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Small Town King: A Single Dad Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 3)

Page 26

by Fabiola Francisco

  He slowly lets up as my chest rises and falls rapidly, my pants filling his bedroom and my heartbeat echoing in my ears.

  “I knew you’d taste delicious,” he says as he kisses back up my body.

  “Humph,” I say inarticulately, still trying to recover for one hell of an orgasm. Brett laughs at my response, and when he reaches my face, he gives me an award-winning smile before kissing me into oblivion.

  My hands tear his t-shirt up his body. He grabs the back of the collar and removes it, his muscles flexing and straining. I smooth my hands down his defined chest, peppered with hair and strong abs. When I reach his jeans, Brett freezes over me, closing his eyes as his deep exhale tickles my cheek. I smirk to myself, undoing his jeans and sneaking my hand in to feel his hard length against my palm.

  I stroke a few times before Brett stops me. “Babe, I’m not gonna last.”

  I stare up at him with a lazy smile, satiated and in a daze.

  “Good.” I lean up and kiss him, my hand moving against the restraints of his jeans a few more times before I remove it and pull down the pants as if they offended me.

  When Brett stands naked before me, I lift my body on my elbows and take him in. “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be able to take it slow.”

  “Slow is overrated,” I respond with a mischievous smirk.

  “But I want to savor this,” he leans over me, settling between my legs and reaching into his nightstand. He takes my lips with his in a sensual kiss. It’s too fast, not enough, but it never will be with him.

  “I want to remember this.” One of his hands skims my ribs, causing my stomach to tighten. “Remember the way you look, the way you beg, the way you scream my name.”

  A deep moan sounds in the back of my throat, and I scratch my nails down his back. Brett rips the condom packet with his teeth and covers his length with a hand. Once he’s holding himself on the mattress, he cradles my face, and his thumb skims my cheek lovingly. He kisses me softly, all gentle and careful.

  When he looks at me again, his eyes are full of love. It hits me in the center of my chest. I know the feeling, and I hope he sees the same emotion reflecting back at him.

  Bringing my hands to hold his face, I smile.

  “Make love to me,” I demand, needing to feel him, to feel this connection between us.

  Without a second thought, Brett aligns himself and thrusts into me. I cry out at the full sensation, wrapping my legs around him and keeping him there. He feels so deep, so right, so perfect.

  When I lean up to kiss him, he doesn’t miss a beat. We get lost in the kiss, sensual and full of longing. Our bodies begin to move in tune, finding our own rhythm. Each inch of him slides through me, igniting my desire until I’m burning from the inside out.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I think it could feel this way. We fall in synch, thrusting and arching, kissing and touching. It’s beyond physical. This feeling escapes my body and takes me to another plane, my heart beating fast as I realize that he’s it. He’s the man I want for the rest of my life. I kiss him wildly, needing him to surrender all of him. Our bodies move faster, a sheen of sweat covers us, and our tongues tangle and dance.

  “Brett…” I call out, arching my back.

  “Fuck, I need you with me, babe,” his gruff voice fuels me.

  I meet him thrust for thrust, and when his thumb rubs circles over my clit, my core tightens. Brett grunts, his breathing heavy like mine.

  “So…good…” he pants, continuing his assault on my body until all of my muscles tense and tighten, and I grip on to his upper arms, my nails biting into his skin.

  I cry out, almost breathless, as my second orgasm of the night takes over and drowns me in an abyss of bliss that I never want to recover from. Brett follows closely behind, thrusting once more before he loses himself, his forehead falling onto my shoulder.

  We’re a sweaty mess of heavy breaths and racing hearts, but I’ve never felt better in my life. Brett lifts his head with that lopsided smile I love covering his face, and he kisses me slowly.

  “I love you,” he murmurs into the kiss.

  I place my hand over his heart and smile. “I love you, too.” My emotions are clogged in my throat, and he must notice because he wraps me in his arms and lays us on our sides, never separating.

