Treasury of the True Dharma Eye
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paths, three lower. See also paths, six.
patience: 安忍 [annin]. See also pāramitās, six.
patience, pāramitā of. See also pāramitās, six.
pavilion, wind-and-string: 管絃樓 [kan gen rō].
pay respect: 禮敬 [raigyō].
peaceful establishment: 安立 [anryū].
pearl, a: 一顆珠 [ikka ju].
pearl, dragon’s bright: 驪珠 [ri ju]. Pearl said to be hidden under a dragon jar. Symbol of enlightenment.
pearl, one bright: Complete and nondual reality. See also One Bright Pearl.
pearl from the gill: 頷珠 [ganju].
pearl hidden in the hair: 髻珠 [keiju]. Pearl in the topknot.
pearl rolls on the board: 珠の盤をはしる [tama no ban wo hashiru].
pearl sewn inside the robe: See robe, pearl sewn inside the.
pebble from Mount Yan: 燕石 [En seki]. A rock that looks like a jewel but is actually worthless. Mount Yan is in present-day Hebei, China.
peg, anchoring: 一橛 [ikkitsu], literally, one peg.
Pei Xiu: See Minister Pei. penetrate: 透脱 [tōdatsu]. Break through, jump beyond, see through, free from, free and transparent, emancipation. 參徹 [santetsu], literally, practice through. 究辨 [kyūben], literally, inquire thoroughly, ultimate study. 説透 [settō], literally, speak through. 透擔來 [tōtanrai], literally, carry through. 透體 [tōtai], literally, go through the body. 透過す [tōka-su], literally, pass through.
penetration: 通 [tsū]. Direct experience; thorough understanding beyond discriminatory thinking.
penetrations, seven: 七通 [shichitsū]. Knowing freely.
people, good: 善男子 [zen nanshi], literally, good men.
people, mediocre: 庸流 [yōru], literally, ordinary stream. Also, mediocre lineage.
people of excellence: 哲匠 [tesshō], literally, wise artisan.
people outside: 傍觀 [bōkan], literally, (those who) see at a side.
perception. See also skandhas, five.
perception skandha: 受衆 [jushu], literally, perception assembly. See also skandhas, five.
period of decline: See also three periods.
permanence, dharma of: 定法 [jōhō].
permanent: 常住 [jōjū], literally, continuously abiding. Unchanged.
permanent self, view of a: See self, view of a permanent.
Persian person looks for ivory: 南海波斯求象牙 [nankai hashi gu zōge].
person, idle: 閑人 [kanjin].
person, iron: 鐵漢 [tekkan].
person, know the very: 當知是人 [tōchi zenin].
person, make a true: 爲人 [inin], literally, make a person. Teach someone.
person, original: 本來人 [honrainin].
person, true: 人 [nin], literally, person.
person, Zen: 禪人 [Zennin].
person as the very person, very: 如是當人 [nyo ze tōnin].
person beyond: 無人 [munin], literally, no person.
person beyond measure, great: 沒量大人 [motsuryō taijin].
person in the ultimate realm: See realm, person in the ultimate.
person to person, pass on: See pass on person to person.
person who is beyond enlightened: 不悟者 [fugosha], literally, one who is not enlightened.
perspective, lofty: 高著眼 [kōchakugan].
perturbed: 太心麁 [tai shinso], literally, very coarse mind.
petals, five: 五葉 [goyō].
phenomena, all: 萬象森羅 [manshō shinra], literally, myriad forms, many arraying. 萬回 [bankai], literally, myriad rotations.
phenomena, inexhaustible worlds of: 無盡法界 [mujin hokkai].
phenomena, temporary: 假法 [kehō].
phenomena, world of: 法界 [hokkai].
phrase, dead: 死句 [shiku].
phrase, single: 一句子 [ikkusu]. 子 [su] is a suffix with no special meaning. 一道 [ichi dō], literally, one expression.
Phrases, Three: 三句 [sanku]. Three lines that outline the essence of Zen. Separately taught by Linji Yixuan, Yantou Quanhuo, Fenyang Shanzhao, Yunmen Wenyan, and Taiping Huiqin.
pick it up or let it go: 一拈一放 [ichinen ippō], literally, taking up one, letting go one.
picture, enter into and see the: 入畫看 [nyū ga kan].
pieces, one hundred broken: 百雜碎 [hyakuzassui].
pilgrimage: 巡禮 [junrei].
pillar, bare: 露柱 [rochū]. An unpainted column in the lecture hall or buddha hall. Represents insentient existence. Synonym for walls or bricks and pebbles.
pillar walks in the sky: 露柱歩空行 [rochū ho kū gyō].
pillow, someone asleep at night searching for the: 如人夜間背手摸枕子 [nyo nin yakan haishu mo chinsu].
