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Lady of Mischief: Historical Regency Romance

Page 10

by Lisa Campell

  He was almost certain she had felt as much desire and passion as he has felt. Perhaps with time, she would come to realize what she felt too. He grinned in satisfaction. That was exactly what he would do. He made his way towards the stairs with newfound confidence.

  He was about to make his way up when he heard whispers. He creased his brows and looked around. The hallway was silent and empty. He waited a while, hoping to hear the whispers again. And he did. The words were ambiguous, but he could hear voices. He looked around and began to trace where the voices came from. This led him to the salon. He pressed his ears against the door.

  "Do you think that perhaps it is the same person?" the Duchess said.

  "I do not think so, Augusta," his father replied.

  "But the notes are more consistent now, Charles. Are you certain you did not tell anyone?"

  "Augusta," the Duke said. He sounded disappointed. "How could you say that? How could I even tell anyone? I would be putting myself at risk. I should be asking you as well, did you inform Lavinia?"

  "Oh please, Charles, of course not. Irrespective of what happened, he was still —"

  "We do not need to argue right now, my darling. We need to be a common front if we want to take down whoever this is.”

  "I doubt that the culprit is in this household. The notes are always delivered with the post."

  "And Lavinia was poisoned at the ball," the Duke pointed out.

  Colin was frozen by the door. What were they up to? What had they done that needed to be kept a secret? Colin swallowed hard and looked around. His father had done something wrong, and now he was trying to cover it up. And the Duchess was also involved. He realized then that he knew absolutely nothing about what went on in the household. He would uncover what they were hiding.

  He walked into Lavinia's bed chamber looking grim. What he had overheard still replayed in his mind. When he walked into the bed chamber, Lavinia was standing by her window. She was in her pink muslin dress, and her hair was pulled back in a neat bun. Rebecca was nowhere in sight. His worries were forgotten, and he was only filled with the image of her.

  She turned. Her eyes widened when she saw him. "Colin."

  He raised his hands. "Pardon me —”

  She smiled. "It is fine. Come, come and watch the birds with me."

  He made his way over to her side, feeling a thrill. The thought of being beside her...

  He approached her, and together they looked out the window. The sun had risen far towards the east, over a large field. Birds flew across the sky. Lavinia was right. It was indeed beautiful. She turned to look at him, and the action was so quick that he did not have the time to move back a bit. She was so close to him that he felt her breath on his skin. If he moved an inch, their lips would merge. He thought about it, and his skin prickled. He wanted so badly to pull her to him and savor her. He was lost in his own desires and his ecstasy was rising. He attempted to move to her, but was interrupted by the knock on the door.

  Suddenly coming to his senses, he moved back and walked away from her. He cleared his throat and had his body facing the door. "Yes?"

  He presumed it was Spratt, who he had asked to bring up the canvas. When the door opened, Spratt walked in. Behind him was a footman who brought the canvas and easel in. He placed it down and bowed to Colin. Colin made his way over to take a look at the canvas and his unfinished painting.

  Spratt ran past him. It was sudden, and he barely noticed it, but he did. He looked up, dazed. He wondered why Spratt was running. Then, he saw Lavinia gripping her stomach. The butler was by her side, helping her to her bed. Colin ran to help.

  "Have a seat, My Lady," Spratt said.

  Spratt's reaction had been required, however it still stunned Colin. He had been so quick to render his help, as though he had seen it coming. Colin took Lavinia’s other arm, helping to lower her down onto the bed.

  Lavinia sat down. Colin squatted by her bedside and took her hand in his. Spratt stood aside. Colin could not shake the strange feeling.

  "Is that..." Lavinia trailed off, nodding at the canvas instead of finishing her sentence.

  Colin nodded. "Yes. It is. Upon your request."

  She grinned, her eyes still on the canvas. "You painted me?"

  He smiled. Wanting to see her reaction, he turned the canvas so that it was facing her. She gasped. Her eyes glistened. She looked between him and the canvas. " painted me while I was unconscious."

  He nodded. "Indeed. It is not quite finished, of course."

  Lavinia gazed at him in a way that made his insides tingle. He restrained himself from the thoughts that ran through his mind in that moment, thoughts that nearly forced him to take action, urged him to walk over to her and kiss her.

  He shook his head.

  "I do have a new inspiration."

  She grinned. "Pray tell, what is it?"

  "Well, now that you have awoken, I will paint you as you sit by the window and in the sunlight.” His eyes searched her hazel ones.

  Spratt interrupted. "My Lord. I will take my leave now."

  Colin was forced to look away. He had forgotten, for a second, that he was not alone with Lavinia.

  He moved away from Lavinia and nodded to Spratt. "Of course. Thank you."

  The butler bowed and made his way out. The footman went after him. Colin was once again left alone with Lavinia. He decided to maintain a good distance. Being near her did things to him.

