Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes)

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Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes) Page 22

by Billie Lustig

  Pushing the door open, I quickly notice him sitting at the bar, a whiskey in his hand, while he looks at something on his phone. The blonde behind the bar gives me a glare, as if I’m interrupting her private time with the boss, and I give her a scowl in return.

  “Sweetheart, so nice to see you,” Emerson quips, a big smile appearing on his face.

  “Hey, Em.” He raises up one arm, silently asking for a cuddle, so I move in to give him a side hug. His smoky cologne enters my nose, making me swallow in discomfort while he daringly strokes the small of my back. His sweet smile kinda throws me off, reminding me of the guy I once fell in love with. I haven’t seen this side of him in a long time, since Boston made him the criminal that he is. The longer we lived on the East coast, the less of this Southern boy I saw. God, the number of times I prayed he would come back to me.

  He never did.

  Or maybe he was never really there.

  Maybe this was always the real version of Emerson.

  Cold. Cunning. Crushing.

  “How are you?” he asks, nudging me towards the barstool next to him before he turns his body my way, our knees touching while he twirls a strand of my hair around his finger. I narrow my eyes at him in suspicion, wondering what he’s up to.

  “I’d be better if you would stop hurting innocent animals,” I purse my lips.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play stupid. I’m talking about those two dead horses. I get you want to stick it to Franklin, but can’t you do that without murdering perfectly healthy animals?”

  “I haven’t touched his horses.”

  I huff in response, not believing a word he’s saying.

  “I mean it, sweetheart. I haven’t. I don’t have to fuck with his horses to piss him off.”

  “Oh, no. I forgot. You just need to put a gun to my head if you want to piss him off.”

  “I’m sorry about that. You know I would never hurt you. But I didn’t fuck with his horses.”

  There is a sincerity in his eyes that I haven’t seen in a very long time but still recognize.

  “You didn’t?” I ask, confused.

  “Sweetheart, Franklin Wolfe has a lot of enemies.” He drags my stool closer to his, so I’m seated between his legs. Then he lays his hands on my quads, massaging them.

  “What are you doing, Emerson?”

  “What?” he questions, the grin on his face reminding me of how handsome he can be. “I’ve missed you.”

  My heart stops for a second, knowing where this is going.

  I’ve seen it so many times. Every single time I had the balls to leave him, he would call me saying he got me something, that he wanted to talk, or that I needed to pick something up from the bar.

  Yet every single time, his true intention was to woo me back into his arms, which I did like the love-struck fool that I was. Because it’s true, I was and probably still am a love-struck fool.

  The only thing he doesn’t know is that my heart no longer beats for him.

  Even though it’s a fucked-up situation, my heart is now held by a Wolfe.

  “Emerson.” I shake my head and remove his hands from my legs before I glance at the woman behind the bar.

  He follows my gaze, and he turns towards her as well.

  “Eve, can you give her a vodka lime, then give us a minute?”

  I observe her, watching as a fake smile appears on her face and she flutters her lashes at him.

  “Of course,” she coos, her grin in place until his focus goes back to me, then she gives me a dagger shooting look.

  I huff in amusement, assuming she’s his latest fuck buddy as I turn back towards him.

  “I mean it, Kenny. I’ve missed you.”

  “That’s not what you said when you kicked me out for … Laura? Was that her name? Or Laurie? Maybe it was Lauren.” I’m teasing him with a hand on my chin while Eve puts my drink in front of me. I mumble a thank you before she leaves the bar, heading upstairs.

  “Come on,” he whines, a pleading look on his face as he squeezes my knee, “don’t be like that. You know you’ll always be my girl. You’re my weakness. And I am yours.”

  “Yeah, you sure as fuck are.” I grab my glass, downing it all at once before I close my eyes to let the alcohol settle in my body. It’s only two in the afternoon, but considering the situation I’m currently in, I feel like I deserve a free pass.