  I kiss his chin and bury my face in the crook of his neck and hold him tight, the scents of his woody cologne and sex making a heady combination. I could stay like this forever, and I hope one day we reach the point in our relationship where we can. Where I can fall asleep in his arms, spend time with his daughters, be a family. I pray he feels the same.

  Chapter 36


  A knock on my office door stops me from reading the paper before me. I lift my head and call out, “Who is it?” I’m not in the mood for many people.

  Without a response, the door opens slowly, and I smile. She’s one of the only people I’d want to see. Magnolia closes the door behind her and walks to me. Her floral print red sundress dances around her with her movements. The color makes her look flushed, and it makes me want to take her right here. Although the dress lands under her knee, she left some of the bottom buttons undone to create a slit to her mid-thigh.

  She stands before me, all mine. “How are you?” Her soft voice lands in my heart.

  “Good. Better now that you came to see me,” I wink.

  I sneak my hands under her skirt, grabbing the back of her thighs. My left hand skims to the front, where the slit of the dress is open.

  “Did I tell you how much I like this?” I stare up at her and find her eyes intense and dark instead of their azure tone.

  Her chest rises with her deep breath, and knowing her, she’s trying to keep herself under control. I already knew Magnolia, but these last few weeks have allowed me to freely observe every detail about her, and I’ve fallen more in love than I expected.

  My fingers tighten around her legs, and she finally reacts to my touch, shivering.

  “Brett,” she warns.

  “Yeah, babe?” I look up at her from my seated position. It’d be so easy to have her straddle me on this chair, kiss her until her lips are red and swollen, fuck her until we’re both satiated for a little while. I could undo the rest of the buttons, see her perfect body, all curves. But no, with her, I always want to take my time. However, I continue to tease her. I bring one hand up and trace the V-neck of her dress that’s conservative for the public yet lures me in like a hungry fish.

  Magnolia sighs, and goosebumps cover her arms. She shifts on her feet, staring at me with parted lips. I sneak my hand into the top of her dress and brush my thumb over her bra. Her nipple is already pebbled, and I arch a brow at her.

  “What?” she shrugs defensively. “You’re touching me. I can’t control how my body reacts to you.”

  “I love that you can’t.” I bring her to my lap so she can feel my erection against her ass.

  “I can’t either,” I whisper. Loose strands that have fallen from her braided bun tickle my cheek.

  She looks at me with a smile. “Good,” is all she says.

  “You know you’re killin’ me with this dress, right?” My hand splays on her thigh, where the dress falls to the sides.

  “I really didn’t think it would.” She fidgets, tugging the short sleeves nervously.

  “Babe.” I need her looking at me, not away from me. When her eyes collide with mine, I feel like all is right in the world. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just… Is it too sexy for today? I didn’t think it was, but is your family going to think I’m dressed too provocatively?”

  I laugh deeply. “No.” I shake my head, smiling in amusement. “You look gorgeous, and you’re dressed perfectly. My family loves you, you know that, and the dress only drives me wild because I can’t stop picturing myself undressing you.

  She beams. “I’ll wear it just for you one day, then.” Her arms wrap around my neck, and she presses a
kiss to my lips. When she leans her head back, she smiles and wipes my lips with her thumb. “Don’t think you want to be wearing lipstick when you say your big speech,” she winks.

  I pucker my lips, waiting for her to kiss me again. I hold her to me as her lips touch mine, needing more than a short peck.

  “If it’s your lipstick, I don’t care.”

  Magnolia smiles, shaking her head. She’s brought so much into my life and into my daughters’ lives. I laugh freely again, live in gratitude, and appreciate the little things in life, like a simple meal with my girls. I thought I only had room for one woman in my life, but I was wrong. I can’t help but see a future with Magnolia, share a home with her, put a ring on her finger one day.

  “I love you,” she whispers. Her eyes are soft as she looks at me, her words honest.

