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Fool for Her (Foolish at Heart Book 2)

Page 4

by R. C. Martin

  “Yes, please.”

  It was an easy reply. The answer to coffee or no coffee was always—yes, please.

  She thought he might leave her then, but he lingered a moment longer. Silently, they stared at one another. Theodora wondered what he was thinking, but there was an intimacy found in the silence she didn’t wish to break. It occurred to her that it mattered more what she was thinking—and what she was thinking was that it was the morning after, and he was still there—still everything she wanted.

  “Spend the day with me,” murmured Judah.

  Reflexively, Theodora yanked her bottom lip between her teeth in order to combat her grin. Certain her voice would give her away, she merely nodded her reply. Judah then took her by surprise, dipping his head until his lips were wrapped around one of her nipples. She squeaked and giggled as he sucked and released her with a pop.

  “Meet me upstairs,” he instructed as he turned to leave.

  Theodora watched him go, her grin spreading across her face as he went.

  It was the morning after—and she’d never been so happy.

  Chapter Six

  My alarm clock sounded, and I was quick to silence it when I remembered I wasn’t in bed alone. Glancing to my right, I hesitated at the sight of Teddy. She was laying on her side, her hands buried under the pillow beneath her cheek, and her wavy, red hair everywhere. Her arms obscured my view of her bare breasts, but I didn’t need to see them in order to be turned on by her. My dick began to harden simply breathing in and getting a whiff of her scent.

  I stared at her for a long time—admiring her in a way I knew I couldn’t while she was awake. I searched her relaxed face for an explanation and gazed at her naked body in search of justification. It was Monday morning, and she was still in my bed. It was Monday morning, and she was exactly where I wanted her to be. It didn’t make any sense. The longer I stared at her, the more out of reach any answers became. The reality in which I found myself was one I didn’t recognize. I was the same man, and she the same woman—but everything had changed. Normal had morphed into something different. Something more. I couldn’t explain it any more than I could change it. I couldn’t fight it without depriving myself; and that wasn’t an option. So, I stared at her, wondering when I’d have such a view again.

  Well aware that if I stared long enough, I’d end up with an erection I could only get rid of one way, I forced myself out of bed. I wore us both out over the course of two nights, and I owed her the rest. She definitely deserved it, which meant it was me and my Peloton that morning. I dressed for a workout and left her to sleep as I went about my usual pre-dawn routine. After I finished with my shower, it was time to wake her.

  Unable to resist, I used my lips to rouse her from slumber. I knew she was awake when she sighed and grazed her fingertips down my cheek.

  “If you want to hop in the shower before we go, now’s your chance,” I informed her.

  A frown caused her face to scrunch, and she groaned as she peered at me. “What time is it?”

  “Quarter after six,” I replied with a smirk.

  Closing her eyes again, she whispered, “Too early.”

  I chuckled under my breath and reminded her, “You’re the one who opted for another night.”

  Scowling at me, her eyes still closed, she grumbled, “Well, I—you—it was late and—and you were—you asked me while you were…”

  “Eating your pussy?” I finished, grinning at her inability to complete her own sentence.

  She clapped her hands over her face and giggled. “Yeah. That. See? You remember, too.”

  My amusement still curving my lips, I reached beneath the sheets and pinched the side of her ass. She squeaked and then peeked at me from over the tips of her fingers. “Up, sweetheart,” I instructed. “If you don’t make me late, I’ll make you a cappuccino.”

  “Coffee?” she gasped with wide eyes. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Winking, I stood upright and reminded her, “There’s always time for coffee.”

  I rounded the foot of the bed on my way toward my closet. She sat up and drew the top sheet against her naked chest. I was almost out of sight when she called my name. Turning only enough to be able to see her from over my shoulder, I waited for her to speak.

  “Good morning.” She reached up to rake her fingers through her messy mane and shook her head slightly. “Sorry. I should have led with that. It’s still early for me.”

