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Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums Book 1)

Page 11

by K. Webster

  Sidney giggles, earning my attention. Gio is fucking with her. Flirting maybe. Whatever it is, she’s into it, grinning in a silly way I’ve never seen. Hollis watches with satisfaction. He’s dressed in his substitute teacher coat, but he’s wearing jeans and Docs. A scarf is wrapped around his neck and a beanie is pulled down over his head.

  He looks warm.

  I shudder against the wind, forcing my feet to remain glued on the bridge over the river rather than carrying me over to him, seeking his warmth. Despite the freezing temperatures, the river rushes by beneath us. Cal, the fucking idiot, shoots off several roman candles, not mindful of everyone around him.

  One of the drunk guys named Tim, who almost took a firework to the face, pushes Cal. He and Cal get into a shoving match until Terrence tackles him against the railing. The wood snaps off with the weight of their bodies. Both Cal and Tim land on the snowy wooden floor of the bridge, but don’t fall off. I start toward Terrence as he grips the handle tight, but more parts of the bridge railing snap. He nearly goes over into the icy waters when Hollis flies out of nowhere, grabbing his coat before it’s too late. I freeze, shocked that he got him in time.

  No way.

  My heart hammers in my chest as Terrence shakes Hollis off him and storms away from the edge. Tim stumbles away as Cal rises to his feet. Jordy and I approach Hollis.

  Hollis’s gaze finds mine, seeking approval. Fuck if I don’t want to give it to him. He just saved my friend. He deserves something. A smile of thanks tugs at my lips. One his eyes drop down to admire. I lick my cold lips, loving the heat that races straight to my dick when his eyes widen.

  I start forward, unsure what I want to do. Maybe I’ll tell him thank you. Maybe I’ll just hug him. My mind drifts to the fire station. How he ran his fingers through my hair. What if I pressed my cold lips to his? My dick is halfway to hard.

  We’re so focused on each other that we don’t notice Jordy.

  Swift. Angry. A storm.

  “This is for Roux,” Jordy snarls.

  I watch, horrified, as my best friend shoves Hollis off the bridge. The collective gasp from the group nearly rumbles the earth. I catch Hollis’s eyes before he falls over.

  Not afraid.

  Fucking terrified.

  It haunts me to my goddamn soul.

  I charge over to the edge seconds too late. I heard the splash but didn’t see it.

  “What did you do?” I yell to Jordy. “What the fuck did you do?”

  “Holy shit,” Cal gasp.

  “I, uh,” Jordy stammers.

  We all stare at the icy, churning waters, waiting for Hollis to come back up.

  A hand.

  One desperate grab for the surface, but an utter failure. It reminds me of when Roux fell in the public pool one summer when we were younger. Thrashed wildly before she sunk to the bottom and had to be fished out by a lifeguard.

  Oh my fucking God.

  “He can’t swim.”

  My words barely leave my mouth before I dive off the bridge, dreading every second before my body hits the cold-ass water.

  Icy hell.

  That’s the only way to describe the way it feels the moment I become fully submerged in the river. My muscles all scream in agony at once, my bones stiffen in protest. It’s my lungs, though, that feel as though they’ll collapse in on themselves. I burst to the surface, searching for where he might have gone.

  “There!” Cal bellows, pointing to something splashing nearby.

  I swim blindly toward it, my body seizing from the cold. Fifteen feet away maybe. Swim faster, goddammit. I throw every ounce of power I have into swimming his way. The current is carrying us at a steady rate. If I don’t catch up to him soon, the waters will quicken and then dump us into the Columbia River. We may as well be dead then. The currents are much too strong in that river.

  My fingers, stiff and aching, make purchase. A coat. I grab for it, but pull too hard. The coat yanks off into my arms. I sink under the water with the weight of it until I release it. Under the icy surface, I see a pale limb. Swimming hard, ignoring all my pains, I snatch the cold arm. I manage to get my arms around him and kick to the surface.

  “Hollis,” I croak, my voice hoarse from the exertion and cold. “Hollis!”

  No response.



  Think, Roan.

