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Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes)

Page 9

by Billie Lustig

  I press the button to FaceTime, then wait while the dial tone echoes through the room.

  “Hey, Kenny.” I smile when I’m met by the bubbly face of my big brother, my eyes welling up in relief.

  “Hey, Jameson.”

  “You okay?” He frowns with suspicion, probably seeing the emotion on my face.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just missing you.” I run a hand through my hair to give myself a second to force my tears away, sucking in air through my nose before shooting him a comforting look.

  “I miss you too, sis. Maybe you can come home for a few days at the end of this semester?”

  “Yeah, I’ll do that. Have you run into any people from high school since you’ve been home?” I ask casually, hoping he doesn’t see right through me.

  “Not really, to be honest. Except I saw Mrs. Williams the other day.”

  “Oh, really? How is she?” I ask him, even though I honestly don’t give a shit about our old history teacher. But I led him down this road. Have to stick with it now.

  “She’s good. Kept me occupied for ten minutes telling me about her grandchild.” He pulls a face that makes me laugh as I feel my body relax some more. “Oh, and that old friend of Emerson’s. Ran into him when I went for drinks the other night.”

  “What old friend?” I do my best to keep a straight face, but my ears prick up as my heart rate speeds up in anticipation.

  “The one with the curls. He’s a bit goofy. He never went to Boston with you guys because he’s running the hardware store. I forget his name.”

  “You mean Leo?”

  “Yeah! That’s him.”

  I sigh in relief, knowing Emerson hasn’t talked to Leo in years. At least, as far as I know.

  “Oh, yeah, he’s nice. How’s Mom?”

  “She’s good. Like always.” He smiles. “I have to go now. I’m going for a run. Call me later?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Alright, talk soon. Love you.”

  “Love you.” I hang up and close my eyes, leaning my head back against the door while I hold my phone to my chest, happy to know my brother is safe. Leo has never been close to Emerson, so when most of us followed Em to Boston, he stayed behind to help his dad with his store. I’m pretty sure Jameson seeing Leo was just a coincidence.


  I push those thoughts to the back of my head as I walk into my small bathroom and take my clothes off. My hand reaches out to turn on the faucet before I step under the warm stream, letting the water run through my hair. I feel like I can finally breathe, feeling comfortable in the safety of my small shower with nobody getting into my personal space, making me nervous as fuck.

  How the hell did I end up here?

  Two weeks ago, I was finally feeling free of Emerson, working at the bar to pay my bills and studying my ass off so I could graduate this summer. Life was finally calm, boring, and uneventful, leaving me to live my life in peace until I move back home after graduation.

  I press my head against the wet tiles, closing my eyes, thinking about the mess I’m in.

  Yet here I am, two weeks later, caught between two notorious criminals.

  One demanding my attention, the other demanding me to give him the information he needs to bring the other down.

  Franklin will kill me if he finds out I’m part of Emerson’s plan.

  Emerson will kill my brother if I don’t do what he asks.

  Either way, this doesn’t end well for me. Not to mention the fact that Franklin ignites something inside me that makes it hard for me to keep my distance from him.

  Especially after last night.

  Thirty minutes later, I’ve calmed down a bit and am walking into the living room. My hair’s still wet, and I’m wearing some jeans and a sweater, feeling the need to wear something comfortable because life refuses to give any to me.

  Josie’s feet are tucked under her ass while she’s sitting on the couch reading a magazine with a cup of tea in her hand and a bag of Hershey’s on her lap. She glances at me when I flop onto the couch next to her before her eyes move back to the pages in front of her, as if she isn’t dying to know what I was up to last night. Even though I’m sure my walk of shame told her enough.

  “Really, J?”

  “Ssh, I need to finish this first.”

  I roll my eyes at her, letting out a small grunt.

  She’s such a drama queen at times.

  She makes me wait another minute before she closes the magazine and throws it on the table. Then she faces me, getting more comfortable on the couch before she takes a sip of her tea.

