Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes)

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Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes) Page 21

by Billie Lustig

  “I can’t. Not until I know my brother is safe.”

  “Kenny! You’ve put yourself in the middle of a gang war. This isn’t going to end well.”

  I stick my head past the closet door so I can face her. Her normally confident face now looks insecure, fear visible in her eyes.

  “Emerson put a gun to my head. Did you hear that?”

  She gasps for air while she frantically shakes her head.

  “Yeah. He put a gun to my head and put me in a headlock before whispering in my ear that Leo said hi. The same Leo my brother ran into last week. I can’t stop, Josie. I can’t just walk away. Emerson won’t let me.”

  “What if Franklin finds out?”

  “I told him Emerson and I dated,” I confess.

  “You did what?” she screeches so loud I cringe. “Why would you do that?”

  “To get him to trust me.”

  She blinks in shock before taking a seat on my bed.

  “What did he say?”

  “He was pissed I didn’t tell him earlier, but he also said I could trust him.”

  “Right,” she says, disdain sewn through her voice, and because I know her so well, I bet she’s suppressing the urge to roll her eyes at me. “So do you? Trust him?”

  I turn back around to put some tops in the bag before I slam the door shut, scowling at her while I throw the bag on the bed next to her.

  “Shouldn’t the question be whether Franklin trusts me?”

  “He’s been with you every single day for over a month, so I think the answer to that question is pretty clear. The better question is, do you? Do you trust him? Do you think he’s the lesser evil?” Her deep blue eyes are questioning me in a mocking way, which I seriously don’t need or appreciate.

  “What do you really wanna ask, Josie?” I narrow my eyes at her because I’m fed up with people in my life trying to control me. Telling me what to do like I’m some damn dog.

  “Say it,” I demand through gritted teeth while I take a step closer, no longer willing to keep my mouth shut.

  “What are you doing, Kendall?” She emphasizes my name as if she’s my mother and I’m the child, defying her. “What team are you on? You better choose wisely.”

  I just shake my head, annoyed by her question. Annoyed by the lack of support my supposed best friend is giving me.

  “My own, Josie. I’m on my team.” I move towards my bathroom to get the rest of my things. “My goal is to keep my brother safe and to stay alive. That’s my fucking team.”

  “I’m just scared, okay? We know what happens when Emerson gets angry. You need to end this. Let’s just pack our bags and go home.”

  “Since when the fuck do you care if Emerson gets angry?” I sneer at her as I walk back into the room. “You hate Emerson. Besides, you think Emerson wouldn’t find me there? That he wouldn’t punish me in some kind of twisted way for disappearing on him? You know he won’t let me walk like that without some kind of repercussion.”

  Concern blankets her face, and I examine her. I know she cares; she means well, but I have a weird feeling that sends shivers down my body.

  “I just really don’t want you to get hurt. Or Jameson.” Her eyes look at the bag on the bed while I put in the last of my stuff. “What are you doing, anyway?”

  I look up at her, unable to mask my guilt.

  “What’s going on, Kenny?”

  I avert my gaze, knowing she won’t approve, especially after she just spent the last two minutes trying to convince me to break things off.

  “Franklin asked me to move in,” I explain, pushing out a troubled breath. I grab the handle to the bag, ready to escape, when she gives me a baffled look.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” she asks before I shake my head in denial. “Kenny, are you crazy? He’s a freaking crime lord! The biggest one in this city. You can’t live with him. What if he hurts you?” she shrieks while she frustratedly runs a hand through her silky, pitch black hair.

  “Franklin knows about Emerson paying for our house. He doesn’t like the fact that he can barge in here whenever he wants. Besides, he wants me close because of what Emerson pulled last weekend. If I tell him no, he’ll be suspicious.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to let any more men control your life? Yet here you are, moving in with the next criminal because he says so.”

  “Emerson hurt me for six years. I think I will be fine for a few weeks,” I deadpan, meaning every word.

  Yes, Franklin is a criminal, but definitely not worse than Emerson. At least Franklin treats me good, always making me feel valued, liked. Even loved.

  “You can’t live with him, Kenny,” she hisses, my brows spiking when she steps closer to me. “He’s the fucking enemy. Emerson won’t trust you anymore.”

  My lips form a thin line as I become more and more annoyed that I need to defend my choices.

  “You know, Josie. You talk a lot about what Emerson wants.”

  “To keep you safe, yeah,” she responds, making me regret my comment.

  I’m being a bitch, and I know it. She’s only trying to protect me, just like she has for as long as I’ve known her. But I can’t have anyone talking in my ear right now, not even her. My mind and my heart may be in a constant battle, but I know one thing for sure: I need to do this on my own.

  I offer her a sweet smile, hoist my bag over my shoulder as she gives me one last pleading look, showing me the girl I know and love.

  “I know, Josie. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. But I’m trying to keep everyone safe here. Franklin trusts me, but he wants me close because of what Emerson pulled last weekend. If I tell him no, he’ll be suspicious. Trust me, I’m doing the right thing. Everything will be fine.” I place my hand on her shoulder, giving her what I hope is a comforting squeeze.

