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Taming Rex

Page 8

by Becca Jameson

  Chapter 13

  Dayton should not be doing this. Taking a woman out to dinner who was so young and pure.

  Except, wait. She wasn’t pure. She was a seasoned submissive. She seemed much older when she was at the club. As they took their seats at the restaurant, however, she seemed significantly younger. More her actual age, which he reminded himself was twenty-two.

  The white dress didn’t help. She looked angelic in it. Every inch of purity. And her thin, dainty, white sandals added to the effect. If he hadn’t had his fingers inside her making her come hard against his hand two nights ago, he would never believe she was capable of letting herself go like that.

  He watched as she tucked her dress demurely under her bottom and then squirmed in her seat, her gaze downcast, her hands under her thighs.

  He set his elbows on the table and leaned close, speaking in a low voice. “Have you ever left the house without panties, sweet girl?”

  She flushed, her cheeks pinkening as she swallowed and met his gaze. “No. Never.”

  God, she was fucking delightful. She hadn’t been kidding. She was a different person outside of the club scene. Where she was wrong, however, was in thinking he wouldn’t enjoy her just as much.

  The waiter’s shadow drew Dayton’s attention, and he turned to watch as the man set two glasses of water on the table. “Would you bring us a bottle of the house Chardonnay, please?” Dayton asked before the man had a chance to speak.

  “Of course.” He turned and left just as quickly as he’d arrived.

  Dayton returned his attention to Erica, who was now wringing her hands together in front of her. He extended his forearms on the table in front of her and opened his palms. “Give me your hands, Erica.”

  She twisted them together one last time and then set them on top of his.

  He squeezed them both gently. “Deep breath.”

  She inhaled slowly, making the task look too difficult to manage as if there were no oxygen in the air. Her gaze was on their connected hands.

  “Look at me.”

  She lifted her face and licked her lips. “I warned you. I’m not good at dating. I do two things really well. When I’m focused on them, I’m totally at ease. When I’m not, my mind wanders rapidly through all kinds of ridiculous thoughts.”

  He leaned closer, holding her gaze. “What are those two things?”

  “Submitting and working. Not to imply that I’m normal acting when I’m at work. I’m not. I’m always a ball of nerves there too. But when I settle down with a particular assignment, then I focus.”

  “And what is roaming through your pretty head right now?”

  She hesitated.

  He tugged her fingers. “Don’t think. Just tell me.”

  She sucked in a quick breath. “Okay. Well, I’m wondering what the waiter is thinking about us. I look twelve. And I’m thinking I should have put on some mascara, but then again, I’m not very good at it, so it would probably either look like a hooker applied it or be crooked or something. Can mascara be crooked?” She didn’t pause for him to answer. “I’m worried that my hair is going to get frizzy in the Florida humidity and then stand out. I’m wondering why you asked me out and how long you’re going to go before you decide I’m too much effort when you realize I am indeed very socially awkward.” She glanced around and then lowered her soft voice further. “It’s hard to sit still because I’m not wearing panties and it feels strange.”

  Wow. She really did have a lot going on in her head. Dayton was shocked to find her endearing instead of off-putting. He really liked her, and he wanted her to relax and enjoy their time together without worrying so much. He also had the strongest urge to dominate her in a way that made her calm down.

  The waiter returned with the bottle of wine just then. He held it out for Dayton to see the label.

  Dayton released one of Erica’s hands and nodded. “That’s perfect. Thank you.”

  The waiter poured a splash in Dayton’s glass. Dayton took a sip, nodded, and waited for the man to fill both glasses. “I’ll give you two some time to look over the menus,” he stated before leaving them again.

  Dayton suddenly had an idea. He pushed his seat back and stood, rounding the table and offering Erica a hand. “Come.”

  Her eyes widened as her lips parted.

  He shook his hand. “Come, sweet girl,” he repeated, his voice firmer.

  She slid her hand into his and rose to her feet.