  I start for the shore, my mind reeling. He needs CPR. I remember the basics from what we learned in eighth grade gym class. It’ll have to do. My feet hit gravel and I drag us onto the banks. People can be heard hollering a distance back. I’m not worried about them. Just him.

  Hot tears burn down my cheeks as I try to focus on reviving him. Fuck. I need to revive him. I don’t know that he’s breathing. My mind goes into autopilot, remembering Mr. Lancaster’s lessons. Pinch the nose. Tilt the head back. Breathe. Chest compressions. If he pukes, turn his head to the side.

  Though my heart is frantic inside my chest, I focus on helping him. Remembering every lesson learned. I repeat my actions until he chokes.

  Oh fuck.

  He’s alive.

  A garbled cry escapes me as I move his head to the side. River water rushes from his lips, followed by the most beautiful whine in the world. Music to my ears.

  I’m so tired.

  He starts shuddering, choked sobs coming from him, and all I can do is fall against him, desperate for warmth now that the chill from the air on my wet body is making me colder. Sleepiness hits fast. My eyes flutter closed until a bunch of voices surround us.


  He’s so loud.

  Barking out orders left and right.

  I’m lifted by Terrence and Cal. Two other guys come for Hollis. I try to open my mouth to speak, but my teeth are chattering too hard. Sidney and Wendy both are sobbing hard nearby.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Where’s Jordy?

  I grow dizzy and dazed on our journey. We’re led to someone’s Tahoe and then pushed inside. They drive like bats out of hell until we’re back at the cabin. Once more, we’re led inside.

  “We should call an ambulance.”

  “We can’t call this in.”

  “Holy shit, we’re going to be in so much trouble.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with Jordy?”

  “Stop talking and get their clothes off?”

  All the voices are talking at once. It’s confusing and maddening. I’m blinking hard trying to stay awake as Cal and Terrence practically rip all my clothes off. Why are they getting me naked? It’s fucking cold. I glance over to see some guys from the team doing the same for Hollis.

  His ribs.

  I can see his ribs.

  Why is he so blue?

  “Don’t touch him,” I snarl, my voice but a whisper.

  “We’re touching you because we have to get you warm,” Cal says, lowering me onto the cabin bed.

  Not me.



  “Get him in here too,” Cal instructs.

  The guys lower Hollis into the bed beside me. It’s weird as fuck that we’re all naked. Cal’s body is warm though as he curls around my body. The other guy, Gage, is coming in behind Hollis. Terrence and Gio are throwing blankets on us. It’s like some fucked up, warped wannabe orgy.

  But no one is having sex.

  Gage’s arm brushes against mine and I bristle. I don’t like the fact he’s in his fucking boxers, rutting against Hollis. I don’t care if it’s for warmth, I don’t like it. My arm slides around Hollis’s cold, limp body and I pull him to me.

  His head turns toward mine. Blue eyes the same color as his lips now are glassy, but they assess me in a way that makes me think he’s okay. I try to get closer to him. I need to feel him—to know he’s alive. His cold hands find mine, clutching weakly. Cal is a wriggly fucker behind me but damn if I’m not enjoying every second of his warmth.

  “Who ever knew we’d end up spooning and I’d be the big spoon?
” Cal’s drunk ass breathes against my hair. “I know I’m taller, but you’ve always been the big spoon type. Wanna switch places?” He pinches my frozen nipple, making me growl in warning. “I’ll take that as a no, big boy.” The drunk fucker tries to bite my shoulder.

  I manage to pull myself closer to Hollis. Our noses are cold as they touch, but I need to be able to feel his breath on me. To remind myself he didn’t drown. Everyone is loud around us—hell, even the two idiots in this little naked blanket fort—but it all kind of becomes muted as I focus on Hollis’s ragged breathing.

  In and out.

  In and out.


  So fucking alive.


  I blink awake when someone shakes me. Roan’s golden-brown eyes blaze with fire as he stares me down.

  “Don’t go to sleep,” he orders, his words gravelly.