  “Spill it, woman.” The stern look she gives me makes me snicker.

  “What do you wanna hear?” I shrug, not sure where to start.

  “Every-fucking-thing. Did you sleep with him?”

  “Yes.” I avoid eye contact, feeling a bit slutty for admitting that, even though I’m hardly a slut compared to her escapades.

  “I knew it!” she screeches in joy, almost jumping off the couch in excitement. Her eyes are sparkling in mirth when she starts the cross-examination she’s been waiting for.

  “Did he take you home?”

  “Yes,” I admit with a small voice, burrowing a little deeper into the couch while I hide my face behind my hands.

  “After work?”


  “No? He fucked you in the office?”

  “Jesus, Josie!” I exclaim incredulously at her bluntness. “Of course he didn’t fuck me in the office. You make me sound cheap.”

  “Oh, please. There is nothing wrong with a good fuck in the office.” The way she states this in her thick Southern accent makes me giddy just thinking about it.

  “He took me for drinks first,” I explain, resulting in Josie clapping like a seal, “after he cornered me in the office and kissed me.”

  “WHAT!” She bounces on the couch, and I let out a full belly laugh at how ridiculous she looks. Though to be honest, I probably would’ve done the same if it was her telling me she slept with Franklin Wolfe. And I haven’t even mentioned that it was the best sex in my life.

  “I knew it! I knew that guy had a thing for you! Told you, you were on his radar.”

  I hold my face in my hands, listening to her and realizing she’s probably right.

  “So, how was it?” she continues, her lashes fluttering in anticipation.

  I let out a satisfied grunt while I sink deeper into the cushions.

  “Fuck, J. It was incredible.” I close my eyes and bite my lip, getting all turned on again while I think about his hands on my body.

  “Dear Lord,” she drawls. “Rate it for me on a scale from one to ten.”

  “Hell, twelve,” I blurt without hesitation.

  “A twelve?!” she screeches, her mouth gaping.

  “A twelve. That man knows his way around a woman’s body. Clearly he’s had some practice.”

  “Well, yeah, obviously. He’s slept with almost every woman in South Boston.”

  My smile wilts when I realize what she’s saying. I know he isn’t a saint. I mean, rumors about how the Wolfes lure women into their beds have been going around town for as long as I’ve lived here. I know this. It’s nothing new. But after spending last night with him, I can’t deny that there is a part of me that’s hoping things will maybe be different between us.

  That he actually likes me.

  “Oh God, I didn’t mean it like that.” Josie’s looking at me with sympathy, slightly shaking her head.

  I wave my hand in the air, brushing her words away.

  “It’s fine. I know who he is. I don’t expect to be anything special.” I push the words out without a second thought, though my heart takes a beating when they leave my tongue, making me feel stupid. Why would I think I would be any different to him than any other girl he’s slept with? Hell, why would I even want to be special to the most powerful criminal in Boston? My ex is only a small fish compared to Franklin Wolfe, and look where dating him got m
e? Basically, fucking nowhere other than under Emerson Jones’s thumb until he decides he no longer needs me. I need to get through this, graduate, and get the hell out of dodge. Move back home, start over, and live a nice, boring life.

  She stays quiet for a few beats, then cries out, “Oh, crap! You like him!”

  “What? No!”

  “Yeah, you do. I can see it in your eyes. You like him.”

  “I do not.” I fold my arms in front of my body, like a three-year-old, hoping she’ll let this pass.

  “Kenny, don’t lie to me. I can see it in those sparkling eyes when you mention his name or when you got all giggly when you admitted that you slept with him. Plus, your head almost exploded when I mentioned him fucking other women. Just admit it. You like him.”

  I bury my face in my hands, shaking my head at her remarks.

  “You like him,” she repeats, this time more demanding, telling me she’s not going to let this one pass.

  “I like him,” I confess against the palms of my hands, muffling my words. I hate admitting it, but there is no denying what’s written all over my face.

  I like Franklin Wolfe.

  Even though I shouldn’t.

