Lady of Mischief: Historical Regency Romance

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Lady of Mischief: Historical Regency Romance Page 7

by Lisa Campell

  "Lady Isabel." He smiled.

  She looked different now. Her hair was longer. And she seemed older.

  " Lord Grandview." Her smile was genuine. "There was a rumor that you had returned but I did not believe it. Now I have seen you for myself."

  He smiled. "It has been so long."


  "How was the great wide world?" she asked cheekily.

  He laughed. "Good."

  "So nice to see you again, My Lord. Truly."

  He wanted to ask how she had been, but they were interrupted. A tall gentleman walked up to her and slipped her hand into the bend of his elbow. "I thought you wanted to retire early tonight, my dear?"

  Colin could not help his smile. She was wed and happy. He saw her giggle, then wave at him, as she and her husband made their way out. He snapped out of his daze, recalling he had to save Lavinia. He made his way towards the door that led to the garden and prayed that he was not too late.

  When he walked into the garden, he could barely make out anything, as the lighting was dim. He shook his head and began to walk towards the direction that led to the courtyard. It was likely that they were heading there. He walked rapidly, hoping to meet up with them.

  "What do you intend to do, My Lord? Certainly that is inappropriate," Lavinia said. Colin clenched his teeth and headed towards the direction he had heard the voice from.

  As he drew near, he saw Lavinia standing away from Lord Linfield, who seemed quite relaxed about the situation. "Pray tell then, My Lady, why did you come here?"

  "To be away from the ball. To be alone for one blessed moment," she snapped. She did not look terrified, but she did seem startled. Her green dress glimmered in the darkness and Colin could not help but admire her. Everything about her, especially her bravery at such point in time.

  He raced over to them before it was too late.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lavinia looked up at the sky, the stars were out and glimmered. She was in absolute awe of it. Lavinia saw it as a relief that she was no longer in the ballroom. The gazes that people had sent her, the attention, everything simply irked her.

  She stared down at her dress. She did like her dress. She loved it even. But she wished Colin was here, so he could tell her how she looked. A shiver ran through her spine at the thought of him. She wondered if he liked the dress. If he thought that she was beautiful in it. She wondered if he had seen her properly. She hoped that he had.

  She wished that he was there to see the lovely evening, to see the stars in the sky. He would love it, she thought. He would see it artistically, perhaps someday, he would make a painting of it.

  "Lady Lavinia." She heard behind her. Oddly, the voice seemed to be very close to her. Startled, Lavinia turned to see Lord Kent had snuck up behind her. He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her to him.

  Gasping, Lavinia pushed him away from her and escaped his grip. She glared at him.

  "Pray tell what is the meaning of this? Let me go."

  Lord Kent stared at her, perplexed. "What do you mean?"

  "What do you intend to do, My Lord? Certainly that is inappropriate."

  "Pray tell then, My Lady why did you come out here?" Lord Kent asked. He shoved his hands in the pocket of his breeches and chuckled.

  "To be away from the ball. To be alone for one blessed moment," she snapped.

  He chuckled. "You are quite naive, My Lady."

  She fumed.

  Her heartbeat quickened.

  If they were to be seen a compromising position, her reputation would be ruined. She could not believe that he had done such a thing. She intended to head back into the hall, when a figure made its way out of the shadows. She squinted her eyes slightly, hoping to see who it was. When the figure emerged fully, Lavinia could not be happier.


  He walked over to her side and nodded at Lord Kent. "Lord Kent."

  "Lord Grandview."

  "Perhaps you have had too much to drink tonight. It is advisable that you retire."

  Lord Kent gazed at him for a while before chuckling. "Ah...Lord Grandview. I am sober and you are well aware. It is best you bugger off, so I may have my time with the Lady."

  Lavinia could not believe her ears. She was about to say something when Colin stepped forward, blocking her view. He jerked his head towards the ballroom. "Leave here now, Lord Kent."

  Lord Kent laughed. "You travel the world, doing nothing, and now you return to threaten me?"

  "Leave us."

  Lavinia had never seen Colin this angry before. She certainly did not want a fight to ensue. She rushed in front of Colin immediately and said to Lord Kent.

  "Please, leave. You are most certainly not wanted."

  Both gentlemen kept staring at each other. Lord Kent scoffed, then took a step back, before walking away. Lavinia sighed in relief, thankful that he had done nothing impulsive. She turned to Colin, who was still staring after him. She took both of his hands in hers.

  "Thank you for being here." Lavinia was grateful for his appearance. She did not know what Lord Kent might have done if he had not come.

  "You should be more careful, Lavinia," he said, holding her close.

  Lavinia liked the way he held her, as though she were delicate. She wanted to stay in his arms for a very long time. Finally, she let go of him and moved back. Her cheeks were red.

