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Managed by Chance

Page 3

by Amy DeMeritt

  Most of their friends knew how close Mel and Layla were and that they’ve never been more than friends and they accepted it, regardless of how things appeared sometimes. But others, and Beth was one of them, never quite believed completely that they weren’t secretly dating or wanted to be.

  They loved each other and they knew each other better than they knew themselves sometimes. But they’ve never had romantic feelings for each other.

  Dinner out with friends was exactly the fun both of them needed. And by the time they were walking back home together, they were practically floating.

  “Thanks for cheering me up tonight. Your dance was actually very cute and kind of sexy.”

  Mel flashed a cocky grin and wiggled her hips, while teasing, “Oh, yeah? Want a private show when we get home?”

  “How about a private training session? I want to lose ten pounds. And close your mouth, Mel. I know you’re going to say I don’t need to lose any weight, but I want to. I would feel better about myself if my clothes fit better. And I don’t want to buy a bigger size.”

  “Alright, but you believe me, right? You’re hot, Layla.”

  “Yeah, I do. Thanks. I just want to be able to feel it and see it too.”

  “Okay, I’ll help you get all hot and sweaty.”

  Chapter Four

  When Mel agreed to help Layla reboot an exercise plan, something they’ve done together on and off their entire friendship of eight years, she didn’t expect to end up being so sore from it. Layla obsessively kept them on track for an entire week, not giving them a single day off. They’ve been running, doing combo exercises with free weights, floor exercises, and tons of walking. She even insisted on them walking to the grocery store over the weekend, which was four miles from their apartment. It was over one-hundred-degrees outside, and because of the weight of the bags, they felt like their fingers were going to fall off and shoulders were going to seize up.

  “Hey, Mel, can you help me with something?”

  Still digging at her left shoulder, she looked up from her computer as one of her team members walked into her small office.

  “What’s up, Dan?”

  He sat down in a chair on the opposite side of her desk, pulling it up closer so he could lay some papers down for her to look at. He pulled a red pen from behind his ear and pointed down at a few circled sections.

  “I’m trying to build that enhancement for the order tracking page, but I can’t get the coding right. It’s got to be something wrong in one of these sections.”

  Mel used an envelope opener to scan through the script while she continued to dig at her shoulder.

  “Pinched nerve?”

  “Probably. Layla’s got us on this exercise routine that’s wrecking my whole body.”

  He laughed as he leaned back in his chair rubbing his scruffy jaw. “Jessica’s been nagging me to start something up with her. She wants us to join that new 24/7 gym down the street. No way I’m joining a gym that’s open 24/7 so she can drag me out of bed at 2am when her insomnia’s keeping her up.”

  “I’m with you on that one. I’m sure it’s beneficial for some people, but I need my sleep.” She grabbed another page to look through the coding. “I think I see what the issue is, but I need to see it on the screen. Do you still have it up?”

  “Yeah, I just locked my computer. The page should still be active.”

  She followed Dan out to his desk, and after she told him what to fix, he deployed the change in the test system. She watched him perform the function, and after seeing it was working properly, she explained why the original coding was wrong so he would know for next time.

  After he finished making a note for the future, he quietly asked, “Do you know anything about this new manager we’re getting next week?”

  “Nope.” She shook her head and leaned against his cubicle wall. “All I know is she has the years of experience they’re looking for.”

  His eyebrows raised, and he scoffed, “For real? That’s what it was?”

  She shrugged a shoulder but didn’t answer. Everyone on her team individually expressed that they don’t agree with the decision to bring in an outsider and that they think Mel should have received the promotion. As much as she loved to hear them say it, her professionalism and duty to her title wouldn’t allow her to engage much in the conversations. But even still, it was evident to her team that she was not happy about it either.

  “You need anything else?”

  “No. I’ll send you the test results when I’m done so you can double check the work before it’s deployed to the live site. I should have all of the beta testing done by tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay, thanks, Dan.”

  Even though she was in pain, Layla’s exercise schedule has kept her distracted from her discontent from the impending meeting of the woman being given the job that should have been hers. With each day that passed, it was harder for her to remain positive and keep her bitterness hidden. The constant questions from her team didn’t help. Well, it helped her ego, but the bigger the boost to her ego, the harder it was to accept that she didn’t get the promotion.

  When she finally got home after work, and saw Layla asleep on the couch, she released a long deep sigh. She really didn’t want to work out tonight. But as she was tiptoeing through the living room to go to her bedroom and change, Layla sat up and stretched with a yawn.

  “Hey. Ready to go…?”

  “No, Layla, you’re killing me.”

  Mel practically ran down the hall to get to her bedroom, and as she was about to close the door, Layla pushed it open and plopped down on the bed, making the wooden frame and Mel groan.

  “Get changed.”

  “We need a rest day, Layla. We haven’t had a day off in seven days. I’m too old for this.”

  “Old?” Layla snorted and kicked out to pat Mel’s ass as she sat on the bed to take her shoes off. “You’re only twenty-six. Fine, we’ll take a night off. I’m pretty sore anyway.”

  “Thank the lesbian goddesses!” Mel flopped back on the bed. “I’m beat. We should get massages. What time does that place close that Beth works at?”