  Funny how just a couple of days ago, I said the same thing to him. I’m not sure how much time has passed, but Cal and another guy are no longer in the bed with us. The cabin has been darkened and the fire from the fireplace glows brightly. People are hooting and laughing beyond the cabin doors. It’s then I realize I’m alone with Roan.


  Heat burns up my spine, warming my still chilled flesh. My lungs hurt from sucking in so much water and my extremities still tingle. As though in tune to my thoughts, Roan rubs his cold feet against mine.

  “I can’t swim.” I don’t know why I need to say the words, but I do. “My, uh, my dad tried to teach me, but I always panicked. When I would panic, he’d get pissed off. I knew it would happen, so I started coming up with excuses not to go in the first place. I wasn’t a disappointment if I never gave him anything to be disappointed about.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, hating that I see my dad’s scowl as we stand in the middle of our pool. Him yelling at me to “fucking try.” Me trying and failing. The crying. The pain in my stomach, which is always worse when he’s angry.

  “Fuck your dad.”

  I’m jerked from the past and pop my eyes open. Roan’s stare heats me to my bones. His face is so close to mine. I like the way his body is touching mine. A truce. I’m tired of being at war.

  “I thought I was going to die,” I croak, my body trembling.

  Roan inches closer, his nose rubbing along my cheek as though he’s inhaling me. His lips are on my skin when he says, “But you didn’t. I saved you.”

  Turning toward his hot mouth, I chase down what I desperately need. Him. My lips—cold and chapped—brush along his. He sucks in a breath as we pause. I want to kiss him, but something holds me back. I want him to want it too. His hand finds my bare hip and I’m ready for him to push me away.

  He does.

  He does.

  He fucking does.

  But he goes with me, pushing his naked thigh between mine as his tongue plunges into my mouth. We both groan, surprised at the kiss, but then we become ravenous. I’m weak and aching and dizzy. His kiss is invigorating, though.

  Rough and gentle.


  Sweet and bitter.


  His tongue slides against mine, waking my dick as though it’s stroking it instead. I moan into his mouth. This seems to set him off because he slides all the way on top of me. Our dicks are stone sandwiched between us. His mouth parts as a sexy growl tumbles out. He grinds his hips against mine, sending currents of pleasure exploding through me.

  “Roan.” My breathy plea is heard because he kisses me harder. Needier. Frantic. He ruts against me, every bit as eager for this feeling as I am. My fingers find his damp, messy hair and I tug on the strands. He hisses, nipping my bottom lip.

  “Fuck, Hollis. What the fuck?”

  I want to kiss him everywhere.

  Taste every inch.

  Feel him inside me.

  The thoughts stampeding through my mind are too quick and chaotic to sort out. It’s madness. Roan is a crazy addiction. I need this. I need him.

  “Why do I want this?” he asks, pulling away slightly, his amber eyes flickering with confusion. “Why do I want you?”

  “What is your type?”

  “Not her.”

  “Are you bi?”

  “I’m nothing.”

  “I want it too,” I tell him, shoving the memory of our previous conversation away. He’s not nothing. He’s so much more than nothing. A million times more than nothing.

  “But you’re gay,” he growls. “I’m…”

  “Don’t fucking say it.”

  Our eyes snap to each other. The word was on the tip of his tongue. I kiss him, stealing it from his lips and devouring it.

  “You’re Roan,” I murmur. “You’re not nothing.”

  He kisses me harder, his hips rocking wildly against me. Our breathing becomes ragged as he takes us closer to the edge. The moment I start to come, I grip his hair and arch my back, aching for every movement against me. His mouth finds my neck. He bites me and then sucks with enough vigor, he’ll leave a mark. My cum jets out hot and thick, soaking our bellies between us. It’s slick and he groans against my neck.

  “I’m checking on them, dipshit,” Terrence bellows as he stumbles into the cabin.

  Roan tenses up and his heart pounds through his chest to dance with mine. His cock pulses against my slick skin, throbbing with the need for release.

  “We’re fine,” Roan says, his voice tight. “He’s still alive.”

  Terrence lets out a sharp breath before falling onto the covers behind Roan. Roan is stiff, his face still against my neck. Within seconds, Terrence is breathing deeply with sleep. I slide my hand between us, wetting my hand in my cum, and then wrap my hand around Roan’s dick. Long, thick, hot. He chokes on a moan.