  He was staring at her as though in awe. It made her cheeks flame up the more. She cleared her throat.

  "Green," he said, smiling. "You wore green."

  She shrugged, as though it was not really anything that needed emphasis. "I simply took to your advice."

  He nodded. "You always do."

  She felt a tightening in her stomach. At first she thought nothing of it, because when he came around her, it often felt as though her insides knotted. However, it was stronger this time, and it certainly was not from her emotions.

  She creased her brows and shook her head, waiting for the pain to go.

  "Are you alright?" Colin asked. He was by her side immediately.

  She nodded. "I am fine. Just tired, perhaps."

  He still hovered close to her, as though he was afraid that something might happen. She giggled. "I am fine, Colin. There is no need to worry."

  He sighed. "I can't help but worry. Look what trouble you nearly got into now."

  She sighed. "I am glad that you were here just in time."

  He nodded. She could not help but wonder. "How did you find me? Did you see me leave the ballroom?"

  "Yes and I saw Lord Kent leaving right behind you. I immediately came after you."

  "Thank goodness."

  "And I had also wanted to speak to you," he said solemnly.

  "What is it? Is everything alright?"

  He shook his head. "Something has been bothering me for a while and I have been uncertain of who to share it with. But I trust you, Lavinia, and I trust that you can understand me more than anyone."

  Those words filled her with so much joy. He trusted her. She swallowed hard, not understanding her rush of feelings. "What is it? Has something bad happened?"

  "Not quite, but I fear that it may." He pressed his lips in a thin line and began speaking. "Lavinia, a few nights ago, I overhead a conversation between my father and your mother."

  She nodded, eager to know more. He went on. "Father had been saying that he needed to come clean about something, or else it would affect his reputation and bring ruination to the family. I did not know what to make of it, until this morning, after the wine tasting, father was being sentimental. He spoke as though he were in a trance. It was not him. I wonder, Lavinia, what could possibly be going on..."

  Lavinia felt the sharp pain in her stomach again. But it left just as quickly as it had come. Her mind settled on what Colin had said, and then, drifted back to her conversation with Spratt. Could it be that it was all connected?

  "Colin, a few nights ago, also, Spratt had told me something. He had —"
  The pain came back greater than before. Her breathe hitched, and it felt as though air was slowly leaving her. She lost control of her own body, just as Colin caught her in his arms.

  "Lavinia...Lavinia?!" she heard. "Someone! Help!"

  He was touching her cheeks, shaking her, and screaming all at once. The pain became worse, her eyes became drowsy, so that all she saw was blurry. She tried to fight it, to breathe, to stop the pain she felt inside her, however, she could not. It was much stronger. The last thing she saw before the darkness engulfed her, was Colin's blue eyes, wide, and glistening, as he called out her name.

  Chapter Twelve

  Colin did not want to leave Lavinia's side. He refused to, even when the Duke had assured him that the physician was on his way. He feared that if he left her, even for one second, that something much worse would happen. He had been terrified when she fell in his arms, eyes drooping shut, and he was even far more terrified, now that she lay unconscious. He could not help but wonder what may have caused this.

  He caressed her hand softly. Even in this state, she was still so beautiful to him. His heart shattered as the memory of her falling, gripping her stomach. He had not been able to do anything for her. He bowed his head, his eyes glistening. He hoped that the physician would arrive soon.

  After she had fainted in his arms, Lavinia had been brought up to her bed chamber, while the Duchess, in her hysterical state, had asked that they send for the physician.

  The Duke had said nothing, all he did was comfort the Duchess.

  "My Lord, the physician is here," he heard Spratt announce.

  He turned abruptly. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear the door open.

  He turned to see the tall man with a mass of white hair. He recognized the physician, Mr. Rufus, from his earlier years. He rose immediately, moving aside, to give him space to check on Lavinia.

  "Mr. Rufus. My apologies that we had sent for you at such hour," the Duke said.

  "It is nothing. I am always here to help. Is the Lady asleep?"

  "No. She had fell unconscious in the garden and since then she has refused to awaken," Colin replied.

  Mr. Rufus grunted. He placed the bag he had been carrying on the floor and proceeded to examine Lavinia.

  "When —"

  The door burst open, cutting Mr. Rufus short. The Duchess walked in. Her eyes were red rimmed, and her hair, which he had never seen out of place, had a few strands falling out. Colin understood that she was torn up about Lavinia's condition, just as he was.

  "Mr. Rufus," she sighed, when she saw the physician. "Please, help my daughter..."

  The Duchess was close to tears. Perhaps he was not the only one who noticed that, as his father stepped forward and placed an arm around her.

  Mr. Rufus nodded curtly and focused his attention on Lavinia, examining her. Then he turned to Colin.

  "I presume you were with the Lady when she lost consciousness?"


