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Singularity: Book Two of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

Page 24

by Rick Lakin

“I’d be honored, Captain.”

  “Cool, Mom,” Jeff said.

  “You, go change to your suit.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Crew, and Commander Rodriguez,” Jack said. “The flight commander would like us to join him for a brief.”

  Mia, Jack, Jennifer, Tayla, and David met the other helicopter pilots at the foot of the ramp led by a Marine light colonel. Salutes were exchanged.

  “I'm Lieutenant Colonel Steve Mason call sign Bluejacket. and this is Major Tom Goodwin call sign Bulldog. I still don't believe what I just saw when you magically turned a Gulfstream into a starship.”

  “I’m Jack Masing, Commander Rodriguez, callsign Coyote will be in the left seat.”

  “Your last flight was a tough one,” Steve said.

  She nodded. “I didn’t walk away from that landing but thanks to this crew, I’m walking now.”

  “Coyote, we’ll be flying right echelon starting with you in the slot,” Steve said. “Are you familiar with evasive tactics?”

  “Yes, I am,” Mia said.

  “We’ll be rotating through Evasive Three at twenty-five hundred feet until final approach. To those on the ground, it will look like a normal Marine One Flight. You’ll be designated Charlie Two.”

  “I’ve got it,” Mia said.

  “Captain, I understand that your departure will be more public.”

  “Yes, we’re going to show off a bit if the weather clears.”

  “This cell is blowing northeast. The sun should be out for a clear landing on the South Lawn,” Steve said. “We don’t have time for a tour. Let’s get going.”

  Maiara came down the ramp carrying two swag bags. “Gentlemen, please enjoy these.”

  “Thanks, enjoy your visit to the White House,” Steve said. “We’ll turn rotors in three minutes.”

  They shook hands, and the Brilliant crew went up the ramp as it began to rise behind them. When the ship was sealed, it converted to a Sikorsky VX-5B dressed in white and green livery with United States of America on each side.

  Mia returned to the bridge and, with no hesitation, took the left seat. It was configured exactly like the bird she almost perished in on the Winfrey.


  “Your ship, commander,” Jack said.

  “Ready, Coyote,” Jennifer said. “I’m Jendroid.”

  “Startup checklist. Start the auxiliary turbine,” Mia said.

  “Internal power only. Ready to taxi,” Jendroid said.

  “Captain, may I stand here?” Jeff asked. He pointed to the empty area over his mother’s right shoulder. He had changed back to his blue suit.

  “Sure,” Jack said.

  Chuck Rodriguez stood over her left shoulder.

  Mia followed a ground crew marine with wands to a point on the drying tarmac.

  “Charlie Flight turn your rotors,” Bluejacket said.

  “Charlie Two,” Mia said. “Jendroid, start main engines.”

  “Spinning one,” Jendroid said. Those aboard heard familiar jet engine sounds. There was vibration as the engine passed through the resonant frequency of the turbine. The displays showed the rotors slowly begin to turn.

  “Spinning two.”

  “Takeoff checklist,” Mia said.

  “Pressures and temperatures nominal,” Jendroid said. “Rotors fully engaged.”

  “Vertical Rise to two hundred feet on my mark,” Bluejacket said.

  Charlie Two and Three acknowledged.

  “Up and away,” Bluejacket said.

  The three helicopters rose as one, formed a right echelon. Charlie Two and Three maintained formation on the leader as he turned northwest climbing to twenty-five hundred feet as they passed over I-495.

  With the Potomac River on the left, they approached the Anacostia River.

  “Evade Three,” Bluejacket said.

  Charlie One swung to his right and fell behind.

  “Charlie Two in the lead,” Mia said.

  “Keep the Capitol Dome on your left, Coyote,” Bluejacket said. “I’ll call the left turn to the Jefferson over Maryland Avenue.”

  “Charlie Two.”

  The riders viewed the Capitol Building on the left of Brilliant.

  “Start the left turn,” Bluejacket said.

  The formation made a smooth bank to the left. Mia spotted the Jefferson Memorial on her nose.

  “Evade Three,” Bluejacket said.

  Mia banked right, reduced speed, and then swung into the trail position.

