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Taming Rex

Page 19

by Becca Jameson

  “The truth.”

  Rex bit his lower lip. Also sexy. “I’m not sure how she’s going to react to this.”

  “Me neither. But all we can do is see what happens. I’m hoping it takes the burden off. If you and I are lovers instead of fighters, and we include her, maybe she won’t be mad anymore. Maybe she’ll take us back.”

  Rex slowly nodded.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never once thought of myself as bisexual. How am I going to explain it to someone else? My head is spinning.”

  Dayton slid one hand down to Rex’s waist. “There’s no rush. We take it one day at a time. Explore. Hopefully with an amazing submissive between us.”

  “Have you… Uh… Have you been with men before?”

  “Yes. A few. One when I was in my early twenties and two later on, but I shared a woman with the latter two.”

  “Oh. When I shared a woman with two men, we never…”

  Dayton shrugged. “It’s not for everyone. I just felt the vibe between us.” It was fucking adorable how completely stunned Rex was with his own self-discovery. He lowered his voice. “How do you feel now?”

  “My dick is hard.”

  Dayton smiled again. Thank fuck. “Well, that’s a good sign.”

  “Yours is too.”

  Dayton glanced down. “Yep.”

  Rex rolled his head back and groaned. “This is a lot to take in.”

  “It is. I’m sorry it had to be this way. If it weren’t dire and important, I would’ve spent days or weeks subtly showing you what was between us, but we didn’t have that kind of time. I didn’t want to walk into Erica’s apartment and present her with a fake package.”

  Another deep breath from Rex. “Right. Okay. We should probably…”

  “Yeah.” Dayton finally took a step back, but he kept a hand on Rex’s waist. “Let’s go inside. This’ll be interesting.”

  Rex sighed. “New game plan. Great,” he added with sarcasm. “Just so you know, I’m not really good with new game plans.”

  Dayton laughed as he opened the door to the apartments. “I don’t doubt that, nerdy math boy.”

  “We can’t all be old guys,” Rex joked back as they climbed the stairs.

  They didn’t speak again until they reached Erica’s apartment. Dayton set a hand on Rex’s lower back and patted him for reassurance. He wouldn’t touch him intimately again until after they explained things better to Erica.

  Dayton knocked on the door.

  It only took a few seconds for Erica to open it. She took a deep breath. “I thought maybe you two decided not to come.”

  “We were, uh, talking in the parking lot.”

  “Should I be worried?” She stepped back to let them in and shut the door behind them.

  Dayton glanced around. “Let’s sit down. We should all talk.” This was not going to be easy. Rex looked pale. Erica looked… Hell, Dayton didn’t know how to describe the strange look on Erica’s face.

  Chapter 33

  Erica glanced from Dayton to Rex and back again. They both looked nervous. Rex sat on one end of her couch. Dayton took the armchair. She expected them to grovel and beg, but something was off. What the hell did they discuss outside?

  “We missed you,” Dayton began.

  She cocked her head to one side. “Yeah, about that… I might have overreacted. It’s just that I’m not good at this thing, dating I mean. I haven’t done it much. I can submit in a club setting, but going out to dinner and mini golf is out of my comfort zone. You were both so nice. I couldn’t even make a list of pros and cons that made any sense. I figured whoever couldn’t tolerate my ultimatum first would just stop calling. I didn’t want to choose. And that hasn’t changed. I still can’t choose. I’m not sure what to say that’s really any different than before except that I’m sorry for walking out on you. I think I was shocked that instead of one of you getting pushed over the edge, you both entered a pissing contest. Maybe I was mad that the loser was me.”

  “I get it,” Dayton began. “What if you didn’t have to choose? What if you could have both of us?”

  She narrowed her gaze, not sure what he was implying. “Isn’t that what we were doing until it backfired?”

  Rex cleared his throat, sitting up straighter. So far he hadn’t spoken. “What if you could have both of us at the same time?”

  “You mean like we did the other night. You’d both dominate me in scenes?”

  “Well, that too. Yes. But how about more than just that?”

