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Submission Impossible (Masters and Mercenaries: Reloaded Book 1)

Page 20

by Lexi Blake

“Or I’ve done the head over heels love thing and realized what a lie it is.” There was no way to miss the bitterness to Kyle’s words. “What you call love…it’s nothing more than lust. It’s a biological imperative to breed, and when you wake up you’re going to realize you don’t know this woman at all.”

  Oh, so Kyle was projecting. Hutch had to wonder if this bitterness was coming from Kyle’s most recent relationship. “So my wanting Noelle is nothing more than my primal need to mate kicking in? Do you think Noelle is giving off hormones or something to attract me? I’ve had a lot of sex. I wonder why I’m desperate to mate with only her.”

  Kyle’s eyes rolled. “Don’t be a dick. I’m serious. The love thing is bullshit.”

  “Or you found the wrong one and you’re letting a bad relationship ruin any good ones you could have?” Hutch had been in therapy long enough to know a few things. “Your mom had two good marriages, right?”

  He’d spent some of his afternoon studying up on Kyle Hawthorne. He’d been fifteen when his father had died in an accident.

  “Sure, but that’s different,” Kyle countered. “My mom and dad were good partners, and she and Sean are similar. I don’t know that I would call it some great love story. I mean I know they have a good sex life. I wish I didn’t, but I get that the lifestyle stuff works for them. But what really works is that they have a great partnership. I would bet my mom and Sean never once had a real fight. She met him, realized he would be a good partner, and the rest was history. Sean is the same. He’s a solid guy. I would bet a lot he never lost his head over a woman.”

  Hutch would totally take that bet. It answered one question. Kyle had no idea what his mother had gone through all those years ago. And he’d been through something rough with a woman. Had that woman been Julia Ennis? “I am going to ask the obvious question. Who hurt you, Kyle?”

  He asked it with a twist of humor, though damn, he was interested in the answer.

  “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is I learned my lesson,” Kyle replied, sitting back. “The question is how have you not been hurt enough? After everything you’ve been through, why are you so willing to throw the dice again?”

  He could tell Kyle the truth he’d learned about the world, but he wouldn’t want to listen. He’d learned that often the adults who had the most heartache and trouble were the ones who’d never dealt with it as children. Kyle had lost his father, and that had surely been terrible, but he’d had a loving mother and brother to help him through. The real question was why wasn’t he leaning on them now. “I guess I’m an optimist.”

  Kyle studied him for a moment. “Yeah, I don’t understand that either. You know you only have two days, right?”

  “Two days to what?” Hutch was pretty sure the case wouldn’t be over in two days. Between what Noelle had told them about Jessica’s suspicions and the possibility that Chris Taylor was working a federal investigation, they weren’t about to clear this up in a couple of days. This might be a long-haul case, and he welcomed it. It could take a while to break through Noelle’s reservations.

  “Two days until she joins the training class and plops down on her training Dom’s lap.”

  The thought made his fists clench, but he had to deal with it. If Noelle fell for her training Dom, or even if she simply decided she wanted the other man, he would have his answer. But she needed to understand that she had a choice. “Noelle wants to take the class. I have to hope her training Dom is unattractive but nice. Maybe an older dude who can view her as a daughter.”

  Kyle’s lips quirked up. “You want her to call him Daddy?”

  Hutch groaned. “No. I would prefer she have a friendly relationship with a nice Dom in training who just wants to learn with her.”

  “Who wants to learn how to spank her naked ass?” Kyle held up a hand as though staving off a fight. “Sorry, man, but I think it’s kind of fucked up. If it helps any, Noelle doesn’t understand what’s wrong. She wanted to talk about it this morning on the way to work.”

  He bet that had been fun for Kyle. “How can she not understand?”

  Kyle shrugged. “I don’t think she truly gets how intimate this is going to be. She thinks she’s going to put on some fet wear and fill out a couple of worksheets. I worry that she’s going to balk when she gets to anal plugging 101.”

