Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 7

by Carter, Garrett

  As his back fell against the stone wall he stifled a groan as his sweet Sabine's lips, long forked tongue, and throat had him trembling on the edge of a massive orgasm.

  Falling over the edge into bliss Cade's scrambled thoughts coalesced into one thought before the sounds of his little snake's swallows of his thick cum shattered any more coherent though. "Best date night EVER!"

  As Cade and Sabine tracked down their last lead of the day he found himself both apprehensive and hopeful.

  The contact, an unknown lamia with a fearful look in her eyes had directed them to a female dwarf named Beth of the Urth clan.

  He had been skeptical of the validity of the information but with a quick skim of the lamia's thoughts, he found no misdirection or ill intent.

  After another snort that had overpowered his will at the name of the dwarf's clan Cade found he really wanted to meet the woman just to hear her say "Yes, I am Beth of the Urth clan".

  The image caused Cade's willpower to crumble and he stopped and leaned against the wall of a tailoring store to vent his mirth.

  "What's so funny, my love?" Sabine asked. Cade found he couldn't make a coherent sentence as he vented the frustrations of the past three weeks.

  Pulling on his impressive will power he sent Sabine a short visual of what he imagined the dwarven woman's introduction would be.

  Sabine giggled prettily and Cade's mirth changed to lust as he watched his sweet Sabine's pert breasts bounce within their beautiful violet confines.

  Cade stamped down on the lust for the moment, with a promise to himself that if he could control his urges until he was back home he would ask his basilisk mate for something he had been afraid for a while to ask.

  As a shout went up a few blocks away Cade got a violet-covered impression of his goal as Sabine shifted her body to face the sound. Her small but bubbled ass called to him for a moment, he wanted to watch it ripple as he took his sweet from behind.

  Pulling the reigns on his lustful thoughts Cade made a deal with his horny self "we will ask her tonight when we get home ok, no I don't know how we are going to make it work, yes it looks delicious now calm down, we have adulting to do." Cade said to himself as he walked to stand next to his mate.

  "Let's go love work to do and all that," Cade said after he placed a firm smack on his sweet Sabine's ass.

  "What was that for my mate?" Sabine asked as she used one of her small delicate hands to squeeze Cade's into her ass.

  "So soft," Cade said as his scrambled mind lost the ability to filter his words as his fingers sank into Sabine's little bubble butt.

  "We need to get this done my sweet, I have plans for you when we get home and I am slowly losing the will to follow through on this one. So uh sell clothes uh armor uh leather armor to dwarf woman get home fuck little snake to sleep." Cade said as Sabine used his hand to smack her ass, demolishing his train of thought with a giggle.

  "If I had known it held so much power over you my Cade I would have used it sooner. Let's take care of that my love I want to know what these plans are." Sabine said as she continued to follow the streets toward their destination.

  Cade's mind had not fully rebooted and froze in its initialization as he viewed his little snake's form as her dress slipped along it as she swayed towards their dwarven target. "Babies, lots and lots of babies," Cade said as he collected himself and followed his mate.

  Small packages

  As Cade and Sabine rounded the final curve on their way to Beth's shop he heard a scuffle from the dark alley next to a dilapidated nondescript shop and a slightly nicer bakery.

  Deciding the completion of their trip could wait the few minutes it would take for Cade and his mate to stop whatever attack was occurring down the alley he nodded in the direction of the dark passage at his mate.

  Sabine's neutral expression caused him to stop for a moment before a scream of rage cut through the late afternoon air.

  Leaving his normally exuberant mates' abnormal expression for later deliberation Cade and Sabine made their way to save the poor soul who was being attacked.

  Cade stopped in his tracks as his mental hand, ready to subdue whoever had started this fight, was released in confusion.

  He took in the two short figures one clearly a male dwarf if his bearded face set in a shocked expression and his stocky frame laying on the ground AND the hands cupping his twigs and berries were any indication.

  The other he couldn't readily identify, she, because she was clearly a she, men didn't grow breasts that big or wear clothes that form-fitting, outlining her short but amazing curves, was standing over the groaning dwarf shivering in what Cade guessed was rage.


  Cade watched the unknown woman's tirade end as she lost whatever steam she had built up. As it ran out she leaned back onto the alley wall.

  "You will regret this Beth Urth, I had decided to make you my wife and remove the stain of your clan's failure, but this will be the last time you see me in this life or the next I assure you," Karl said his tone a little higher than Cade would expect from a man that despite there differences in hight was at least as broad in the chest as him.

  As Karl limped off grumbling obscenities about taking instead of asking Cade's attention was drawn to the quiet shaking breaths of the person who was apparently their target.