  For reasons I was beginning to view as inexplicable, I didn’t hesitate to reply, “You’ll get used to it.”

  The smile that lit up her eyes was both bashful and knowing. I turned away then, resuming my trip to the closet so as to avoid crawling into bed with her.

  She was still in the shower when I finished dressing, and I took it as my opportunity to continue my usual routine. Retrieving my tablet from my office, I pulled up my newspaper subscription and headed for the kitchen. I was halfway through my cup of coffee when I heard Theodora’s footsteps against the metal staircase. I looked up as she headed toward me. She was decidedly more awake and seemingly refreshed. Her wavy locks were damp and pinned up into a high bun. She was wearing a pair of dark-washed jeans, and a plain, long-sleeved, white t-shirt with a red and beige tartan scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. There was not a trace of makeup on her face, and she looked much like she did the first time she spent the night under my roof—that is to say, she looked gorgeous.

  “I haven’t made you late yet, have I?”

  “No,” I replied, setting aside my mug. “One cappuccino coming up.”

  It only took me a couple minutes to concoct her beverage, and the smile she gave me when I delivered it made the effort worth it. As she sipped at her shot of espresso and frothed milk, I took up my mug once more and made a decision.

  “Eddalyn would like to meet you. She voiced her desire very clearly on Saturday.”

  “Oh,” Teddy replied, staring up at me in surprise. “Well, okay. Um—I mean—is that something you want?”

  I set aside my coffee and answered honestly. “I think you’re not going anywhere. I think she’ll ask until it happens. We might as well, if you don’t mind.”

  “No, not at all. I would love to meet her. When?”

  “What about this weekend? We could bump up our usual tee time, and you could join us for brunch on Saturday.”

  “Oh.” Her brow furrowed sympathetically as she set down her mug. Taking a step closer to me, she explained, “I actually made plans this Saturday. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to see my parents. Even though they don’t—” She hesitated, drawing in a sharp breath before she shook her head and continued. “Even though I didn’t tell them about—my medical problems, it would just be nice to see them. I was going to make the drive to Estes on Saturday morning and then stay the night.”

  “Oh.” I repeated her word, unexpectedly cognizant of how appropriate it was to utter the sound in surprise. The thought of her being out of town for even part of the weekend made her unavailable to me—and I immediately recognized that was a scenario I didn’t favor.

  “What about dinner on Sunday? I should be back by then,” she offered, slipping her arms around my waist.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” I reached up with my left hand and gently took hold of the back of her neck. “You’re mine Friday night.”

  “Oh.” This time, when she muttered the word, I was half amused. Though, the other part of me didn’t miss the disappointed expression that dimmed the light in her bright brown eyes as she went on to say, “Yeah. Yeah, Friday is good.”

  Her stammered reply was an invitation in and of itself. Our history had been written. It was unusual for us to spend much time together during the week—but we’d rewritten the future and what it could be. Tickling the back of her neck, I realized I wanted an evolution as much as she did. I wanted more—and I saw no reason why either of us should be denied.

  Rather than give voice to my thoughts, I leaned down to kiss h
er. As I closed my lips around hers, I began to explain in my own way that we were on the same page—that I heard her, loud and clear. As reckless as it might have been, I wasn’t going to hold back.

  Teddy pressed herself up onto her tiptoes, holding me tighter as she opened her mouth in invitation. As our tongues tangled around each other, I slid my free hand to the small of her back and pressed her closer to me. I was completely unaware of anything outside of my woman—until I heard a gasp.

  “Lo siento! Mr. Jude, I’m so sorry,” exclaimed Marta.

  Teddy sucked in a startled breath and tucked her face beneath my chin as I glanced over her head at Marta. Her eyes were wide in shock, and she stood frozen at the top of the stairs, staring at Teddy and me.

  “It’s all right, Marta. Come in. We’ll be out of your hair in a minute.”

  “Marta?” Teddy whispered, peeking up at me. “The woman who laundered my underwear after I drunkenly decided it should be thrown in with your clothes?”

