Book Read Free

Night Marchers

Page 18

by Rebecca Gober & Courtney Nuckels


  A few days pass, each day the same. Repetitive. Kai and I eat breakfast together followed by endless training. I’ve never before pushed my body this hard but I am getting better with the Ihe. I feel much more confident in my newfound abilities and myself.

  I’ve decided not to think about my feelings for Kai or Tristan. It’s been hard though because each night Kai has been opening up to me, telling me a few details about himself and in turn I’ve told him some of my history. I told him about my dad, Kaylee and even about my mom. The more I find out about Kai the more I want to allow myself to draw closer to him. It takes a lot strength for me to keep him at arms length but I have to do it. I force my heart to become numb so that I can concentrate fully on my training. It has kept me focused; it helps drive the force deep inside knowing this will all be over soon.

  Normally when I finish with training Kai picks me up and we grab a bite to eat before heading home. This evening is different though. Kai doesn’t show. Eve meets me at the Dojo instead. Today she’s sporting a hot orange jump suit with bright pink jewels lining the hems. I wonder if Eve ever wears anything that’s not flashy. She sure would fit well in Texas. Other than the whole Menehune height factor, that is.

  “Hello Emma, I’m here to take you home. Kai will be there when we arrive. He has a surprise for you.” She gives me a knowing smile which tells me that she has an inside scoop of what this surprise entails.

  A small smile creeps onto my face for the first time in days. I love surprises. I am all too excited to see what Kai has planned.

  Eve talks nonstop on our way back to Kai’s house. She tells me all about the latest gossip going around in the village. I usually can’t stand gossip but I just listen and nod my head knowing this must be what makes her happy. I won’t rain on her parade today. She walks me all the way to the door and then bids me goodnight. Giving me a knowing wink she heads back down the tunnel towards her home.

  Butterflies start flying around in my tummy. I open the door and suck in my breath. There are candles going all the way up the stairs, one on each side of every step. It creates the most beautiful ambiance. Nervous excitement fills me as I follow the lit trail up the steps. In this instant the heartache caused by my mixed feelings that I’ve felt over the past few days is gone, leaving the hopefulness I once felt in its place. When I reach the main room I see more candles as well as fragrant purple flowers in the most exquisite crystal vases decorating every flat surface. With the starry night shining above me, it has to be the most romantic setting I have ever laid eyes on.

  Looking towards the kitchen I find Kai waiting for me dressed in a black suit, which sets off the obsidian color of his hair. He looks so dashingly handsome, with the two top buttons of his white shirt open and his tie hanging loosely beneath the collar. He stares at me intently with his soulful grey eyes, which sends the butterflies in my stomach into a fluttering frenzy.

  I look down at my sweaty self and suddenly feel self-conscious. Kai must have seen my look, “Why don’t you get a shower. I’m still finishing up dinner. Also, I laid a dress in the bathroom for you; I hope you like it.”

  A dress? I think to myself. I smile at Kai and take off towards the bathroom excitedly.

  I manage to shower in less than seven minutes. When I get out and dry off I immediately head over to unzip the dress bag that is hanging from a towel bar. I find wrapped neatly inside the bag, a floor length midnight blue satin dress with a halter neck. There are hundreds of sparkling crystals lining the empress waistline that send rainbow shadows dancing across the bathroom walls. I pull the dress out to examine it closer and find that it dips almost as low as the waistline in the back. I honestly have never worn something this extravagant, even for prom. The girly-girl in me get’s super excited as I wiggle into the dress and low and behold it’s just my size. I spend the next few minutes drying my hair and putting on a little make up. I am so glad that whoever brought my stuff from home took the time to grab a few of these essentials as well. Before I head out I take a second to look at myself in the mirror. Hmmm, not to shabby Emma. I turn around to get a view of the plunging backline that dips to the lowest part of my back. This is definitely the sexiest dress I’ve ever worn, for some reason self conscious anxiety builds up in me and I start worrying about what Kai might think. What if he doesn’t like the way I look in the dress? I don’t know why my brain sabotages me in this way ruining an exciting time with fears of disapproval. I shake it off chiding myself for allowing these anxious thoughts to seep in.

  I head out to the main room, all anxiety and worry melt away when I see Kai’s face light up. He’s wearing the expression that a husband would have when his future bride is walking down the aisle. Taking my hand he gives me a half spin, “There are no words to describe how beautiful you look Emma.” He takes a Hibiscus from the countless flowers and carefully tucks it in my hair.

  With the flip of a switch a stereo plays out “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” sung by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. It is probably the most beautiful rendition of this song that I’ve ever heard. I can’t help but sway in the candlelight to the strumming ukulele. Kai holds out his hand and asks, “May I have this dance?”

  I nod. I can’t help but find myself a bit entranced by the prosaic setting and the company I get to enjoy it with.

  He takes my hand and wraps the other around the small area of my bare back. The electrical current that runs between us when we touch is nearly jolting tonight with his hand against my exposed skin. It feels as if every nerve ending in my body has been heightened and when he trails his hand up my back a bit, goose bumps quickly follow.

  I find that we aren’t really dancing. Not like Tristan and I danced. More so Kai and I are merely holding each other and barely swaying to the music. Both of us are silent through most of the song, gazing every once in awhile into each other’s longing eyes.