Pindola: 賓頭盧 [Binzuru]. Formerly a retainer of a king. Left the household and attained supernormal powers. At the Buddha’s request, he taught in southwestern India, not entering nirvāna. Foremost of the sixteen arhats—the Buddha’s disciples.
pishācha: Skt. 毘舍遮 [bisasha]. Flesh-eater. A type of demon.
pit: 窠窟 [kakutsu]. 窟坑 [kukkō]. Old pit: 舊窠 [kyūka]. Conventional views. Old pit of demons: 舊窠の鬼窟 [kyūka no kikutsu]. Pit of confusion.
pivotal, not: 不要 [fuyō]. Not essential.
place that contains one’s body: 容身の地 [yōshin no chi].
place, communal: 公界 [kugai]. Common area in a monastery where things for common use are kept.
place, this: 遮頭 [shatō]. Just this. 頭 [tō] is a suffix.
place, this very: 這裏 [shari], literally, this within.
plantain: 芭蕉 [bashō].
plaque announcing a sūtra recitation: 看經牌 [kankin hai].
platform, front: 前架 [zenka]. A raised, long seating area on the south side of the monks’ hall, near the center (where the monastery officers sit).
platform, long sitting: 長連床 [chōrenjō]. A raised seat in the monks’ hall on which five to ten monks do zazen side by side. Each assigned unit is called a tan. A cabinet is attached to the back of each tan for storing bedding and personal items.
platform, meditation: 禪床 [zenshō]. A long platform on which practitioners sit side by side.
platforms, sitting: 連床 [renjō].
play with: 弄(す) [rō(-su)]. Fool with.
pluck out: 抉出 [kesshutsu].
Plum Blossoms: 梅華 [Baika]. Fifty-ninth fascicle of this book.
point: 一究 [ikkyū], literally, one thorough investigation. 指示 [shiji], literally, point to and show. 道處 [dōsho], literally, place of expression.
Make a statement. 道理 [dōri]. Expression of understanding; reality; truth; teaching.
point, deepest: 徹地の堂奧 [tetchi no dō’ō], literally, inside the hall of penetration.
point, fundamental. See also kōan.
point, get the: 作得是 [satoku ze], literally, attain just this.
point, grasp the: 取則 [shusoku], literally, get the case (kōan).
point, have a: 一隅の搆得 [ichigū no kōtoku], literally, a corner (bit) of having arrived.
point, miss this: 猶滯 [yūtai], literally, further stagnant.
point, pivotal: 要機 [yōki]. Essential point; essential method.
point, this very: 正當 [shōtō], literally, correct hit.
point, turning: See turning point.
point, understanding this one: 這一解 [sha ichige].
Point of Zazen, The: 坐禪箴 [Zazen Shin]. Literally, bamboo needle on zazen.
Shin also means admonition. Twenty-eighth fascicle of this book.
poisons, three: 三毒 [sandoku]. Greed, hatred, and delusion.
pole, top of a one-hundred-foot bamboo: 百尺竿頭 [hyaku shaku kantō].
polishing a brick: See brick, polishing a.
poppy seed: 芥子 [keshi].
portrait: 頂相 [chinsō], literally, form of head top.
pound: See also jin.
pounding and crackling: 築著磕著 [chikujaku katsujaku]. Hit a stone and sound the stone. Bounce here and there.
power: 功力 [kuriki], literally, effort and strength. See also ability.
Power of the Robe: 袈裟功徳 [Kesa Kudoku]. Thirteenth fascicle of this book.
power, miraculous: 神力 [jinriki]. Extraordinary power.
powers, ten: 十力 [jūriki]. Extraordinary wisdom of the Buddha. Power to: discern what is reasonable and not; know each cause and effect; know various type of samādhis; distinguish abilities of sentient beings; know wishes of sentient beings; understand the nature of all beings; know the realms to which sentient beings are destined to go; recall the past lives of the self and others; know the death and rebirth of sentient beings; know the way to be free from desire.
Prabhā: 光明 [Kōmyō], literally, Radiant Light. Shākyamuni Buddha made offerings in his former lifetime to many Buddhas with this name.
Prabhāva: 威徳 [Itoku], literally, Awesome Virtue. Shākyamuni Buddha made offerings in his former lifetime to many Buddhas with this name.
