Night Marchers

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Night Marchers Page 13

by Rebecca Gober & Courtney Nuckels


  I try to pull the covers over my head and force myself to go back to sleep. My efforts are rendered useless when my brain rouses and a thousand thoughts fill my mind. Today is the day that Tristan leaves. Over the past few days, Tristan and I have spent as much time together as we could before he had to leave for training. I don’t remember having spent so much time with anyone else other than Kaylee. We’ve spent nearly every minute that I wasn’t studying, outdoors basking in the sun and getting to know each other better. I think I’ve soaked up enough vitamin D to last me a year.

  I fear that my system may go into shock when Tristan leaves. Except for school, my life has been simply revolving around our times together. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. I think Tristan leaving could be, in it’s own way, a reprieve so I don’t find myself depending on him so much. I’m just not entirely sure what to do with myself while he’s gone. My dad will be gone for another few days and I will be practically alone. Alani will be here, but she keeps busy and on most regular days the only times I see her is during mealtimes.

  I’m not going to let my worries dictate the day so I push the covers off me and sit up determined to make this morning a good one for Tristan. Now fully awake I can see that the sun has only begun to rise filling my room with an orange glow that makes the purple in my room look like a muddy brown. I look over at the bedside clock to see that it’s not even six yet. Oh well, it would be useless to try and go back to sleep. My stomach growls as the scent of bacon and coffee drifts into my room, yum.

  I take some time to get ready then head down to the kitchen seeking the source of the amazing aroma that has my hunger on high alert. I find Alani humming a catchy tune while diligently laboring over the stove making an enormous breakfast for Tristan and me. I really don’t know how my waistline is going to favor after eating all this food. I have to give it to Alani, she must be one of the best multi-taskers in the world. She’s stirring gravy in one pot with her left hand while folding an omelet over in an iron skillet with her right hand. A visual image of Alani pouring coffee with her toes makes me giggle. I wouldn’t put it past her.

  My stomach noisily rumbles alerting Alani to my presence. She looks over her shoulder in my direction. “Hungry honey?” She asks jokingly.

  “For sure! Alani, you know you don’t have to go through all this trouble. Back home my breakfasts usually consisted of a bagel with cream cheese or a Nutrigrain bar.” I smile at her letting her know how much I appreciate the effort.

  Alani gives me a gleaming smile. “Cooking is the best part of my job honey and eating it is the second best part.” She looks past me to the sliding glass door.

  I turn around in time to see Tristan wandering in. Taking a seat at the table, he stretches his arms over his head and accompanies the stretch with a manly yawn. When his eyes meet mine a moment later a small breath of air escapes him, “Emma, you really look stunning today.” His eyes are wide while he studies me making me feel somewhat vulnerable.

  This morning I had taken the time to get ready. I took a shower, straightened my hair, and put on my makeup perfectly. I walked out to the garden and picked a pink hibiscus flower and wove it through my hair. The flower matched perfectly with my summer dress I was wearing. The dress is made of a soft cotton fabric that falls to my knees and has a string wrapping around the neck to tie it all together. I figured I had time to really get dolled up this morning. Plus, this is the image of myself I want Tristan to take with him when he leaves. I give him a flirtatious smile and twirl around in my dress giving him that come hither look. I don’t know if it’s the dress or the expression on Tristan’s face that makes me feel utterly gorgeous in this instant.

  Tristan waltzes over to me, “Madam, may I have this dance?”

  “Tristan, there’s no music, and your mom is right here,” I whisper in his ear. It’s of no use though. Tristan wraps one arm around my middle and takes my hand in his; he is a surprisingly good dancer, very light on his feet. I am really glad my dad taught me to dance all those years ago. I used to stand on his feet as he would glide me around the room.

  Tristan twirls me and then dips me back. My hair is nearly touching the ground as he gives me a short tender kiss. Then I’m quickly hoisted back upright sending my head into a spin. I’m not sure if it was the action or the kiss that made me lightheaded... I blush and then see Alani from the corner of my eye gleaming at us. When she realizes she’s caught, she quickly focuses back on the food, yet continues smiling from ear to ear.

  Tristan leads me back over to the table where Alani had placed a large bowl of fruit, steaming omelets, and crisp bacon. She even added toast with an assortment of jams, peanut butter and honey. I always feel like I’m at a resort when Alani feeds me; she’s just to good to me…to all of us.