  "I shall do it. I shall sit by the window while you paint," she said.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling flustered. He nodded. "I would appreciate that, but if the pain..."

  She rose. "Not if I’m sitting comfortably.”

  He did not want to risk her health, but she was so hopeful, and he wanted to see her in that position again. He nodded. "I must help you then."

  He walked over to her and held her by her arm. He had not been ready for the ripple that went through him at a simple touch. She went still, just as he did. They both looked at each other. Colin cast his gaze away and said, "Come." She complied. He helped her to the window and moved away. "Does your stomach still hurt?"

  She shook her head gently. Her eyes refused to meet his. "No."

  He began to sketch her out. She was sitting by the window, her right arm by the drapes, and the sun kissed her skin. He made out a quick sketch in order not to keep her too long. He was soon done. He rushed over to her.

  "All done, Lavinia. Let me walk you back to —"

  She chuckled. "I am not fragile. I can make my way back on my own."

  He smiled. "I do understand that, but I cannot help but worry."

  Lavinia laughed, though she was pale. She made her way over to her bed and sat down. She said to him. "Will you sell the painting if it turns out to be very beautiful?"

  He shook his head. "Never. It will be too precious to me."

  She blushed. Then, she yawned. "I feel sleepy."

  "The sun is still out."

  She slipped beneath the duvet. "Indeed." She gripped his hand. "Stay with me until I fall asleep."

  His heart raced, but he did not let go of her. He did as she asked. He stayed by her, until she was in a deep sleep. He remained there, working on his painting. He barely noted that the sunlight began to dim.

  Not so long after, the Duchess walked in to check on her.

  "She is fast asleep," she noted. Colin nodded, moving away from her side, so the Duchess could be there.

  "Thank you, dear, for keeping her company. I hope she recovers soon."

  Colin nodded. "The important thing is that she is awake now. Mr. Rufus said that with time, the pain would go away."

  The Duchess nodded. "Indeed. You may go now. I shall watch over her."

  Colin swallowed hard. "Of course."

  He walked out of the bed chamber without a word. His heart seemed to crush each time he saw Lavinia and he was unable to tell her how he felt. But he would do what he had in mind. He would be by her side, until she
realized that she loved him, just as much as he did her.

  Colin did not return to Lavinia that night, the Duchess insisted on staying with her instead. He slept in his bed chamber, for the first time in a while. He rose early the next day, and made his way towards Lavinia's bed chamber again. It had become a routine, to always be there. He walked in and was surprised when he saw Spratt seated beside her. Rebecca stood beside him. Lavinia was sitting up in bed, a tray in her lap. She was eating a slice of toast with jam, and sipping from a cup of tea.

  "I hope you get better soon, My Lady," Rebecca said.

  “I’m already feeling much better,” Lavinia commented, taking a bite of toast.

  Spratt nodded. "She’ll be back on her feet and in the stables in no time."

  Lavinia smiled her usual, mischievous grin, which she hid behind her tea cup as she raised it to her lips. She glanced at the doorway, spotting Colin. “Good morning, Colin,” she murmured softly, her cheeks coloring.

  “Good morning, My Lady,” he replied, then glanced at the butler.


  The butler turned. "My Lord. I had come here to ask you if you would like your breakfast tray brought up. I decided to check up on Lady Lavinia, as well."

  Colin found it odd that Spratt was quite interested in Lavinia's wellbeing. He still did not feel comfortable, even though Spratt was not alone with her. His attention to Lavinia of late, coupled with her last words right before she had fainted, made Colin quite suspicious. He had an uneasy feeling about seeing Spratt seated there.

  However, as a thought crossed his mind, Colin realized that he could use Spratt's presence here to his advantage. He could use this to carry out his plan once and for all, to quench his curiosity about Spratt, and what part he had to play in Lavinia's poisoning.

  Colin smiled. "I shall go down to have my breakfast, Spratt, not to worry. But I also have some papers to tend to. I have not had the time for those."

  Spratt nodded in understanding. Rebecca went to the armoire, to begin preparations for Lavinia’s day dress. Colin went on, "I was wondering if you could post a letter for me, Spratt?"

  Spratt smiled. "Absolutely, My Lord."

  “Thank you, Spratt.” He handed him the letter, addressed to his solicitor in London. “It’s very urgent, and I don’t want it entrusted to one of the footmen.” It was not, in fact, urgent. It was a matter of routine, but Spratt didn’t know this.

  “Of course, My Lord. I understand.” Spratt took the letter, bowing. He then rushed from the room. The post office was a good twenty minute journey. Spratt would be gone for nearly an hour.

  Colin was relieved. Now he just needed to search Spratt's quarters for anything that he could find. He walked out of the room and headed down the staircase. He did not stop at the dining table. He headed for Spratt's quarters. He tread carefully. He knew that if he was seen, questions he had no answer to would arise.