  “Shh,” I murmur as I stroke him. “Don’t wake him.”

  Roan’s lips press to my flesh and his hips flex slightly, meeting my hand at each stroke. I use my cum like lube and give him the best damn hand job considering our shitty situation. It only takes a few expert tugs before his dick swells and throbs out his release. He soaks us even more, but I love it. I greedily steal these moments with him because who the fuck knows what tomorrow will look like.

  “Fuck,” Roan whispers.

  “Yeah, fuck.”

  I feel his smile on my neck and damn if that doesn’t feel better than blowing my load all over the hottest mean boy I’ve ever met.

  He’s going to kill me.

  And not in the way Jordy’s psycho ass nearly did.

  Roan has stuck his hand inside my chest and plucked my heart from its cage. It beats like crazy in his fist. He can keep it, or he can crush it. No matter what he does, it won’t matter. I’ve given it to him, and it scares the shit out of me, because I know I’ll never get it back.

  “Still alive?”

  I blink open my eyes, instantly feeling aches in every muscle, as I seek out the sound of the sweet, feminine voice. “Define alive.”

  Sidney laughs. “You’re talking, so you lived. I thought having to spend the night with the Hoodlums, you’d for sure be dead meat.”

  I sit up and survey the cabin. Everyone’s gone. “Where’d everybody go?”

  “No one sticks around past noon on Saturdays after Campfire Chaos. We’re some of the last few. You’re my ride, so…”

  “Oh, shit. Sorry. I was completely out of it.”

  “Someone had a good dream,” Sidney says, darting her eyes to my bare abs that are crusted with a fuck ton of cum.

  Well, that’s awkward.

  “Um…” I rake my fingers through my hair and give her a frantic look. “It’s…”

  “It happens,” she says with a laugh. “I’ll pretend it was me you were thinking about.”

  I grin at her. “Because that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable.”

  She stands and walks into the kitchen area. I’m still scanning the cabin, looking for clothes, when she returns with a wet rag.

  “Where’s my bag?”
/>   “Still in the car,” she says, tossing the rag at me. “I’ll go grab it. Wanted to make sure you were alive first. It would have been wasted efforts to go grab clothes for a corpse.” She smiles sweetly.

  I shake my head at her as I scrub off my mess, trying not to give this girl too much of a show. “Nice, Sid.”

  “Not to mention, I didn’t want to miss a naked shot.” She shrugs her shoulders. Her words are meant to be playful, though. Something’s different with her.

  “Where’s Gio?”

  Her face blushes bright red. “He went home.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “Of course he’s okay,” she says grumpily. “Why wouldn’t he be?”

  “It was just a question. I didn’t see him after all that shit that happened.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and frowns. “Sorry. I’m feeling…”



  “And why’s that?”

  “You were right.”

  My brows hike up. “With Gio?”

  “Yeah. He’s…I don’t know how to explain him. He just sees a me not many people do.”

  “Did you two…”

  “Fuck? Because that’s what I’m known for?” Her cheeks burn bright red again and her bottom lip trembles.

  “I was going to say kiss.”

  “Oh.” She huffs. “Sorry. I suck at this.” Her finger toys at a strand of her brown hair as she frowns. “I was upset after what Jordy did. They had you taken care of, but I was shaken up. Gio came over to me and hugged me. Asked if I wanted to talk about it. So we went for a walk. It got colder, so we decided to talk more in his tent.” She swallows hard. “I feel like such a whore, Hollis.”

  “What? Why?”

  “He kissed me. It was sweet. Nice. I really liked it. Too much. I just threw myself at him and started getting naked.” A tear races down her cheek. “He kissed me again. Softly. Then told me to put my shirt back on.” Another tear. “I was devastated at having been rejected. I bawled my eyes out. He just held me. Cuddled me to him. Kept kissing my tears away. When I calmed down, he said he wants to get to know me first. Asked if we could go out on a date. He wants to take me to dinner. Maybe meet his mom. I felt like such a skank.”


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