  “I don’t know. Do you have your phone on you? Mine is on the coffee table.”

  Mel handed her cellphone over to Layla and waited while she looked up the hours online. “They close at eight. Do you want me to call?”

  “Yes. See if they can get us in tonight. At least for our backs and feet.”

  The quiet sound of the phone ringing on the other end, then listening to Layla talk in her sweet phone voice with the spa’s receptionist was like a sleeping pill, and by the time Layla was disconnecting the call, Mel was nearly asleep.

  Layla startled her awake by tugging her ear, and cheerily announced, “We have an appointment in thirty minutes. Get changed.”

  “Thank the lesbian goddesses. I need hands on my body pronto.”

  Layla laughed hard and nudged her hip with her foot. “You really need to get laid.”

  “I’m too tired for that.” Mel sat up rubbing her hands over her face and yawned. “Hey, what the hell happened to you getting me out of town for a mini-vacation before this bitch comes and steals my promotion?”

  “We already talked about that. I couldn’t get off. Too many people already had time scheduled.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot. All this exercising is burning up my braincells.” She pulled on a tee shirt, and while she fixed her short wavy light brown hair, she asked, “How’s it going for you?”

  “Braincells are still intact.” Mel rolled her eyes, giving her an unamused look. “I haven’t lost a single pound yet. Have you lost weight?”

  Mel shook her head, and through a yawn, she answered, “No, I don’t think I’ve lost anything aside from the memory of what it feels like to not be in constant pain. Don’t they say it can take a couple of weeks before you see a difference on the scale because you’re toning and building muscle while you’re burning fat?”

  “Yeah, but
it’s annoying.”

  “Seriously. For all this pain, I should at least have a six-pack by now.”

  With a laugh, Layla hopped off the bed and pulled Mel up before her ass could land on the mattress. “You’re being such a baby. Come on. We can’t be late. They charge an extra twenty-five dollars per person if we are.”

  “I guess we just figured out how to make sure you’re on time for everything. I’ll just start billing you.”

  “Only if you buy me presents with my money.”

  “Damn, even the prospect of losing all of your money isn’t motivating enough to get your ass to work on time.”

  After locking the apartment door, Layla looped her arm with Mel’s, and countered, “If you’re going to buy me presents, what do I care? I need a new tablet. Mine won’t hold a charge for very long anymore.”

  Mel shook her head as she leaned against the back of the elevator car and yawned deeply. “You’re insane.”

  “Shut up, you love me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, somehow.”

  They rode the elevator down to the foyer in silence, then as they started walking across the parking lot, Layla asked, “If I give you another day off tomorrow, will you go dancing with me instead?”

  “Do I get to drink?”

  Not only was Layla making them work out every day, but she also had both of them on a strict diet. They’ve been drinking healthy smoothies for breakfast and big salads with mostly vegetables for lunch and dinner. And no beer or liquor. Layla even gave the last ten bottles of beer they had to Alice.

  Which, of course, made Alice think Mel had a drinking problem. That was an awkward and embarrassing conversation the next morning on the ride down the elevator.

  “Yes, you can drink, as long as you don’t get drunk. I only plan on having one drink. You have to help me stick to that.”

  “Do I normally get drunk?”

  “No, but…”

  “No, buts. I’m here for you, Layla. I’m doing all of this for you. Don’t make me feel shittier about that night with statements like that.”

  Layla pouted in the passenger seat as Mel pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic. She grumbled an apology, to which Mel teased, “What’s that? I didn’t hear you?”

  “Stop it. You know I didn’t mean it like that. I wasn’t even thinking about that night. I just want you to help me control my own drinking.”

  “Then that’s all you have to say.”

  “I’m sorry. Anyway, how are you doing with all of that? You ready for Monday?”

  “No. I actually thought about quitting. Or calling out. Stupid, I know. I love my team for being on my side about this, but all of their questions and comments are starting to eat my nerves. Maybe going dancing is exactly what I need.”


  Mel released a small laugh. “Sorry for snapping about the drinking comment. I’m just grumpy.”

  “It’s okay. I deserved it. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Hey, stop undoing my apology with your self-deprecating martyr bullshit. You’re perfect.”

  “Right.” Layla laughed. “And you’re full of shit.” Layla hopped in her seat, making a silly shrieking sound that startled Mel, causing her to jerk the wheel and almost run up a curb. “Shit, sorry. I just had the best idea for Monday night. Don’t you worry, my little grouch. I have a plan that will put you in a better mood.”

  “If it involves a prostitute or a stripper, I’ll pass.”

  Layla laughed hard, shaking her head. “No, but that is a good idea for another night. You pay for the massages tonight and I’ll pay for a top-quality escort to re-pop your cherry.”

  “You’re so weird. I’m not a virgin again just because it’s been two years since I’ve had sex. It doesn’t work that way. But I’ll still pay for the massages.”


  The victorious tone in Layla’s voice made the back of Mel’s neck prickle. She looked over to see Layla grinning like a little devil.

  “Don’t you dare contact an escort service or any other related service. I will change the locks on the apartment.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Layla waved a dismissive hand with a laugh. “I would never actually do that. But you should let me set you up with someone. Girls ask about you all the time.”

