I’ve finished Tanis, so please stop crying.”

  “It’s such a tragic story, yet so beautiful Welland. Let’s go and get some air? Viking Tanis could be so cruel, ruthless to those who hurt her and to those she had conquered in battle. Yet, so kind and gentle to those she loved. Why?”

  “Because it was her nature to be. To be less Viking Tanis couldn’t have survived those rough times. I’d give anything to have the rune sagas of where she disappeared to and to know the place she's buried. There must be another stone somewhere.”

  Tanis looked at him with a strange light in her eyes. There are four Welland. Maybe in the future, you’ll find them. “Tanis might be immortal, Welland. The stone hints at it?”

  Welland squeezed her to him. “That would be too much to believe.” He looked at her in thought. “I’d like to think she is immortal Tanis, and one day I might get to meet her.”

  “I hope so too Welland.” Her actions alone had caused the birth of a Viking saga and the growth of a legend. Most of all, she was responsible for a line of first-class gene-perfect humans. Which led right to the handsome young giant of a man who now held her in his arms. A man who talked about meeting her again. Without a doubt, he had the blood of his fierce Viking ancestor coursing through his veins. Without a doubt, she’d be taking some of it into her within the hour. Once more, I’ll be sampling the rich essence of Welland the Viking.

  Her thoughts sent shivers of excitement throughout her body. She could feel a familiar damp sensation between her legs and soft wings of pleasure percolating through her stomach. She clung to Welland tighter in her joy when he pulled her closer. As Jean had said, another form of energetic reincarnation through the genetic line?

  “You’re trembling Tanis. Are you cold?”

  “No, excited to be here with you.” Tanis took Welland’s arm. “Come with me Welland, let’s go for that walk now. I want to give you something.” It will be my first gift to you, and in the by and by, there’ll be others. “It’s something you’ll like because all men do.”

  The runestone of India was beautiful in its carved erotic detail. It lay safe with the runestones of her other lives in her treasure vault on Zana. It will be my wedding gift to him when I leave. It won’t matter if he guesses whom I am then, for I’ll be gone from his life forever. I’ll not be returning until long after his death. She took hold of Welland’s hand and led him out through the narrow alley at the side of the club into the street.

  He said, “Come, Tanis, walk with me.”

  “Show me some of the streets first Welland, then we’ll stop for a short drink. Afterwards, we can come home again. Where I’ll let you fuck the buns off me. But only if you want to.” She teased. “If not, I’ll go straight home to Jean or Kathy.”

  Welland laughed at her crudeness, for it excited him. He shook his finger at her. “That’s how a woman of the streets talks Tanis. Even so, it sure raises the devil in me.”

  “I want that drink now Welland.” She looked down at his bulging flies, on impulse she pulled him into a darkened doorway. She kissed him full on his lips. As her tongue drove through. She dropped her hand onto his trouser flies and felt the full swelling of his manhood. “Fuck me! You’re hard Welland.” Hungry for him she dropped to her knees and unzipped his twills. She watched fascinated as his erect cock forced its way out of his undershorts into her view. Its fat, bulbous head, collared by a tight foreskin. Looked back at her like a tear-filled Cyclops’s eye. Within easy reach of her eager mouth. The tiny tears of pale liquid beckoned to her as they bubbled down his thick-veined shaft into his hair. Quick, so as not to lose a drop of hi
s precious fluid. She ran her tongue up his shaft and took its swollen head into her mouth. Hearing his short gasp of pleasure as she did so.

  Welland’s hands closed over her head and pulled her into him, burying his shaft deep in her throat. With her lips fixed. Tanis held onto him as she pushed her feeding tube deep into his body through the tiny mouth of his cock. She could feel the build-up of his coming explosion at her unashamed intrusion. She moved her mouth up and down his throbbing shaft. Working his foreskin on and off its head with hot, hungry lips. As her feeding tube sucked with greedy impatience at his boiling cum deep within. When he came. She could feel the full force of his warm detonation hit the back of her throat, on its way to her waiting stomach.