  Chuckling, I replied, “One in the same.”

  Her cheeks pinked as she scrunched her face in embarrassment. She then whirled around in order to face Marta. I watched as the woman’s shocked expression melted into a giddy one.

  “Ah! You are the redhead,” she gushed.

  “Uh…” Teddy twisted her neck to look up at me before settling her attention back onto the exuberant Latina. “Yes?”

  “You shed,” she said by way of explanation. Marta tugged on her own braid and continued, “Mr. Jude does not have long, red hair.” With a grin spread across her face, she discarded her cleaning supplies on the floor and joined us in the kitchen. “I’m Marta. It’s so very good to meet you!”

  “Hi,” said Teddy, her tone laced in a hint of a giggle. “I’m Teddy.”

  “You are muy bonita. But I’m not surprised,” she insisted with a wave. “Mr. Jude would not fall for someone less pretty than you.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at her, but she merely winked at me in response.

  “It does not take a scientist, Mr. Jude. Less sheets in wash, more dishes in the sink—I pay attention.” She tapped a finger against her temple and then chuckled merrily. “I am so happy for you. He needed to settle down. A man cannot be wild forever.”

  “Okay. I think it’s time we were going,” I interjected, reaching for Teddy’s hand.

  “Of course, of course. Don’t let me keep you.”

  “It was nice meeting you, Marta,” Teddy called out as I escorted her to the stairs.

  “Have a good day, Marta,” I added in farewell.

  “You, too,” she practically sang in reply.

  Teddy squeezed my hand as we made our way to my bedroom in order to gather her things.

  “I like her,” she murmured excitedly.

  Smirking down at my redhead, I mumbled, “Yeah. I’m sure the feeling’s mutual.”

  Chapter Seven

  Theodora was home long enough to have a second cup of coffee while she changed and applied a hint of makeup for work. Every time she stood in front of a mirror, she found herself smiling. A part of her thought it silly; but the rest of her was too happy to care how her joy might have been perceived. She was in such a good mood, when she folded herself behind the wheel of her car and started the engine, the concerning screeching noise her vehicle made didn’t bring her down. It was gone after a couple seconds, and she smiled to herself—certain nothing bad could happen to her that day.

  For the first time, she thought she understood what it meant to be in love. Not just in theory, not passively—but truly in love. For years, she walked through life thinking she knew love; thinking she knew what it meant to be shattered by the loss of love; thinking she knew what it was like to guard herself against the possibility of love. Now, after the weekend she spent in Judah’s arms, she was all too aware how wrong she had been.

  Theodora was so consumed by the gravity of her feelings for Judah, the thought of five days spent without him disappointed her. On her drive to work, she reminded herself that he was a busy man. He was always very upfront about his availability. The ache she felt being away from him for only an hour would dissipate as the week wore on and the pace of life resumed as usual. Even still, she wanted the opportunity to somehow show Judah how important he was to her.

  After Theodora found a place to park, she absentmindedly locked her vehicle and tried to think of something she could do or gift to the man who had seemingly everything he could ever want. An idea came to mind just as she approached the gallery. Unlocking the front door, she was giddy with the prospect of the thoughtful gift she hoped would work logistically in her favor. Only, before she could dig her phone from her purse to begin researching, Andrew made his way toward her with a distracted expression on his face.

  “Hey, Andy,” greeted Theodora. She smiled at him—though, it was uncertain if the curve of her lips was a residual expression from thoughts of Judah or genuine happiness to see her boss. Deciding it didn’t matter either way, she kept her facial expression intact as she made her way toward her desk and dropped her purse on top of it.

  “Hey. Hi,” he muttered, a pen shoved between his teeth. He stopped and yanked the pen from his mouth, staring at it for a second before he shook his head and focused his attention on Theodora. “I’m sorry. Good morning. How are you, Teddy?”

  “I’m great,” she answered honestly. “How are you?”

