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Atomic Mage 2

Page 27

by Carter, Garrett

  "I don't think that will be a problem my giant, mother keeps a stash of contraceptives scattered around the house for the days she was able to handle our father. I would hope she sticks to her desire for no more children. Though another baby brother or sister would be wonderful to spoil."

  As they walked towards the entrance to Beth's childhood home her wistful expression after her explanation ignited Cade's lust, the image of Beth's belly swollen with his child almost overwhelming him with its appeal.

  "That's a shame I guess we will just have to take the Urth clans growth into our own hands then," Cade said a few minutes later as they walked toward Poppy.

  "Don't tempt me, my giant, I can not wait until this contract business is over with. After we are properly married Promena is going to get a piece of my mind. I need your babies in me in the worst way."

  As Cade seated his Beth and took off towards their home glowing in the distance he corraled his lust.

  He would have the busty red-head dwarf on his arm, with his wedding ring on her delicate finger and his child growing in her womb soon enough.

  He just needed to wade through the morass that was dwarven politics to do so.

  Lacing his fingers with Beth's, he found himself up for the challenge his little firebrand was worth it.

  Blood from a stone

  Cade woke in a wonderful mood, today was the day he would finally claim his Beth for all eternity.

  As he got out of bed a chorus of moans went through his sleeping wives as they fought sleepily for the warm spot he had just vacated.

  "Good morning my husband, you look like you're in a great mood today," Beth said sleepily as she snuggled up to Sabine as she followed Laurith as she claimed half of Cade's warm spot on the bed.

  His dragon mate shared a sleepy kiss with her Dresk as Mina claimed the other half of the highly coveted spot as Promena spooned the panther woman.

  Smiling at his wife's sleepy affections he couldn't help the surge of lust that overcame him as he remembered last night's frantic lovemaking, that left every single one of his wives filled to bursting with his seed.

  His goddess had been especially amorous after she had turned down his attempted request to see her and their wives bellies swollen with his children with a delicate finger on his lips and a smile and shake of her head as they made love after he had worn the rest of his needy wives out.

  Mina's almost ferocious demands for his kits had been followed by his dragon mates' similar growls of her desire to have his hatchlings.

  Even his little snake had joined the "have Cade's baby right now" faction as she used her fangs to draw pulse after pulse of his seed into her womb.

  His goddess's denial of his unvoiced request had almost made him ignore her good advice and force his seed past the barrier of energy he had found in all his wife's cervixes after her refusal to remove it.

  A golden eye looked at him fondly as Mina got out of the massive bed with a moan of pleasure as she stretched her gorgeous naked body in front of a shaking Cade.

  "A Dresk's work is never done it seems, come my Cade let us take care of this poor thing he seems to have sprung a leak."

  As Mina passed Cade she collected the evidence of that leak in the form of a string of precum that had been dangling from his throbbing length.

  Groaning in need Cade followed his pretty kitty after she milked the leak from his dick saying "can't have any stains" and rubbed her long black tail against his face as she made her way to the bathroom.

  As Cade followed her his need rose, he tempered it somewhat promising himself that after today he might have a leg to stand on with his goddess and if he could convince her his need to fill the panther woman who was currently waiting for him with his children would be sated.

  "One more day, just one more day," he told himself as he readied himself for some more baby-making practice.

  As Cade filled Mina for the fourth time his need to impregnate the moaning panther woman hadn't abated one bit as he growled into the back of her neck.

  They were both surprised by the popping sound of the tiles cracking under his clenching fingers as he destroyed the floor of the bathroom in his attempt to keep from crushing his whimpering mate in an embrace that would have gotten him a few inches deeper in her fluttering depths.

  "We know my love, we feel the same," Mina said before a small orgasm hit her as Cade lost control over his trembling body and thrust hard into her, smashing her hips into the floor brutally.

  Cade stopped his thrusting hips as Mina's whimpers of pleasure changed to small cries of pain as their intensity and speed began to hurt his pretty kitty's hips.

  Pulling out of Mina's sensitive sex with a groan Cade's shivering body fought him as he sent a wave of healing power towards his trembling mate.

  "Just like mother described though I am glad there are no barbs." Mina groaned as she lifted her sore but rapidly healing body off of the floor.

  "Ouch," Cade said before he lifted himself into the bath, hoping the distraction of the warm water would distract him from the still-potent need to take his mate and fill her until he was sure her womb held his kits.

  "It seems you aren't immune to it like I thought you were," Mina said as she joined Cade in the bath and he let out a growl of lust that surprised them both.

  "Right about what my love," Cade asked as he locked his eyes on Mina's golden orbs in an attempt to look at anything besides her breasts dripping with her sweat.