  After breakfast Tristan heads back over to his house to get his bags and to change. I stay in the kitchen and help Alani clean up. He returns fifteen minutes later and I nearly drop the cup that I’m holding when I see him. He’s standing tall at the door wearing his digi-camo BDU’s, black boots and he has his duffle bag strapped to his back. I have to force my mouth closed. There is nothing like a man in uniform to make a girl swoon. To top that off, a man that I’m crazy about, is in’s totally drool worthy. “Tristan, you look amazing.”

  He blushes. Alani clears her throat, “Hey kiddos, why don’t I take a picture of you two before you leave?” I hand her my phone and head over to stand proudly next to Tristan. “Say cheese,” she calls out. She hands me back my phone and I thank her.

  Tristan goes over to scoop his mom up in a giant bear hug. “I will miss you.” He says.

  “Me too honey. You take care of yourself and don’t pull any muscles or anything.” Alani says then gives him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Of course mom.” He says with a smile then turns to me. “You ready to go?” He asks holding his hand out to me.

  I graciously accept it and we head out the front door hand and hand. My deep blue convertible is sitting at the edge of the circle drive. I toss Tristan the keys and let him drive us to the airport. We spend most of the drive in silence, both of us pretending to be lost in the scenery. We must be at a loss for words; I don’t think that goodbyes come easy to anybody.

  At the airport Tristan checks his baggage; it’s time for us to say goodbye before he heads through security to the terminal. My heart starts beating with anxiety. I’m not going to see him for two full weeks, maybe longer. He must read the emotions going across my face so he pulls me into him. I rest my head against his chest and breathe in deep the smell of him. He still smells like Axe body spray and man. I catalog it in my brain so I can remember him while he’s gone. I remind myself, it’s only a few weeks, not forever. He lifts my head up to his and gives me a long, deep kiss. Everything around me disappears in those few seconds. Worry and anxiety melts away. He pulls away only enough to lean his forehead against mine. Eyes closed he sighs then says, “I will see you soon Emma.”

  “Yes, I can’t wait.” I say back to him breathlessly. We hug before he heads off to the security line. I wait and watch him for as long as I can. As he rounds the corner and heads off to his terminal he gives me a giant smile and blows me a kiss. Sure it may be extremely corny but I fake pretend that I catch the kiss and put it to my lips. He tilts his head back in a laugh then turns the corner with a wave. I stand there for a moment half expecting to see him come back around the corner but eventually I realize that it would be totally irrational for him to do so. I shake myself out of it and head back to my car all the while thinking how strikingly different the departure gate is from the arrival gate. The departure gate isn’t filled with joy and anticipation like the arrival gate. Instead it’s is filled with rushing people and loved ones saying their goodbyes or see you laters. It actually holds a rather depressing air.

  The trip back home seemed to take forever. I was thankful for the GPS that my dad installed for me; otherwise I w
ould have probably been circling the island for days since I’m directionally challenged. Tristan had been tinkering with the language settings the other day and it was left on French. The French man’s voice called out directions that I couldn’t understand, but I was able to follow by looking at the digital map on the screen. I think I will leave it on this voice; the sultriness of it reminds me of Tristan.

  Back at the house I delve into my studies. I log off after AP English and right as I’m about to close my laptop a video call notification pops up on my screen. It’s Kaylee. I happily accept the call and smile as her face fills the screen.

  “Emma, you look hot! Love the dress!” She exclaims.

  I’m still wearing the dress with the flower in my hair. “Thanks Kaylee. You are a sight for sore eyes. It’s been a rough afternoon.”

  “Oh, because Tristan left?”

  “Yeah, I’m already feeling a bit lonely. It’s a good time for my BFI to call though.” I try to force a smile.

  “I’m sorry lady! I miss you. If I had the money I would so be on a flight up there right now.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you would. We will just have to Skype a lot over the next few days.... Oh! By the way, check your phone, I’m going to send you a pic.” I sent her the pic of Tristan and me.

  “Whoa momma! Love me some men in uniform. You look awesome together… So are y’all a couple now?” She beams.

  I think about that for a moment. “I guess we didn’t really clarify whether we were exclusive or anything… Awe man Kaylee! Do you think we should have?”

  “Hey Emma, don’t freak out about it. I mean, obviously he’s in training so it’s not like he’s going to be out dating or anything. How do you feel about him?” She asks.

  “I really like him. I mean, I’m not in love yet… I guess the time away will be good for me to get my bearings on how I really feel about our relationship. It’s all happened so fast, but I’m grateful because it really helped me keep my mind off being homesick.”

  I watch Kaylee raise her eyebrows at me. She says jokingly, “So y’all are not exclusive?”