  “Did one of you hit your head before you came in?” She glanced at them both again. They weren’t telling her something.

  Rex chuckled. “Actually, yes.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Dayton slammed my head against the wall outside. I might need ice.”

  She gasped. “Please tell me you weren’t fighting.”

  Dayton chuckled low and deep. “Oh, sweet girl, we definitely were not fighting.”

  She stared at his smirk, his eyes dancing with humor. He glanced at Rex and smiled broader.

  Erica jerked her gaze back to Rex. Rex lifted his brows, his eyes also twinkling, his lips curved up in the corners. A faint smile. His hands were fisted together in his lap, and he was sitting too straight. “Apparently I’m a little dense. I didn’t realize… I mean, we, uh…”

  “We have chemistry too, sweet girl,” Dayton finished.

  Realization dawned, and she jumped to her feet. “Wait… You mean you like each other also?” She was too stunned to move. She just stood there, letting herself grasp what they were implying.

  Dayton’s face dropped. He looked worried. Rex’s did too, and his knuckles were white. “Erica…”

  She finally snapped out of it and clapped her hands together. “Oh, thank God. I love it,” she squealed, not caring that she was acting like a fool.

  “You do?” Dayton asked. “You had me worried there.”

  She tossed her head back. Why didn’t she notice their own interactions? Though apparently at least one of them didn’t either. Rex, she suspected. “I’m so sorry. I was so wrapped up in my own feelings, I didn’t think about either of yours.”

  “We’ll find a way for you to make it up to us,” Rex teased, winking at her. He had released the tight grip of his hands and flattened his palms on his thighs. His gaze wandered up and down her body. “Did you go shopping?”

  She glanced down at her dress. Black. Simple. Tight. Short. “Yes. Do you like it?”

  “I love it.”

  “Very nice,” Dayton added, his own gaze perusing her. “I’ll be looking forward to peeling it off you later when you submit to us.”

  She grinned as she bit her lip, and then she rushed forward, set her hands on Dayton’s shoulders, and leaned down to kiss him briefly. Next, she spun around and circled the coffee table to do the same to Rex.

  God, this was perfect. After spending days worrying about how she was going to handle this awkward situation, the two men who had been rocking her world for days on end worked out all the details for her.

  Wait. Was she right? She jerked upright and shot a look back and forth. “Please tell me you intend to include me in this intimate little awakening?” What if they meant that they had discovered they’d rather be with each other than her at all?

  They both laughed before Dayton spoke again. “Yes, sweet girl. We intend to include you. We intend to make you forget you ever even considered turning us away.”

  She expelled a long breath. “Thank God.” Exhausted, she lowered herself to sit on the coffee table. It had been a long few days and an even longer week. It seemed like a year since she moved to Miami and met these two men. How could so much have happened in such a short time with so many feelings involved?

  Dayton stood from the armchair and circled to the couch. He sat next to Rex, facing her. “You okay?” His gaze was on her lap where she was wringing her hands together.

  She jerked them apart and flattened her palms on her bare
thighs, still not super comfortable with the dress she was wearing. It was way out of character for her. At least outside of a club. She never dressed like this in public. But, she reminded herself, this was not public. This was Rex and Dayton, two men she’d had sex with in the past week. They’d seen her at her most vulnerable. And judging by their expressions, they weren’t disappointed with the dress selection.

  “Old habit,” she said as they each reached for a trembling hand. This entire situation was surreal. Part of her thought she was dreaming. Another part of her reminded herself that this was all temporary too. Her job was not a permanent assignment. When it was over, there was a good chance she and Rex would be sent to opposite ends of the earth, nowhere near Miami and Dayton.

  She took a deep breath. There was no sense freaking out over the future. For now, she needed to enjoy this arrangement. Make the most of it. And hope her heart didn’t get too tangled up.

  Rex squeezed Erica’s hand. “I can see your nerves. This is awkward. It is for me too. Other than a steaming hot kiss outside your building a few minutes ago, I’ve never been intimate with another man.”