  “I know you still feel our connection,” he replies, completely misinterpreting my response.

  Yes, he is still my weakness.

  But not because I love him.

  Not because I want him back.

  Because I obviously have a hard time breaking loose.

  Because I have a hard time holding my own against him.

  As if lady fortune is finally turning my luck around, my phone starts to buzz in my back pocket. I pluck it out, holding it beside my body to make sure Emerson doesn’t get the chance to see the screen.

  FRANKLIN: You’ve got this pretty girl.

  I hold back my smile, grateful that he somehow knows what to say and when. My confidence rises again, making it easier to focus on the reason I’m here, reminding myself why I should stick to the plan.

  “I’ve got what you want,” I finally say.

  “Meaning you?” His tongue darts out to lick his lips in what I’m sure he intends to be a seductive way. I’d love to rip that tongue right out of his mouth.

  “No.” I scowl, wanting to give him a bit of a hard time. “I’ve got papers that will help you overthrow the Wolfes.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’ve got a list of all his horses, their steroid suppliers, and the politicians who are his regular gamblers. I even have photos of corrupting evidence, putting some influential people in very sensitive positions.”

  His eyes widen in surprise before the corner of his mouth curls up.

  “How the fuck did you get your hands on those?”

  “He actually thinks I’m only giving you this.” I pull a list from my back pocket and place it on the bar. “This is a list of all his businesses, shell companies, and investments.”

  His brows hug together in suspicion.

  “Why would he give you that?”

  “He found out we have a history. I had to make it seem like I’m setting you up instead of him.”

  “I’m impressed, sweetheart.”

  “Franklin trusts me.” I raise a shoulder. “He showed me his secret spots. All I had to do was take it out. Which was a pain because one of his brothers doesn’t trust me. You were right, he’s been tailing me.”

  “Glad I taught you how to shake off people back in the day.”

  “Yet I can’t seem to shake you.” I offer him a sardonic smile, even though I mean every word of it.

  Surprising the hell out of me, he leans in to press his lips on mine. Automatically, my hand reaches up to stop him while my head jerks back.

  “What are you doing, Em?” I press my fingers to his lips, keeping my head pulled back like a turtle so he won’t kiss me again.

  “I want you, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my fingers before I let them fall and shake my head. I have no clue how this Emerson Franklin thing will end. All I know is that I’m hoping to still be alive in the end, and that Franklin Wolfe makes me feel more confident than I ever have. He’s shown me I’m worth something when Emerson always made me feel worthless. I’ll probably end up with a broken heart after this, but I’ll be walking away with a lot more self-worth. Saying no to Emerson Jones is part of that.

  “You’ve belittled me, you’ve hit me, you’ve threatened to kill me, and you don’t listen to me. You basically treat me like trash until you find some other girl. Then when you’re done with her, you come back to me, temporarily treat me like a princess until the entire cycle starts again. I don’t want that anymore, Emerson.”

  “I know, baby. I fucked up. I know. Let me make it up to you.” He leans in, pressing a soft kiss under my ear that makes me
close my eyes in disgust and huff out an annoyed breath.

  “Em,” I scold, trying to ignore his lips on my most sensitive spot.

  He brings his head close to mine, pushing his nose against my cheek.

  “Don’t tell me you think Franklin Wolfe is any better,” he whispers, his hand digging into my thigh in a threatening way. Quickly, I slap his hand away before gripping his chin with force.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I hold his face in a dominating way, feeling damn proud of myself. “But you’ve treated me like shit for too long. Don’t think some sweet words are going to lure me in again.”

  Hunger appears in his eyes as he grabs my wrist, tugging it down so his chin is free again.

  “I don’t know where this side of you is coming from, but it’s damn sexy, sweetheart. But okay. I hear you. I promise I’ll do better.”

  He presses a peck on my cheek, his hand resting against my neck.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Let’s just get this over with, and we will see how it goes after that, okay?” I glare, our lips mere inches apart.

