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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

Page 19

by Imogen Wells

  I’m lowered to the ground as we reach the car, and his hands linger on my hips a little longer than necessary. “Get in,” Ryder demands, opening the car door.

  “And if I say no, then what? You gonna spank my arse like a naughty child,” I sass, folding my arms across my chest and jutting out my hip. Ryder steps forward, his nose almost touching mine as his scent surrounds me.

  “Get in the damn car, Camryn. I can guarantee you don’t want to see what will happen if you don’t,” he whispers, his jaw clenching.

  I lick my lips, watching as his eyes track the movement. I consider doing what he asked, but this will be more fun, so I poke the wolf a little more. Pushing up onto my toes, I graze his cheek then whisper in his ear, “You might make my panties wet, Ryder, but don’t ever mistake my attraction to you as submission or ownership.” As I pull back, I swoop in and nip his bottom lip, drawing blood. He doesn’t even flinch, but I watch completely mesmerised as he swipes a thumb across his lip, catching the drop of blood before cupping my chin and smearing it across my own lips. I gasp before running my tongue over my bottom lip, and as I taste his blood a small whimper leaves me. The grip on my chin tightens just as Ryder’s lips meet mine, and everything around me disappears. And just as I lose myself in the feeling, his lips are gone.

  “Get in the car, Camryn,” he demands again, his voice low and dangerous. His eyes are hooded, and I can see the burn of lust and desire coursing through him, just like it is me. A shout of “get a room” comes from behind us. Ryder raises his hand over his shoulder giving Seb the finger, and as his laughter rings out it’s joined by another. Taking a peek over Ryder’s shoulder, I see Scott has joined Seb. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything other than a scowl on Scott’s face.

  “I had no idea that Tweedledee there, even knew how to laugh,” I mutter, lowering myself into the car. Ryder lets out a snort. “What? Him and Russ are like the giant equivalent of the dwarfs Happy and Grumpy. It’s comical,” I say, clicking my seatbelt in place. A flicker of anxiety creeps in at being in a car again, but I tamp it down. Besides, there’s too much sexual tension rolling around in me for the anxiety to have much of an effect. I’m almost certain that there’s a damp patch the size of Lake Windermere in my underwear, and my vagina is currently screaming about the lack of orgasms. Join the club.

  The drive back to the city isn’t long but it felt it. On the way, Ryder called Russ telling him to meet us at the apartment in an hour. That was the only conversation the whole way.

  Scott’s scowl had returned before he even got in the car, and Ryder went back to ignoring me, apart from his furtive glances every now and then in the rear-view mirror.

  I flicked through my phone, checking the news and messaging Jamie to let her know we were on our way back. When we pull up outside Ryder’s, I damn near leap from the car, well, as best as my leg will allow.

  When I enter the lobby, Russ is already there talking to the security guard at his desk. He’s wearing a t-shirt today, with a jacket slung over his arm, and it’s the first time I get a proper look at the tattoo I spied at the edge of his cuff that first day. It’s an unusual piece, tribal but around the edge, which traces the line of his wrist, is a Celtic band. I’m a little surprised to see it there as it is usually a sign of Celtic heritage, but it’s a popular tattoo nowadays. I walk to the lift as Ryder veers off towards Russ with Scott.

  By the time the lift arrives, the three men have joined me, and we enter the lift together. As they normally stay downstairs, I assume Ryder wants to chat with them, so when we arrive at the apartment I take off in the direction of the bedroom. But when I near Ryder’s room I hesitate, unsure of where I’m supposed to go.

  That decision is quickly made as Ryder comes up behind me, a gentle hand on my back steers me into his room as he closes the door behind him. My protest dies on my tongue when I’m spun around and pinned to the door.

  “You sleep in here, with me,” he states, orders, demands, whatever you want to call it, but his tone offers no room for arguing. And it pisses me off.

  “Maybe I don’t want to share a room with you,” I sneer, as I shove him back away from me. Of course, he doesn’t move far, and as I try to slip past him my stupid fucked up leg slows me down, allowing him to pen me in.