  I know this is what I need to do..

  Her expression reverts to the stern one again, clearly frustrated by my answer.

  “Don’t make me call your parents to tell them their daughter is dead, Kenny,” she groans.

  “I won’t,” I promise before I walk out of the door. Damn, I hope that’s a promise I can keep.



  The front door closes behind me with a low thud as I walk into the apartment, looking for the head of glossy brown hair that is the reason I’m home early this evening. The corner of my mouth rises when I find her beaming at me from where she’s curled up on the couch. She’s wearing black leggings with a black sweater, looking tiny as fuck, almost disappearing into the large piece of furniture.

  “Hey, pretty girl.”

  “Hey, you.” I throw my jacket over the back of the couch before I lean in for a kiss, the smell of her honey tasting skin making me growl in longing.

  I’ve never imagined myself coming home to a woman waiting for me on the couch. But now that she is, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  “Did you get your things?” I mumble against her lips between kisses before I place my arm under her butt, lifting her off the couch. I turn around to seat myself against the soft cushions while she straddles me, making her screech in excitement.

  “I did,” she replies, her smile waning as she wraps her arms around my shoulders.

  “Did Josie say anything?” I watch her face continue to fall, then her eyes, as the words leave my mouth. I reach up a hand to tuck some hair behind her ear, then clasp her chin, tilting her head up so she’s looking at me. “Did she?”

  She nods her head while her ocean blues drown in her tears, making me clench my jaw.

  “She told me I couldn’t trust you. That you were the biggest criminal in the city, and she didn’t want me to get hurt.” The volume of her voice lowers with every word, and I hate that her so-called best friend can fuck with her head like that.

  “Are you scared I’ll hurt you, baby?” I scrutinize her face, not wanting to miss the slightest change in expression. “Do you feel like you made the wrong choice?”

he immediately shakes her head, her eyes welling up.

  “No.” The tone in her voice is firm. My heart relaxes as I let out a relieved breath. “You won’t hurt me. I know that. I’m just sad that Josie and I aren’t on the same page anymore, and I don’t want to lose my friend.”

  “I will never hurt you.” I cup her neck, tugging her face closer until her forehead is pressed against mine. I carefully swipe away the tears sliding down her porcelain cheeks.

  “Sometimes we have to let go of our old lives, to fully commit to the new ones. But in most cases, it’s worth it. I’ll make it worth it, pretty girl. I promise.” I kiss her tears, her eyes, and then her lips, hoping to demonstrate the affection I have for her. When she moves back to look at me, she brings one leg up to get off my lap before she snuggles against my side, her small hand draped over my stomach.

  “When I first came here with Emerson, I was so happy that my best friend decided to come with us. I was in love with Emerson, but having Josie here made me feel less lonely in this new city. We used to do everything together, especially because Emerson was busy, starting up a new business. She was my anchor, but at the same time, she tied me down. I couldn’t talk to her about Emerson because she’s always hated him. She always pushed me to leave him, and she was right. She’s always been right, and I should’ve listened to her. Anyway, I always expected that she would welcome someone new. That she would support me when I fell in love again. When I found someone who treated me right. I guess she doesn’t want that either.” She stares across the room while I run my fingers up and down her arm.

  “Sounds like she’s a snake,” I reply, which makes her chuckle. Apparently, she doesn’t realize that I completely mean it.

  “I know girls like Josie. They want all the attention. They want to be the center of attention all the time. She probably can’t stand the fact that she’s no longer your center of attention.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” She tugs me even closer, like she’s scared I’ll leave. I withhold a snarl as I think about her words.

  I don’t like Josie.

  We’ve never officially met, but I’ve heard a lot about her. She sounds like one of those girls who wants to be involved in every single faction of the underground, fluttering her eyelashes to get doors to open up for her.

  A cunning little cunt is what Killian would call her.

  The type of girl who would sell her grandma if it would benefit her. I don’t want to trash her friend in front of her, so I’m glad Kendall’s staying with me from now on. Or at least until this whole Emerson threat is handled. Or until I’m certain she’s safe.



  My phone vibrates in my hand as I traipse through Franklin’s office to leave some documents on his desk. I glance down at my phone, a smile forming on my face when I see the name on the screen.


  “Good Afternoon, Mr. Wolfe. What can I help you with?”

  He stays quiet for a long moment, then I hear him clear his throat, followed by his deep voice.

  “Okay. From now on, you are not allowed to say Mr. Wolfe unless we are in the same room and you’re naked.”

  “Franklin!” I reprimand while an excited chuckle leaves my lips.

  “Don’t say shit that turns me on through the phone, pretty girl. Especially when I won’t see you for another three hours.”

  “Fine.” I roll my eyes while I hear him mumble to someone next to him.

  I’m standing behind his desk, looking at the only picture in his office. It’s a picture of the boys with their mother when they were younger. Or I assume it’s their mother, since she has the same hypnotizing green eyes as all the boys. Her honey blonde hair is long, almost touching her waist, and she has a beaming smile that reminds me of Reign. Franklin is standing next to her like the strong rock that he is, a serious expression on his face like it usually is. He can’t be a year older than fourteen, yet you can already see the pain in his eyes. My heart aches for him.

