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Backroom Boy: All American Boy Series

Page 5

by Marika Ray

  “Why, Lukas? Why is us kissing again, or even dating, such a bad thing?”

  I stared at her, absolutely floored that she didn’t see the problem in that. “Are you kidding me? Your dad is my boss. I rent his pool house because I can’t afford anything better. I’m the backroom boy of a winery while you’re the winery’s princess waiting in the wings to take over as CEO.”

  Delta scoffed, pushing out those full lips that our kiss had only made puffier. “Please. I’ve dated all kinds of guys and my father doesn’t get a say in who they are or what their income is. You’re just running scared.”

  She waved her hand like she saw this kind of thing all the time, a little smile on her face. And it pissed me right off. I knew I was feeding into her plan and yet I couldn’t stop myself.

  “Delta. I can’t take you on fancy dates. Hell, I didn’t even have a car to take you to this date put together and paid for by your parents. You wouldn’t want to date me. Trust me.”

  She raised her arm and ran her finger over my chest. “Try me.”

  “What?” She needed to stop touching me. I couldn’t think.

  “Ask me out on a date. An official Lukas date. And if I can’t hang, then we go back to being coworkers. Let me decide if I want to date you or not.”

  I nodded slowly, knowing that agreeing with her would be the stupidest thing I could do. “Fine. One date. Next Friday. And when you decide slumming it isn’t for you, I’ll say I told you so.”

  Her eyes flashed in the light of the streetlamp. “Deal. But I seal all my deals with a kiss.”

  She tugged on my collar and I fell into her, our lips finding each other and knowing exactly what to do. And if my hands slid down her back and grabbed her ass, pressing her firmly into my growing erection, she’d only have herself to blame.

  She’d pushed me.

  And I was falling hard.



  “Close your eyes,” Lukas shouted at me, the wind pulling at his words.

  We were flying down the road on his motorcycle, my legs and arms wrapped around him from behind. I’d only been on a motorcycle once before when my uncle was showing off his brand-new Harley. This was an entirely new experience, having the guy I was crazy about between my legs while the motor created vibration below us. I could have ridden for miles and miles on the back of this thing with Lukas, but he was pulling off the road all too quickly.

  “Okay!” I shouted back, squeezing my eyes shut and willing myself to go along with the surprise. I wanted so badly to see what he’d planned for us. For this date he’d put together on his own.

  The week had flown by, all the menial tasks at the winery made better by having Lukas at my side. Plus all the sneaky kisses away from security cameras had made things interesting, while making me want him with an urge stronger than I’d ever felt before. I went to bed every night thinking of him and staring at his leather jacket hanging on the back of the chair in my room. If I could help it, I’d never give it back to him.

  The motorcycle came to a stop and we leaned. I listened for the kickstand and felt Lukas pivot to get us both off the bike safely. Once standing, I fumbled to get the helmet off, knowing I looked ridiculous in it. It smelled brand new when Lukas handed it to me and I wondered if he’d bought it just for this date. Keeping my eyes closed was killing me. The anticipation of what he’d put together for our date had kept me guessing all week.

  Lukas cleared his throat like he was nervous. “Okay, open.”

  I popped those eyes open faster than Christmas morning and took in a familiar field. We were on the very edge of our vineyard property, the huge oak tree in the corner lit with a million little white lights under the canopy of leaves. A red blanket lay on the ground under the tree, a basket waiting for us. I gasped.

  The scene was more beautiful than any fancy restaurant.

  And more precious because Lukas had obviously put in the time to make this special for me.

  A bolt of something fringing on giddy ran through me and I spun toward him to wrap my arms around his neck. “It’s beautiful. Thank you,” I whispered.

  I felt him chuckle before he pulled back, grabbing my hand and tugging me toward our date. “It’s not fancy, but we are all alone, so I consider that the tradeoff.”

  My face felt hot and that giddiness moved south. I liked the sound of that. Alone with Lukas. He helped me down onto the blanket while he turned on a speaker and started some soft music. Then he opened the basket and pulled out a white wine that I’d told him earlier in the week was my favorite out of all the Black Bishop wines.

