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Atomic Mage 2

Page 30

by Carter, Garrett

  "I have a lot on my plate my love, so I am going to ask a question and if you have trouble answering it we might need to get our goddess in here to calm me down with some godly advice."

  At Sabine's hesitant nod he continued.

  "Does this Kandar change the plan I had in mind for Opect and Zeme, or can I deal with those two problems before I try to tackle this other..."

  "Continent, Kandar is a continent my love and I am proud to say I am prepared for this question. I have it from a reliable source that we can leave them for later, but not by much. You might want to have a conversation with Nat about her people before we head back to Opect though."

  Cade felt a weight lift off of his shoulders as his little snake gave her opinion with a sweet smile that did wonders for his spirit.

  "Thank God or should I say goddess, now if that is all we have a party to get ready for. Have you girls done any shopping here yet?"

  His question was answered by an enthusiastic nod from his wife before a blush grew on her face.

  "All of us have an outfit for tomorrow except Eve, her shopping was cut short as we ran to save you and Beth from the Strong Stone clan."

  "Sounds like a way to get a date in with my little pixie."

  Cade's light tone was marred by the uncertain look on his face, as certain as he was about the burgeoning relationship between him and Eve their situation still made him uncomfortable.

  "Don't try to weasel out of it my love, Mina already hinted at the possibility of a date with you as we made our way there to help her cope with losing out on joining our shopping spree."

  As a laugh left him Cade gave into his sweet's logic.

  The jaguar woman was going to be his mate in a year if she still wanted to at that time, a little shopping date wouldn't hurt him.

  "I guess I should go get her then."

  His macabre tone caused Sabine to laugh as he rose from his seat and drug his feet as he made his way to her office door.

  "Don't sound so defeated my love, she knows her place Mina made sure of that. Your talk with her at Beth's old shop also has done wonders for her outlook on your lengthy courtship. Just enjoy the date my Cade I know she will."

  A smile crossed his face as he left his sweet chuckling in her office as he left, the idea of taking his pixie out on the town sounding better by the moment.

  "Not under the jail maybe, I'm going to try and just visit it for a day and see how it goes."

  Family matters

  Stopping in front of Eve's door Cade felt a little giddy, like a teenager coming to pick up his prom date.

  Deciding to cheat a little he expanded his senses and held back a chuckle as he quickly shut the ability down after he got a short visual of a similarly anxious Eve waiting in front of the door.

  "She might want to back up or she is going to get a face full of the door," he thought to himself in amusement.

  Shaking his head at the silliness of the situation he rapped on the door and snorted in amusement as it swung open before his hand could drop.

  Eve's squeal of excitement lasted as long as it took for her to jump into his arms.

  "You're here! Mina said you would come and we would have a..."

  Leaning down to place a kiss into her blonde locks Cade finished her statement with a chuckle.

  "Date night, the term you are looking for is a date night my pixie and yes your prince charming is here if you are ready to go."

  As he stepped back he held his gaze firmly above neck level as the young woman bounced in place before blowing out a steadying breath and striding past him towards where Poppy was parked.

  His smile at her antics slipped a little as her long spotted tail slapped against his face lightly as she passed him.

  "Just for the day Cade, just for the day."

  Cade's patience was gone as he sat in the fifth shop of the day waiting on Eve to be fitted for some dress or the other.

  The date was going as well as could be expected, his pixie was almost deliriously happy, her breath speeding up every time she touched any part of his body.

  After he had kissed her hand as they left the first dwarven smith he had almost lifted the woman in his arms as she stumbled.

  Her purchase of a mithril staff with retractable spearheads made after a few bouts with her date on the training grounds attached to the shop had caused her eyes to widen at the price of the weapon.

  "I... I don't know how I will repay you for this my Cade, it seems like too much."

  "If it keeps you and our family safe it is well worth the price. Though if you choose to battle another to be your mate you can keep it regardless."

  Cade knew his fate was sealed as tinkling laugher answered the last part of his statement.

  "You aren't getting away from me MY Cade. Nat might get to enjoy you before me but I WILL carry your kits. Your compliance isn't required only your presence."

  A thrill went through him as Eve finished her declaration, he might have a thing for strong straightforward. Who knew.

  "When we get to that point I will be in your care my pixie, until then please try and be a little less attractive if you could."

  A haughty sniff followed his request as they entered the next shop on their list.

  "Just for the day," Cade said under his breath as his eyes dropped despite him catching a glimpse of Eve's behind in her winter leathers as she tapped on the bell for service.