  “Kaylee! You are such a goober. I didn’t say that. Anyhow, we didn’t confirm anything. I like him a lot and if that doesn’t fade while he’s gone then perhaps when he gets back it will be a good time for that talk.”

  “I was just egging you on Emma. I totally understand. After all I’ve known you for long enough to know that you aren’t one to make commitments lightly. You are smart to really weigh things out before jumping in headfirst. If it were me, I would have already been saying I love you and when are we going to run off to get married!”

  We both start cracking up. It’s so funny how different we are when it comes to relationships.

  We talk for another hour about all the happenings here, all that’s been going on in Texas and more. She updates me on the latest gossip back at my old High school. I tell her how I can’t wait for her to come up and visit so I can take her for a ride in my new convertible.

  After we disconnected, I felt a lot better. I’m not even sure why I was fretting so much. I like Tristan a lot but I am my own person. I can miss him but time isn’t going to stop just because he’s gone. I will be totally fine on my own for a little while.

  I look at my phone and see it’s about dinnertime. I head down to meet Alani in the kitchen. We share dinner together and I find myself enjoying her company; she’s so motherly. Although the dinner table seemed sadly empty, we were still able to talk openly to one another. Alani is just so easy to talk to. I found our conversation drifting easily from one topic to the next. We spent a while talking about my life back in Texas until the conversation took a turn somehow to Tristan’s childhood Alani dished out some funny stories about Tristan when he was a toddler. My favorite was the one where he decided to take off all of his clothes along with his diaper and escape from the nursery to run butt naked down the aisle during church service. Alani said that the Pastor with all the church members were cracking up so much they decided to go ahead and break for fellowship as opposed to trying to get back to services.

  Alani and I continued to talk even after we had eaten our fill. It wasn’t until a few hours later that we realized what time it was. I tried to get Alani to let me help her with dishes, but she shooed me out of the kitchen before I could get a word in edgewise.

  Back in my room, I try to lie down in my bed and pull out a good book but the faint sound of the waves crashing to the shore calls to me. I head out onto my patio and gaze at the sun setting low over the Pacific. It’s so breathtaking; even though I get to see this every day, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. I decide to take an evening stroll to get my mind off Tristan. I grab my sandals from my room and head out.

  As I round the cobblestone pathway I’m thankful for the footpath lighting that was installed. It casts a glow just bright enough to see by, but not too bright as to distort the setting sun. My dad’s request to not go out after dark fills my mind but I justify the fact that the sun hasn’t fully set yet. Plus, it’s not like there are many choices around for finding someone to escort me. Alani’s busy with her housework and she deserves her own time too, it’s not like she needs to add babysitter to her list of things to do.

  I look back at the house just in time to see the outdoor lights kick on due to the setting sun. I raise my chin in semi-defiance and head further down the trail away from the house.

  When I get to the beach I kick off my sandals and run the sand between my toes. I walk along the shoreline letting the water skim over my feet as the tide rises. The mountains in the background create the perfect serene backdrop as I take a deep breath feeling the clean refreshing air swirl through my lungs. It’s so peaceful out here; I feel like I can lie on the beach and fall asleep. Back in Texas I had one of those tapes that sounded like ocean waves, but it was nothing compared to the real thing. There’s a reason those tapes are known to cause relaxation!

  I walk up the beach a little ways noticing the small fire-like balls again glowing up in the distant mountains. I really wish I knew what they were; it sure is escalating my curiosity. I watch as they slowly descend up and over the mountains until the last one is extinguished from my view. My eyes drop down as I see the shadow of a man further up the beach from where I stood.

  The sun has nearly set in the sky, but a slight hint of orange still clings to the horizon allowing me to make out his silhouette. Excitement bubbles in my chest. It looks like Tristan. But it can’t be, I consider. It has to be though, after all this is a private beach. Maybe he came back to surprise me; maybe his flight was cancelled or maybe they didn’t need him at training after all!

  I begin walking with a purpose towards him. I know it’s silly and he’s only been gone for like seven hours but I nearly have to contain the giggle bubbling from my excitement at seeing him again.

  When I’m about thirty feet away I call out with a huge surprised smile, “Tristan!” I can’t help myself; I run the rest of the way there closing my eyes as I crush into him hugging tightly to his chest.

  No... Something is wrong. I immediately felt a shock like a lightning current going from his chest into mine. It sets my heart into a frantic beat. This is not right! It takes me a second to register that and when I do, I back away so quickly that I fall back on my bottom.

