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Taming Rex

Page 16

by Becca Jameson

“Ya think?”

  Dayton shot him a glare. “No need to get snarky.”

  Rex rubbed his forehead. “You’re right.”

  “I’m not going to back down. I really like her.”

  “Not backing down either.” Rex held Dayton’s gaze.

  “Then we have no choice but to wait and see who she chooses. May the best man win.” Dayton’s voice was clipped. “In the meantime, you and I both know we can’t throw punches, figuratively or literally, or she’ll be pissed, and we’ll both lose.”

  Rex gave a sharp nod. Dayton made it really difficult to dislike him.

  Dayton leaned closer to Rex. “Did you have a plan in mind for how we’re going to play this tonight?”

  “No. Do you?”

  “No, but now that we’re here, I think we should do a scene together.”

  Rex flinched. “All three of us?”

  Dayton narrowed his gaze. “Well, I certainly didn’t mean you and I. Unless you want to, of course. Maybe Erica could watch.”

  “Now who’s being snarky?” Rex gritted out. He had no idea if Dayton was being serious or not.

  “Touché.” Dayton glanced toward the room before continuing. “Let’s plan a way we can both dominate her tonight.”

  Rex stared at him for a moment. “Both of us.” Why did the idea bother him? He’d shared before. Dozens of times. How was Erica different? This possessive streak was new.

  “Yes. Surely you’ve seen it done before. I didn’t get the impression this was your first week as a Dom,” Dayton taunted.

  “Not even close,” Rex gritted out. “I’ve shared women before.” Just not this one.

  “Well? She’s going to be here any minute. What do you say?”

  Rex sighed. “Fine. We’ll both dominate her. What’s your plan, oh wise one?”

  “First of all, if we don’t stop snapping at each other and paste on smiles, she’s going to find someone else to play with.”

  Rex jerked his gaze to find Erica approaching. Chat time was over. Now he had to pray Dayton wasn’t making a mistake and that Erica would agree to this insanity.

  Chapter 28

  Erica wasn’t entirely surprised to find Dayton and Rex both waiting for her at the bar. She was, however, uncertain she liked this arrangement where the two of them had the opportunity to discuss her behind her back.

  As she approached, she opted for aloof. She didn’t feel anything of the sort, but they didn’t need to know that. She was having fun. Best week of her life so far. First time in her twenty-two years any man had paid this much attention to her. Her head was spinning that two men were doing so.

  She wasn’t about to pick. It wasn’t on her radar. She liked them both. The list of pros and cons was equal. She’d spent her lunch hour alone in a coffee shop making an actual list on her phone. In the end, she decided she wasn’t choosing. If one of them wanted to back off, let them. If one of them started making demands or acting jealous or foolish or issuing ultimatums, that would make her choice for her. The first guy to take this beyond casual was a goner.

  Sex was something she worried about. Dating two men was weird enough. Having sex with both of them was mindboggling. And they both knew it. There were no secrets in that area. Crazy train.

  How long could she keep this up? The truth was she didn’t imagine she would have to decide that. She wasn’t in a position to get serious with anyone. Her time in Miami was limited. She couldn’t know how long she might be assigned to this location and then she was moving on. Away from both men.

  Erica intended to live this experience to the fullest. Learn more about her preferences. Have amazing sex. That was it. Eventually, she would move to another city, and at this point in her life, her job was important to her. She wouldn’t give it up for anyone.

  If either Rex or Dayton were thinking they could tame her and get her to make some sort of commitment to them, they were out of their minds. It wasn’t going to happen. She was certain she could keep her heart out of this. Right?

  At the moment, she held the power. So, she let her hips sway a bit and pulled her shoulders back as she approached, hands clasped at the small of her back. She was in her comfort zone.

  She was wearing the most revealing outfit she’d ever worn in a club. She didn’t think it would matter. There was little chance it would remain on her for very long. She didn’t have any hang-ups about people seeing her naked anyway. But man oh man, nothing could even come close to the looks on both men’s faces as she stepped up close.