  When the music plays its last note, Kai breaks the silence. “You know Emma, I haven’t felt like this in a very, very long time. I didn’t know I could ever be this happy again. Thank you for giving me hope.” He gently tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear and places a gentle yet just as electrifying kiss on my lips, then continues. “I made you dinner, but before we eat, I have something I want to give you.”

  I pick my head up off his shoulder where I had briefly placed it and give him a full on smile. My mind starts reeling wondering what it is. I think too about how I don’t have anything for him in return.

  Kai breaks our embrace first leading me over to the table. I have to fight off a pout when he breaks contact with me. I think that my body becomes accustomed to the feeling I get when we touch for long periods of time and when the connection is severed it’s like someone suddenly turned off a switch nearly casting me into darkness.

  I don’t have time to think about it much anyhow when I see a small box wrapped in a red silk ribbon lying on the table. My eyes get wide as I think, He went to Jared’s. I laugh a little at this and begin unwrapping the bow. Inside is the most stunning necklace I have ever seen. It’s made up of three strands of tiny delicate shells. I carefully pick the necklace up and take the shells in my hands to observe them closer. They are tinnier than a pearl but have the most unusually beautiful color hues to them. They range from different shades of pinks to an off-white pearlescent color. The necklace, which is held together with a solid gold clasp, feels so delicate, yet strong at the same time.

  “Kai, it’s beautiful!” I gleam.

  Kai takes the necklace, steps around me and clasps it carefully against my skin. His breath on my sensitive neck sends more goose bumps spiraling across my skin. I realize that I’m holding my breath anticipating that staggering feeling of his touch. I find myself disappointed when he steps around to face me again and the noticeable distance, although it’s only a foot at most, seems as if we are separated by the Grand Canyon itself. I feel as though I’m irresistibly drawn to him like a magnet and the need inside me to t
ouch him is overwhelming. Thankfully he starts talking before I embarrass myself by throwing myself across that invisible barrier and into his arms.

  “This is a Ni‘ihau shell necklace. It takes years to make a single necklace, as these shells are very rare. This necklace is made of valuable, precious shells but none of which are as precious as you are to me. I want you to have it forever, no matter what happens.” Kai places his hand gently on my cheek taking my breath away. I close my eyes savoring the volts that cycle between us. I open them a second later to find Kai’s striking grey eyes, sparkling with such a quality that it makes them look almost silver. He says barely above a whisper. “Aloha No Au la ‘Oe.”

  I raise my eyebrow in question. While I don’t know what he just said, I do know that by the look in his eyes it must have been the most sincere thing anyone has ever said to me.

  “I said that I truly love you Emma, you make my life more complete than it ever was. I don’t want to think about being apart from you ever again. I want you for always. I know you may not love me yet, but I want you to know I am in no hurry. I will wait until the end of time for you to love me back.”

  His soulfully honest confession startles me. I had no idea that he felt that intensely about me. As a tear slowly falls down my cheek he pulls me into his chest. I stay there for a while greedily relishing the current that flows between us and allowing it to soak into my veins. I have never had a guy tell me that they really loved me and mean it before. And now in the past few days I’ve had two men, whom I care for deeply, express their love for me. I’m amazed by the randomness of that coincidence as well as the horrible timing for it.

  I wish I could reciprocate and tell Kai that I love him back, but I’m not certain yet. I haven’t ever really been in love. With the struggle I’m having regarding both Kai and Tristan how could I be in love? If I really loved him I wouldn’t have thoughts of Tristan in the back of my mind. I need time to think but right now, I need to just be. Just be happy for a little while and just be loved for tonight.

  Kai and I have an amazing night. He made me a candle lit dinner and then we headed up to the room with the view upstairs to spend the remainder of the evening. Spending time with Kai feels as natural as breathing. There wasn’t an ounce of discomfort between us due to my not confirming my love back to him. He really meant it when he said that he would wait, and for that I am so grateful. Kai and I talked till after midnight then ended up falling asleep next to each other on the cushioned porch swing.

  “Emma No!!!” Kai yells out. I almost fall off the porch swing in surprise. It takes me a while to get my bearings again and realize where I am. Kai’s arm is around my stomach and he’s laying behind me on the swing, his breathing is labored. We are both facing out towards the churning ocean. I get up off the swing and turn around. I can see Kai’s eyes moving behind his eyelids. He’s dreaming, and whatever it is can’t be good. “No!!!” He yells again and then abruptly opens his eyes. I gasp at the horror that contorts his face.

  I lean down, push the hair from his face and try to comfort him. “Kai... Kai, it’s okay. It was just a dream, it’s okay.” My heart is racing as I see how scared he looks. It reminds me of how he looked when we had our run in with the Night Marchers. I just keep rubbing his shoulders until his face relaxes. “Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

  Kai looks like he’s contemplating it but then says, “No, not really Emma.” He sits up. “Like you said it was just a bad dream. I don’t want to replay it.”

  I nod. We both stand up and decide to head back downstairs to the main room. I look at the clock when we get downstairs and realize that it’s only 3am. We are both still tired so Kai walks me to his room, which he has been allowing me to use. I get in bed and he gives me a kiss on the forehead then pulls the covers up over me tucking me in. It really is a sweet gesture; however, shouldn’t I be the one doing this for him since he’s the one who had the bad dream? Kai heads out to sleep on the couch and closes the door. It only takes me a few minutes before I fall heavily back to sleep.


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