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The Willing Prey

Page 48

by Scarlett Sunday

  Tanis kissed Diana on her lips, eyes, and throat. Tasting the warm touch of her tears and the sweet sweat of her eager body. She injected a small drop of venom into her swollen vein. “Sleep now my love, I promise you I’ll be in touch and soon. I have a secret to tell you, a secret, which will change your future and my life for all time. It’s a secret, which could lead to everlasting happiness or…” She did not finish the sentence. Diana was asleep and dreaming. She said to herself. ‘In time, my Diana. You’ll know all, and in time, all will be enough. She thought me her Queen, has my deep love for her changed me into what I yearn to be? Is fate my friend, after all?’



  The Revelation


  When Tanis left Diana, her heart was in turmoil. She checked the answering machine at the office and found a message from Jean. Telling her, Jean would be staying over in Paris another week and not to worry. It would be Friday week at the earliest before she’d be back in Hatton. Relieved, but with a sense of unease, Tanis began to plan her next encounter with Diana. She was in love with Diana and sensed her passion for being unique, and vital to her future. When Diana understood the full truth, she’d have to make a choice. By her own words. ‘I love you more than my own life Tanis, and I would give it up for you…’ She had taken a blood oath to her. Would she keep it when the time came to choose? At the right moment, when she had Diana in willing surrender, she’d ask her to make her choice. She was confident about the outcome. She could feel a change in herself and felt joyful of the difference. Her mind centred on her prospective mate. What about Darius? Had he changed for the better, or will I have to stop him from killing the innocent too? I can and will if I must.

  In a happy mood, she decided to make a quick trip to the New York suburb of Queens in Zana to secure her parting gifts for Kathy and Hilary. Diana, exhausted, needed to rest. She couldn’t risk their forever future together. Tanis timed her arrival in New York late at night. At which time, she buried Zana in New York’s Central Park deep under a thicket of trees. After Tanis had located Hilary’s art teacher in her Queens’s studio apartment. She spent the next three days seducing the still attractive teacher into binding, spanking and fucking her across her desk. In Kathy’s favourite captive position. With her strange captive’s velvet located over a half-size sheet of absorbent watercolour paper.

  After satisfying herself on video on Tanis's magic moment. The art teacher painted her in acrylics clad only in a bright yellow and grey trimmed cut-away corset. Choker, stockings, and fancy garter. Which she’d borrowed from her extensive collection.

  The time spent with the middle-aged art teacher was well worth the effort. Tanis now had an original quarter-size painting of Hilary. Bought from the art teacher’s private collection. Plus, a half-size original picture of herself signed by the artist. With, ‘Done in collusion with Tanis.’ written on her painted thigh above the garter line. Also, a painted card from the artist wishing Kathy and Hilary a bright kinky future. Plus, a rare complete first edition book of colour prints. From the artist’s erotic collection. Paid for with a small bag of rare Roman solid gold coins taken from her hoard. As with Hilary’s painting. I’ll let Kathy’s vivid imagination fill in the rest of my painting.

  On completion of her painting commission. The exhausted well-paid art teacher. Needing a rest after her surprising dalliance with her attractive and unexpected client. Took herself off on an extended Caribbean cruise. To recoup her strength and think of her strange liaison with Tanis and her new-found fortune. ‘Ohhh My God! I’ll never forget Tanis for as long as I live. What a turn-on. At my age, too. ‘Wowww!’

  The paintings were to thank the happy young couple. For their help in producing her species future hosts. Albeit in ignorance. Also, in the spirit of close friendship. She smiled as she made use of the Royal ‘We’ in her thoughts. We always reward those chosen. To become surrogate mothers to our host people. She sighed at the painful, but pleasant memories spent under the hands of the beautiful young uniformed police officer. As she parcelled the paintings with the incriminating books of Amanda and Helga. Also, a bankbook with a large deposit for the kids, which included a farewell note. I’ll deliver them with Welland and Tara’s gifts before I go. On my return, there’ll be exceptional host bodies awaiting my people. So too, the immortal minds of those mortals I’ve come to love in this life.