  “Good. Listen,” he continued without a pause. “Could you make a few calls this morning? I’ve got a list here. They’re mostly just follow-up.”

  “Of course.” He handed her the slip of paper, but she didn’t need to glance at it to know what the list was. Andrew and Geoffrey were knee deep in planning their first gallery exhibition gala. Theodora had been waiting in the wings to help, mostly; but as the weeks progressed, her role seemed to be evolving. Regardless of her mood, she was more than happy to pitch in.

  “Thanks,” he muttered before he turned back toward his office.

  Theodora chuckled softly as she watched him go. He was so immersed in his project, he could hardly think of anything else. She wasn’t used to seeing him so single-track minded. While she would be glad to have her friend back when it was all said and done, she was also proud of him for taking a leap in order to try something new.

  As she settled herself at her desk and prepared to start making calls, she heard two voices echo from the second story. Immediately, she knew Geoffrey was busy instructing Cameron precisely where he wanted whatever new delivery had obviously arrived that morning. As usual, Theodora made a mental note to wander around in search of the new pieces when she had a free moment.

  It took her an hour to get through the call sheet Andrew gave her. In that time, she and Geoffrey managed little more than a wave in passing as he saw to a couple of potential buyers. He was nowhere in sight when she was finished, and she was about to go in search of him when a woman carrying a bouquet of flowers walked through the door.

  “I’m guessing by that smile these are for you,” said the woman as she approached.

  Theodora stood with a nod. Surprised as she was—given how little time had passed since she last saw Judah—she harbored no doubt they were his gift to her. The bouquet was made up of cream and peach colored roses, along with eucalyptus stems and another green accent she knew she’d look up later.

  “Lucky lady,” teased the delivery woman, passing the full vase over the ledge of the reception desk.

  Theodora brought the arrangement to her nose. “You have no idea,” she murmured.

  “Have a good day.”

  Distractedly, Theodora replied, “You, too.” She then sat as she plucked the note from its holder and anxiously peeled open the envelope.



  It only took her a second to understand what he meant, and her heart swelled as her face lit up with a grin. Admiring her roses, she basked in the reality that the ache she felt was one he understood. Moreover, it was a feeling he harbore
d himself.

  Theodora set aside the note as she reached for her phone. She had it in her mind to send him a text, but then remembered her idea from earlier that morning. So preoccupied was she with her task, she didn’t notice Geoffrey as he took the seat beside her and plucked up her note.

  “Does he not know how to send a text?” he jibbed.

  Jerking her gaze in his direction, Theodora looked at his face, then at the note he held in his hands before she snatched the card away from him.

  “It’s romantic, and you know it,” she said, amused.

  “What does that even mean, my girl Tuesday?”

  Setting down the note, she returned her attention to her phone and replied, “It means I get to see him again tomorrow.”

  “I see.”

  “Hey, what do you know about good seats at a baseball game?” Theodora turned her chair so that she faced her best friend.

  Geoffrey quirked an eyebrow at her. “Not much. But I think baseball is more about the experience than the game itself. Why do you ask?”

  “The Cubs are in town next weekend. It’s the craziest thing—like a sign or fate. I mean, the season’s over after next week, if I’m looking at this correctly. And I was thinking this morning, I want to give Judah something. He gives me everything. But he wants for nothing, so it’s kind of hard to think of anything.” She paused for breath and shook her head absentmindedly. “I don’t know. I thought maybe a game together might be fun. He’s a Cubs fan; and while he prefers to see them play at home, I don’t think he has plans of seeing them here. And, actually, tickets are really reasonable. Payday is later this week, so I think I’m going to do it. I think I’ll surprise him.”

  At first, Geoffrey didn’t respond. He stared at her—studying her. Just when Theodora thought she couldn’t take his silence a second longer, he leaned back in his chair, lifting his brow in what she understood was surprise. Only, she couldn’t figure out what she said that was so surprising.


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