  He almost went over to comfort the red haired woman but held himself back, he was pretty sure the stout woman would NOT appreciate a complete stranger trying to offer anything right now.

  As he stood at the mouth of the alley he looked at his mate and was surprised to see a pensive expression on her pretty face as she wrung her hands together.

  His confusion at his mate's actions was interrupted by the dwarven woman's shoulder wracking sobs as she slid down the wall. Cade decided he could take the rejection if the woman didn't want him to help, as her hiccuping sobs pulled at his heartstrings.

  "Stay here please and keep watch my sweet. I'm going to go and see if I can't help our merchant friend." After Cade sent the mental message to his mate he slowly made his way to the distraught woman.

  Kneeling in front of Beth he slowly placed a hand on her knee, hoping the woman who had just incapacitated a grown man with no marks to show for it wouldn't react violently to his soft touch.

  As he tried to get her attention Cade's heart broke a little as the woman's hands grabbed for his like it was a lifeline and she was drowning.

  He decided to put life and limb on the line and picked the short woman up, cradling her like he had Eve during her breakdown. His cloth shirt began to stick to him as the woman cried a river down his front, her face buried in his chest.

  As Cade stood and let the woman cry herself out, he wasn't sure what to say or do besides be a shoulder to cry on at the moment.

  A few minutes passed and Cade was glad he used his power to enhance his body as he felt pretty awesome standing all stoic like as Beth used his strong shoulder to vent the fear and impotent rage he felt coming from the surprisingly fit red head.

  As he held her he felt a little bad as he couldn't help but notice the curves the woman was sporting.

  In addition to that, the form-fitting dress though covering her from neck to ankle couldn't hide the strong muscles the woman had.

  He imagined Beth could swing a war hammer as well as his goddess. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the first time she brought that monstrosity out, it was a little taller than his five foot three wife with a head that was wider than her admittedly slim shoulders.

  Cade had a moment to remember the dread he felt as the vision of her putting it to use on him when he stupidly challenged his wife to a real fight, both of them ok with going full force being pretty much immortal.

  Wincing at the memory of shattered mithril bones and crushed organs that had resulted from his ill-advise
d bout he realized the dwarven woman was glaring at him from her position in his arms. "Hi" was all he got out before the glare hardened and Cade wished his hands were free to protect his family jewels.

  "Who the FUCK are you?" Beth said with a not inconsiderable amount of venom.

  Cade's heart skipped a beat before he tried to sus out the reason the harsh words affected him the way they did.

  "Someone who doesn't want to take anything from you that isn't given freely," Cade said not sure how much to tell the woman who by design they had searched out because of her disreputable reputation.

  Cade was about to set the woman down, her break down clearly past before he felt a slight pull on his mithril skeleton.

  He was gathering his self-control to protect himself from the earth mage in his arms as the tingling in his body stopped and a look of awe crossed the woman's features.

  "What ARE you?" Beth asked in an awed tone.

  "Powerful and in need of your services," Cade said hoping the change in the dwarven woman's attitude would work in his favor. The pantry was bare and his women wouldn't go hungry, not if he could help it.

  "What can I possibly offer someone who can do this," Beth said her incredulous tone mirrored by the hand that swept from Cade's face to his feet.

  "I would like to have that conversation in your shop which I'm assuming isn't the bakery. But the frat boys' threats of retribution make me wonder how long we have before he makes good on them. Feel free to tell me if I am wrong though." Cade said before he rolled his eyes as Beth's look of awe changed to confusion.

  "Are you going to be safe after we leave?" Cade said simply.

  "I don't know this is the first time he stormed off like that, usually he just promises to be back and whistles his way away after I turn him down," Beth said with a fearful shrug.

  Cade's eyes got another work out as he felt a spike of fear and uncertainty come from the dwarven woman who still hadn't tried to move from her perch in his arms.

  "My home will work for tonight, after a few renovations, it's just me and my mates and our servants? Well, I don't think of them that way but they do most of the cooking and cleaning. So I can promise you will be safe tonight, no one will touch you without your permission." Cade offered with a small smile.

  The renovations were going to happen anyway, the three weeks of waiting for a response from the high chieftain had made that need clear.

  He shuddered remembering almost getting caught by Eve during an ill-advised tryst with Promena in the laundry room. Beth's response thankfully killed that train of thought.

  "I would appreciate the safe haven for the night but what of my shop? You have no idea how long I worked for this building, cracked foundations and all." Beth said her tone sorrowful as she looked at the dilapidated shop with sad eyes.

  Deciding to put his money where his mouth was, Cade pulled five granite slabs laced with a decent amount of mithril reinforcement from the ground a half-mile below them.