  "Tell me." Mr. Rufus returned his focus to Lavinia. He raised her hand and held on to her wrist. "Was she in pain before she fell?"

  Colin recalled that she had flattened her palm against her stomach. "Yes. Her stomach, perhaps. She never said anything out loud but it was obvious that she was going through pains. She vomited."

  "Hmm... her pulse is quite slow, but still there." Mr. Rufus dropped her hands. He turned fully to them all. He must have made his conclusions.

  "The Lady has been poisoned with arsenic," he announced.

  There was a collective gasp. Colin creased his brows. "Poison?"

  "Yes, indeed, My Lord."

  "And what effects does this poison have? What can be done? Will my dear Lavinia be well again?" the Duchess demanded.

  Mr. Rufus nodded. "She will be fine, if she’s vomited all that was in her stomach. She doesn’t seem to be suffering from long-term exposure to the poison. She must have ingested it at some point this evening. "

  Mr. Rufus bent down and looked through his bag. He took out a packet of charcoal. He smiled and handed it to the Duchess. "Your Grace, she should be given that every morning and night. It will flush the poison from her body."

  The Duchess's shoulders sagged. "Lavinia will be alright?"

  Mr. Rufus nodded. “I assure you she will. I will take my leave now. I will return to see her in the morning."

  "I will walk you out," the Duke said.

  Colin was lost in his own thoughts. Why would anyone want to poison Lavinia? What would they gain from that? His mind raced as he stood still. Whoever had done this, attempted to inflict fear. Who had Lavinia offended in such a way that they did this to her?

  "Colin," the Duchess called. "Thank you for being there with Lavinia. I wonder what would have happened if you were not."

  Colin shook his head. "I am glad I was there, too. I only wonder who would have done this."

  The Duchess sighed. "Thank goodness no harm has come to her. As Mr. Rufus said, she will be fine. You should rest."

  Colin shook his head. "I do not mind staying with Lavinia."

  "She seems so peaceful," the Duchess observed.

  "I wonder why anyone would want to harm her," Colin repeated. He hoped that the Duchess would at least have an idea.

  "Oh, my darling Lavinia. This evening was supposed to be filled with joy and happiness. Her debut! And this had to happen to her?"

  Colin creased his brows. It seemed the Duchess was avoiding answering him.

  The Duchess' eyes glistened. She touched Colin’s cheek. "Thank you. You needn't worry much. Mr. Rufus has assured us that she will be well."

  Colin nodded. Mr. Rufus had indeed said that, however it did not stop him from worrying. He wondered why the Duchess did not even seem concerned that someone had tried to murder Lavinia.

  "I shall... check in on her later,” the Duchess said, making her way out of the bed chamber. “If you are exhausted, you should retire, dear. Rebecca will stay with her, so you needn't worry, she is in good hands."

  Colin turned. He saw the Duchess handing the packet to Rebecca. His eyes widened. Was she not aware that anyone was a suspect in this poisoning? He rose. "Perhaps you should hold on to it, Your Grace."

  The Duchess shook her head. "Seeing as Rebecca shall be here at all times...there is no harm in giving it to her."

  Colin could not risk Lavinia being harmed again. "I shall keep it then." When he saw the Duchess taken aback, he added, "If you would allow it."

  She nodded. "Of course. If you wish."

  After handing him the packet of charcoal, she made her way down the hallway, while Colin retook his position by Lavinia's bedside. He took her hands in his. He missed her, and he hoped that she would awaken soon. He was not going to leave her side, until he was certain that she was safe and sound.

  "My Lord," he heard from behind him. He stirred from his position, and looked up.

  Rebecca stood before him, a small smile on her face. "My Lord. You feel asleep here while you watched over the Lady."

  He rubbed his eyes and sat up, while one hand still held Lavinia’s. Gloom fell over him like a stone on his chest She was as still and unmoving as he had last seen her.

  His shoulders sagged. He squeezed her arm twice, before looking to the side. It was morning, day had broken. Rebecca had pulled the drapes aside, so that sunlight illuminated the entire room.

  "My Lord, the Duke has asked that you come down for breakfast," she said.

  Colin shook his head. "I won’t, I’m afraid. May a meal be brought here?"

  "Alright, My Lord." Then she inclined her head towards Lavinia. "May I give her the medicine now?"

  Colin moved back and nodded. He slipped the packet of charcoal out of the pocket of his breeches and handed it to her. He watched her administer it, placing a small amount in Lavinia’s mouth. She then handed it back to him.

  After that, she walked out of the bed chamber. He was once again left alone with Lavinia.

  It felt so surreal, th
at Lavinia lay so still in that bed. He wished that she would wake up. He wanted to hear her voice, to listen to her laughter, her suggestions, her will to make everyone around her happy. He missed how she made an effort to make him smile. He found himself smiling at the thought of that.


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