  “I love you, too.”

  She’s been an angel. Magnolia has made me promise her that no matter how many years pass or how our relationship evolves, I will always tell the girls about their mom. She says Ella deserves to be honored, and I couldn’t hold my tears when we talked about it. I don’t know many women who wouldn’t feel threatened by the ghost of their boyfriend’s deceased wife. Not her, though. She knows how important Ella was and is in our lives, but she also knows how much I love her and believe in our relationship. She amazes me.

  These past weeks, she’s busted her ass, and I’m so damn proud of her. She built her website with Lucy’s help, put herself out there, learned to run ads, and visited a few nearby towns to share her information in places that would complement her therapy services for children.

  Some of her old clients heard she was working on her own, offering home therapy, and they asked to work with her. But my girl is loyal and does the right thing, so before giving them a response, she spoke to Mrs. Holloway, her old boss. Apparently, she wasn’t surprised Magnolia had reached out and told her it was okay for her to work with them since the center hadn’t made child therapy a priority or found someone to take that position.

  She helps June at the bookstore in the mornings and in the afternoons does what she was meant to do, what she did for my girls. She’s doing her part in healing the world, child by child, making sure our future generation grows in a safe place and with the proper tools to overcome struggles.

  I brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Is everyone here?” The whole town is gathering today as well as some of our loyal customers for the re-opening. The restaurant and tasting room are finally complete. We’ve created a new space Miles and I both love that could evolve with the years.

  Today we’re celebrating it, celebrating what we’ve overcome since that dreadful fire.

  “Yeah.” She gives me a crooked smirk. “I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait to hear you speak.”

  “I’m proud of you.”

  The door swings open, and Magnolia and I both freeze. She stands to move, and I help steady her. When we see Charlie and Chloe running in, we both laugh. My heart races. We weren’t doing anything inappropriate, but I still freaked out. I look at the girls, wondering what they’re up to.

  “Daddy! Grandpa said we needed to come get you,” Charlie calls out way too loud and excited.

  I laugh and nod. Despite Magnolia not being their therapist, she’s taken on a different role with Charlie and Chloe. One where she loves them so much and continues to make sure they’re feeling safe. Magnolia has encouraged them, taught them skills, and brought them to the winery more often so they would be ready for today. They would feel safe walking into the restaurant, seeing the tasting room, and not fear for their lives.

  “We’re ready.” I stand, grabbing the papers on my desk where my speech is written.

  Magnolia places her hand on my arm. “You’re going to do amazing. You were born for this.” She kisses my cheek, and the girls giggle.

  “Come on,” I say, grabbing their hands.

  As we walk out of my office, Chloe reaches for Magnolia’s hand and holds it. I look at the woman who has won our hearts over Chloe’s head and smile. She blows me a kiss, and I mouth, I love you.

  “Okay, girls, go stand with Magnolia and Grandma and Grandpa,” I instruct when we walk into the restaurant. I give them each a kiss on the cheek and then look at Magnolia.

  “Good luck, babe,” she whispers.

  “Thanks.” I drop a quick kiss on her lips and walk to the front of the restaurant.

  Not only is today the grand re-opening, but it’s my official introduction as CEO of the winery, even if I’ve been taking over for a while now.

  I look out at the people standing and sitting around us. I smile at the familiar faces.

  “Thank you all for being here today. It’s an important day for my family, for me, and for our winery and community. The last ten months have been long, excruciating, and uncertain. We’ve lived through a fear-stricken experience, and we weren’t sure if we’d overcome it.” I look at my girls.

  Charlie gives me a thumbs up, and Chloe smiles widely. Magnolia stands between them, holding each of their hands with my parents beside them. Her parents also came, and I spot them behind Magnolia with wide smiles. Miles, June, Madison, and Tate are nearby, all smiling in my direction.