  As the slabs that he had created to cover the dwarven woman's home surfaced slowly, Cade couldn't help the feeling of pride that bloomed in his chest as Beth's jaw dropped as she took in the massive slabs.

  A chuckle escaped Cade as the woman used one of her hands to push her jaw back to its proper place.

  As the final ceiling slab fused to the walls Cade opened a him sized hole for Beth to retrieve anything she needed before they left for his home.

  "No thank you I like it here," Beth said as Cade tried to let the woman down.

  "But don't you need anything? Clothes, trinkets, undergarments?" Cade said. He couldn't even bring himself to cringe at the mention of the woman's underwear as Beth snuggled closer into his chest.

  Giving his eyes another work out he turned to his mate with an exasperated look on his face.

  Cade's expression changed to one of all-out defeat as he walked over and took in his tail bouncing mate as her whole body shook and a squeal of joy erupted from fist covered lips.

  Cade wondered how long that had been held back as Sabine introduced herself. "Hi Beth I'm Sabine and we are going to be best friends and our babies are going to be best friends and..." Sabine's wall of words stopped suddenly as she realized the short woman was snoring like a log in Cade's arms.

  "Too much my sweet WAY too much you are going to scare her off," Cade said amusement coloring his words as he began the walk back home, Sabine following him with a morose expression on her face.

  "She will get there my little snake, and look no fighting from me. So let it happen naturally and soon you will have your best bud living at home with you, ok?" Cade said as he lifted his basilisk queen again with her conjured platform.

  "But I don't wanna wait she is going to be my friend and our babies are born at the same time and everything. Can't I just push a little?" Sabine said hopefully, not even the raised eyebrow Cade had given her could distract her from spilling all the beans and scaring the dwarven woman away.

  "What did Promena say?" Cade asked as a grin grew on his face.

  "Let her be our little snake she will join us when she is ready," Sabine said in a pretty good limitation of their goddess.

  "Listen to her my sweet, our time with Beth will come but when she chooses and not before. Now let's get home I have renovations to make and a mate to please, oh and how do you feel about handstands?" Cade asked, his amusement at his little snake's confused face was going to be more than worth the hassle of making the position he wanted her in work.

  Hand over fist

  “As Cade groaned out his morning orgasm as he filled Promena once again he felt good about their current situation for the first time in weeks.

  Long stroking his wifes cum filled tunnel he moaned loud and long as her wet paradise rippled along his sensitive length.

  As His pulsing erection popped out of his goddesses wet canal as she flopped bonelessly to the mattress Cade's lust spiked as his still throbbing dick sent streams of his cum across the truly amazing ass of his twitching and moaning Promena.

  As he flipped his goddess over on her back and slipped his length back in her warm wet paradise, not yet ready to leave and face the new day and its problems.

  "You're avoiding your responsibilities, my husband," Promena said after she recovered her wits. Cade froze as he bottomed out in his goddess.

  "Can't a man enjoy his beautiful wife more than once in the morning?" Cade said sarcastically as he recovered his stamina.

  "This makes three times you have enjoyed my husband, no complains by the way but needs must be met and our kingdom awaits. You have time to fill your goddess once more before everything goes to shit. Now give me your seed my Cade I need it." Promena said as Cade began to move inside her.

  As he began to make slow long strokes inside his wifes perfect body, they moaned in unison slowly inching towards their peaks.

  As he looked down into Promena's beautiful silver eyes that she locked onto his grey ones Cade was overwhelmed by this woman who had captured his heart and given him a new life.

  The soft moan as she reached her peak was swallowed as he kissed her softly moments before he filled her once again. His goddess was worth the struggles he would have to go through to give her and his other wives their kingdom and the world.

  As Cade left their room with Promena by his side he felt invincible, well more than usual.

  This was going to work, if he could convince the dwarven woman downstairs to help them who was conversing lightly with his other wives, he would be able to put food in his home and hopefully gain the needed sponsor for his mining venture.

  "This will work, we are so close just a few more steps and we will have everything we need," Cade said in a hopeful tone.

  "Yes my husband, just remember to be yourself and nothing can stop you," Promena said as she smiled at the love of her long life.

  As Cade took that wise advice to heart he made a quick sweep of his renovated home. The improvements he had made were extreme and had required everyone to st
ay in a small house he had hastily built.

  The grumbles and annoyed looks he had received from everyone had been worth it after they saw the results. He had thoroughly enjoyed the looks of awe and amazement from the newest of their group.

  He had made a barn home, the bottom floor a massive garage with a retracting floor that covered their dojo mat with storage for everyone's personal weapons along the walls.

  The bottom floor was composed of one huge suite that he had modeled after their old room and bathroom.


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