  After days of impatience, Tanis arrived at the Aikido dojo. She had missed her new lover. Having taken a lot from Diana’s body the previous week. She knew the enforced separation would have rested Diana for her coming ordeal. Both Steve and Diana were there when she arrived. She joined them at the table on the balcony. “Hi, guys.”

  Diana looked up at her with a bright smile and a misty look of longing in her eyes. “Ohhh Tanis, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Her eyes softened at Diana’s new bashfulness. She reached across the table and took her hands in hers. “It’s wonderful to see you again Diana. I’ve missed you too.” Steve’s inquisitive eyes begged an answer. “Has Diana told you the good news, Steve?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m happy for you both. I know you’ll never hurt Diana, Tanis.”

  “I can promise you she will come to no harm Steve.” She studied Steve as he studied her. Tall with short golden hair and a figure like a Greek God. With two emerald green eyes, which reminded her of Erin Connor. His handsome face and chiselled features belied a strength. Which didn’t show in his demeanour? Broad across the shoulders. His skin had the light golden tan of a German tourist and glowed with the vitality of a young man. Who rejoiced in keeping his body fit and healthy. She found him and his air of quiet confidence both appealing and attractive. Long, strong fingers with well-manicured nails completed her picture. She wondered what his fingers would feel like on and in her aroused body. If she ever found herself within their touch. When he spoke, his voice had a soft southern county timbre to it, which was quite distinctive. She thought I like him. I must get to know him better.

  “Diana told me she had a new friend Tanis. I asked her who. You two seemed to hit it off from the start, and your influence in her life has brought her out of herself. She’s a different person now, and I like what I see.”

  “We’re more than friends Steve. Diana and I are lovers.”

  He smiled. “I know.”

  Steve had the looks and physique to be attractive to either sex. When Darius saw him, he’d try to seduce him into his bed, as he was perfect warrior-host material. Diana had told her she’d never seen him with another woman except for herself and suspected he might be gay. The genders had drifted apart during the scourge. It would take generations for them to come to terms with each other again, if ever. Most new relationships, no matter what the gender mix. Only planned children after severe blood tests. Had Nature manufactured the retrovirus? With other virulent diseases as a genocidal agent to curb human breeding excesses? With global nuclear war, always on warlike human minds, am I here to provide the final solution to Nature’s serious dilemma. One for which there’s no cure but the Mantis way. Tanis felt a soft hand on her thigh.

  “Penny for your thoughts Tanis?”

  She smiled and squeezed Diana’s hand. “I’m eager to start my first lesson, Diana.”

  “Diana is as eager to teach you, Tanis,” Steve said. “You’re all she ever talks about. She’s like the younger sister I never had. I’m going to take the most advanced class tonight. I need the practice to prepare me for the Japanese tournament. You seem to be the only beginner here, so I want you to work with Diana tonight.”

  Diana blushed and nodded. “Come on Tanis let’s get started. I’ll fit you out with a uniform first. It’s part of the discipline for new students to start right in dress and language.” She entered the women’s changing room humming with happiness. “You’ll have to borrow my spare outfit tonight until I can order you another Tanis.” She opened her locker and turned towards Tanis. Unable to stop herself
she came into Tanis’s arms and kissed her on her lips. Her tongue darting between her teeth. With tears in her eyes, she whispered. “I’ve missed you so, so much my love.”

  During her lesson, Tanis glanced over at Steve. He’s in no danger from me. The threat will come from Darius. When the class finished, she asked for his card. “When can I get you on your mobile Steve?”

  “Late morning when I’ve finished with all my appointments. Why Tanis?”

  “Would you come out with us one night if I fix a date? I’ll arrange a foursome. It could be a lot of fun?”

  “It all depends on who the fourth person is Tanis.”

  “I see.” She joined Diana for a cold drink on the balcony before showering.

  Seeing the inquiring look on her lover’s face after Steve’s departure, Diana said. “Steve has private training sessions with clients most nights and leaves me to close up.” She took Tanis’s hands in hers and gazed into her eyes. “I can see you fancy him, Tanis. He’s attractive, and it’s a pity he’s one-hundred per cent gay. He told me before you came in. He’s always known my sexuality.”