  His tongue darts out, sliding along my lower lip daringly, while I keep my mouth shut in defiance.

  “Alright, sweetheart.”

  He leans back, so he’s fully in his seat, resting his head on his hand while his elbow leans on the bar.

  “You got those docs?”

  I reach into my bag to grab the folder before throwing it on the bar.

  “So now what?” I ask a minute later while he quietly peruses the papers with an impressed look on his face.

  “These are pretty good, sweetheart. I can make him go out of business with this information. But,” he starts with an ominous tone, making me sigh in annoyance.

  Of course, that couldn’t be the end of this.

  “I still want him dead.” His playful expression is instantaneously replaced by a threatening one. I sigh in disappointment. I’d really hoped that these documents would avoid any more bloodshed, other than maybe mine, but I should’ve known better.

  “Why, Em? Can’t you just destroy his rising empire? Take over his businesses? Run him out of town like a dog with his tail between his legs?”

  “You wouldn’t understand, sweetheart. You’re just a little girl in a—”

  “A big man’s world, yeah, yeah, I know. You’ve told me many times,” I interrupt while I roll my eyes. “I’m guessing you need more from me?”

  He takes a card out of the back pocket of his jeans before he places it in front of me on the bar.

  “Ask him to take you out to this new restaurant on Friday. I’ll take it from there.”

  I take the card from the bar while I look at him warily.

  The Fort Maple Kitchen.

  “This is that new place. It’s yours?”

  “No need to worry about that, sweetheart.” He gives me a sweet smile, one that’s supposed to be loving and caring, but it takes everything I have to not puke.

  I nod and grab my bag before heading towards the stairs, knowing there’s no use in trying to convince him otherwise.

  “I’ll win you back, sweetheart,” he shouts to my back.

  I turn around, giving him a demure smile.

  “Does he have to die, Emerson?” I ask once more, hoping maybe I can avoid more bloodshed.

  “Yes, sweetheart. He has to die.” His answer is stated firmly. And it’s my cue to get the hell out of dodge.



  Listening to the dial tone, I get out of the car and head into the office. When she doesn’t answer, I curse into the empty space, a wave of concern showering my body.

  When I told her to go to meet Emerson this morning and give him the entire list of all my businesses to make him believe he has the upper hand, I knew I was taking a risk. It’s the reason I didn’t tell Killian and Reign. Especially Killian, who would go nuts. He doesn’t trust her, and now that she hasn’t been answering her phone for the last two hours, I’m starting to wonder if he was right. She came clean, telling me about Emerson, but I can’t help hearing this tiny voice asking me if I was foolish for believing her.

  I flop into my desk chair with a growl before I dial her phone again.

  It rings five times before finally I hear something on the other side of the line.

  “Hey.” Her voice seems small and emotional, creating a tight grip on my heart.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I can hear her cover up a sniffle.

  “Why are you crying, Kendall?”

  “I’m not. I’m good. Really.”

  I exhale loudly while I pinch the bridge of my nose before I reach into the drawer next to me to pull out a pack of cigarettes. Even though I’ve mostly quit, I need something to take my mind off the nerves I feel right now.

  “How did it go?” I ask as I take one out and light it, taking a long toke, the smoke filling up my lungs. Unfortunately, the toxins don’t help me relax.

  “Good. Just as we planned. I gave him the list.”

  “Good,” I retort, blowing out the smoke. “Where are you? I’ve been trying to reach you for a few hours.”

  “I’m at the condo. I just needed to pick up some things I forgot.” She sounds sincere, but still I have the feeling she’s not telling me everything. I wish I could look her in the eyes right now. A stone is forming in my stomach, and I try to push the feeling away by taking another drag off my cigarette.

  “You need to let me know where you are, pretty girl. It’s not safe now that half the city knows you have links to the Wolfes. I’m sending a car to pick you up.”