Prabhūtaratna Tathāgata: See Tathāgata, Prabhūtaratna.
practice: 修行 [shugyō], 修 [shu], 行 [gyō]. Continuous daily activity centered on zazen. A moment-by-moment process of actualizing enlightenment, according to Dōgen. 修練 [shuren], literally, practice and train. 行李/行履 [anri], literally, traveling case / traveling sandal. Activity; daily activity; vital process; workings; 行業 [gyōgō], literally, taking action. 辦道 [bendō], literally, endeavor of the way.
practice, bodhisattva’s original: 本行菩薩道 [hongyō bosatsudō].
practice, complete: 行足 [gyōsoku], literally, sufficient practice.
practice, difficult and rigorous: 難行苦行 [nangyō kugyō].
practice, engage in early morning: 朝上朝參 [chōjō chōsan].
practice, intimate: 密行 [mitsu gyō]. Also, thorough practice.
practice, original: 本行 [hongyō]. Fundamental practice; practice in past life. 本修行[honshugyō]. Practice that in essence is realization.
practice, person of leisurely: 閑功夫漢 [kan kufū kan].
practice, pure: 操行 [sōgō].
practice, temper: 練磨 [remma], literally, temper and polish.
practice, thorough. See also practice, full.
practice, thoroughly: 參學 [sangaku]. Also, student. 參究(す) [sankyū(-su)], investigate thoroughly. 行盡 [gyōjin], literally, exhaust practice.
practice, true: 正修行 [shō shugyō].
practice, unchanging: 宛然なり[ennen nari], literally, as it is.
practice, wholeness of: 同修 [dōshu], literally, same practice. Practice that includes enlightenment.
practice, wondrous: 妙修 [myōshu]. Also, inconceivable practice that is not outside of realization.
practice and enlightenment, undividedness of: 不染汚の修證 [fuzenna no shushō]. Oneness or wholeness of practice and enlightenment.
practice and realization: 修證 [shushō]. Also, practice and enlightenment.
practice and realization, depend on: 假修證 [ka shushō].
practice and understanding, merge the: 行解相應 [gyōge sō’ō].
practice continuously: 展轉廣作す [tenden kōsa-su], literally, unfolding and turning broadly.
practice coordinator. See also officers, six.
practice-enlightenment. See also practice within realization.
practice for sudden or gradual realization: 頓漸修行 [tonzen shugyō].
practice instruction, evening: 暮請 [boshō]. Literally, evening request. Personal instruction in the abbot’s room.
practice mutually: 同參究 [dō sankū].
practice period: 安居 [ango], literally, “peaceful dwelling.” A three-month period of intensive practice. In Dōgen’s time the summer practice period ran from the fifteenth day of the fourth month to the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. It actually consisted of eighty-five days, but the number is rounded off, as is customary in East Asia, so that it is called a ninety-day practice period. (The winter practice period, which ran from the fifteenth day of the tenth month to the fifteenth day of the first month, was also known. But Dōgen says, “The tradition of winter practice period has not been passed on.”)
Practice Period: 安居 [Ango]. Seventy-ninth fascicle of this book.
practice period, completion of the: 解制 [kaisei], literally, undue restriction.
practice period, summer: 夏臘 [gerō]. See also practice period.
practice period draws to a close: 解夏 [kaige], literally, undue summer.
practice place: 道場 [dōjō], literally, place, way, or field of enlightenment. 選 佛道場 [sembutsu dōjō], literally, place of practice for selecting buddhas.
practice-realization: 修證 [shushō], originally, practice and realization/ enlightenment. See also practice within realization.
practice within realization: 證上の修 [shōjō no shū], literally, realization on top of practice. Practice that is inseparable from enlightenment or realization of buddha nature. A central teaching of Dōgen.
practices completely, person who: 大修行底人 [dai shugyō tei nin]. 底 [tei] is a suffix meaning “one who.”
practices, seven-type: 七種の行處 [shichishu no gyōsho]. Taught in Lotus Sūtra. Receive, chant, memorize, study, and copy Lotus Sūtra, plus see Shākyamuni Buddha and become Shākyamuni Buddha.
practicing: 依行 [egyō], literally, depend on practice.
practitioner: 仁者 [jinsha], literally, virtuous person. 作家 [sakke], literally, house (person) who makes or becomes (a buddha). practitioners, four groups of: 四衆 [shishu]. The Buddha’s four types of disciples: monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.
prajñā: Skt. Transliteration: 般若 [hannya]. Translation: 智慧 [chie]. Wisdom to see directly beyond dualistic views; wisdom beyond wisdom.
prajñā pāramitā: Skt. Transliteration: 般若波羅蜜多 [hannya haramitta], 般 若波羅蜜 [hannya haramitsu]. Arriving at prajñā; manifestation of prajñā; realization of wisdom beyond wisdom. See also pāramitās, six.
prajñā, base of: 般若臺 [hannya dai].
prajñā, eighteenfold: 十八枚の般若 [jūhachi mai no hannya]. Prajñā of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind; the prajñā of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and objects of mind; also the prajñā of the corresponding consciousness of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
prajñā, right seed of: 般若の正種 [hannya no shōshu].
prajñā, twelvefold: 般若波羅蜜十二枚 [hannya haramitsu jūni mai]. Prajñā that understands the twelvefold causation.