  "The males of my race go a little... wild when our females ovulate. If I am right your time as a dragon has made you more sensitive to the particular pheromones we produce. Your want to give us your children mixed with that might explain the intense need to take me I feel from you right now. And if I didn't think you might hurt me more than I would like... Don't interrupt I am your Dresk and I will not... sugar coat anything to spare your feelings."

  Cade's chastisement for trying to interrupt his Dresk helped cool his need somewhat and Mina felt the same drop in the overpowering feeling.

  "If it is a distraction you need my love I can provide one for you. Qetch contacted me this morning to give me my daily briefing on the guild's progress."

  Cade's aching length still bobbed in the warm water but his Mina's words did help to keep him from throwing her around and taking her. So with a nod, he agreed.

  "Good, so the thieves guild has so far followed your orders and their treasury under our audience chamber is slowly being filled with their ill-gotten gains. Trant was apprehended late last night by Qetch, the man tried to escape on one of the giant dogs our dear friend guard captain Wroth rode in on. Qetch has his body waking on our dragon mate for her first thrall."

  Smiling at her mate's calmer face Mina slid over and tucked herself into his lap before she continued to fill in her mate.

  "Asdith should be delivering the finished paperwork to the merchants guild for our mining operation sometime today. Qetch also sent the smugglers guild down to our claim with a few of the prefab buildings you left him for the mining town. They should arrive in a few weeks and if the offer we make to the citizens of Opect doesn't fill our roster of workers then Qetch has agreed to send out a call for workers from the kingdoms. I need to talk with Beth after today and find out how many of her relatives will be joining our efforts there."

  As Mina tapped a clawed finger speculatively against her lower jaw Cade wrapped his Dresk in a hug, thankful for such a competent mate.

  Mina smiled at her mate as she enjoyed his strong arms around her and leaned her head back and affectionately licked his cheek, a happy purr sounding in her chest before she continued.

  "Indaria came by the audience chamber with a special request the day after we left. Qetch informed her we had left and wouldn't be back for at least a week if not more. He told me that she seemed pretty insistent but accepted his reasoning."

  "Did she say what brought her there?" Cade asked as his mate fell into silence for a moment, her feelings a blank slate.

sp; Cade was just about to try and shake her out of her sudden stillness a few minutes later when she looked over her shoulder with a brilliant smile that was quickly hidden as she looked into the water of the bath.

  "Qetch said she didn't explain more than it had to do with the healing machines not working but that it wasn't necessarily a pressing matter. Gloria also came by and updated him on their progress which is going well, though she has a few members who are struggling with the equipment."

  "Is there anything else my pretty kitty?" Cade asked with a smile.

  "Not on that front but I do need another load of your seed in my womb."

  Before Cade could respond Mina had shoved him out of the tub and to the floor and impaled herself on his length.

  As his pretty kitty shuddered with a massive orgasm that caused her tight channel to milk his drenched length any questions that he had about her actions flew out of his mind as her sweet aroma ticked his nose and overwhelmed his senses.

  Cade wobbled a little as he and Beth knocked for the tenth time on Seth and Drea's front door later that day.

  His need to take his Beth warring with the necessity to collect his in-laws so they could get the marriage contract paperwork signed in the council chamber.

  Cade growled in irritation and need, his lust still roaring even though his wives had tried their damndest to wear him out after he had fucked his pretty kitty into a sex coma.

  After they had physically yanked him out of the bathroom he had filled them more times than he could count as they mauled his body as they pulled load after load from him into their waiting wombs.

  Promena and Sabine had used their talents to keep him going until Laurith had pulled out the dragon pheromones and he could only remember flashes of fierce intense coupling after that.

  His Beth though had been his saving grace after he had taken his goddess until she laid limp on the bed, a river of semen tricking past her cherry red lips, Beth had groaned as she rose from her own sex coma and had led Cade like a dog with her own seed soaked lips to the bathroom.

  After he had taken his dwarven wife's offering, enjoying her massive assets as he filled her for the last time she had reminded him of their prior engagement with her parents after her last shaking orgasm.

  Growling at the short woman hadn't helped, the prospect of their marriage had stiffened the dwarf woman's spine and so Cade stood in the snow waiting for someone to open the door.

  Cade was just about to head back to Poppy to enjoy his wife's charms as the door was yanked open by a disheveled Seth clutching the waist of his pants and absolutely reeking of sex.

  "Huh, what oh your here uuuhh... Beth take him on a tour of the house your mother and I will be along shortly."

  "I take it their discussion ran long," Cade said with a frown as he followed his father in laws ruining form down a hallway as a door slammed and a familiar glow lit the dark passage.

  "Very," Beth said simply as she dodged Cade's hand as he attempted to drag her back to Poppy and indulge in a long discussion of their own.

  "No, no my giant bed sex no car sex, if you will follow me we can begin our tour of house Urth."