  Erica shivered a little at the thought of the two of them kissing. She couldn’t wait to witness it.

  Dayton smirked as he set a hand on Rex’s shoulder. “Relax. No one is rushing anyone here. One day at a time.”

  Rex blew out a breath, his shoulders lowering as he set his free hand tentatively on Dayton’s thigh.

  Dayton reached across and grabbed Erica’s other hand, connecting all three of them. It was a powerful moment. Quiet. Heady.

  “Let’s order pizza and just relax for a while,” Dayton suggested. “Let this new arrangement soak in.”

  “Sounds good,” Rex responded.

  “I’ll grab the menu,” Erica added. Somehow this was going to be okay. It had to be.

  Chapter 34

  An hour later, Rex leaned back against the sofa, stretching out his legs. He’d eaten too much. After days of stressing and not eating enough, even the odd precarious resolution to their problems was enough to bring his appetite back.

  It would seem his other partners agreed because all three of them dove into the pizza and salad and breadsticks as if they hadn’t eaten in days. Rex and Dayton sat next to each other on the couch. Erica sat on the other side of the coffee table across from them on the floor. Her legs were tucked to one side. She was barefoot—the same way she’d been when she answered the door.

  Something about the sexy tight black dress with no shoes or even jewelry was so raw and real. She was relaxed in a way she would be inside Zodiac even though her nerves had shown through every once in a while.

  Rex glanced at Dayton, wondering how they were going to go forward, wondering more importantly what the hierarchy would look like between them. He wasn’t sure he would be comfortable submitting to anyone ever, but he was concerned Dayton might take over and control Rex the way he controlled Erica.

  Dayton smiled softly at him and then grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s show Erica a good time. You start. I’ll follow.” Did he have any idea how much Rex needed to hear those words right now?

  Rex turned his attention to Erica. “As much as we love that dress, it’s time to take it off. Come here.”

  Erica licked her lips as she took a deep breath. Rex could almost see her mentally switching modes from one where three close friends just ate pizza to one where she would submit to them, turning over control for the rest of the evening. She pulled her shoulders back and rose gracefully to her feet.

  The difference in her two personalities was both obvious and endearing. The fact that she could so easily switch from nervous and awkward to confident and submissive was impressive. Especially considering she’d never done so outside of a club before this week.

  Rex loved the way she stopped fidgeting and calmed the moment she submitted. It soothed her. Grounded her. It turned him on. And he knew it did Dayton too.

  Dayton reached forward and moved the coffee table back several feet so there was room for her to stand in front of them. As she positioned herself inches from their knees, she tipped her head forward and clasped her hands behind her back.

  Even though Rex and Dayton were seated, they were very much in charge. The crackle in the air was palpable. It was time to show Erica the best scene of her life.

  Rex reached out with one hand and set it on the back of her thigh as Dayton mirrored him at her other thigh. Together they smoothed their palms upward, pushing the stretchy tight material of her dress higher.

  It wasn’t until Rex cupped her bottom that he realized she wasn’t wearing anything under the dress. He had to fight back a moan. His dick was already hard. The feel of her bare skin was more than any one man could handle.

  “Hands at your sides, Erica,” Rex commanded as he stood.

  She dropped her grip, and he reached for the hem of her dress to drag it up her body and over her head. Damn, she was gorgeous. Her pert, high breasts were creamy white with dark rose nipples that stood at attention. Her hair was thick and loose, fluffed out from pulling the dress over it.

  “Spread your legs, sweet girl,” Dayton demanded.

  She stepped out confidently, her hands fisted loosely at her sides again.

  Rex lowered back to sitting, one arm snaking out to wrap around her waist and draw her closer so he could suckle her nipple. He was unable to resist the temptation. When did dominating a woman become so sexual? He knew exactly when, but it was still shocking.

  She tasted delicious and smelled of feminine soap. He bet she’d showered after work before putting on the provocative dress she’d carefully chosen for tonight.