  “I need to thank my family for being patient and supportive. I’m honored to fully step into my role as CEO of Carlisle Cellars, a vision my father started thirty years ago and one I’ve always dreamed of being a part of. I hope to make my dad proud.” I look at my father, who nods with confidence.

  “But don’t let my role fool you. If the food’s bad, we’re blaming Miles.” Laughter fills the restaurant.

  Miles calls out, “It’s the best damn food you’ll find.” His arm is draped around June, who jabs his ribs.

  “Honestly, I couldn’t have done this without Miles. This is a family business, and that means that through the good and bad, family comes first. Many of you admire our family. We’re not perfect, but I can assure you that we love each other and love this community. A community that has always had our backs. Y’all made this winery amazing. You’ve come to help during our times of need throughout the years, making sure we were okay after disaster hit us, and believed in our ability to rebuild.” I take a deep breath, looking at all the people who have been there for us.

  “We’ve had to rebuild more than the building we’re standing in, but one thing that’s been constant is the people we’ve had by our side. Thank you. Now, enough of the emotional talk. Let’s drink great wine, eat even better food, and enjoy ourselves. Today’s about celebrating our family, our town, and our legacy. We’re so happy to have you here with us.”

  Everyone begins to clap, the sound deafening as it echoes off the stone walls in the restaurant. My dad stands before me, shakes my hand, and pulls me into a hug.

  “I’m proud of you, son.” He claps my back and looks me in the eye. With a confident nod, he steps back so my mom can hug me.

  After greeting a few people and hearing their congratulations, I search for Magnolia and my girls.

  “Daddy, you did a good job,” Charlie beams. I bend down to hug her and kiss her cheek.

  “Thanks, baby girl.”

  I grab Chloe next, squeezing her tightly. “I’m proud of you,” I whisper. Her small hands clutch the back of my neck. “Love you, sweetie.”

  “Love you, too, Daddy.”

  I place her on her feet and look at the woman before me. Pulling her to me, I kiss her hard and fast, not caring who’s our witness. One day, we’re going to have the people we love witness a different kind of kiss, one that seals our love in front of God.

  “You did great,” Magnolia whispers when I pull back.

  “Thanks, babe. Let me get you a glass of wine.”

  “I got it already,” June says, walking up to us and handing one of the glasses in her hand to Magnolia.

  “That was a great speech, Brett,” she adds.

  “Thank you.”

  “Yeah, big bro.” Madison bumps her hip
with mine. She’s been busy the last month or so, traveling to Everton where her record label is and being back home, planning her wedding.

  “Thanks, little sis,” I tease, kissing her cheek.

  Tate shakes my hand, congratulating me as well, and Miles joins us, carrying Chloe over his head, causing her to giggle. Surrounded by my family, I know that the next chapter of my life is going to be full of love, joy, and peace. I silently say a quick prayer to Ella, knowing she’s looking down at me with pride.

  With my arm wrapped around Magnolia’s waist, I talk to my siblings and try the food the waiters pass around. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, and the feedback about the food is all positive. Miles has worked hard with our chef to create a new experience for the restaurant. He deserves to be as involved in this business as I do, and he gets the opportunity to do so with something he loves.

  I’ve had to learn the hard way that it’s okay to ask for help and not take everything on myself, and it’s been a lifesaver. I need to be there for my girls and build my own life, and that’s impossible if I’m working the job of a hundred people on my own.

  As things start to settle down and everyone breaks into groups to chat with friends, Magnolia tugs my hand and leads me to the quiet hall that connects the restaurant and tasting room.

  “Are you looking for some sugar?” I tease, my eyebrows dancing on my forehead.

  Her throaty laugh seduces me, but she shakes her head, stopping me from making a move.

  “No. My parents gave me some good news today, right before you began speaking.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I raise my eyebrows. Her mom is fully recovered, and her body is reacting much better to the new medication.

  “They got approved by one of the organizations!” She screams and then grimaces, covering her mouth.

  “That’s great.” I wrap my arms around her and lift her.


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