  “Charlie Three in the lead,” Bulldog said.

  “Shift to left echelon,” Bluejacket said.

  “Charlie Two.”

  Mia descended, watched Charlie One’s tail closely as she swung left, then climbed back to the trailing spot.

  “I’ll call the turn with the Washington on your right,” Bluejacket said.

  “Charlie Three,” Bulldog said.

  They crossed the National Mall and saw the Washington Monument on their right.

  “Start the turn,” Bluejacket said.

  They finished the turn over the Tidal Basin with Seventeenth Street on her nose.

  “Evade Three,” Bluejacket said.

  Charlie Three swung to the left and fell back to the trail position.

  “Charlie One in the lead,” Bluejacket said. “Charlie Two, as we pass the Ellipse, begin your descent to the South Lawn. Very nice flying, Coyote.”

  “Charlie Two acknowledges,” Mia said. “It’s been my honor.”

  “Begin your descent and try to stay out of the way of flying turbine blades in the future. You’re cleared to land on the South Lawn of the White House.”

  “Charlie Two. Take care and Godspeed.”

  She began her descent and turned right. She executed a perfect landing on the South Lawn.

  “Very nice flying, commander,” Jack said. “Perform your shutdowns.”

  “Aye, Captain,” Mia said. “Turbines are shut down.”

  They watched as the rotors spun down.

  “Rotors are secure, Captain,” Mia said. “Good job, Jendroid. Captain, I’m ready to be relieved.”

  “I relieve you,” Jack said. “Engineer, uncloak the ship, put her in standby, and lower the ramp.”

  “The ship is in standby,” Riley said. “Ramp is down.”

  “Very well,” Jack said. “Let’s go meet the President.”

  Maiara was standing at the top of the ramp when a Marine Captain appeared at the foot of the ramp.

  He saluted. “Request to come aboard, Ma’am.”

  She returned the salute. “Come aboard, Marine.” Six enlisted sailors formed at the foot of the ramp tending the side.

  The marine came up the ramp and shook hands with Maiara. “Welcome aboard.”

  “I’m Captain Jennings. I’ll assist with protocol.”

  The crew was gathering. “Welcome aboard, Captain,” Jack said. “I’m Captain Masing; this is Admiral Kelrithian.”

  “The president sends her regards and welcomes you to the White House,” Captain Jennings said. “I’ll be at the foot of the ramp, and I’ll direct traffic. The senior officers will exit first while the Marine Band plays Ruffles and Flourishes. Then Commander Rodriguez and her family will exit with Dr. Ami followed by the crew and the riders as the band plays Anchors Aweigh.”

  “Got it,” Jack said.

  “Your party will proceed to a receiving line to meet the president and her family before the ceremony. We understand that Miss Gallagher has some books to sign with the Star Squad and we would like for her to do that at a table after the ceremony.”

  “How many books, Captain?” Jennifer asked.

  “Thirteen books for the president’s daughters and her friends,” Captain Jennings said.

  “We brought fifty swag bags,” Maiara said. “Will that be enough for everyone?”

  “Swag bags?” Jennings asked.

  “It’s a Hollywood term for gifts,” Navvy said.

  “I see. After you exit, th
e side boys will come aboard and assist,” Jennings said. “Any questions?”

  “We’ll await your signal,” Navvy said.

  The Marine descended the ramp and stood watching for his signal. He turned and nodded to the admiral.

  “Present Arms,” the Marine captain shouted. The Brilliant contingent descended the ramp and followed the red carpet.

  President Susan Ortega led the receiving line. Senator Curtwell stood to her left.

  “Admiral Kelrithian, welcome to the White House,” President Ortega said. “You have a beautiful starship.”

  “Thank you, Madam President,” Navvy said. “This is Captain Jack Masing.”

  They shook hands.

  “May I present the Rodriguez family, Dr. Ami, and the crew of StarCruiser Brilliant.”

  Kalinda carried Dandy through the receiving line. The president patted his head. “What a pretty cat.”

  “Ma’am, Dandy Lion is the ship’s cat.”

  “You have a problem with mice?” the president said.

  There are no mice aboard my ship. Dandy glared at the president.