  “Hey! How’d you get that, Mr. Not Quite Legal?”

  Lukas winked at me. “I have my ways and my sources, none of which I can divulge.”

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling from ear to ear. This was already more fun than I’d ever had on a date. Glancing around at the vineyard behind us, I had to admit it made a romantic backdrop.

  “Here you go.” Lukas handed me a glass of wine and poured one for himself before settling in next to me to watch the sunset.

  I tried to watch it too, but mostly I was distracted by the way his shoulder would bump mine occasionally. Or the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed. Or the scent of cologne coming off him that I hadn’t smelled on him before today. Lukas was good looking in a boy-becoming-a-man way. He had a jawline that was on the cusp of sharpening into the type that made grown women swoon. Long, unruly hair that always looked unkempt in the best of ways. Bright blue eyes that made you want to stare into them and dig for his secrets. He didn’t speak unnecessarily, making each time he did feel like a treasure he entrusted you with. He may only be here for the summer, but I intended to enjoy the hell out of our time together while I could.


  I blinked and saw that the sun had set and Lukas was looking at me expectantly.

  “I’m sorry?”

  He smiled and tried again. “Ready for some dinner?”

  I nodded and helped him pull containers out of the basket. “I see you got takeout.”

  Each container looked different, leading me to believe he’d gone to multiple places.

  Lukas shook his head. “You don’t want to taste my cooking, trust me. So, I went and got all your favorite dishes. Or, at least, the ones I know about.”

  He dipped his head and got busy opening all the containers while I gaped at him. He remembered my favorites from conversations we’d had and then went to multiple restaurants for them? This boy was trampling all over my heart. If I wasn’t careful, he’d burrow himself right in there whether I wanted him to or not.

  “Here you go.” Lukas handed me a loaded plate.

  I took the plate and put it down on the blanket next to me. Without wasting time second-guessing myself, I hooked a hand behind his neck and pulled him to me for a kiss. I didn’t stop until we both pulled away breathless. Keeping my forehead against his for a moment longer, I whispered, “Thank you, Lukas.”

  We ate, the conversation between us always a mix of playful, serious, and deeper than any conversation I’d had with someone my age. Lukas knew a lot about everything, and he always asked the most amazing questions. He seemed like a scholar of life. Someone who loved learning. Just being around him made my own brain come alive with excitement and possibility. There was so much going on behind that brooding frown of his and I was glad I’d gotten to know the real Lukas.

  “Care to dance?” Lukas stood and extended his hand out to me.

  Putting down my almost empty plate on the blanket, I put my hand in his. He tugged gently and I popped up. The night had gone completely dark around us, leaving us in the glow of the lights strung above us. For the first time that night, I became highly aware we were alone. Just a handsome date and the hoot of an owl not far away.

  His hands landed low on my hips, the heat of him soaking through my jeans and warming me up inside. We swayed to the slow song, just staring at each other. The silence was charged, like we both had som
ething to say, but we felt too much to get the words out. He pulled me closer and I went willingly, our bodies now pressed together as if we needed the body heat.

  “You know I think you’re more than just a spoiled princess, right?” he whispered finally. “I tease you, but I see you. All of you.”

  I felt a connection deep in my gut. So many people in my life saw one side of me and that’s it. The rich daughter. The sorority girl. The pretty girl with a quick smile. The tech geek with a passion for programming. I was all of those things, but I was also so much more. The fact that Lukas could see all of me was the sexiest thing a man had ever said to me.

  My hands went up into the hair on the back of his head, threading through the strands and wanting to hold him tightly so he’d stay with me always.

  “I know. I see you too, Lukas. You’ll do amazing things in life, I just know it.” I smiled, seeing it in my head. “You make the grapes and the wine, I’ll supply the marketing and the business side of things. We’d be a force to be reckoned with.”

  Lukas smiled back. “I’ll hold you to it.”