  “She can always put that down as a hard limit. She’ll go through all of that on Thursday when she’s in class.” He didn’t think it would scare her off. Not the idea of taking a plug. He kind of hoped in a couple of weeks when they got to that part she might not want another Dom’s hands on her. In the beginning it would be an introduction to contracts, a whole lot of talking, and getting used to the equipment.

  Why did she need to go through the class? Lots of people didn’t. Lots of Doms found their subs in the vanilla world and vice versa. They went through private training. He’d heard some talk that the board of Sanctum was discussing starting a new program where long-term couples mentored new ones or couples with problems.

  Noelle didn’t want that. She wanted the class where she didn’t know anyone.

  “I guess you have to hope she gets a training Dom with zero desire to fuck her,” Kyle said with a tip of his glass. “Good luck with that. She’s pretty cute.”

  She was gorgeous and sexy and strong. She’d been broken and come through it with all of her light intact. He wanted that light.

  That was what he’d decided this afternoon after his conversation with Ian. She was worth the potential heartache. “I want her to get everything she needs. I don’t understand why she feels like she has to take this class, but I’m comfortable taking the risk.” It was time to move on. “Speaking of risk, how much of one are you taking with Jessica?”

  Kyle frowned. “Like am I risking falling in love with her? Dude, no.”

  It was Hutch’s turn to roll his eyes. “I was thinking more about your body. Are you going to sleep with her? The way she was looking at you, I think you could easily slip into her bed.”

  “I’m going to avoid that if I can. I don’t like the idea of fucking for information, and honestly, I don’t think sleeping with Jessica would buy me much,” Kyle replied. “I think I actually get more if I play it cool, let her chase me for a while. I also can’t protect Noelle if I’m sleeping somewhere else.”

  “I can handle Noelle,” Hutch promised. “I know I’m not in the bodyguard unit, but I can shoot.”

  “I think I would prefer to handle that part of the gig.” Kyle got up and stretched his long limbs. “All of that said, I do believe taking that job is already working. I can buzz you up whenever I like. Like I did today. I’m going to see if I can get you a badge.”

  That would be helpful. “How close is she keeping you and what have you learned about the security system?”

  Kyle seemed more comfortable talking about the case. “I sent you the name of the system, but that’s building security. Jessica’s office has its own system, and I couldn’t find any identifying paperwork when I went through the system manual. I suspect it’s something she’s put together herself. Or had custom made. Once you get into her office, there’s more security. Her desk itself has a biometrics component.”

  So she was paranoid. That was good to know. “How about her laptop?”

  Kyle shook his head. “I didn’t get a good look at it. She doesn’t leave it on her desk when she’s not in the office like a lot of people would. She locks it up.”

  “I would bet it’s not connected to the building’s network. It makes me suspicious about what she keeps on it.”

  “My job is going to be in-building security for now. She’s got two bodyguards she uses outside the building. From what I can tell at least one of them has been with her for years. The other has changed every couple of months. I think she hires someone she thinks is attractive, plays around with them, gets bored, and she lets the dude go.”

  “The bodyguards are all men?”

  “Yes. I’m going to quietly ge
t as much info on the security systems and her personal laptop as I can. Anything else you want?”

  “Eventually I’ll need access,” Hutch explained. “I need to get in that building when there’s not hundreds of people there. I can’t hack her security without being there, and I’m going to need to take out the CCTVs to do it.”

  “Noelle works later from time to time,” Kyle mused. “I overheard Jessica talking to her CFO about how much money she thought they could raise off Noelle’s experiments.”

  “Raise? That’s an odd word to use.”

  “It’s how she put it. Maybe she meant make, but I heard raise.” Kyle put his glass on the table. “The CFO didn’t blink, just asked how fast they could get the word out. She’s expecting Noelle to get her initial results soon. I’m saying that because it wouldn’t be shocking for Noelle to work late and her boyfriend to bring her some dinner.”

  It was a good plan and one he’d thought about himself. “I’d like to go in knowing a little more about the systems. I’d also like to figure out what we’re looking for. If the feds are involved, we have to be looking at something that crosses state lines, maybe some kind of fraud.”