  Cade was drawn out of his memory-induced slumber as conspiratorial giggling signaled his pixie and the shop keepers return from the fitting room.

  "Please be sure to send those to Mage Cade in Opect and to Mage Qetch if he isn't available."

  His curiosity as the short female dwarven shopkeeper gave a smile and a knowing nod before looking Cade's direction before blushing and breaking down in giggles once again.

  "Do I want to know why the shopkeeper can't look at me without blushing and tittering like a schoolgirl?"

  "You will find out in due time my m... Cade."

  Eve's ruff fluffed up in a blush as she stumbled over her words as Cade retrieved the pile of receipts and bags Eve had acquired during her shopping spree.

  "If my guess is correct I would assume I will be enlightened as to your purchases in a little less than a year."

  A chuckle escaped him as his pixie's ruff fluffed up even more before she smoothed it hurriedly down as she collected herself.

  "Maybe, maybe not only time will tell. Now I think I have everything I need for tomorrow, we need to get back home if I am going to help Xandia and Nat make dinner."

  As Eve began the long walk back to Poppy with Cade trailing slightly behind he noticed a spring in her step as she hummed a song from his world.

  "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself my pixie, I know I did."

  Eve's humming ended as she looked into his grey eyes with her green pools and opened their mental bond for the first time.

  Cade stumbled as he felt Eve's feelings for him, they were... strong. If he ever doubted her dedication to him and their family the short woman put them to rest twenty feet under.

  "I don't think you understand how much I love you, Cade. I will be your mate and I will give birth to your kits. It is the love for you that holds me back right now, be glad you have such a woman chasing you. Others would have taken you at your weakest this morning after you left Xandia."

  Her piece spoken Eve's smile grew predatory before she turned her face forward with a soft grow that sent a shiver up Cade's spine as he matched the jaguar woman's quickened steps.

  Cruising toward home Cade glanced at Eve out of the corner of his eye, the young woman had been unusually quiet after her declaration.

  Deciding the quiet of the car was not a good sign even after she had forcefully cut off the radio after they took off.

  As home came into view he laid his hand on her thigh startling the woman out of her thoughts.

  He almost removed his hand before Eve placed her furred hand on his and began to purr as she made sm
all patterns on the back of his hand.

  "I'm horny my Cade is all"

  He almost flew them into the ground after her quiet words, her statement not anywhere near what he expected.

  "I'm not sure what to do about that Eve."

  As his heart rate slowed after their near-death experience Cade chuckled as he noticed the death grip Eve's hand had on his still held in her lap.

  "You need to do nothing my Cade. I will handle this as I do every day, I am fortunate I haven't been with another. This need added to my heat would be unimaginable if what Mina has described is any indication."

  Cade's smile grew as he remembered his Mina's desperation as she went through her heat, her needy moans ran through his mind as something other than his grin swelled.

  A taboo thought floated through his thoughts as he sympathized with his little pixie's plight as they landed in the garage.

  "One moment Eve I need to get permission for an idea I just thought of."

  Eve gave him a curious expression as her hand left the seatbelt buckle and she settled into her seat to wait for the results of his idea.

  Throwing the question to his wives Cade felt laughter flow through the group before Promena answered his question with uncontrollable laughter.

  "We all agree the girl should have something to look forward to. Give us a moment to find our favorite and we will send it to her."

  Cade nodded his assent before he settled back into his seat to wait with Eve for the results of his request.

  A few moments later her eyes grew wide and she scrambled to get out of the car, almost falling on the floor of the garage in her rush.

  She almost bowled over Nat as she ran towards her room, slamming the door loudly behind her as she entered.

  "Who knew dick picks would be a thing, hope it helps."

  As Cade laid Eve's purchases next to her door with liberal use of his abilities well away from hearing distance he sent out a request to his goddess to retrieve him from Poppy.

  "Just visiting for a day Cade," he thought to himself as his goddess laid a phantom kiss on his lips.

  Stretching languidly Cade awoke slowly from his restful night.

  His night had been very relaxing, after a dinner that had consisted of a version of this world's Shepard pie that Xanida had insisted feeding him to his wives amusement they had retired to the bedroom for a movie night.

  He had been surprised when Sabine had suggested it, Promena had upgraded their bedroom, evidenced by the tv loaded with every movie Cade had ever watched.

  His surprise had grown after the movie when they had simply curled up in the bed with him sandwiched between Sabine and Laurith.

  He had laid there with his throbbing dick between Sabine's soft ass cheeks for several minutes before he voiced his concerns mentally to his wives.