  “I’m sure there are not,” the president said. “Wait…who said that?” She saw Dandy’s cat glare and raised her eyebrows.

  The rest of the formalities proceeded with but a single glitch. After Senator Curtwell hugged her daughter and grandson, she glared at Dr. Ami and refused to shake her hand.

  Everyone took their seats, and the ceremony began. President Ortega made opening remarks and then, “Admiral Kelrithian, Commander Rodriguez, could you and your family join me on the platform?”

  After all were gathered along with Senator Curtwell, the President looked to her right at a Navy Commander standing at a microphone. “Commander?”

  “StarCruiser Brilliant, front and center,” the commander said.

  As rehearsed, Jack and the crew lined up before the President of the United States with Jack on her right and the crew in order of descending rank. The captain nodded, and the crew saluted together. The president returned the salute, and the crew stood at attention. Kalinda remained in her chair until Jack motioned her to join them at the end of the line.

  The commander began the citation, “Attention to Orders:”

  “StarCruiser Brilliant, a reserve unit of Star Squadron One has distinguished itself as the singularly outstanding unit in the United States Navy’s Star Force, completing the toughest tasks with heroism, efficiency, and precision. Brilliant and its crew perform at the highest levels of professionalism and receive the highest praise on both classified and unclassified missions assigned by the Chief of Naval Operations in support of units in all branches of service around the world.

  “Brilliant especially distinguished itself on September 19, 2067, when the starship was diverted from a mission in the vicinity of the moon, traveled to the USS Oprah Winfrey in the Persian Gulf with extraordinary speed, and rescued Lieutenant Commander Mia Rodriguez after a life-threatening accident. While transporting Commander Rodriguez, the medical staff aboard Brilliant performed outstanding and original organ transplant surgery to revive the commander and save her life.

  “The heroic actions of StarCruiser Brilliant and her crew are in keeping the highest ideals of professionalism and the answer to the call to duty of the United States of America and are deserving of the Presidential Navy Unit Commendation.

  “This is the seventh award presented to StarCruiser Brilliant.”

  The President descended the platform. She presented a medal and shook hands with each crew member including Kalinda standing next to her father holding Dandy.

  “I understand you two helped the commander’s son through this.”

  That’s what we do, Dandy thought.

  Again, the president raised her eyebrows as she looked at Dandy.

  Kalinda glowed. “Yes, Madam President. Thank you, Ma’am.”

  The president stepped back and saluted the crew. The salute was returned, and she began the applause.

  She returned to the podium, and the crew returned to their seats. “Next I’m going to present the Navy Lifesaving Medal. Commander?”

  “Dr. Ami Teesmith, front and center.”

  Senator Curtwell stepped up next to the President. “Madam President, this robot is not a person. It’s an illegal and dangerous product of an illegitimate enterprise.”

  “Senator, in our country,” President Ortega said, “a person or an entity is not deemed illegal. We judge them on their actions and their merits.”

  “But…” the senator said.

  “Stand down, Senator.”

  Senator Curtwell stepped back and glared at Dr. Ami.

  The commander read the citation. “Dr. Ami's innovative actions under difficult conditions on September 19, 2067, in saving the life of Lieutenant Commander Mia Rodriguez are in keeping with the highest traditions of the medical service and deserving of the Navy Lifesaving Medal.”

  The president presented the medal, and the members of the StarCruiser Brilliant stood and applauded as did the members of the White House Medical Unit gathered to the right of the platform.

  “That completes the military awards,” President Ortega said. “Please remain on the podium, Dr. Ami. I want to make one more presentation. Jennifer Gallagher, please come up here.”

  Jennifer looked around at the others and then at her grandfather. He grinned and shrugged. She went up to the podium.

  “This morning I signed an executive order,” the president said.

  Senator Curtwell mouthed the word, 'no.'

  “I’d like the Under Secretary of Defense for Technology Procurement Jake Hargrove, Senior to come up and explain.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Gallagher,” Secretary Hargrove said. “Is junior worth what you’re paying him?”

  Jennifer smiled and looked at Jake who was glowing bright red. “He most certainly is, Mr. Secretary.”

