Atomic Mage 2

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Atomic Mage 2 Page 8

by Carter, Garrett

  That massive addition took up a third of the expanded 10,000 square-foot ground floor of the beast of a house, the other third was a dorm for Sharee, Nat, and Eve.

  They had a ball with that piece of information, Cade was proud of his reflexes as he managed to avoid a kiss on the lips from his jail bate tormentor.

  The last third of the bottom floor were showers, activity room, and laundry room.

  The second floor was composed of a massive kitchen and dining room on one side and three guest rooms with a shared bathroom that had also been modeled after the one from their first home.

  The third floor Cade had lost his mind on, their room took up at least the full half of the home's third floor with a walk-in closet you could do laps in.

  The bathroom got the same treatment with a tub that even sabine couldn't stretch out in and touch both ends.

  The sinks were doubled to six in total, in what Cade hoped was a clear signal to his wives about his limits.

  The construction had taken a few hours lasting till late in the night. The materials for it had come from a modest-sized hillock that had stood behind their assigned spot.

  Cade had taken a perverse pleasure in breaking it down. The looks from their guards and would be informants would be more than worth the time and effort he put in to make the massive home.

  As he approached the table Cade took in his lovely wives as they made plans to conquer the world.

  Beth for her part had panicked eyes darting back and forth as she looked incredulously at Mina and Sabine as they swapped ideas, most of them resulting in the grisly deaths of the slavers by them and them collecting their just rewards from their mate as he impregnated them.

  Cade's amused expression changed to one of horror as Promena laughed at the bedroom eyes Eve was giving him as she helped a blushing Sharee and a subdued Nat fix breakfast.

  "Hello, my mate we were just getting Beth up to speed on our plans of world domination and what we expect as our reward, isn't that right Sabine." A vigorous nod from his little snake followed Mina's declaration of their intent to bear his children.

  "I apologize for my wife's enthusiasm they seem to have put the cart before the horse, we have much to discuss though if you are ready," Cade asked with a wry grin directed at his unrepentant mates.

  "Whenever you are Cade," Beth said uncertainty as she walked hurriedly towards Cade and Promena, a quick glance over her shoulder directed at Cade's pouting mates.

  "I think our wives might need a talk, my goddess if you have the time?" Cade asked as he saw Promena give a little shimmy.

  A quick scan of his wife answered the question of where that came from. Cade stifled a groan as he sensed the trickle of his sperm that was slowly making its way down Promena's inner thigh.

  He was pulled out of the lustful thoughts of throwing Beth back to the wolves and resuming his earlier task of seeing how much of his seed he could pack into Promena's womb by Beth's exclamation at his mentioning of the word goddess.

  "Yes, as much as I can be in this form I am Promena. It is nice to meet you, Beth, I'm sure our relationship will bear great fruit." Promena's declaration of her being a god of Curset was met by a skeptical look before, with a roll of her eyes she gave Beth a look at her real form.

  The light show that was his wife ended as suddenly as it began, with amused faces all-around the room except for Beth's shocked expression.

  "Mmmy goddess," Beth stammered out before she fell to the floor in supplication in front of Promena.

  Cade's wife's eyeballs rolled again as she tried to lift the shorter woman with a tense smile. "Yes, I am Promena the goddess of change, benefactor of all those who wish for their lives to change for the better, blah blah blah get off the floor you silly girl. Do I look like someone who wants thoughts and prayers, actions speak much louder than silly words. Up I said up you neeeed to talk to my husbaaand and work for your chaaange." Promena's apparent struggle to get Beth back on her feet as she yanked on her arm amused Cade for the fact that he knew his short and curvy wife could lift all of his 300 pounds with one arm easily.

  Letting the stubborn woman's arm go with a huff Promena shot an exasperated look at her chuckling husband.

  "Got all seven of them? Good now get her up and get her on board we have shit to get done and I need to get your sperm off my leg," Promena said as she stormed off in a convincing but fake fit.

  "Go with her girls, Sabine I know you haven't bathed since our activities last night, and Mina I want a taste of you and our little snake tonight," Cade's instructions were answered by an enthusiastic "yes Cade" as his two mates passed him, placing dual kisses on his cheeks.

  Mina and Sabine giggled as Cade brought himself to their level to receive their affections.

  "Happy wife happy life," Cade said as he reminisced about their earlier days. "My sweet? Have you given more thought to my request?" A small embarrassed nod was all he received after the mental question.

  Cade accepted that for what it was, their attempt for him to watch her ass ripple as he took her from behind had mixed results.

  Her switching hips and small bubbled ass were outlined by the tight skirt that matched the tight midriff shirt she wore.

  Humming to himself he remembered his attempt at watching his sweets ass bouncy with a grimace.

  They had arrived home from their date both a little anxious. Cade's worries had stemmed from the short woman who would be his wife as she slept in their guest room.