  Dayton turned and made his way between the tables, aiming for the short hallway that led to the restrooms. What Erica didn’t know was that one of Dayton’s best friends owned this place. Dayton had been there more times than he could count. The waiter knew him well. He also knew what Dayton liked to drink. But more importantly, Dayton’s familiarity gave him the ability to find a quiet place where he could be alone with Erica for a moment.

  The restrooms were unisex, and there were four of them. Dayton continued to the last one, pushed the door open, and pulled Erica inside. After locking the door behind them, he turned to find her face even more expressive. Eyes wider. Mouth hanging open. Face a deeper shade of red.

  He didn’t give her a chance to speak. Instead, he flattened her against the door, threaded his hands in her hair, and lowered his lips to hers. When she opened up to him, he angled his head to one side and kissed her deeply, letting his tongue slide into her mouth to taste and mingle with hers.

  He didn’t stop kissing her until she softened against him, her hands coming to his hips. Finally, he pulled back an inch and met her gaze, happy to find her blinking in an effort to focus. “Let me answer a few questions. You do not look twelve.” He shuddered as he said that part. “I can’t fix the fact that I’m significantly older than you, but no one is thinking a single thing about us being together. Not a second glance. It’s 2020. You don’t need mascara because your lashes are dark and lush and perfect. So, if you have some, throw it away. Your hair is gorgeous, and I love that you wore it down. I’ve been thinking about running my fingers through it since I picked you up.”

  She sucked in a breath.

  He eased the fingers of one hand into her hair to hold her head steady as he continued. “I don’t give a single shit if you’re socially awkward or not or what anyone else thinks. I’m not out with them. I’m out with you.” He let his other hand slide down her back and over her bottom before gathering up her skirt and pulling it up to expose her.

  She squirmed against the door, her belly rubbing against his growing erection. When she instinctively reached to pull her skirt back down, Dayton grabbed both her hands in his and pulled them over her head. He wrapped one set of fingers around both wrists and flattened them against the door.

  Holding her wide gaze, he smoothed his other hand down her side and pulled the hem of her skirt up again. “The fact that you don’t have on panties makes me hard.” He flattened his palm on her smooth bottom and then inched lower until he could reach between her legs from behind and stroke through her folds.

  She gasped, her knees buckling slightly before she could right herself. It didn’t matter. He had her. She wasn’t going to fall. He watched her expression change from shock to arousal in a heartbeat as he slid his fingers through her wet folds and circled her clit. Her eyes glassed over, and a soft hum sounded in her throat.

  “That’s it, sweet girl.” He pushed two fingers into her, enjoying the reminder from two nights ago. Her warmth. How wet she was. How tight her pussy gripped at him.

  When her eyes fluttered and she moaned, he thrust in deep, his thumb landing on her clit.

  Her body jerked, stiffening. There was nothing sexier than a woman so close to orgasm that she forgot the world around her. He’d seen it Friday night, and he wasn’t sorry about the reminder.

  When she gasped, he increased his efforts, thrusting harder, rubbing her clit with more pressure. “Come for me, Erica.”

  Her body went completely still. She didn’t even breathe. And then she arched into his
fingers as her pussy pulsed around them. She started shaking as the orgasm subsided. Tiny, sweet, little panting noises came from her lips. Every single moan and movement made Dayton’s dick harder. God, he enjoyed this woman. More with every passing moment.

  He slowly removed his fingers, watching as she floated back to earth. Her eyes shot wide when she realized what they’d just done, and her hands fisted under his grip. “Oh God.” She glanced around. “We just…”

  He chuckled and kissed her briefly. “We did. It was incredibly sexy. Now that I’ve taken the edge off, you think you can relax and eat dinner? I know the owner. I promise the food here is amazing.”

  “You know the owner?” She groaned, glancing at the door. “Shit. We abandoned our table.”

  “Shhh. Flynn is a good friend. He’s also a member of Zodiac. He knows me well. No one’s going to bother our table.”