  “Give me a couple of days. From what I can tell Jessica isn’t careful about who she talks around. Not when it comes to her bodyguards. She thinks we’re something pretty to look at and that she can intimidate anyone with her lawyers.”

  “Yeah, I’m going to do a deep dive into her legal activities. MaeBe’s working a dossier on our cop. Hopefully we know something more tomorrow.” Hutch glanced back into the apartment where Noelle and Cara sat. Noelle’s back was to him, but he could see the tight set of her shoulders. “Maybe we need to do a deeper dive on Cara, too.”

  “That’s your business,” Kyle conceded. “But mine is to ensure the client’s safety and yours.”

  “I can watch my own back.”

  “Perhaps I should be more precise. Hutch, I don’t think you should tell Noelle the specifics of our operation.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Hutch asked.

  “It means she doesn’t need to know you plan on getting into Jessica Layne’s office. She doesn’t need to know you’re going to use her as an excuse to do it. In this case, I’m protecting McKay-Taggart, too.”

  Hutch didn’t like the sound of that. “She’s our client.”

  “Her father is our client, and he’s not a client at all,” Kyle pointed out. “He’s a friend of a friend, and we don’t truly know any of these people. What we do know is that there is likely a federal investigation, and the cop isn’t hanging out at the Genedyne building. He’s here. He’s watching Noelle.”

  The thought didn’t sit well. “She’s not involved.”

  Kyle sighed. “If you can’t even entertain the idea, then you shouldn’t be working this case, and I’m going to make that note to my boss.”

  “Feel free to report whatever you like.” Hutch wasn’t concerned that Ian would take him off the case. Not when Ian had spent much of the afternoon game-planning on how Hutch would get his girl. And Kyle didn’t know there was a secondary mission. But Kyle did have a point. “I’ll think about it, but I’ll consider keeping her in the dark about the logistics. I don’t want to make her anxious, and it’s best she doesn’t know the exact plans.”

  She was nervous enough as it was. She didn’t need the added pressure. Besides, she wasn’t a spy. She wasn’t trained, and she could give them away.

  “That’s all I’m asking.” Kyle turned and went back to staring out over the street below. “Be careful with her. You think you know someone, but they can turn on you.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind.” Noelle wouldn’t turn on him, but she could break his heart.

  He had to make sure that didn’t happen.

  * * * *

  Noelle held the glass of wine Hutch had given her, grateful she had something to hold or she might have reached for his hand. He looked so good, and the last couple of hours had been easy and peaceful. She’d expected him to be difficult, to avoid her at all costs. That hadn’t been the way the evening had gone. He’d focused on her, and that had caused her to focus on him, on how thoughtful he was, how nice he could make her feel, how freaking hot the man was in a pair of jeans. “Thanks for dinner. It was delicious, and I’ll get those cookies going as soon as possible.”

  She wasn’t feeding his ego or being nice. The chicken breasts had been delicious, and he’d made an actual salad. He’d cleaned while he’d cooked, leaving her with only the plates to wash after. Even then he’d moved next to her and dried and put away the dishes.

  It had been way too nice and far too comfortable to work beside him. Like they’d done it forever. Dinner talk had been half about the case and half about her research, with Hutch asking thoughtful questions and showing an ability to truly talk to her about science. They’d decided to play a game after dinner. She owned a couple of fun ones. Ticket to Ride might be easy to teach Kyle. She thought he might think it was weird to play a game where cute animals built an economic system and bought and sold commodities. Naturally when she’d mentioned it, Hutch had told her Raccoon Tycoon was one of his favorite games, too.

  He was practically perfect.

  She’d almost forgotten Kyle was there until the doorbell had rung and he’d answered it. It had been Cara, determined to talk.

  Hutch winked down at her. “I look forward to some more of your sugar, baby.”