Prajñā Kūta Bodhisattva: See Bodhisattva, Prajñā Kūta.
Prajñātara: 般若多羅 [Hannyatara]. Ca. fifth–sixth century, India. Bodhidharma’s teacher. Originally a Brāhman in eastern India; taught in southern India. Regarded as the Twenty-seventh Ancestor in the Indian Zen tradition.
pratyeka-buddha: Skt. Transliteration: 辟支迦佛 [byakushika butsu]. Abbreviated as 辟支佛 [byakushi butsu], 支佛 [shi butsu]. Translation: 縁覺 [engaku], literally, one who realizes causation. 獨覺 [dokkaku], literally, (one who was) awakened alone. Solitary awakened person who did not study with an authentic teacher. Mahāyāna word for a sage of earlier-style Buddhism.
Pratyeka-buddha Vehicle. See also Vehicles, Three.
praying mantis: 螗螂 [tōrō].
precedent, ancient: 先蹤 [senshō]. Example.
precept: Skt., vinaya. Transliteration: 毘尼 [bini]. Translation: 戒律 [kairitsu], literally, precepts. 律學 [ritsugaku], literally, study (practice) of the precepts.
precept, break the: 越毘尼罪 [otsu bini zai], literally, crime of transgressing vinaya.
precept, buddha: See buddha precept.
precept, general: 通戒 [tsūkai].
Precept School: 律宗 [Risshū]. One of the Nine Schools of Buddhism in China, based on the Mahāyāna system of prece
pts. Daoxuan (596–667) is regarded as founder.
precepts: See precepts, ten; unwholesome actions, ten; precepts, come and receive the.
precepts, eight: 八戒 [hakkai]. Precepts observed by laypeople on six particular days of purification in a month: (1) not to kill; (2) not to steal; (3) not to misuse sex; (4) not to make false statements; (5) not to sell or buy alcohol; (6) not to decorate one’s hair and not to see or listen to music performance; (7) not to sleep on a high, wide bed; (8) not to eat outside the mealtime.
precepts, forty-eight minor: 四十八輕 [shijūhachi kyō].
precepts, hold to the: 持戒 [jikai].
precepts, pāramitā of. See also pāramitās, six.
precepts, receive the: 受具 [jugu].
precepts, ten: 十戒 [jikkai]. Ten pure precepts, 梵淨十戒 [bonjō jikkai]. 十重 [jū jū], literally, ten grave precepts. Guiding admonitions observed by Buddhists. The ten Mahāyāna precepts quoted by Dōgen’s “Receiving the Precepts” literally read: (1) not to kill; (2) not to steal; (3) not to misuse sex; (4) not to make false statements; (5) not to sell or buy alcohol; (6) not to discuss the faults of other home-leaver bodhisat-tvas; (7) not to praise yourself and insult others; (8) not to withhold dharma or treasure [the Buddha’s teaching or materials]; (9) not to be angry; (10) not to slander the three treasures. These precepts correspond to those in the Indra’s Net Sūtra.
prediction: 記莂 [kibetsu]. Of enlightenment.
prepare: 料理す [ryōri-su].
present in the three realms: 今此三界 [konshi sangai].
Priest Rock Head: See Shitou Xiqian.
primary beyond-truth: 第一無諦 [daiichi mutai], literally, primary no-truth.
primary truth: 第一義諦 [daiichi gitai].
Prince Shōtoku: 聖徳太子 [Shōtoku Taishi]. 574–622, Japan. Second son of Emperor Yōmei. As Regent of Emperor Suiko, he established a constitution and sent an envoy to China. A practitioner and pioneering supporter of Buddhism in Japan.
principle, clarify the: 究理 [kyūri]. Realize the great matter.
principle, profound:玄理 [genri]. 玄旨 [genshi]. 法則 [hōsoku], literally, law.
procedure: 儀則 [gisoku]. Also, rules of practice; occasions.
procedure, essential: 本儀 [hongi].
procedure, not following the authentic: 無稽古 [mukeiko], literally, not respecting the ancient.