  She twisted her face back to look at him. She was still breathing heavily. Shock registered on her face. “Maybe Flynn doesn’t want me to know he’s a member of the fetish community.”

  Dayton stroked her cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m only telling you this because Flynn saw us Friday night. He’s going to recognize you. He’s discreet. He won’t say a word. Since he saw you, it’s reasonable that I would tell you.”

  “Oh.” She released her breath. “Right. Okay.”

  Dayton nodded. “Now, I hope I’ve answered all your concerns.” He lifted a brow.

  She licked her lips and gave a slight nod.

  He pressed his body against hers to punctuate his words. “Good. Let’s go back to the table. We’re going to have a wonderful meal. You’re going to follow my instructions at all times and tune out the world around you. Pretend we’re in the club. You obviously don’t mind if people at Zodiac see you naked and vulnerable. Why should you care if people in the restaurant see you fully clothed and eating?” It wasn’t that perplexing. He totally understood. She wasn’t the only person alive who was able to open up and be more themselves in the club setting where they felt safe.

  Granted, the stark differences in her personality shift were a bit shocking, but at the same time he found her to be a breath of fresh air. She was authentic at all times. He liked both sides of her.

  “You have a valid point, Sir.”

  He smiled at her, trying not to chuckle. “If you give me a chance, you’ll find I often make good arguments.”

  She finally let her face soften into a smile and nodded. “Okay, Sir.”

  “Excellent.” He finally lowered her arms, holding her gaze as he brought his fingers to his lips and sucked her arousal from them.

  She watched closely, licking her lips, letting him know that his action didn’t embarrass her. Thank God. She was coming around. Now, if he could just get her to find that sweet spot where she subtly submitted to him in public, he knew he could manage to help her relax and enjoy life outside the club.

  Chapter 14

  Erica slid back into her chair with a smile on her face. She did indeed feel much less self-conscious than she had earlier. Perhaps it was the orgasm that helped her relax, but she thought it had more to do with how skillfully Dayton put her at ease. He was right about one thing—why should she care what anyone around her was thinking?

  Honestly, she did care more about one person in particular than anyone else. Dayton. She could tune everyone else all out. But not Dayton. And for whatever reason, she wanted to impress him. Maybe because he’d so superbly dominated her the other night. Or perhaps because he was being so kind tonight.

  Seriously, Erica had never thought she’d be dating someone like him. Once she discovered the fetish world, she hadn’t seen the need to date. She filled her need for kink at least once a week at a club, which gave her actual human interaction. The rest of the nights, if she was so inclined, she met her own needs.

  Admittedly, she rarely had actual sex with anyone, but from time to time she got to know a Dom well enough to have penetrative intercourse with him. It worked for her. At least she told herself that.

  But Dayton. God. She wasn’t sure how to describe this experience. He clearly was undaunted by her awkwardness, which seemed to be calming her. Or maybe that was the orgasm…

  “Is there anything you don’t like?” he asked as he picked up his glass of wine.

  “Not really. I’m not picky.”

  “Well, this is primarily a steak restaurant, so if you feel like red meat, I’d suggest the filet. If you’d rather go with chicken or fish, they have some amazing selections that aren’t beef too.”

  She didn’t even bother to pick up the menu. Instead, she sipped her wine, keeping her gaze on Dayton, who also didn’t pick up the menu. “Since you seem to be an expert at making choices for me, I’ll let you pick.”

  He smiled at her. “Good choice.”

  Someone approached, and when Erica glanced up, expecting the waiter, she found someone else. He was looking at Dayton and even set a hand on his shoulder. “Hey. Luis just told me you were here. Why didn’t you call?” He shifted his gaze toward Erica and then held out his free hand. “Flynn Taylor.”

  She set her palm in his. “Erica Wendell.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Flynn turned his attention back to Dayton, his eyes dancing. “How do you always manage to snag the most gorgeous dates in the city?”

  Dayton shrugged, grinning. His gaze was on Erica. “Gotta be quicker than me.”