  Rex was the first to speak, clearing his throat as his gaze roamed up and down her body. “Well, my dick is hard already.”

  Dayton didn’t respond, but he adjusted his cock, and he was smirking.

  Erica, not even close to her usual self, dropped her hands and spun around, causing the filmy material of her white negligee to flare out. Her only other clothing was dainty white silk panties. She knew the entire room could see her breasts through the see-through material. That was the point.

  It always felt good when men looked at her. Or women for that matter. It empowered her, gave her fuel, helped her get through the regular parts of life where no one glanced at her. She could remind herself it was a game. The way she dressed and acted affected the attention she got. In her modest pants and blouses and flats at work, no one paid attention. As soon as she stepped into the bustle of a club dressed to play, heads turned. She knew it. She liked it. She used it.

  Dayton licked his lips. “We were just discussing what we might do with you.”

  She lifted a brow. Interesting. “And what did you two decide behind my back?” Sassy. Not her usual self at all.

  Rex set a finger under her chin, forcing her gaze to meet his. His expression was filled with reprimand to go with his next words. “First of all, lose the attitude. When we’re in the club, you’ll submit to us, together or separate. You may be brilliant and powerful at work, but in here, you’ll be respectful, polite, and demure.”

  Her heart rate picked up fast as he put her in her place. “Yes, Sir.” She shouldn’t have been surprised, and perhaps she’d spoken out of hand like that to test them. She lowered her gaze.

  “He’s right, sweet girl. You’ve made it perfectly clear to both of us that you’re not interested in any kind of commitment, and that’s fine. We heard you. But you’ll do as you’re told when you’re with either of us, both of us, or inside Zodiac.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she repeated. Every bit of her body was suddenly tingling. She had to fight to avoid fidgeting, not in her usual nervous way but because she was aroused. How did they both manage to get her into this state so quickly?

  She wasn’t new to arousal, but she was new to it happening so easily and unrelated to an actual scene, preferably one in which she was getting her butt spanked or flogged.

  “Would you prefer to submit to us in public or in a private room?” Dayton asked.

  She shuddered. Private… Hmm… But she was seasoned enough to know what her answer should be. “Whatever pleases you, Sirs.” It wasn’t as if she hadn’t submitted to both of them in private already, but together? This could either go fantastically and fulfill her wildest dreams, or it could go really really badly and leave her with no Dom at all.

  “Good answer,” Rex responded. “How about you kneel on the floor right where you’re standing now, head lowered, facing the bar, and we’ll go see what’s available and make a plan.”

  Something about the idea of the two of them tag-teaming her or ganging up on her made her leery, but she wouldn’t balk. She would turn her power over to them for the evening. “Yes, Sir.” She lowered to her knees as Dayton stepped away, and moments later he returned with a pillow. He dropped it in front of her, and she gratefully resituated herself on the softer material.

  Without another word, they both disappeared, leaving her to think about her predicament. There was something both exciting and nerve-racking about this arrangement. Dating two men was one thing. Having them gang up on her was ano
ther. She worried about what they had discussed and how they might behave.

  If two strangers in a club had ever asked her to scene with them, both of them dominating her, she never would have hesitated. But the idea of performing with two men she was attracted to and had already scened with was another story.

  Erica took several deep breaths, letting them out slowly, trying to calm her mind and her body. She had nothing to lose. There was no reason to be nervous or anxious because all she could do for the foreseeable future was submit. Both or one of them could fuck this up for themselves. It wouldn’t be her fault or problem.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

  Her brave, powerful, confident side insisted she didn’t need any man, let alone two. Her scared, nervous, fidgety, less confident side reminded her that she could easily be left lonely and alone if she overplayed her hand.

  It didn’t matter though. Nothing she did or felt or experienced mattered at this point. She’d proven that at lunch when she’d made her ridiculous lists. Choosing wasn’t an option. Losing them both to their stupidity was better than any other alternative. She would live if all went to shit because she’d experienced bliss for five full days now. That meant it was out there and she would find it again.