  “Stay,” he whispers. And that one word has me melting like ice on a hot summer’s day. All my indignation at his demands is forgotten as my libido perks her greedy little head up.

  “Okay,” falls from my lips unbidden. Ryder kisses me on the head, then leaves adjusting the bulge in his pants as he goes.

  Grrrr! I want to scream. I don’t like how easy I give into his demands, but I’m powerless to stop it.

  I snatch my bag up from where Ryder dropped it and fire a text to Jamie venting my frustration at the fact my vag has taken control of my senses, and I desperately need an intervention. I should have known Jamie would be no help whatsoever, and I roll my eyes as I look at the picture that Jamie sent back of tumble weed with the headline Your future. I throw my phone onto the bed, and then myself, face first. My tired body relaxes into the comfy mattress, although Seb’s bed was lovely, this is heaven. I must fall asleep, all the nightmares I’ve been having taking their toll.

  I wake sometime later, and the position of the sun tells me it’s late afternoon. I’m still laying on my belly like a starfish, and as I attempt to rise up on my knees my right leg screams in protest. Groaning, I roll to my back and stare at the ceiling while I wait for the discomfort to ease. I slept really well, but I don’t want to think too much about the reason why.

  While we were at Seb’s, Ryder slept in another room, but when my nightmares hit, he was always there. I would sleep better once he was there. Again, I don’t want to look too closely as to the reason why.

  I’m still wearing borrowed clothes, but the ones I’m currently wearing belong to Ryder. I know because I can smell him, and I heard him moaning about me wearing another man’s clothes. Stupid possessive alphahole. I still have no idea what’s going with us. Demanding I stay in here makes me think there’s more to it than a job or sex, but when he goes cold on me? I’m confused again.

  I understand what Rick was saying, but I carry my own demons too. Demons that are becoming a little harder to quiet lately.

  My mind has been running wild with thoughts of my mum and Faye recently. I always felt something was off with their death, but I could barely get out of bed let alone think.

  Revenge. A little voice whispers.

  There has to be more going on than just my safety. How does Tyler play into all of this? What did he want on Sean’s computer? These are questions I should have given more thought to. I thought I had more time to put the pieces together, but now Sean knows where I am, my time is running out. I need answers, and I know exactly where to start.

  I have a quick shower then finally dress in my own clothes before going in search of Ryder. I find him on the balcony sitting on the rattan daybed and swirling the amber liquid in the glass that dangles from his hand.

  It’s raining and the afternoon sky becomes a slate grey as more clouds roll in. His eyes lift as I close in on him, he’s wearing a small frown, but his eyes are alight with a hunger I haven’t seen in a couple of days. When I finally reach him, he hooks a finger as his eyes pass over the space beside him. I hesitate for a split second knowing what will happen if I do. I have a billion questions I need answers to, but at the moment, I need this more.

  Ignoring the pain in my leg, I climb onto the daybed and watch as Ryder’s blue eyes darken with desire. He knocks back the last of his drink, and his legs open as I crawl between them. He’s wearing joggers and nothing else, his sculpted upper body on full display, and I lick my lips at the thought of running my tongue up his body and tasting him.

  His scent reaches me on the soft breeze that’s blowing, and my heart beats a little faster as I kneel up and run my hands up his thighs. His muscles tense beneath my fingers, and that dark part of me li
ghts at his reaction to me.

  Pulling my hands away, I reach for the hem of my top, peeling it up and off before throwing it and any doubts to the side, baring myself to him.

  My breasts are heavy with arousal and aching for his touch. I slide my hands up my body, cupping my breasts and tweaking my nipples until they’re hard as bullets, reaching out to him, calling to him. My head drops back, eyes closing as I chase the pleasure, knowing he’s watching me. Releasing one breast, I run my fingertips down my torso, dipping my hand below my waistband and seeking the warmth of my throbbing pussy.

  As I graze my finger over my clit, a firm grip on my wrist stops me, and opening my eyes I see Ryder leaning up on one arm as his eyes burn a path across my body. Pushing himself all the way up, he pushes down on my wrist, forcing my hand lower, and as my fingers glide into the slickness there, it coats them. A moan leaves me as I pump my fingers in and out, and my eyes fall closed again.