  Once inside Spratt's quarters, he closed the door behind him and sighed in relief. His eyes moved around the chamber rapidly. He noted that Spratt was quite tidy. Nothing was out of place. Everything was well arranged.

  "Where would one keep something quite dear to him in such a chamber?" he wondered.

  His eyes went to the trunk by the window. He decided to begin from the trunk. He walked over, pulled the trunk forward and was about to open it, but he stopped himself. It felt so wrong to invade his privacy, but at the same time, Colin was desperate to find answers. He shook his head and went ahead. He opened the trunk and began to look through. The trunk had only a few quilts in it, and a military uniform. He raised the uniform up. Beneath it, he saw a thick book. He raised it and opened the first page. He intended to glance through. He already felt that he was doing wrong by snooping about, but he paused when he saw a familiar name scribbled on the first page.

  Colin creased his brows. Lavinia's last name, had been Fitzwilliam, before it had been changed, upon her mother's marriage to his father. He flipped the next page.


  She was born at home. In the third room.

  A shuffling sound startled him. Colin shut the diary and rose. He swallowed hard. When he was certain that there was no one there, he decided it was time to go. He arranged the room to how he had first seen it, keeping everything in place, but he held on to the diary, slipping it into the inside pocket of his jacket. He was going to get to the bottom of it. He made his way out of the room. The hallway was empty, which made it easy for him to sneak out. Now his mind roamed. Who was Spratt?

  Where exactly had he come from? Was it a coincidence that he held a diary that had Lavinia's last name in it. Could the diary belong to Lavinia's father? All these questions plagued his mind. He felt restless. He wanted to get to the bottom of all this as soon as possible. He hurriedly made his way up the staircase.. He made his way to Lavinia's bed chamber. He opened the door and walked in.

  His eyes grew wide at the sight before him. The bed chamber was empty.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rebecca finished helping Lavinia dress in a green muslin, then pulling her hair back in a bun. Looking at herself in the mirror, Lavinia felt satisfied with how she looked. Gone was the unruly lady who spent most of her time in the stables. She was still herself, of course. But she was a more confident version. She imagined that she might even get away with sneaking out to the stables, every so often.

  She hoped that Colin would appreciate it. She wanted him to see her in a new light. Perhaps if he saw her as someone other than his stepsister, he could begin to develop feelings for her. She kept on thinking about the kiss they had shared. Surely he had felt something, just as she had. The burning desire that sparked at the mere touch of their lips was not only one-sided, or was it?

  She shook her head to keep her thoughts away. There was no need for her to waste any more time. “How do you feel, My Lady?” the lady’s maid wondered.

  "I feel well and strong today."

  When she uttered those words, she realized that it was indeed right, and she no longer wanted to be holed up in her bed chamber. She wanted to go out to the garden and walk in the field. She rose from her dressing table.

  "You should rest, My Lady," Rebecca said.

  “I’ve been in bed for so long,” she said. “I think I’d like to stretch my legs.”

  Her eyes narrowed at the canvas that was still by the table. She walked over to it, smiling. Colin had made out a sketch of her, standing by the window. She swallowed as she thought of him. She wanted to see him. She wanted to be with him. Once again, she felt a tingle against her lips. She was reminded of the kiss they had shared. And the second kiss they had almost shared the day before.

  He had almost kissed her. Right before the door had opened, she had felt him moving in. She could not have been wrong, could she? She furrowed her brows. She had to talk to him. She had to know what he felt for her. Her mind raced.

  Rebecca was still speaking to her, but she no longer heard anything she was saying.

  " I shall take a short walk in the garden. Where is my mother?"

  "She left quite early with the Duke," she replied.

  And Colin had said that he was going to be in the study. Her heart pounded as she thought of what she was about to do. She would see him and have a conversation with him, and she would ask what he felt about her.

  Lavinia nodded.

  She walked past Rebecca and headed out of her bed chamber.

  "My Lady, ‘tis not such a good idea —" Rebecca called, but Lavinia paid her no heed.

  She sighed when she heard Rebecca follow her. She wondered why everyone thought she was fragile. She felt strong and well again. The pain in her stomach was gone now.

  She made her way down the hallway and down the stairs. John had said Colin was in the study. She made her way over to the study. But when she walked in, he was not there. She creased her brows, looking around. She turned to Rebecca who had been following her.

  "Spratt said that Lord Grandview was here," she said.<
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  Rebecca shrugged and looked to her side. "Spratt is approaching, My Lady."

  The butler surfaced from the side corridor and bowed. “I have just returned from the post office.”

  "His Lordship told me that he would be here." Spratt also looked confused. "Perhaps we could check the garden?"

  Lavinia nodded once. She walked past Spratt and headed to the garden. She squinted when she stepped outside. The sun seemed too bright. She shielded her face with her arm and groaned.


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