  As Cade growled at his elusive wife Beth giggled prettily as she led him by his still pheromone ladened nose.

  "Fine but don't blame me if you get pregnant with my child before our special day, Promena's anti-baby magic be damned."

  Still following his Beth a few minutes later Cade was still lamenting his inability to take what his little firebrand was dangling so very temptingly in front of his nose.

  Her cuffed gray robe that had allowed him to catch a glimpse of the lips below her soft ass every time she had to bend over to keep him from stopping to sulk, had served the little temptress well as she led him to a wide gallery that showcased clan Urth's accomplishments.

  "This is the history of my family, stretching back millennia... touch don't fuck my giant. Now listen this is important."

  After Beth had stopped and pushed her barely covered ass into Cade's throbbing groin she had slapped away the hand that had begun to lift the hem of the short garment and placed it firmly on a large robe covered breast and captured the other arm under her bust.

  Patting the mollified Cade's hand under clothed breasts she patted his hand before she leaned into his pants covered pulsing length before she continued her history lesson.

  "The Urth clan had been the most powerful of the five clans until my great-great-grandfather tried and thankfully failed to procure a deal with the merchants guild to mine“, store, and sell our mine's bounty. The fool thought a forty percent share of the mines for the dwarves was a good idea. Grandpappy thought his stupid idea of eliminating those costs would be good for the dwarven nation. I'm sure the merchants guild wouldn't hold their majority share over us to get what they wanted."

  Finishing her speech with an eye roll she turned from the stone carving depicting that ill-advised idea playing out.

  "That's grandpappy over there," Beth said with a cheery expression turning her husband with her as she looked at the ancient dwarf.

  The wizen dwarf held in the stocks behind the window of a stone room at the end of the carving waved back shouting "HI BETHY" as two dwarven women fed him something Cade couldn't see and replaced the chamber pot the dwarf was sitting over.

  "I'm sorry my love it must be hard to watch him sitting there," Cade said, sympathy for his dwarven wife's great-great-grandfather making its way into his tone as he hugged her closer with the arm under her alluring breasts.

  "I'm not and it isn't that idiot almost cost the dwarven nation everything and the Urth clan is still picking up the pieces from his foolish decision." Beth's said as the cheery tone and her smiling face didn't match the derision in her tone.

  "Ok, fuck pappy then where are we headed next," Cade said with a frown to his still waving and smiling wife as he fought to keep from dragging his wife off somewhere to relived the aching in his pants as her waving arm caused her hips to sway, stimulating his throbbing length.

  The sound of booted feet pulled an irritated groan from Cade as he uncuffed his wifes robe and turned to see who was I such a hurry.

  Prat stopped in front of them and leaned on his knees as he caught his breath.

  "Mother and father are asking for you," he said breathlessly.

  "Thank you and I'm sorry you were stuck here for their "discussion", Cade said as he patted the dwarf on his heaving shoulders.

  "Derik and I don't live here, we were just visiting when you arrived, but thank you. I haven't seen mother this active in a century and father might sprain his cheeks with all of the among he has been doing."

  "Anything for family," Cade said as he looped his arms over Beth's shoulders as they followed Prat, not yet ready to release his smiling wife.

  As they arrived at the front door they were greeted by Seth and Drea, who was leaning heavily on her husband.

  "We are ready when you are," Seth said before he kissed Drea lightly.

  As the kiss devolved into passion, Drea whimpering into her husband's mouth Derik made his appearance with a loud "ahem".

  The two adults came apart in a flash, blushing furiously at their failure to maintain decorum.

  "I hope we all are so lucky," Cade grumbled as they made their way to Poppy.

  Landing next to a massive stone structure that Beth had directed him to, Cade was at his limit.

  He could almost appreciate his parent's need to reaffirm their relationship but the short flight had been like driving around with two horny teenagers.

  He had almost turned around and dropped the two frisky centenarians back at home but Drea being the matriarch of the Urth clan was required for the contract signing and she WAS NOT going anywhere without her husband, Cade had asked.

  After the third time he had heard the wet sounds and barely suppressed moans from the two of them he had sent them to the back of the car and soundproofed the whole back end of Poppy.

  That had ended their visible an
tics but every so often Cade had to correct for a bit of "turbulence" as they neared their destination.

  As they had stood outside of the rocking vehicle Cade had asked Beth about contraceptives after completing a small task of his own.

  After her face had turned to the door to the back of Poppy in shock Cade had clipped and snipped the horny couple and pushed pain blockers and adrenaline with an eye roll as Poppy almost tipped over with the increase in rocking.

  So standing in the snow with a steaming water-soaked rag Cade plastered a fake smile on his face as the rocking stopped for the fifth time and he felt a hesitant knock on Poppy's back window.


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