  Heat flashed through her. She’d thought after this morning that there would be a distance between them, a coolness. Nope. There was warmth, and it was more than sexual. If it had been merely sexual, she could have ignored it. Probably. This crazy mix of lust and longing was threatening her resolve. “You’re a terrible man.”

  He gave her a sexy smile and retreated to the balcony. The one where he’d made love to her with his hands and tongue. Even thinking about it made her body go hot with arousal. She was going to stay in her room tonight. Lock the door. Could she lock the door so she couldn’t get out?

  Cara watched him walk away. “He should be careful out there. I heard someone is now throwing clothes off their balcony. There was a pair of underwear in the oak tree. What is this place coming to?”

  “No idea,” she managed to sputter before trying to get back on track. “What’s up? You sounded upset. I’m sorry I hadn’t called you back. It was a whirlwind day.”

  Cara turned her way. She’d left two voice mails before simply coming over and knocking on Noelle’s door. “I wouldn’t call it upset. Confusion is a better word. I thought we were friends. You never even mentioned you were dating someone, and now you have two guys living with you? It’s not like you. Did you run that past management?”

  She didn’t have to. “I have two bedrooms. I can have up to four people stay for six weeks. By then Kyle will have gotten his own place, and all I have to do in order to be in compliance is put Hutch on my records.”

  “You never even mentioned his name before.” Cara seemed to relax, the brittle look on her face softening. “We’ve talked a lot.”

  They’d talked about work and movies and the way the guy in 408 shouldn’t wear a speedo. She wasn’t comfortable with lying. She kind of hated it, but she’d agreed to keep their cover. “It was hard to talk about Hutch.”

  No lies there. She wanted to call her stepmom and talk about him, but she was worried her dad would overhear and go into protective mode. Of course she was also worried her incredibly sensible stepmother would tell her she’d been reckless when she’d fallen into bed with him.

  “Because you were so close?” Cara asked.

  Maybe she could get something out of this. She couldn’t talk to her family, and she hadn’t made friends at the office. Cara was way more experienced than she was, and she seemed level-headed. “We were high school sweethearts, but we’ve changed a lot. It’s been years since I really spent time with him.”

  Cara studied her for a moment. “So you do know him. You’ve known him for a
long time. He’s not someone you recently met?”

  Now she did have to lie. “We met in high school, but even then it was pretty fast. I met him and we clicked.”

  Cara’s eyes narrowed. “See, I thought you told me you didn’t date a lot until college because of the accident.”

  She wasn’t good at this. “Like I said, it was hard to talk about him. I cared about him and he was a good boyfriend. I left him behind when I went to college and it seemed better to concentrate on my studies. I missed him, but we were young. Those relationships, well, I watched one of those relationships disintegrate. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts, but they grew apart over the years. I used to look at pictures of them when they were young and they looked happy. I don’t remember those times. I remember fighting. I remember my mom hating moving out of Papillon and to New Orleans for my dad’s job. And then refusing to leave New Orleans because she would never move back to a small town. She changed so much over the years that they didn’t fit together anymore.”

  “We make a lot of mistakes when we’re immature. I think it can be a terrible idea to get too serious when you’re young. But sometimes the heart wants what it wants, if you know what I mean,” Cara replied with a sigh. “I think you were smart to choose your career.”

  She’d pursued her dream, and it had been easy because she hadn’t been leaving her dad alone. He’d married Lila by then. He’d been old enough to know what he truly wanted, and she was sure this time was forever for her dad.

  Had he felt a deep need when he’d met her mom? Like the one she felt for Hutch? She was fascinated by him and yet also comforted by his presence. Had it been the same for her parents? How long had that feeling lasted before it had died out? Before they couldn’t even stand to be around each other anymore? They’d both loved her. She’d never had a doubt in her mind, but they hadn’t even liked each other at the end.

  “I couldn’t stay home. I love Papillon, but I couldn’t do the things I feel like I was born to do there.” And she wouldn’t have met Hutch. She wouldn’t have found out that sex was so much better when the man was focused on her, devoted to her pleasure. When her lover didn’t treat her like she was something he could break.


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