  “I’m fine, Franklin.”

  “Kendall?” I imagine her being frozen to the spot right now after I say her name in a deep, commanding tone.


  “Trust is key.” I’m aware of the accusation that is hiding behind my words, but I don’t care. I’ve surrendered to her actions, and I hate not being in control.

  She stays quiet for a while until I hear Josie’s voice in the background.

  “You can trust me, Franklin. I have to go. Josie’s here.”

  Before I can respond, she hangs up on me. I slam the phone on the wooden surface of my desk before I scrub my hands over my face.

  This better be the right decision.



  I end the call when I hear Josie’s footsteps coming down the hall. I hold the pen in a firm grip while I sign my name at the bottom of the letter before putting it in the envelope. I lick the glue line and am sealing the envelope when she appears in my doorway.

  “You’re here,” she states, surprise in her eyes.

  I offer her a genuine smile before I straighten to stand and hand her the letter.

  “If anything happens to me, I need you to give this to my parents.”

  For a moment, her eyes widen in shock, but then the judgmental look I’m sadly getting used to seeing alters her face.

  “Stop it, Kendall. You’re scaring me. Whatever you are doing, break it off. Let’s pack our bags and fucking go. I’ll go with you.” She folds her hands in front of her like she’s praying, refusing to take the letter.

  “We can’t, Josie. I need to do this. This has to end, and if I run, I’ll be risking more than just my life.” I push the letter against her chest, grabbing her shoulder with my other hand as I lock my eyes with hers.

  “Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. I promise.”

  “You can’t promise me that!” she shouts. “You need to stop! It’s too dangerous. You can’t go and fuck around with two of the biggest criminals in this city! Let them kill each other! But you have to get the hell out of the city to make sure you don’t become collateral damage.”

  “It’s too late for that, Josie. I already am collateral damage. All I can do now is play along and hope my family doesn’t get hurt. Or you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re the closest thing to me in this city.
If anyone wants to hurt me, you’re the easiest option right now. I can’t risk that.”

  “We don’t have to risk shit if we just leave!” She shrugs my hand off her shoulder while she raises her hands in the air in frustration. “Let’s go home, Kenny.”

  I shake my head, determination written on my face.

  “No. I know you want to protect me, and I love you for it. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I’m grateful for all the moments you protected me like family. But I have to do this. Please give this to my kin if something happens to me.”

  Tears are forming in her deep blue eyes, and my throat works hard to suppress my own.

  “Please don’t do this, Kenny.”

  I reach out to grab her shoulders before I pull her against my chest, wrapping her in a tight hug. She responds by doing the same, squeezing me hard.

  “I’ll be fine, Josie. I love you.”

  When we finally let go, I quickly grab my bag from the bed and walk out of the bedroom without looking back, knowing I’ll break down if I do. I pause when my hand circles the handle of the front door, taking a deep breath before I exhale slowly and walk out.

  “Franky, are you in here?” I open the door to his office, finding the answer to my question when I’m met by his mesmerizing green eyes. I felt his irritation through the phone after I didn’t answer the first few times, and the stern look on his handsome face has me grimacing while I hold still in the doorway. I knew disappearing on him wasn’t the smartest thing to do, and it definitely doesn’t help with any trust issues he may have, but I needed to write that letter in peace. After seeing Emerson this morning, I knew that I had to finish this, no matter the consequences. But I’m not a Jones nor a Wolfe, so I need to make sure my family will get closure if things go south.

  If the plan turns to shit and I’m left with nothing more than a body riddled with bullet holes.

  “Come here, pretty girl.” The muscles in his face relax as he gives me a smile.

  A warm feeling envelops me as I round his desk. He turns his desk chair to face me, and I bring my hip up to perch on the edge of his desk. Before I’m fully seated, he grabs my waist, spins me around, and tugs me onto his lap, the heat of his chest warming my back.


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