  “What was that?” She brings her hand behind her ear, demanding me to say it again, louder, like the bitch that she is.

  “I like him!” I exclaim before I push out a frustrated breath. “I like him, okay? There! Happy now?”

  “Now what? When are you seeing him again?”

  “Monday, probably.” I shrug. This morning, part of me was hoping he would ask me to go to dinner with him tonight or something, but after getting cornered by Emerson, I just want to call in sick and hide from him. How am I going to look Franklin in the eye, knowing I have to screw him over in order to keep my brother safe? I need to find a way to detach myself from him, yet still get him to trust me, preferably in a way that I can still live with myself.

  This is impossible.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of my phone, and I glance at the screen, noticing an unknown number. My eyes move towards Josie, shrugging my shoulders when she looks at me, silently asking me who it is.


  “Pretty girl.” When his deep voice meets my ear, a wide smile instantly appears on my face.

  Stop that, Kendall.

  “Mr. Wolfe.”

  “Are we back to that?”

  “I don’t know,” I answer softly. Josie is hanging on my every word, her head resting in her hands as if this is the best story she’s ever heard.

  “Call me Franky, Kenny. I want to take you to the races this afternoon.”

  “The races?” Josie’s eyes widen in surprise when she hears the words leave my lips. Then starts to quietly clap like a seal, making me chuckle.

  “Yes. I’ll pick you up at four. Bring a coat, it will be cold.” His tone leaves no room for anything other than agreement, but my conscience is protesting heavily. I want to comply and spend time with him, but I’m scared to face him now that Emerson paid me another visit. I’m worried he’ll see right through me the minute he lays his eyes on me.

  “Okay,” I respond, knowing he won’t take no for an answer anyway.

  “Good. See you in a bit, Kenny. ” He hangs up, and I look at Josie, unable to hide my concern from my face.

  A grin splits her face from ear to ear until she notices my unease.

  “What am I going to do, Josie? He’s a criminal! Emerson was enough for me. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Kenny, one of the hottest guys in this city, wants your attention. So what if he’s a criminal? That’s nothing new to you, doesn’t mean he’s anything like Emerson. Just enjoy the ride.”

  I press my lips together while a nervous ball forms in my stomach, making it hard for me to breathe. My hands are fumbling with my sweater, not knowing what I should do while Josie keeps her eyes focused on me.

  “What’s going on, Kendall?” She stares at me until I look up and rub my hands over my face.

  My mind keeps switching back and forth between Emerson’s devilish brown eyes, haunting my nightmares, and Franklin’s green eyes chasing me in my dreams. Both men are capable of things that are not meant to see the daylight, both ruthless when people betray them, making it impossible for me to determine who’s the bigger evil.

  “I need to tell you something,” I blurt out, already regretting the words that are about to leave my lips but realizing I can’t do this by myself.

  “Okay,” she says, dragging the word out so that it lasts at least two seconds.

  I shift my body towards her before I suck in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

  “You can’t tell anyone.” She chuckles at my serious expression, to which I scowl in response. “I mean it, J. This is serious. If this gets out, I’m in serious shit.”

  She raises her hands up in surrender, waiting for me to continue.

  “Okay, okay. I won’t tell anyone.” I push out the air in my lungs, trying to push my anxiety out with it. Which works for shit, obviously.

  “Emerson cornered me last week. Actually, he jumped me in the alley beside our building.” Josie’s eyes grow bigger by the second.

  “He did what?” Her tone is furious. “Why would he do that?”

  “He found out I was going to work for The Wolfes. He forced me to spy on them for him. To give him any information about them that I can find.”

  “That son of a bitch. Kenny, this is bad.” Josie voices this in a reprimanding tone as if I didn’t know this already.

  “I know!” I yelp in frustration, knowing how bad this sounds.

  “You don’t fuck with the Wolfes, Kenny. Or Emerson.”

  Yeah, as if I don’t know that too.

  As if I don’t know how fucked I am.

  “He threatened Jameson, Josie!”