  “Eyes on me, Cam.” Ryder’s deep voice has my eyes snapping open, looking into his blues. I love the way they become like a stormy sky when he’s turned on, with flecks of silvery grey lining the edge of the iris. His nostrils flare as his grip on my wrist tightens before pulling my hand free and bringing my fingers to his lips. His tongue swipes out as he slips my fingers into the warmth of his mouth, sucking and licking them clean. Releasing my fingers with a pop, his hand glides to the back of my head, gripping my neck fiercely and pulling me forward to meet his mouth. My skin heats as his tongue delves into my mouth tasting myself there, and he swallows the groan that escapes.

  I reach out needing to touch him and latching onto his hips, I feel the shiver that rolls through him causing goosebumps to the surface of his skin.

  When I reach to free him from his joggers, needing to feel him, his hand is already wrapped firmly around his rock-hard cock. I look down to watch as his hand glides up and down the shaft, the head of his dick is red and engorged, and a drop of precum glistens there. My breath falters at the sight of him pleasuring himself.

  “Fuck! That’s sexy as hell, Ryder,” I pant out, as he latches his mouth around my nipple, grinding his teeth and causing sparks of pain and pleasure to shoot straight to my clit.

  His hand still gripping my neck, snatches up a fistful of hair and yanks my head back exposing my throat. The move arches my back and thrusts my pelvis forward allowing me to feel him as he continues to pump his cock. Ryder switches his attention to my other breast and keeping his one hand in my hair, his other one comes up taking my throat in his grasp. A flicker of fear skitters down my spine at the aggressive hold, but then he bites down hard on my nipple, and I cry out. My thighs begin to shake as the pleasure rises, feeling like I could come just from this alone as beads of sweat roll down my back despite the cool evening air.

  Suddenly Ryder releases me, and before I can take a breath, I’m lifted and laid out on my back. Ryder quickly removes my shorts then buries his face in my pussy, eating me out like it’s his last meal. I writhe beneath him, hands searching for purchase as I fight between wanting to get closer and moving away as the pleasure becomes almost painful.

  A hand comes down on my stomach restraining me as Ryder drives two fingers into my pussy, curling them up to hit that sweet spot and sending me spiralling into an orgasm that has my hips bucking. Both hands grip his hair, holding him there, while I grind my pussy into his face as I ride out my release.

  “Ryder. Fuck, Ryder.” His name falls from my lips like a prayer as I slowly come down. Ryder lifts his head, and seeing my juices dripping from his chin and glistening on his lips has my pussy clenching and pulsing with need. A smirk pulls at the corner of his lips, forcing his dimple to appear, and then he dips his head and licks up my folds, skimming over my too sensitive clit as a tremor tracks from my feet to my head. I push his head away with a laugh. Sitting back on his haunches, he licks his lips and groans before rising and pushing his joggers off completely.

  Running my eyes the length of him, my body thrums in anticipation. Ryder drops to his knees on the bed before falling forward, caging me in and bringing his lips to mine. As our tongues war with each other, I grip his hips pulling him down as he slams home, and my nails bite into his skin. A scream tears from my throat as he pulls back slowly and thrusts forward again.

  Pushing up on to one arm, his other hand closes around my throat, squeezing enough to hurt, but not enough to cut off my air supply, then he begins a brutal and punishing rhythm. I suck in air as dots begin to dance in front of my eyes, my orgasm builds as his hips pound forward over and over again, and just when I think I’m about to pass out, Ryder releases his hold on my throat as we crash over the edge together.



  As my breathing levels out and my heartbeat returns to a normal rhythm, my skin tingles as the cold air blows over my hot, sweat slicked body. Ryder lifts his head, eyes meeting mine as his fingers brush my hair back from my face and tucking it behind my ear. He kisses me before pulling back, and as I move my leg, I become aware of the dull ache there.

  Ryder reaches up pulling the canopy over us and grabbing the blanket that rests at the back of the bed before laying down next to me and covering us over with it. He pulls me into his side, and I rest my head on his chest while throwing a leg over his hips and brushing against his still semi hard cock. I know he’d be ready for round two given half the chance, but instead I bask in the post-coital bliss, happy to just be held.