  She flinched when two sets of shoes landed in front of her, one on either side. Apparently, they’d made a plan. This wasn’t at all how she’d seen this evening going. She’d visualized doing a scene with one of them and then the other. She’d imagined the most challenging part of the evening being who got to go first. This new twist was unnerving but intriguing.

  Rex held a hand out in front of her. “Come.”

  She rose as gracefully as possible, her hand enveloped in his. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what they had planned, but a sweet chill ran down her spine as she followed the two amazing Doms to the center of the room.

  Interesting… The center of the room. What the heck were they going to do in the middle? There was no apparatus. No bench. No cross. No cage. Nothing. Just padding under her bare feet.

  A noise that sounded like a muffled garage door opening above her head made her tip her face upward. Something was coming down from the ceiling.

  “Erica,” Rex admonished. “Did anyone give you permission to let your curiosity take over?”

  “No, Sir,” she murmured as she yanked her gaze toward the floor, clasping her hands at the small of her back at the same time. She’d seen and done a lot of different things in her many visits to clubs in the last few years. She was not mentally prepared for harnesses coming at her from above.

  “Stretch your hands above your head, sweet girl.” Dayton stepped closer to her as he spoke, reaching above her to snag whatever was now within his grasp.

  She sucked in a breath as she lifted her arms and then felt the touch of cool metal as it stroked her skin. She couldn’t keep from fisting her fingers, and Dayton didn’t say a word about it as he secured first one wrist and then the other in metal cuffs. “Wrap your hands around the handle above them.” He pried her fingers open and set a bar in her grip.

  She quickly realized the bar was like a stirrup, something for her to grasp to avoid injuring her wrists.

  “You won’t let go for any reason. If you do, you might injure yourself. If you need us to release you, you’ll use your safeword, algorithm. If you can’t hold on to the bar, we will stop the scene immediately.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Rex stepped in front of her, close. So close. His minty breath hit her lips. “This flimsy nightie you’re wearing is sexy, but it leaves nothing to the imagination. Do you mind if I remove it?” He cupped her breasts with both hands as he spoke, his thumbs grazing her nipples.

  “No, Sir.”

  Rex lifted the sheer material over her head and then let it settle at the back of her neck. There was no way to remove it now that her wrists were secured above her. In a strange way, it was comforting having the soft silk at her neck.

  Her chest was high in this position, and though she’d been exposed in clubs before tonight, this was different. They were in the middle of the room, and she was only wearing white lacy panties. It wasn’t that she was concerned about being watched. That thought kind of excited her. She’d always enjoyed having an audience. There was something titillating about performing for people.

  Oddly, this was her element. In a club, she was someone with confidence and strength. Someone who didn’t talk too fast or fidget. Someone people admired.

  Honestly, the less clothing she had on, the freer she felt. Clothing defined people in the real world. Her slacks and blouses and flats told a story about her. They made people judge her as stuffy and businesslike. When she entered a club, she shed her real-world skin and put on her club costume. It was liberating.

  Erica shivered as she watched Rex and Dayton circle her. She tipped her head back and bit her bottom lip when they both set their hands on her skin, lightly stroking her everywhere. At first, they danced the tips of their fingers over her shoulders and back, but then they moved to her butt and breasts and nipples. One of them grazed a hand between her legs, but she didn’t catch which one. She swayed, arching her chest forward as a soft mewl escaped her lips.

  “I can’t wait to see this skin all pink,” Dayton whispered in her ear.

  Something touched her belly, and she glanced down to find Rex dragging a paddle over her center. It was about a foot long and four inches wide. Smooth, polished, glossy. It reminded her of the paint stirrer he’d used the other night. The wood was cool to the touch, but she knew it would heat up as soon as he started swatting her with it.