  “Why are you calling?” I finally ask when the mumbling stops.

  “I need you to take the papers home with you.”

  “You mean the ones we talked about this morning?”

  “Yeah, they’re in my drawer, stashed away in the double bottom.” I take a seat in his chair and open the drawer to my right. I reach in to pull out the folders inside, then do my best to open the fake bottom while my phone is tucked between my head and my shoulder.

  “How do I open this?” I grumble when the lid won’t budge.

  “There’s a button on the side of the drawer,” he explains before I lower my head to look closer. I spot the silver button that could easily be mistaken for a screw but seems bigger than the rest. When I push the button, the double bottom pops open.

  “I feel like a damn spy,” I joke when I pull the documents out of the small space.

  “Well, next time, make sure the owner of the documents doesn’t know you’re taking them.” I pout when he chuckles.

  “Don’t mock me, Franky. I would make a great spy.”

  “Oh, would you now?” I can hear the playfulness in his tone, and I put on a seductive look even though he can’t see me.

  “I seduced you, didn’t I?” I purr.

  He lets out a full belly burst of laughter that is infectious as fuck.

  “What?” I screech, trying to suppress the laugh sitting on my chest.

  “You didn’t do shit, pretty girl. We both knew you were mine the second I walked through the door of The Library.”

  “Shut up, asshole.” I smile, looking through the documents I pulled out of the hidden compartment. “What do you need me to take?”

  “There’s a folder with a black logo on it saying Lupus Equus, LLC. Take that, and put the rest back in the drawer, please.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you tonight,” I reply, hearing the sounds of him getting into the car on the other end of the phone.

  “See you tonight, baby.”

  I hang up the phone as I go through the documents until I find the folder he wants. I put it to the side before I put back the rest of the documents. I’m about to push the hidden compartment closed before my hand lingers, wondering what else is in there.

  My gaze automatically moves towards the door, contemplating my chances.

  I’m alone at the office, and I just heard Franklin get into his car, so I have time. Not wasting any time, I push the button again, and the lid pops open. I take out the documents once more, my heart galloping as I quickly glance through the documents, wondering if there is anything in her I can give to Emerson, something that will appease him or at least keep him quiet for a while. I slowly scan the surface of each piece of paper when I finally find something I can use. I let out a triumphant squeal as I fold it up, shoving it in the back pocket of my jeans, when I hear the door open.


  I quickly grab the documents and put them back in the drawer, then I close the lid and put the original folders back on top, shutting the drawer just as Killian walks in.

  His eyes find mine before they look in the direction of the drawer, quickly looking back at me with a vicious glare.

  “What were you doing?”

  “N … nothing.”

  He lowers his chin, hands on his hips. He looks both handsome and terrifying in his black leather jacket, his green eyes seeming even brighter against his five o’clock shadow.

  “Then why the stutter, Ms. Ryan?”

  I take a deep breath, then lift my chin up in faux confidence, knowing I can’t slack off now.

  “You just make me nervous.”

  He slowly walks closer, every step heavy and calculated like he’s the Wolfe and I’m the prey.

  Fuck me.

  “Why do I make you nervous, Kendall?”

  “Because you clearly don’t like me.” I scowl, silently reminding myself I have Franklin on my side.

  “You’re right. I don’t. I know you’re up to something.”

p; “I’m not ‘up to something’,” I repeat, folding my arms in front of me while I lean back in the chair. He presses his hands against the wooden desk, hovering above me like he may start spitting poison any second now. “Your brother asked me to take this folder out of his drawer to take home.” I hold the folder up in the air with a daring look. “You can call him if you don’t believe me.”

  He eyes the folder, his stern expression fixed in place.

  “You can’t fool me, Kenny,” he snarls. “I see right through your little act. Don’t think you can fuck my brother over, or I’ll be there to shoot a bullet through your pretty little head.”

  I keep my eyes locked with his, doing my best to stay calm while he keeps staring at me as if he’s about to jump over the desk and choke me any second now.

  “I know, Killian.”

  “Good.” He slams his palm on the desk, causing me to flinch and suck in a shocked breath that makes him chuckle. The bastard’s enjoying my discomfort. “Get back to work, Ms. Ryan.”

  I watch him turn around, grab one of the folders out of the archive drawer next to the door, then give me a vicious look and exit the office. I stay frozen in place, scared to move even an inch, until I hear the door close behind him.

  Holy hell.



  There’s a nervous flutter traveling through my stomach the next morning when I walk into the Alabama Anchor.

  It’s hard to believe I spent so many of my days in this cellar bar, either serving drinks or just hanging around with Josie. At one time, this bar felt more like my home than the apartment Emerson and I lived in. In the apartment, I was always on edge, not knowing what kind of mood he would come home in. But at the bar, I was constantly surrounded by other people, giving me the sense that I was protected. Emerson was always less intense with other people around because he didn’t want spectators present while we fought, or because having other people around made him less tense.


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