  This is not Tristan. No, not at all! He doesn't smell like Axe body spray. I don’t feel the warm safeness that I feel in Tristan’s arms. I look up from where I’m sitting on the ground and stare up at a stranger. Only it’s not really a stranger, I’ve seen this man before, from a distance. This is the man from the beach, the one that disappeared when I was swimming alone. My heart starts racing. How stupid am I? Just running into some strangers’ arms. Tristan would never just stand there; he would run to me or at least met me half way. I’m now in the dark, far from the house, with a man I don’t know. I feel immobilized by fear. My dad’s warning circles through my head like a siren. I really wish he had told
me the reason why I shouldn’t be out after dark. I don’t watch the news, so for all I know a serial killer could easily be wandering the island.

  The stranger walks up to me and holds his hand out in a gesture to help me up. Instead of accepting it, I quickly stand up on my own. I step back putting a few feet of distance between us. I look back towards the house. I can barely even see my patio light from this far away. My mind starts racing, thinking fight or flight? My body is shaking with either fear or embarrassment; I’m not sure which. I demand, “Who are you and what do you think you are doing on my beach?”

  As he looks at me I take in the color of his eyes. They are grey, not blue or brown but grey like the color of a churning storm. I’ve never seen eyes in this color before. They are startlingly intense. He replies coolly, “I’m Kai. I am sorry to alarm you. I was only taking a walk. This area of the beach does not belong to the Kealoha’s. It is part of the nature reserve.”

  He knows the Kealoha’s? My nerves start to steady a bit with that piece of knowledge. He’s probably just a local from one of the homes up the street. I survey him a little closer. The tattoos I had noticed the other day are covered up this time with a black t-shirt. His dark cargo shorts along with his tanned skin makes him easily less noticeable in the dark. He couldn’t be a serial killer, after all serial killers aren’t usually cute right?

  I don’t know why I do it but I offer my name to him, “I’m Emma. Oh, and I apologize for jumping all over you... I thought you were someone else.” I start blushing from head to toe thinking about what a fool I just made of myself. I’m grateful that it’s dark and he doesn’t notice me turning red.

  “Nice to meet you Emma.” My name slides familiarly off his tongue. “I’ve seen you before swimming but we did not get the chance to have a proper introduction.” Kai says seriously. “You know, you should not swim in the ocean by yourself; it’s dangerous.”

  I give a small laugh, “So I’ve heard,” thinking of the way Tristan reacted when he found me.

  “So, Emma, Why are you taking a walk all alone this time of night?”

  I take a deep breath and let it out, I feel a little frustrated. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s because he’s insinuating that I can’t handle myself and should be accompanied at all times like a child. Or maybe it’s because I still don’t know why I shouldn’t be outside alone after dark. I reply, “I just needed to clear my head. Furthermore, I am very capable of taking care of myself!” I cringe as I hear the last part come out with a bit of a childish wine.

  “Emma, I’m sure you are a very capable woman.” I feel a little better that he calls me a woman and doesn’t think of me as a child. Not that I should care what this man thinks, I hardly know him. “You do however, need to be careful. The night does not always bring good things in Kauai.” He says the last part while staring off into the mountains.

  A little shiver shutters out of me and goose bumps rise on my arms and my legs. “Oh, well I will proceed with caution going forward. Thank you Kai for the warning.”

  I see a slight nod come from him, “You are welcome. May I walk you back?”

  I consider this for a moment. He doesn’t seem crazy. If he were planning something for me, I am guessing he would of already done it. Also, he knows the Kealoha’s so I’m sure that they must know him too. He probably already knows where my house is anyway. I think of several different reasons why I could justify trusting him, but in the end it’s just a feeling in my gut. I saw something in his expression on that day at the beach that tells me there is no reason to fear him. Hoping my intuition is correct and that I’m not about to take a walk with a serial killer I reply, “Sure, thank you.”

  We begin walking back towards my house. We keep a considerable distance from each other, which is perfectly fine with me. That electric shock I got when I hugged him was enough for one night. Not that it was a bad or painful shock but it was definitely strange and unexplainable. I wonder if he felt it too. When we get closer to the house I stop and pick up my sandals from the beach. “So Kai, how long have you been in Kauai?”

  Kai stops walking as well just long enough to answer, “I guess I could say that I’ve been here all my life.”

  “Really? That must have been amazing growing up here in such a beautiful place.”

  “It certainly has changed,” he said sounding rather distant.

  Kai bid me goodnight and I ascend the path towards my house. When I reach the top of the path I glance back only to see him walking back towards where he came from. My mind was swimming; how in the world was I going to sleep now?


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