  And then his lips were on mine, and his tongue took any further words out of my mouth. His hands traveled along my backside, heating my skin everywhere they went. I shifted, needing to feel how much he wanted me. His erection pressed into my stomach and my knees nearly buckled with the want I felt.

  “Delta…” he murmured, a hand now on my breast.

  “Yes, please,” I answered, my own hand sliding between us.

  My shoulder clipped the edge of the picnic basket and Lukas grunted. My shirt hung off one shoulder, but at least the jeans were finally stripped from my legs. Lukas pushed off of me and stood, looking down at me with half-hooded eyes. He whipped his shirt off and I bit my lip. God, those muscles were hot. His hands went to the button on his jeans and I held my breath.

  “Wait!” I blurted, literally the worst at timing. “Are you sure we’ll be alone?”

  The idea of one of the farm hands finding us and reporting back to my father would certainly put a damper on our perfect date.

  Lukas’s mouth lifted on one side. He slowly unzipped his jeans and my brain scrambled. “I talked to the supervisor about bringing a date out here. Don’t worry, I didn’t mention your name, but he assured me we’d be alone all night.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Pretty sure of yourself, huh?”

  Lukas tugged the jeans off and stood in his boxers, a delicious bulge looking like it wanted to be freed by my hands. No, my mouth.

  “Just hopeful and equally determined to make sure you don’t get in trouble for being with a guy like me.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “You mean a guy who put together the most thoughtful date I’ve ever been on?”

  He knelt by my side. “You know what I mean.”

  I would have argued with him longer, but he unclasped the front of my bra and dipped his head to kiss the underside of my breast before finding my nipple. There wasn’t a lot of talking after that. Just his lips and tongue and teeth driving me crazy. I whimpered when his head lifted and he smiled up at me.

  “You’re fucking beautiful, Delta Bishop.”

  Something bloomed in my chest and came out in the form of a smile on my face. I’d never felt more beautiful than when Lukas Murphy nudged my thighs apart for him and swept his gaze over the whole length of my body. His finger traced down my belly and into the closely cropped curls I kept between my legs. His head dipped again, this time to zero in on my clit while his finger worked its way inside me. I gasped, the sound eaten up by the silence of the night around us. Reaching down, I wound my fingers through his hair, keeping him in place in case he dared to leave me unsatisfied.

  The flat of his tongue tasted me, the tip drove me wild, and his one finger became two. Pleasure hit like a tidal wave. I felt nothing but Lukas attacking with the single-minded focus he showed with all his tasks. I briefly registered that I must have pulled too hard on his hair, because his grunt mixed with my long moan as I spiraled out into the sky.

  Lukas gave me time to breathe, then his hands pried my fingers out of his hair, a smirk of devilish proportions on his face. His mouth was wet, and the sight made me blush. Most guys our age didn’t bother going down on a girl, wasting no time getting to the finish line for themselves. A girl had to be quick about it or she’d miss her opportunity. Lukas, on the other hand, seemed quite pleased with himself, as he had every right to be.

  “Wow. I’ve been missing out,” I said absentmindedly, watching his muscles flex as he moved.

  Lukas shoved his boxers down and pulled a condom out of the picnic basket, rolling it on and settling between my legs again. His eyes were wide. “That’s the first time a guy’s gone down on you?”

  I nodded, my hair probably a total wreck.

  “Fucking idiots.” Lukas shook his head. “I’d eat you out every day if you let me.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, embarrassed and turned on so much I wanted to climb him like the grapevines in the field. Where had this guy come from? And how long could I keep him?

  “I’ll hold you to it,” I answered, flickering my eyes open to see him notching himself against me.

  He slid in nice and slow, taking his time and stealing my breath with each inch. He felt so fucking good I wanted to howl at the moon and scratch my nails along his back. And that was before he began to move, the drag of his thick cock in and out in a steady rhythm driving me absolutely crazy.

  Lukas held himself above me on his elbows, his shoulders straining as he drove into me. His hair was a mess from my fingers. I reached around and grabbed his ass, enjoying the flex of muscle there and loving the way he grunted when I forced him to thrust even harder.