  “I believe you Diana, which makes him a good catch for a man.”

  “It’s true.” She studied Tanis for a moment. “When I had Steve’s cock in my mouth, he took a long time to come. Everyone knows a man likes his cock sucked by a good-looking woman, one who likes to swallow. I could never criticise Steve for it. I want to save you the trouble of trying to seduce him. He told me the private appointments he goes to aren’t for Aikido training. He meets well-heeled men who want a private self-defence lesson first. Before they fuck him, or he fucks them. They pay good money for his services. He’s found a hole in the market, and he’s exploring it in many ways.”

  Tanis smiled. “If you couldn’t make him come, Diana, no woman could. You’ve only to touch me down there, and I come. She lapsed into thought for a moment. It’ll have to be Nigel then. She laughed. “What a turn on to know you’re going to fuck or get fucked by your opponent. During or after a naked wrestling match in a private gym Diana. When Steve said he was working hard, I should’ve taken the hint.”

  “Yes. Steve’s in great demand. He has at least four appointments a week. I’ve heard Steve is a terrific lover with men and always experimenting with new techniques. He’s able to pick his own clients too. I believe Steve wants someone to love him for himself. Someone he can relate to. Someone who will give him a meaningful relationship.”

  “Don’t we all want that Diana?”

  “He’s not only big in the body Tanis.” Diana smiled.

  “We shouldn’t talk about a close friend like this Diana. I have an idea for a foursome one evening, and we’ll make it a complete surprise. I have a man in mind who could suit Steve. We’ll talk about it later after I’ve had you in bed and we’re relaxing.”

  “I can’t wait to be in your arms again Tanis. Let’s have a quick shower now and go home. Steve will understand.”

  “I was planning to travel into another dimension with you tonight Diana.”

  “Come on let’s go Tanis. I’m wet already knowing you want me for penetrating sex.”

  “Tonight will be the most important night of your life Diana. I don’t want to waste a moment of it.”

  “I sensed it, Tanis. I want to be in your arms when you tell me.”

  “Our future depends on how you feel after I’ve told you, Diana. You must be in the right mood to listen to me.” Your life could depend on your answer, my love.

  “It sounds serious Tanis.”

  “More than you could ever imagine Diana.”

  Moments later, she had Diana baled up in the corner of her bedroom. Where she forced her arms up behind her back, tied her wrists together, and turned her face towards her. Gazing into her eyes, she whispered, “I’ve been away from you far too long Diana. Pull your head back and let me kiss your throat.”

  Her body responding to Tanis’s dominance and surprising strength. Diana felt her lover’s teeth close over her swollen vein. She didn’t feel the infusion of venom. Diana exploded with a loud mewing sound rewarding Tanis with release after release. Unable to take any more she fell across Tanis’s shoulders in a dead faint.

  When she awoke on the bed in her lover’s strong arms, she said. “Holy Shit Tanis! The feeling I had then was incredible. What did you do to me?”

  “Something I need to talk to you about Diana. What you felt was only a small sample of what I’m capable of.”


  Morning found Diana on her back still bound hand and foot. With Tanis sitting astride her thighs milking her nipples, her dildo buried deep in her body. As she fucked her, she gazed down into Diana’s misty eyes. Diana gave a little jerk of pleasure, closed her eyes in shyness before opening them in ecstasy. Her eyes filled with love. Her breaths heavy, their glances touched, as Diana detonated again. Recovered and a little shy she sighed. “Tanis, there isn’t a place left in or on my body you haven’t explored. The last few hours have been my heaven on earth. Is it any wonder I love you so?” Her eyes closed for a moment and opened again. “If you want to tell me anything my darling. Now would be a perfect time.”

  “Listen to me, my dearest love.” Her lover’s body satisfied, her thirst quenched. Tanis turned Diana’s head on the pillow and gave her a soft love bite on her throat. Before she released her wrists and ankles.