  With the shaft of his stiff organ beating its silent tattoo against the roof of Tanis’s mouth. In time to his gasps of pleasure. Welland emptied his massive bitter/sweet load into her. With patience, she waited until he had finished coming. Extracting every drop of his prized hot liquid from his body, before she swallowed it. She stood up then. Holding his face in her hands, she kissed him full on his mouth.

  Welland sighed, “Ohh My God Tanis! That was awesome.”

  “There Welland Taggart. I’ve taken your large gift and given you mine in return, I thank you for it. It was as I expected, hot, rich, and delicious.”

  “That was the best orgasm I’ve ever experienced, and we weren’t even fucking Tanis. I felt you deep inside me. How did you do that?”

  “It’s my secret Welland. When we’re home again, you’re going to feel a lot more of it.”

  Welland sighed. “I can’t wait. You can do me anytime. I’ve always been curious about what a man’s cum tastes like. I’ve never thought to taste it for myself. I quite like the taste.”

  “To me, it tastes like honeydew with a hint of bitterness in it. I love the taste and the feel of it as it slips down my throat to my stomach. Welland, a man’s cum is like caviar to me.” His genes are all I’ve hoped for. Now all I must do is to find the woman, or women worthy of them.

  “I’ll get my sweet revenge on you later Tanis, you see if I don’t. Tonight will be a night neither of us will ever want to forget.”

  “Promises, promises, Welland. I won’t be happy until you have your cock inside me and I’ve emptied your body of all its sexual essence.” She zipped Welland up again and gave his empty ball bag a last squeeze before she took his hand. “There, what you have in there is all mine tonight Welland Taggart, now I know you won’t forget it.”

  “Not while I’m making some more Tanis.”

  Hand in hand, they walked down the road towards the docks area. Welland showed Tanis all the different streets and lanes as they came to them. He pointed out anything, which might be of interest to her. She meanwhile engrossed in her own thoughts. Her stasis chambers needed filling. Her enemies needed eliminating, she was nearing the time when she would need to think of a new host. Yet, except for Jean, she had found nobody suitable. Jean was strong; however, Jean was no fighter. She needed someone who could defend herself and hold her great strength. Someone young and attractive. Someone like Shani, or another Freyja, Erin, or Aysher, one who was fruitful.

  As Welland led her back towards his apartment. On the way, he pointed out a large nightclub off a small road. “That’s White Horse Lane Tanis. It’s where the thugs we killed came from. Their boss owns it. He wants to own my club and everything else he can get his dirty paws on in this area. Escort girls, rent boys, drugs, and money laundering rackets. He wants the lot. He’s formed a cartel of people who own various businesses around the East End. They meet there every Monday night. These are nasty people Tanis. I mean nasty. People to keep away from. I’ll not let them stand over me. Some of them look so bloody innocent you wouldn’t believe they can be so ruthless too.”

  Tanis stopped and studied Welland’s angry face. Speaking in a quiet voice, she said. “You have me to help you now Welland. It’s the same old story, the strongest will survive, the weak will die. We must be the strongest. It’s a simple rule. The cartel underestimated us at the club and paid dear for it. They have learned a hard lesson. In short order, they’re going to learn a few more. How many of these villains are there?”

  “Six I know of Tanis. I have a list of their names at home in case I have to go after them.”

  Tanis could feel the excitement building. “We’ll go after them together Welland. I’ll do the planning. I’m good at it. With my help, we’ll get through this thing together, I know we will.” As they passed the doorway where she had sucked him off. She dragged him in and gave him a repeat performance. Turning his anger into joy as she felt his hot cum explode down her throat again. “There you are.” She said after he’d come. “Forget your anger tonight Welland and let’s enjoy our bodies to the full.” She could feel the moisture oozing from her aroused body.

  With Tanis’s pheromones filling his senses. Welland took Tanis’s arm and frog-marched her towards his apartment, forgetting his flies. He felt his cock beating against his belt buckle. “Come with me, Tanis Napier.”

  The sheer thought of having his cock inside her made Tanis climax. The anticipation of Welland fucking her had proved too much. It’s been a long time my Viking Welland. Tonight I will have the next best thing.