  “Delta…” he said on an exhale.

  He sped up, his gaze looking like a man possessed as he took in my breasts swaying with each thrust.

  “Mmm, Lukas, like that.” I almost couldn’t believe it, but I felt like I could orgasm again if he just kept going for another few seconds.

  Lukas reached down and hooked my leg over his arm, opening me up further as my hands grabbed on to his shoulders for support. Fuck, I was glad I did yoga on the regular because bending like a pretzel was so much better when Lukas’s cock was inside me.

  “Look at me,” he grunted.

  I blinked, not realizing my eyes had closed. Lukas’s jaw clenched tight, his blue eyes appearing almost black as he looked down at me. I let go of his shoulders and grabbed his face, reaching up as high as I could go to kiss him. It was sloppy, more tongue and lips than finesse, but it sent me right over the edge. I pulsed around him as I bit his lip and squeezed my eyes shut again. Stars danced behind my eyelids. His body stiffened above me and I felt his groan more than heard it.

  I flopped back to the blanket, my arms sliding off his shoulders. My limbs were so far gone I couldn’t have held on to Lukas if my life depended on it. He must have felt the same way since his weight crushed me while we both gasped for air.

  “Holy shit, Delta,” he mumbled against my neck some moments later.

  I stared up at the white lights dotting the canopy of the tree. I’d never look at this corner of our property the same way again.

  “Holy shit is right.”



  “Staff meeting in five.” Delta slapped my ass as she passed, her sly little look for my eyes only.

  We hadn’t had much alone time together since our date last weekend. I’d thought about her every single second though. The way her eyes had gone hazy with my dick filling her. The crescent nail marks that had stayed on my back for days, reminding me of the best sex I’d ever experienced. Not that I had a ton of experience in my twenty years, but I doubted anything could surpass that night in the vineyard.

  The only downside to that whole night was having to drop her off at the end of her driveway so she could walk the rest of the way home. It was on my insistence, and as much as it pained me to be her dirty little secret, I knew that’s the wa
y it had to be. Her parents would not look kindly on me dating their precious daughter.

  And I guessed that was what we were doing: dating.

  I finished the last glass, setting it on the counter to air dry before wiping down my arms and hands. My fingers were continually pruned from washing dishes every day. Once that task was done, I headed into the tasting room that closed for the hour every Thursday mid-morning for the staff meeting before the busy weekend started. Immediately, I spotted Delta chatting up Rosie over by the long bar. She gave me a quick wink, but otherwise acted completely normal.

  We’d agreed to keep the flirting locked down while at work. It was the right thing to do.

  I fucking hated it.

  The tasting room door swung open and two suits walked in. If I recalled correctly, they were the head guys from Chateau St. Sonoma. Heads turned and a few whispers filled the silence. Mr. Bishop started the meeting anyway, signaling that it was okay to talk in front of the competitors.

  “All right, folks, we have a busy weekend planned with our private room completely booked and a full-capacity tour coming through on Saturday. Word has gotten out about us waiving the wine-tasting fee with the purchase of just one bottle of wine and it’s massively increased our foot traffic. Delta, what are the exact numbers?” Mr. Bishop extended his palm to Delta, giving her the floor for the first time in a meeting.

  She stepped forward, her head held high, but I could see the blush creep onto her cheeks. My chest swelled with pride. Delta was the smartest girl I knew. If her dad wanted accurate numbers, she’d be the one to have them, and I was glad he finally acknowledged her.

  “In just one week, sales from non-members have increased by fourteen point four percent. To give you a frame of reference, wine sales fluctuated four to seven percent for any given promotion in the last twenty years of Black Bishop history. We have ourselves a winner.” Delta smiled and stepped back.

  The assembled group of employees all clapped, knowing increased profits was a good thing for everyone. Mr. Bishop smiled smugly and let the applause go for a bit before hushing everyone. I held my breath, hoping he’d credit me with a good idea.


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