  Sabine's worries were a bit more far reaching as she followed her mate up to their bedrooms after they had greeted their wives.

  As they arrived at the door to their room Sabine had vented her frustrations to her mate.

  "I want her to like me so bad my Cade. I... I worry that she will see me as just another of our wives and as ok with that as I am I want the best friend I saw. You wouldn't believe how cute our babies are together. I want that for Ryl...".

  Cade held back his mild surprise and mirth at the almost slip-up as he brought his sweets worried gaze up from the floor with a finger under her delicate chin.

  "Don't worry about what will be my love. I fell for your sweet self in days, our newest wife doesn't stand a chance."

  As Sabine's morose face cleared with a brilliant smile Cade captured her lips in a soft lingering kiss.

  As the kiss grew deeper and more passionate Cade lifted his mate into his arms and carried her into their room closing and locking the door behind them with a thought and a bit of power.

  Laying his sweet on her back in the bed Cade removed their clothes and groaned as she leaned up and began stroking his throbbing need with a delicate hand.

  "So my Cade what plans did you have for your sweet Sabine?"

  Finishing her question Sabine didn't let her mate get a word out before she threw herself forward and with a few quick thrusts of her body swallowed his throbbing dick.

  "Want to watch that soft as ripple as I take you my sweet," Cade said softly as he fought to make a coherent thought as Sabine showed off her amazing oral skills as she moaned loudly as she shoved her face into Cade's groin.

  His sweet Sabine's wet mouth and tight swallowing throat had Cade racing to his early finish, fighting his own need to fill his amazing mate's throat with his seed Cade placed a gentle hand under Sabine's wet chin and lifted her off of his length with a slurp of saliva and precum.

  His dick throbbed with need as a string of fluid snapped as he looked into his sweet's violet eyes. Capturing her wet lips in a short but passion-filled kiss Cade explained his plan to watch her little bubble butt jiggle.

  "I need you on that soft tummy love, then I am going to need your tail." Sabine's lustful expression changed to curiosity as Cade lamely tried to explain his plan.

  "Ok... Like this" Sabine said from over her shoulder after she laid in the bed. A small wiggle of her scaled hips pulled a growl from her mate reigniting the need in her womb.

  Walking up to his mate's fifteen-foot long armored tail Ca
de lifted its heavy length over his shoulder. Walking up to the bed Cade's growl as he neared his goal changed to a groan as the head of his throbbing dick brushed against his sweet Sabine's dripping entrance.

  As he lifted Sabine into an angled handstand he sheathed the first few inches of his length as they both moaned.

  As Cade leaned back and began pumping his hips up into Sabine's tight canal, he groaned as every thrust into her depths with a smack of her hips against his caused her round ass to jiggle.

  Speeding up his thrusts Cade heard his sweets moan as she approached her peak, their erotic sounds driving him towards his.

  Cade had a moment of pride as his throbbing dick began to swell as he fell over the edge into his orgasm as Sabine's flexing depths signaled her own dive into bliss.

  That moment of pride was short-lived as Sabine's orgasm weakened arms failed to support her weight and her blessed out face landed in their mattress with a muffled thump.

  Cade's own release was ended too soon as he leaned forward quickly to help his shivering mate get her face out of their mattress.

  The bad times continued to roll as the action of him springing forward caused her face to slide roughly up the bed, dragging her face through their sheet.

  He heard Sabine shriek in not pleasure but pain as he landed next to her, her tail slipping off of his shoulder as he tried to avoid falling on her.

  Rolling over on her back Sabine gave Cade a cute furious glare as she rubbed her red sore nipples with the palms of her small hands.

  "Ow ow ow OW! Oh, thank you, my love." The relief in Sabine's voice was palatable as Cade leaned over and laved attention on the rug burned nubs as he healed the damage to his mate with a thought.

  "And it was going so well, maybe we could find another way for me to have you from behind my love," Cade said as he released Sabine's recently healed pink nipples with a soft pop.

  Sabine chuckled as Cade was memorized by the motions of her breasts as he released her formerly sore nipples.

  "I enjoyed it very much until my arms gave out my love. The others seem to enjoy it but I think we might not be able to enjoy the position, I am sorry my Cade." As Sabine finished softly she looked away from her mate's grey eyes.

  "Don't be my sweet I happen to enjoy your amazing body scales and all. You do happen to have another hole to love though my sweet." As Cade comforted his gloomy mate he trailed a hand down her delectable body, taking a moment to trace the border where her lightly bronzed skin transitioned to her scales before cupping a scaled cheek and lightly prodding her puckered star with a finger.

  "MY BUTT?! but... stuff comes out of there, it's nasty." As Sabine shrieked out her objection Cade smiled at her incredulous expression as her recently healed nipples hardened.