  “Neither of us brought a toy bag, so we’re going to have to improvise tonight.” Dayton cupped her free breast and molded his hand to the globe as Rex let her nipple pop free.

  Erica moaned as she leaned forward, tempting them both.

  “Since no one has dominated her in several days, I bet she needs some impact play.” Rex lifted a brow at her.

  She swallowed as she nodded. “Please, Sir.”

  “I don’t know about you,” Dayton said toward Rex, “but my palm works just fine.”

  “Yep. Mine too,” Rex agreed.

  “I spanked her the other night. Would you like to do the honors?”

  Rex smiled. “I’d love to.” It calmed him greatly that Dayton didn’t intend to dominate him. That would never go over well in his world.

  “Come around to Rex’s side, sweet girl. You can lie over both our laps.” Dayton scooted forward a few inches, lining himself up with Rex.

  Rex took her wrist and helped her lean forward. Dayton helped him by catching her shoulders and lowering her the rest of the way over his knees. It was an interesting position with her sprawled across both of them. Rex palmed her gorgeous ass while Dayton clasped her hands at the small of her back, both wrists in one of his hands.

  Erica leaned her cheek on Dayton’s far thigh, and he spread his legs out enough for her amazing tits to hang between them. Dayton ran his fingers through her hair several times and then leaned forward and reached under his leg. Rex wasn’t sure what he was doing until Erica moaned and then flinched.

  Perfect. Dayton would torment her nipples while Rex spanked her smooth bottom. “Safeword?” he asked.

  “Algorithm, Sir.”

  He didn’t wait. He wanted a little shock value on his side. So he swatted her ass sharply right in the center.

  She cried out, her body arching. Dayton steadied her. “Stay still, sweet girl.”

  Rex spanked her again, concentrating on her left cheek. His palm print raised pink and sexy. He repeated the action on her other cheek next. Three more swats and he smoothed his hand over her heated skin.

  Erica was panting, but she was squirming at the same time. She also had her legs pressed together. When she moaned again, Rex realized Dayton was teasing her nipples. “Spread your legs, Erica.”

  She complied, parting her thig

  Rex spanked her again, low and center where he knew she would feel the vibrations all the way to her pussy. Before she could react, he reached between her legs and dragged his fingers through her wetness, testing her, making sure she was as aroused as he suspected.

  After the next firm spank, he thrust two fingers into her without warning.

  Erica panted, lifting her cheek off Dayton’s thigh and tipping her head back.

  Rex glanced at Dayton, wondering if the man would be able to read his expression. When Dayton nodded, glancing at her sweet ass, Rex smiled. The two of them really were in sync. Rex drew his thumb through her soaked folds and then pressed it against her tight rear hole. “Has anyone ever taken you here, Erica?”

  She moaned, a deep sound that made Rex’s cock harder. Her legs parted farther, inviting him, encouraging him. “Sort of, Sir,” she whispered.

  Dayton met Rex’s gaze. “I used anal beads in her the other night. That was her first experience.”

  Rex swallowed, forcing himself not to be jealous. There was no room for jealousy here. Even if they ended up in the most perfect ménage arrangement that satisfied all three of them, they would have unique individual experiences that left one person out occasionally.

  Rex circled the rim with his thumb. He wouldn’t enter her until they could get their hands on some lube, but he liked knowing she was receptive to the idea. He felt confident Dayton had taken women in the backdoor before. Hell, Dayton had probably taken men too. He might have even had other men inside him.

  A shiver shook Rex’s body. He was beyond eager to form a tighter bond with these two, sharing Erica at the same time. He wasn’t ready to ponder the idea of having sex with Dayton yet, but that wasn’t what tonight was about. Rex had already ascertained that Dayton was not going to pressure him. The entire concept was too new. Just forming.

  Satisfying Erica, however, was propelling Rex to make this happen. He knew how good it felt to share a woman. He’d done so many times in his previous relationship. He’d even shared Charlotte with Samson and Nile on occasion, filling her in every hole. It took a lot of coordination, but when everyone got into the pace, it was amazing.


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