  Flynn chuckled. “Apparently.”

  Erica decided she liked him. He was about Dayton’s age, late thirties, tall, brown hair cut short, brown eyes that twinkled every time he looked at her.

  Flynn smiled at her again. “Are you new to the area?”

  “Yes. Just moved here. Temporary job assignment.”

  “Ah. Well, I’ll let you two get back to your date. Did you order yet?”

  Dayton shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “The porterhouse is excellent tonight. And I’ve got a lovely sea bass.”

  “Thanks,” Dayton responded.

  “I’ll send Luis back over. Nice to meet you, Erica.”

  “You too.”

  As Flynn left, their waiter, whose name was apparently Luis, returned.

  Dayton ordered both items Flynn had just suggested without hesitation. After Luis disappeared again, he reached across the table, palms up like earlier.

  Erica set her hands on his, finding she enjoyed the way he grounded her, his complete attention on her. “If you’re one of those people who doesn’t enjoy sharing your meal, you can pick one; if not, I say we share. Whatever Flynn suggests on a given evening is sure to be delicious.”

  “I’d love that,” she managed to say without tripping over her words or fidgeting.

  “You seem calmer. Did our make-out session help?” He lifted both brows.

  She flushed, but held his gaze. “Definitely.” She could still feel the pressure from his fingers between her legs, which kept her horny, and she squirmed. “Though I’m not sure it’s still called a make-out session when you round third base.”

  He grinned, his eyes dancing.

  She’d never been in a situation where someone gave her an orgasm almost before the evening began. First of all, she’d never gone on a single date that ended or began with sex or anything close. And, when she went to a club, though she often got off, it didn’t happen before the scene.

  This was new territory for her, and she liked it. “If you plan to give me that kind of relief every time we go out before we even get started, I’ll happily spend our dates relaxed and slightly sated.” She flinched as she realized what she’d just insinuated. “Not that I mean to infer we might go out again or anything.” Her voice trailed off as a twinge of embarrassment unnerved her.

  Dayton leaned forward, squeezing her hands in his. “Erica, you’re a pleasure. I can’t remember when I’ve been on a more suited date, and we’re just getting started. I’d be honored to stroke your sweet pussy until you come every time I pick you up if it helps yo
u relax. And, there will be a next time, so stop fretting.”

  She nodded, swallowing past the unwarranted nerves. “Okay, Sir,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “You have no idea how much I like the sound of that. Like I said earlier, you’re in no way obligated to address me so formally in public, but if you manage to slide it in every once in a while, I won’t be disappointed. It confirms that you’re still subtly submitting to me.”

  “Then I’ll do my best to ensure you remember who’s on top, Sir.” She loved this banter. It was refreshing. He had gone out of his way to make her feel relaxed, and it had worked.

  Erica was shocked by how much time had gone by when they finished eating. She thoroughly enjoyed every moment of Dayton’s company. After their interlude in the bathroom, she hadn’t fallen back into her pattern of nervousness, at least not nearly as obviously as usual.

  She had caught herself wringing her fingers together a few times and forced herself to take a breath and flatten her palms on her thighs or the table. There had also been moments when she decidedly strung several sentences together, but she didn’t think she rambled or stated anything incoherent. If she had, Dayton said nothing.

  They were both still sipping on the last of the wine while sharing a crème brulee as Dayton put his elbows on the table. It was notable that he had ordered dessert without even asking her after she’d previously offered him the hurry-up-and-eat-without-ordering-dessert out. “So, sweet girl, I’m beyond intrigued by what you do for a living. You going to tell me?”

  She grinned. “You haven’t told me either.”

  He shrugged. “My job isn’t nearly as big a secret as yours appears to be. But I’ll go first. I own a landscaping company. We maintain about fifty properties right now, many of them businesses.”

  She sat up straighter, impressed. “Wow, I hadn’t thought of that. I had considered everything from bodybuilder to professional boxer, but if you work as hard as you must, no wonder you’re in such great shape.”


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