  Welland said nothing. Aroused he entered the apartment, locked the door, then picked Tanis up in his arms. He took two stairs at a time, threw her with roughness onto his round bed. Stripped her of her boots, jeans, jacket, and soaked panties. Shedding his own clothes in the process. He didn’t bother with her sweater, what he wanted lay nestled within her soaked velvet.

  Welland stood back, his thick cock beating rampant against his hard-lower stomach, keeping time to his turbulent heartbeat. Tanis watched him, her eyes wide, glued to the shiny bulbous head of his erect manhood. In full view, it mesmerised her, and her thighs began to open in anticipation of its entrance. Her swollen clit had burst from its hood and stood on guard. Yet, there was no need, he had the key, and she would let him in.

  Welland took her willing body with force by her ankles. Raised her up. Then pulled her towards him. Letting her dripping sex lubricate her arse for a moment before he felt her throw her legs around his waist. Supporting her back with strong hands. He mounted her, ramming his erect weeping cock deep into her wet eager tunnel.

  “Ahhhhh. Fuck me Welland!” She cried at his entrance and threw her head back in ardent pleasure. “Take me, for I am yours my Viking.”

  With his hands on her hips, Welland pumped away at Tanis’s hot body in angry frustration. When she felt the first shock of his erection. Tanis came into climax bringing Welland to join her deep within her body with his own torrent of spurting warmth. He reached down, took her stiff nipples into his fingers, and pinched them with cruelty. To punish her for teasing him. She came again with a cry of pleasure-pain. He continued to pump at her tortured body in frenzied lust. Until his cock stiffened in surprise a second time and filled her warm tunnel again. Finished, he gave a deep sigh of pleasure. “Ohh Myy Godd!” His balls empty, surprised at his endurance, Welland fell back onto the bed beside her exhausted. Not knowing his stamina and his unlimited essence had come from her venom in the first place.

  Still hungry for his body Tanis touched, kissed, probed, and tasted him with her mouth. She whispered into his ear, its tender lobe held between her hungry teeth. “I’ve never been taken with such force before Welland. I hope you’re going to do me again before morning.” She kissed him, her hand demanding his return to life. She felt his emptiness, so let him rest. Even so, she placed her order with her lips and a little more venom. “I want you to wake me with a gentle fuck at dawn Welland. Or if you find the strength, a little sooner. So, I can take my early breakfast from your body.”

  He sighed. “Don’t worry Tanis, I’ll wake you. I’ve not finished with you yet. You’ve woken the beast in me. When I have my strength back, you’re going to leave here bandy-legged. Knowing you’ve been well fucked by a randy man.”r />

  True to his word, just before dawn, Welland fucked Tanis again. “Keep going Welland! For fuck’s sake keep going.” She cried as she opened her body to his fullness. “I’m almost there. Ohhh Myyy Fucking Goddd!”

  “Stop me if you don’t like this Tanis. I’ve always wanted to try it on a woman. I’ve heard a few women like it.” He withdrew from her body and slipped on a condom. As she watched mesmerised. He smeared the head and shaft of his rock hard, latex covered cock with her liquid. He turned her over, pulled her hands up behind her back in a full nelson, but left her head buried in the pillow as a gag. With a gentle thrust at first, so as not to hurt her, he pushed the head of his enormous erection deep into her arse. Pulling it back he held it just inside her sphincter waiting for her command to enter.

  Tanis felt his cock inside her rear entrance and gasped. “Well, what the fuck are you waiting for Welland Taggart? I want it all. Push it all the way in to the hilt, then pump me like crazy. I like it that way. I hope you do too because I’m going to return the favour afterwards. I’ve something in my bag you’ll like.” Excited by her last words and a little surprised by them. Welland pushed in further until he could feel his hard-swollen balls touch the hot moist lips of her cunt. With slow deep strokes, he began to pump into her tight arse hearing her gasps of ecstasy. She tightened around him oiling him further with her moisture. “Fuck me Welland. Fuck me long and hard. I love the feel of you between my buns. It feels as if it’s been in there before. Oh My God! Here I come, Ooohhhaahh, Keeerist, Wellanddd!” In a muffled gasp of pure pleasure. She gagged herself in his pillow then came with a surge of clear squirting liquid.


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