  Dayton disappeared behind her for a moment and then returned to stand at her back, so close she could feel his warmth. He kissed her shoulder and then tapped her neck with another object. It tickled a bit but only because of how lightly he’d touched her with it.

  When she twisted her neck toward the item in his hand, she drew in a breath. It was a Wartenberg wheel. She’d seen them several times but had never experienced one on her own skin. She watched as Dayton held the metal handle in one hand and slowly rolled the spiked wheel of the other end over his palm.

  She flinched when he then touched her skin with it, rolling the tiny little points down her arm, so gently she could hardly feel them. In fact, the effect was to bring out goose bumps. She knew he could and would press harder at some point this evening, creating painful little pricks. She craved experiencing that sensation.

  The wheel disappeared behind her, and Rex flicked the end of the paddle over her nipple.

  She rose onto her toes, her breath hitching again. These two could and would gang up on her, keep her guessing.

  Rex tapped her nipple with the end of the paddle next, hard enough to sting. He wasn’t wasting any time tonight. No long warmup. He followed up that swat with another to the underside of her breast.

  The murmur of voices made Erica glance at the growing crowd who stood in a circle around her. Her arousal increased, and she squeezed her thighs together.

  A hard swat landed on her butt, making her yelp. “Legs apart, Erica,” Rex commanded.

  She stepped out without hesitation, her body fully alive with anticipation now. It would seem the two-day moratorium on striking her body was over. Thank God. All their teasing was beyond welcome, but finally she was back where she really preferred to be—restrained and at the mercy of two Doms who obviously intended to give her what she most craved.

  Dayton came to her front, and before she could discern his intention, he pinched one of her nipples. Hard.

  She hadn’t fully absorbed the sharp pain when Rex’s paddle landed on her butt again. And then again. One side, and then the other.

  She whimpered, unable to stop herself from the onslaught of sensation even though they had just begun.

  The paddle hit her thighs next, raining swats up and down from her butt to her knees.

  She gripped the handles above her head tighter, her eyes sliding closed so she could fu
lly absorb every sensation. This was heaven. She couldn’t have outlined a more perfect scene if she’d been given free rein to do so.

  The two Doms circled her in tandem, Rex coming to her front while Dayton moved to her back. Rex’s paddle didn’t stop for long. He swatted the front of her thighs first and then the undersides of her breasts. She was in a state of bliss already when he spanked her nipples, making her jump.

  “Gorgeous,” Rex murmured. “Your skin is so perfect, a beautiful creamy white that is now covered with pink from my paddle.”

  “Mmm.” She swayed toward him.

  Dayton gripped her hip with one hand from behind, and then something sharp made contact with the sensitive skin of her butt cheek. She squealed, wondering what on earth he’d touched her with before she recalled the Wartenberg wheel. He held her steady as he rolled the sharp points over her sensitive skin, the skin made more sensitive by the paddle that was currently pressed against her belly, perhaps to help her remain still.

  Rex stepped closer, cupping her face, drawing her attention to him. “How’re you doing, Erica?”

  She swallowed. “Fine, Sir.”

  He lifted a brow. “Just fine?”

  She lowered her gaze. “Better than fine, Sir.” Excellent. How could she possibly be feeling any other way than sated in response to having not one but two men dominating her. Powerful. Intense. Amazing. She could get used to this.

  Rex released her to step back, resuming his swats, tormenting her with the inability to guess where he might strike next. When he once again circled around to her back in a dance that Dayton mimicked at her other side, she licked her lips, hoping Rex would give her more of what she craved. Hard swats to the ass.

  He did not disappoint her, and when Dayton rolled that evil wheel around her nipple, she learned a lesson in remaining still. If she swayed too far forward to escape the paddle, the wheel inevitably pressed too hard against her sensitive skin. She didn’t dare risk the tiny spikes puncturing her breast.

  They were sneaky. Neither Dom told her not to move, but they forced her to follow that nonverbal directive all the same. She had no idea the Wartenberg wheel could be so delectably wicked.


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