  "I love it all the same my sweet, I would like to have a chance to show you how much if you will let me. If you aren't comfortable with that I will gladly take my sweet Sabine's detectable body as she gives it." Making his case for taking his sweets other tight hole, some might call it the wrong hole but Cade had hope Sabine would take the chance that she might enjoy her mate plundering her chocolate factory.

  "I... I will give it some thought my love. If you are up for it I would enjoy another chance at a proper orgasm, my last one was cut a little short."

  As Cade smiled at his beautiful mate his half-hard length swelled. His own need for proper completion igniting his lust as Sabine rolled over onto him, sheathing his dick I rode of her right wet depths with a soft moan.

  Cade was pulled from his lustful memories as the small woman still kowtowing at his feet shifted slightly.

  "Are you gonna get up anytime soon? We have business to discuss," Cade said in exasperation.

  "Yyyour a God, Promena is your wife and you made a house with nothing but dirt, WHAT BUSINESS DO WE NEED TO DISCUSS?!" The short woman shouted as she rose to her feet and looked at Cade with wild eyes.

  Cade smiled down at the dwarf, glad that she was at least on her feet. Her quick shallow breaths were a concern though as her face lost a bit of color and she began to sway on her feet.

  Catching her with a quick hand on her shoulder Cade decided the over-stimulated woman could use a little break from her new reality.

  Cradling the woman once again he was unsurprised as she fell asleep in seconds. Looking around the room he saw they were alone the three other ladies of the house having made their escape sometime during all the commotion.

  Cade chastised himself for a moment, he should have noticed the jaguar women leaving. Not only was it rude to take them for granted ignoring their presence unless he needed something from them.

  One of them had her eyes set on him and as repulsive as it felt to have a sixteen-year-old lusting after him he had given his word that in two years he would give her a chance to join his family. He could at least be present for her, and secretly hope she found another male to fangirl over.

  Cad huffed his own sigh out as he carried the sleeping woman to their living room and took a seat on the couch to wait out her adrenaline-induced slumber.

  He could just spike her with some wake-up hormones and get the task of finding a seller for their excess gear and the whole sponsorship out of the way but he didn't.

  Slavers and their ilk could get the stick anytime, but if the girls' reaction was anything to go off of his soon to be wife needed a little carrot, she had enough stick throughout her life. So settling into the couch he decided she wasn't the only one who deserved a nap and closed his eyes and drifted off, Beth snoring all the while in his arms.

  Cade awoke with a snort and was surprised by redheaded woman who was staring at him from inches away with a curious look on her pretty face.

  His surprise lasted a second or two before he relaxed and let her get an eye full.

  As he yawned and ran his hands over his face he noticed a little stubble on his head. Cutting the hair down to his scalp and converting it to energy to be absorbed took less than a second.

  He had been a little apprehensive about losing any part of himself after Promena had coached him on cultivating, afraid he might create a legendary artifact if he lost a toenail clipping.

  He had been relieved after he found out that anything that left his body was still the same part as it had been before it was removed.

  A chuckle escaped him causing the dwarven woman to tense as he contemplated if that fact was reversed. "Glow in the dark nut," he thought to himself and heard a ruckus from the kitchen as one of his wives cackled quickly followed by the others as the joke was spread around.

  Promena must have been the ringleader of that, she being the only one able to be in his head without him noticing.

  All of this flew through his mind as he wanted for the short woman to drink her fill of him with her eyes. He waited a few seconds before he realized she was going to be a while and decided to get his first good look at her.

  Beth, while short was as fit as he had guessed. She wore the same form-fitting dress that while covering her neck to mid-thigh as she sat in his lap, her creamy white caves on full display.

  Surprisingly her petite feet were small and well-formed he had expected someone from a race that was famous for wearing armored boots to have more rough feet.

  His gaze traveled up to her semi-covered thighs which could give Promena's a run for their money in the thickness department.

  As she shifted, almost pulling a groan from him with her ass that thankfully wasn't creased by his slowly rising dick, he watched muscles play along the top of her thighs.

  Continuing up he tried to skip his eyes past the apex of her thighs and was partially successful, not by his own willpower but the bunching of her dress that shielded her nether region from further viewing.

  Keeping his eyes going north he admired her tight tummy that while toned didn't have the impression of his little snake's eight pack abs.

  As he came to the coup De grace his dick throbbed surprising the short woman and making her massive chest jump causin
g his traitorous dick to jump this time.

  As he hurriedly made his way to Beth's face Cade couldn't help but notice the two hard nubs that were growing out of her dress.

  They were large and mouth-wateringly perky and caused Cade to figure out the woman didn't have a bra on.

  An involuntary groan made its way past his lips as he realized those massive breasts were holding themselves up by their own tautness.

  As he finally made his way to her face Cade was sure he had been caught, there was no possible way this woman in his lap didn't know she was seconds from becoming his next wife.

  Flinching and starting to move his hands to protect the family jewels he was met with a curious expression mixed in with a lot of interest.


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