  Diana gasped as her weakened body relaxed into paralysis. “I can’t feel anything Tanis! I can’t move and yet. I can still talk and hear you. What’s happened to me? What have you done to my body?”

  “Something I had to my love. Have no fear, Diana.” She had tears in her eyes when she took Diana’s body into her arms? “I’ve done this to you to keep you from moving. I could’ve left your hands tied. Your paralysis is a small proof of what I’m about to tell you.” She studied Diana’s eyes and seeing the curiosity in them continued. “I’m in love with you Diana, and I shouldn’t be because I’m not like you. You’re always in my heart and mind, and that worries me. I feel I am a part of you. Yet, it’s you who should be a part of me.”

  “Whatever do you mean Tanis. Why are you crying so?”

  Tanis watched as her tears dropped onto Diana’s body. Then ran down between her breasts to collect in her navel. She couldn’t believe her tears. She bent and kissed Diana’s eyes, then her mouth. “Listen with care to what I’m about to say my darling. My love for you poses a problem for us. It’s a problem only you can solve. You know nothing about me, Diana. If I were to tell you who I am, or what I am, you wouldn’t believe me. I walked into your life for a good reason…a selfish reason. I didn’t expect to fall in love with you. Now it’s too late for both of us unless you agree to do as I ask. I could tell you in a dream, or I could tell you by showing you. Whichever, I know in here.” She touched her breast. “I must tell you now.”

  “What else can you be other than a beautiful, desirable woman Tanis? I know you’re not a man.” She was just able to smile.

  She kissed Diana again. “I’m a woman it’s true Diana. Yet, I’m unlike any woman you’ve ever known. You said you loved me more than your life and if you lost me, you would want to die. You said your life without me in it would be meaningless. Look at me and tell me you mean it with all your heart.” She placed her hand on Diana’s breast feeling her heart quicken under her touch.

  Diana sighed, her eyes mirroring her feelings. “I couldn’t, nor would I want to live without you in my life Tanis. I love you too much. Whatever your reason for coming into my life I can’t let you walk out of it again. It would kill me. I wouldn’t care about dying if I lost you.”

  “You love me not knowing who or what I am?”

  “Yes. Without conditions. It’s you I love no matter who or what you are.”

  “I believe you, Diana. So, now I’ll tell you what has to our secret.”

  “I swear on the love I have for you, Tanis, I will tell no one. I would rather die first.”

  “As well you might D
iana.” Her fingers played over Diana’s breasts, and she began. “There are things in the universe my love. Which you wouldn’t believe existed unless you first saw the proof with your own eyes. I’m one of those things. I’m going to tell you something now. When I’ve given you the living proof of what I say is true, you’ll believe. In case you tried to harm me, I had to paralyse you. If I hadn’t, and you tried to hurt me, I would have to kill you. I must have your word you’ll not try to harm me when the paralysis wears off. You hold the future of my species in your hands my Diana. I wonder if our love is strong enough to trust you with my secret? The only other option for you is death because my species’ survival is paramount. My love for you is alien. It's a predatory Vampire’s deep love for its human prey. Something I thought impossible.”

  Diana's eyes opened wide in surprise. “You mean you’d kill me if I couldn’t accept what you are about to reveal to me, Tanis?”

  “Yes. Because my species existence would depend on your answer Diana. I could’ve taken your body at any time in the last few days when you were in orgasm. You were willing, and you were ready. The blood pounding in your veins in your climax is the only time I can assimilate your body. When your blood is up and pumping, I can enter your being and make your body my human host.”

  Diana looked at Tanis with shock and horror. “This is serious Tanis. I can see you’re not joking. Are you a secret agent or a Vampire or something? Have I done something wrong?”

  Tanis couldn’t help but smile at Diana’s naive question. She couldn’t blame her for it either. “No, nothing theatrical like that, although I am a Vampire of sorts. I have the strength of one, but I’m not from the Supernatural, which can’t exist in Nature. Garlic, silver, crucifixes, and the Sun have no effect on me. Here let me show you.” She picked up the silken rope she had tied Diana up with. With a quick twist of her hands, she snapped it as though it were a piece of thread.


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