  Mel rolled her eyes as she pulled into the spa’s parking lot. “You’re driving me crazy with this. Come on, I need someone to hold me down before I tackle you.”

  “See, you’re so horny that you’re coming onto me now.”

  Mel slapped her forehead as a couple of beautiful women walked out of the spa just in time to hear and snicker at Layla’s jest. Layla giggled and slapped Mel’s ass, further increasing the redness in her cheeks.

  Chapter Five

  The bumping bass, flashing multi-colored lights, and too many drinks had some of the half-naked bodies dancing around them looking like cats in a frenzy jumping and rolling around on a bed of catnip. But while Mel and Layla waded through the crowds with their friends tailing them, they got distracted by admiring more than a handful of dancers moving like they really knew what they were doing.

  Over the loud music, Layla leaned over and loudly asked in Mel’s ear, “See the redhead by the yellow pole? You should go talk to her.”

  Mel rolled her eyes and didn’t even glance in the direction of the redhead. She just dragged Layla to the bar so they could order their first drink. Or rather, the only drink they were allowed to have, according to the diet Layla had them on. There were four bartenders flying from one customer to the next, handing out beers, shaking cocktails, and flipping bottles to pour lines of shots.

  When they finally got the attention of one of them, a tough looking butch with a full sleeve of Japanese style tattoos on both arms leaned over the bar with a lustful grin, looking right in Layla’s eyes, and asked, “What can I get for you, gorgeous?”

  Layla peeled her arm free from Mel and leaned over the bar with the excitement of a sixteen-year-old being hit on for the first time by another woman. It was adorable and Mel was happy for her. Layla was having too many self-esteem issues, even though she turned heads all the time.

  “Can I have a Corona Light?”

  “Of course.” The bartender reached under the bar, popped the cap off of the bottle, and set it on the bar top. “It’s on me, after I see your ID.”

  Layla released a giggle and pulled her ID out of her pocket and handed it over. The bartender smirked as she looked between the picture and Layla.

  “Alright, Layla, here’s your beer.” She set both down in front of Layla, then asked, without taking her eyes off of her, “The soft-butch next to you – you attached to her?”

  Mel rolled her eyes and turned her back to lean against the bar and looked out at the bodies moving in beat to the electronic music, or at least trying to.

  “No,” Layla playfully shoved Mel’s shoulder, “she’s just my best friend. I brought her out to get laid. She needs some…”

  “Layla! For fucks sake.” Mel turned around, making Layla, the bartender, and all of their friends burst in laughter. “Yeah, yeah, it’s really funny.” She slapped a ten-dollar bill down on the bar with her ID. “Can I get a Jack, neat.”

  “Sure.” The bartender took the cash and the ID, then after turning away for a moment, she returned with a tumbler of whiskey and her ID. “Here you go, Melrose.”

  “It’s Mel. Thanks.”

  “Melrose is an interesting name. How’d you end up with that moniker?”

  “Parents named me, just like most people end up with their names.” Mel kissed Layla on the cheek, and said, “I’m going out there. Find me when you want to.”

  “Oh, come on, wait for the rest of us.”

  Gene tugged her back and forced her onto a stool so the rest of them could order their drinks. The bartender, who still hadn’t shared her own name, smirked at Mel before she winked at Layla, as if they were suddenly best friends and had their own inside jokes. It pissed Mel off
and her left thigh was feeling it. She was gripping the side of her thigh so hard to keep from exploding that she could actually feel her barely existent, very short fingernails digging through her jeans and into her sore muscle.

  By the time the bartender had set the last drink down for their group, Mel had finished her whiskey. Even though she agreed to only have one drink to help Layla control her own impulses to indulge, she set her glass on the damp wooden bar top with another ten-dollar bill and asked for a refill. Layla gave her a look that no one else noticed, but she ignored it. After her glass was filled, she took it and walked away before Layla or Gene could try to stop her again.

  Work was rough and she told Layla she probably wouldn’t be the best companion to have, despite how much she thought dancing was what she needed to mentally prepare for meeting her new manager the following Monday. A major security breech was detected overnight, and even though system security was handled by a different team, they had to put everything on hold to help with scrubbing billions of data files to see what was compromised. Her entire team didn’t get out of the office till after seven o’clock, at least two hours after their normal shift ends. Mel was expecting Monday to be hell trying to get caught up on their normal work, plus having to meet, entertain, and train their new boss.

  After aimlessly walking between dozens of people dancing, just trying to put as much distance between her and the annoying bartender, Mel found a vacant black velvet loveseat in a corner and claimed it for herself.

  Just as she was getting settled, her cellphone vibrated in her pocket and she released an audible groan. If all hell hadn’t broken loose at work today, she would ignore it because it was probably Layla. But there was a slim enough chance that it was work, so she grudgingly pulled the phone out of her pocket.

  But as she suspected, it was Layla, asking where she had disappeared to.

  Mel: Just enjoy your evening. My mood will only ruin the night.

  Layla: I’m sorry about blasting your business at the bar like that. Are you okay? Should we just leave?


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