  I absentmindedly run my fingers over Ryder’s chest, down to his belly button and back again while my mind tries to make sense of how I enjoy rough sex with this man. A man that carries darkness so much like my own, and I see vengeance and retribution swirling in his beautiful blue eyes sometimes too.

  Then as if a light bulb has gone off, I remember our conversation about his brother. How he got in with the wrong crowd and was killed. Ryder knows a lot about Sean for a guy that runs a private security company. The cogs start whirring, and then I start to question Rick and Ryder’s willingness to help me. How does Tyler fit into this? Ryder said they knew Tyler, but how? Suddenly I don’t feel so blissed out anymore.

  Pushing up on Ryder’s chest so I can look at him, I ask, “How did you know Tyler?” A look of surprise crosses his face, and then he frowns.

  “I told you, we were friends with him.” He tries to pull me back down into him, but I lock my arms.

  “Yeah, but you never said how you knew him. I mean the guy didn’t exactly keep the best company, did he?” I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to answer. His body tenses beneath me, and I already know whatever he says next will be either a lie or not good. He rubs at his jaw, something I’ve noticed he does when he’s uncomfortable or anxious.

  “He was a friend, Cam, but then things changed. What’s this all about anyway?” He slides out from under me, snatching his joggers and yanking them on. I wrap the blanket around me, covering my nakedness. I know he’s not being completely honest, but I don’t push the matter.

  “Nothing. Forget it,” I tell him, and flop back down on the bed, throwing an arm over my eyes. I know he’s lying to me, but I can’t bring myself to ask the question that’s really bothering me. Why is he helping me? That tells me that Ryder means more to me than I’m ready to admit, and I’m scared of his answer.

  I hear him sigh, and I bet he’s rubbing his jaw again. I lift my arm a fraction, and there he stands rubbing his jaw, then running a hand through his hair. He’s going to walk away any second, and I don’t care to stop him. I continue to watch from under my arm, his slight hesitation, as if he wants to say something, but then he drops his head and strides away.

  I lay there for a few minutes just listening to the rain and the sounds of the city below. I could have told him about Faye, maybe then he wouldn’t have walked away, but then again, maybe that would have been the end of whatever this is. At the very least it would have led to more questions, ones I’m not ready to talk about. Will I ever be ready? I can feel he’s keepi
ng things from me, and that infuriates me, but I’m also not being honest.

  This whole situation is a complete fuck up, and I have no clue how to navigate through it.

  A crash comes from the kitchen as the aromas of garlic and onion make my mouth water and my stomach grumble as they reach me. I search around for my top, and I’m surprised to see Ryder’s glass smashed on the floor. It’s very telling at how lost in the moment I was to not have even heard it.

  Finally locating my tee, I pull it over my head, then find my shorts and pull those on too. Approaching the door and seeing Ryder has his back to me, I quickly tip toe down the hall to the bathroom to clean up.

  Returning to the kitchen, I realise I was gone longer than I thought as there is no sign of Ryder, but a plate of spaghetti bolognese is on the counter for me. Assuming Ryder is in his office, I sit down to eat alone, then rinse my plate before putting it in the dishwasher. I hunt round the kitchen for a dustpan then go and sweep up the broken glass on the balcony.

  It’s still early and not wanting to go to bed, I put the telly on and settle on the sofa. At some point I must fall asleep, and I become aware of being carried but sleep drags me back under.

  The apartment is empty when I wake, no Ryder and no note this time either. Brushing my disappointment aside, I shower and dress before deciding to message Jamie and see if she’s up for a visitor.

  I’m beginning to feel like the only time me and Ryder have any real connection is when we’re fucking. I don’t know if it’s because that’s all we actually have, or because we’re both keeping secrets.

  When Jamie’s message comes through more disappointment washes over me as I open it. Things are bad with her mum and dad and she doesn’t think now is a good time. I message her back telling her to call me if she needs anything and we’ll catch up soon.


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