  A round of laughter had sounded through his mind after he apologized to them for asking them to send the underaged Eve an image of his dick.

  "You have done nothing wrong my love we just want to sleep for a full night for once. If we let you have your way with us we might miss our wedding feast."

  As Beth finished her explanation she had reached behind her over Sabine and placed his hand on one of her enormous breasts with a chuckle.

  Tapping Sabine's shoulder with a finger he woke up his little snake for her daily feeding.

  "Would you like to join me in the bath, my love?"

  A sleepy affirmative noise answered his question as they both carefully left the bed.

  Cade's curiosity over his mate's reluctance last night left him after his sweet had drunk her fill of his blood and proceeded to sip down another body fluid to his pleasure and hers.

  Coming up for air as he devoured his little snake's pussy Cade groaned out his second orgasm as he sipped down Sabine's squirting fluids and she gulped down his seed.

  "Just need some Wheaties and that would be the breakfast of champions, don't you agree my sweet."

  A giggle left Sabine as she laid next to her mate after he had rolled to the side of her after their sixty-nine session.

  "I can't say I disagree my love but I was the one drinking the yummy white stuff, though I do agree some breakfast is in order."

  "Well I for one find your stuff very yummy but I could do with a solid meal too."

  As they rose from the ground Sabine let out a belch and covered her stomach as she swayed.

  "Just a little air in my stomach my love, go get something to eat and I will wake up everyone else."

  Cade's concern for his wife grew as her bronze complexion changed to a sickly green before she took a deep breath and moved towards their room.

  As he opened his mouth to ask her if she was ok Sabine waved his question off before she closed the door behind her.

  Retrieving the clothes for the festivities today after a quick shower Cade left their bathroom to see what was on the menu for breakfast today.

  Intense hushed conversation met him as he entered the kitchen, Xandia, Eve, and Nat furiously talking between one another.

  Not wanting to eavesdrop on what was clearly a private conversation Cade cleared his throat before chuckling at their reactions.

  Xandia's long tail knocked over one of the unoccupied chairs as she rose from her seat to greet him. The clattering sound of the chair was followed by twin thuds as Eve and Nat stood quickly from their seated positions.

  "Good morning Cade breakfast is ready if you will have a seat."

  Nat as the first one to recover from her shock was also the last one in the room as Eve and Xandia scrambled over to the third bedroom.

  Curiosity bloomed on his face quickly followed by shock as the two women returned with plates piled high with food.

  "Promena thought we could use our own kitchen, the old one is for you whenever the need to cook for us hits you."

  Nat's examination for the magically appearing food was followed by a chuckle as Cade's shock changed to mild irritation.

  "If that is what you want, I kind of enjoyed watching your ass while you cooked."

  His irritation evaporated as his dig hit home and Nat's cheekbones turned a pleasant shade of pink.

  "I might have to have a private lesson with you soon, one shouldn't leave a man wanting."

  Cade's attempt to correct Nat's saying was interrupted by Xandia as she stole a kiss in passing before she hurried to retrieve the rest of their meal.

  As he heard the sound of his wives descending the stairs from their bedroom he decided to leave the improper saying and the stolen kiss alone.

  As his wives gave and received their morning kisses Beth nearly climbed up his body as she kissed herself breathless.

  "I am just so excited for today my love, we received a message from my mother yesterday while you were out on your date with our pixie. My mother has been given the council seat vacated by Darius and the Strong Stone clan. Oh don't look like that they aren't going to be using it anymore, isn't that right Laurith. They will be announcing it during our wedding feast, I hope you don't mind."

  After her rushed explanation Beth again tried to kiss the breath out of her husband as she ground her hips into his stomach.

  "And now I have a wet spot, come husband your WIFE needs you to help her change her clothes."

  Beth finished her request by pulling her confused husband past their chuckling wives towards their room.

  Cade was a little overwhelmed by his little firebrands intensity as she almost dragged him up the steps to their room and slammed the door behind her after she pushed him into the room.

  "Do I want to ask why I am being..."

  Before he could finish his question Beth had disrobed and shoved him into the bed.

  "Don't talk this monster and I need to have a long discussion."

  After she finished Beth fished out said monster from Cade's pants from her kneeling position between his legs he gave a stifled groan as his engorged length slapped in between her massive breasts.

  "I want you to cum o
n my tits husband then you may give me your seed, gently mind you we have a long day ahead of us and I would like to be able to walk for most of it."

  After her request, Beth dipped her head and forced the head of her husband's length between her lips before letting a liberal amount of saliva trickle down his shaft, lubricating the valley between her breasts.


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