  “Who? Emerson?”

  “Yeah.” I nod with a sigh. “If I don’t give him what he wants, he will hurt Jameson.”

  She blanches as she processes the words, her eyes widening in shock.

  “Dear Lord, Kenny. That bastard can never let you go, always ready to fuck up your life and make you do whatever he wants.”

  Her comment hurts, but she’s right.

  “I know! I’m in so much shit.” I jump up and start pacing around the room, my heart racing. The panic entering my body is making it hard to breathe.

  “What is it exactly that he wants?” she asks carefully.

  “At first, it was information, but now that he knows I slept with him he wants me to gain his trust.”

  “How the fuck does he know you slept with him?” she shrieks, shaking her head in confusion.

  “He’s tracking me.”

  “He’s tracking you?”

  I nod my head in confirmation.

  “I saw Cary while I was having drinks with Franklin yesterday.”

  “Dear Lord, Kenny. This is bad. This is really bad.”

  “I know! What the hell am I going to do?”

  “As much as I want you to tell Emerson to go fuck himself, we all know he’ll beat the crap out of you if you defy him. It wouldn’t be the first time,” she mutters. “So you’re going to have to gain Franklin’s trust and give Emerson what he wants. This is Emerson we are talking about. You know what he’s capable of.”

  “What if Franklin finds out?” I hiss, running my hands through my hair.

  I knew this was a fucked-up situation, but hearing Josie confirm it heightens the panic in my body, making me want to run and hide.

  “Emerson on a mission is far more dangerous than Franklin Wolfe. You know Emerson. He gets what he wants. If he wants to bring the Wolfes down, he won’t stop until he succeeds. I don’t know for sure, but I’ve never heard stories of Franklin Wolfe torturing anyone, yet I sure as fuck have seen Emerson doing it.”

  “Fucking hell,” I mutter, freaking out some more, knowing she’s right. “I can’t do this, Josie. I can’t handle Emerson, and I sure as hell can’
t handle Franklin Wolfe. I’m not the kind of girl who can stand up for herself, let alone seduce the biggest criminal in the whole of fucking Boston. What am I going to do?”

  She takes a deep breath before giving me a knowing look. I already know I’m not going to like whatever is about to roll off her lips.

  “The fact that he just called you means he’s already interested. So you are going to put on the show of your life and make Franklin Wolfe fall in love with you.”

  Holy hell.



  Franklin picked me up right on time, so we arrived at Killimore Down just before four thirty. He looks incredibly handsome with his gray dress shirt and black pullover, looking like the epitome of a successful man. He was waiting for me outside, leaning casually against the car when I walked out the door, feeling nervous as fuck. My hands were sweaty, my heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt like my feet would stumble underneath me with every step I took.

  But he changed that pretty quickly.

  His eyes sparked with lust as his eyes drifted over my body, my nervous feeling instantly fleeing, making me feel sexy and conscious at the same time. For a second, I felt like my tweed skirt was too short, worried that my black sweater was too plain, my gray woolen coat too boring, and my black fedora not classy enough for an event like this. But when his eyes flashed with approval and the corner of his mouth curled up, my worries melted away, giving me the courage to press myself against his body to press a kiss against his lips. When I pulled back, I wanted to get lost in his gorgeous green eyes, but then he glanced up, and I turned around to follow his gaze. Josie was waving from our front window, the stern look on her face reminding me I should shut my feelings off. I sighed deeply before I put on my game face and internally cautioned myself that this can’t be real.

  Put on the show of your life, Kendall.

  The heels of my black, knee-high boots click against the floor as he escorts me to one of the private boxes. Inside is a large table, and because it’s surrounded by higher rows of stands. It’s like we have our own space, separating us from the regular audience and shielding us from the boxes on either side. When I see the perfectly set table containing more cutlery than I’ve ever learned to remember in my life, I suddenly feel extremely out of place. As if he can feel my unease, Franklin places his hand on the small of my back and brings his lips close to my ear.


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