  “It’s been a goal of the president to create a technological solution to our acute shortage of trained doctors,” Secretary Hargrove said. “Dr. Ami Teesmith stands before us as an example of unsolicited private sector development in pursuit of that goal. Therefore, the president has instructed me to award your company, JennaTech, a contract to create fifty cyberian doctors to be assigned at military hospitals in the United States serving active duty members, veterans, and their families.”

  Senator Curtwell burst forward. “I protest,” she said. “This person willfully violated the Dangerous Technologies Act. I protest…”

  Two secret service agents restrained her by the arms. The senator crumpled to the deck holding her left arm.

  Dr. Ami was the nearest. She bent down and observed that the senator was very white. She looked at the line of medical personnel. “Cardiologist, bring an AED.”

  The cardiologist came up with a defibrillator.

  “Hook her up,” Dr. Ami said.

  The cardiologist acted. “She’s not in arrest.”

  “She will be in thirty seconds,” Dr. Ami said. “What facilities do you have here?”

  “We have a cardiac emergency room in the cottage.”

  The senator grabbed at Dr. Ami’s arm. “No let the robot…” Her eyes rolled back in her head.

  Beep-beep-beep. “She’s in arrest, Doctor,”

  “Gurney, now,” Ami said. “Brilliant will transport her to Walter Reed.” She shouted, “Captain, one-sixth gravity, one-hundred percent oxygen in sickbay.”

  “Aye aye, Doctor,” Jack said. The crew in blue uniforms were already sprinting to the ramp. Mia was beside her mom on the gurney while Chuck and Jeff were running ahead to the ramp as well. Jack and Navvy brought up the rear. Jack ran to the firepole and made the bridge in one jump in the lower gravity. Navvy stood by as the gurney passed and pressed the ramp actuator.

  “The ship is sealed,” Navvy said.

  Jack took the center seat and observed the bridge crew preparing to depart.


  “Sick Bay is sealed,”
Dr. Ami said. “You may depart.”

  “We have a clear corridor and an escort, Captain,” Tayla said.

  “Course laid in, sir,” Jennifer said.

  “Pilot, raise ship and proceed.”

  Brilliant rose quickly straight up and turned left over the White House.

  “Ten minutes, sir.”

  The captain looked left and right and saw Charlie One and Three in formation.

  “Walter Reed reports clear pad and personnel standing by,” Tayla said.

  “Ten minutes, Doctor,” Jack said.

  Kalinda was sitting with Jeff and his parents. “Dr. Ami will get her through.”

  “I know,” Jeff said. They held hands.

  Dandy Lion jumped up on Mia’s lap, snuggled in, and began purring.

  Mia relaxed a bit.

  In sickbay “Ten minutes, aye captain,” Dr. Ami said. “Doctor?”

  “She has been in arrest for two minutes with CPR and three shocks. No response,” the White House cardiologist said.


  Ani appeared across from Ami. “Right here. Placing the mini projector.”

  A scan appeared above the senator’s chest. “I see ninety percent blockage in three arteries.” She looked at Ani.

  Ani held up her hands. “You’ve got access.”

  Dr. Ami began the surgery with hers and Ani’s hands.

  “What are you doing, Doctor?” the White House cardiologist said.

  “I’m performing a triple bypass using virtual tissue.”

  He watched as Dr. Ami performed the complex operation at fifty times normal speed. Three minutes later, Dr. Ami raised her hands.

  “Shock her once more, Doctor.”

  The senator reacted on the table. Beep…Beep…Beep. “Normal sinus rhythm, Doctor. The patient was in arrest for five-and-a-half-minutes. The EKG indicates no damage to the heart,” the cardiologist said. “Congratulations.”

  “Does Walter Reed Regen have the senator’s DNA?”

  “Yes, they do.”

  Lieutenant Commander Rodriquez was standing outside sickbay. “Come in, Mia.”

  “Thanks again, Dr. Ami.”

  “You’re welcome, again,” Dr. Ami said. “Captain, inform Chuck and Jeff Senator Curtwell is stable. I’ve performed a virtual triple bypass, but we need to operate soon.”

  “They’re all smiles now,” Jack said.


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