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Shadow's Curse

Page 21

by Jami Gray

  “Meet us,” Gavin corrected.

  “Chayton’s flight,” she reminded him. “You won’t have time.”

  He eyed her for a moment then came to some internal decision. “I’ll text Raine and have her meet the plane.” He suited action to words. “Depending on how this plays out, we can join them at Vidis’s afterward.”

  “If Cheveyo hasn’t already, we should bring in Cassandra.” If anyone could break through a spell strong enough to block a pack’s bond, it would be Cassandra Miwa. The powerful witch was second to Cheveyo and saved both Gavin and Raine at various times, not to mention numerous other Kyn. Remembering the older woman lived an hour and a half outside of Portland, she added, “Have Raine send someone to pick her up, if need be.”

  Gavin gave a quick nod and continued texting.

  She waited until he finished before she spoke. “I’ll relay the change of venue to Carys and Darius.”

  Gavin got to his feet. “Do you need a ride?”

  She waved off his offer. “No, I need to gather a few things before heading over. I’ll have Jamie drive me over if he’s available.”

  Gavin frowned.

  Reading the unspoken concern in his expression, she blew out a short breath. “He’s one of ours. I sincerely doubt he’s working for the Council. What he wants, he can’t get without me.”

  “You sure about that?”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but the automatic reassurance never emerged. Was she? Someone close to Taliesin had to be working with the Council. Otherwise these strikes wouldn’t be made with such accuracy. When faced with Fahd and Jamie earlier, suspicions began to form, but there was nothing concrete to give it substance.

  The last few days—hell, the last few weeks—proved fertile ground for growing paranoia, but heeding them could be even more dangerous. The Northwest couldn’t afford to fracture, especially as the Council seemed to be crumbling from within. Still, she couldn’t ignore her instincts, no matter how much they seemed to confuse things. “If someone near and dear is playing with the Council, it would be best to keep them close.”

  “I know you’ve all but crossed Darius off your list, but are you sure he’s not behind Axel’s beating?” Gavin rolled his shoulders. “If more than one person is involved, we could be looking at a team. What if Zayn sent him out to dead end our investigation?”

  He had a valid point, but—

  “The timing is wrong. The only time Darius wasn’t with us, was this morning. Even traveling between realms, he wouldn’t have enough time to pay Axel a visit or spend the time needed to accomplish that beating.”

  Plus the same voice whispering to keep an eye on those closest to her, also nudged her attention elsewhere for the one behind the current string of problems facing the Northwest. That bond Darius and Zayn shared, the depth of it, had her looking to DiMarcco or Westbrooke. If either of those two knew just how close Zayn and Darius really were, they would not be above exploiting it and getting rid of two very powerful males in one fell swoop.

  Calculation entered Gavin’s gaze. “Let’s hope you’re right, Natasha. If we slip now, we’ll be torn apart before we can regain our feet.”

  “I’ve always been light on my feet, dear.”

  Natasha looked up from her paperwork as Jamie slowed the car for the turn to Ryan’s house. “You made good time.” She began to tuck the papers away in her slim briefcase.

  “For once, traffic wasn’t bad.” Jamie continued to guide the car down the long drive.

  She made some non-committal noise and set the trappings of business aside. Carys asked her to arrive a few minutes early, an indicator she had more information to share. Which reminded her. “Have you made any further progress on running down Sutler’s whereabouts?”

  “There were a few flare ups with the Kensington campaign today, so I haven’t had a chance to check.” He flicked his gaze to the rearview mirror. “Durand getting anywhere on who’s behind Sullivan’s recent misfortunes?”

  “Some, but nothing solid.” She caught his frown before he turned his head. “What?”

  “Why aren’t you sharing with me?” There was a definite edge of a growl to his voice.

  His temper sparked her amusement. “You don’t get to play in my sandbox all the time, Jamie.”

  He blew out a hard breath. “Look, I’m just worried. Between Sullivan’s death and whatever happened at your place last night, you and I both know someone’s gunning for you.” The car rolled to a stop next to another sedan and a low-slung sports car. He shut off the engine then turned in his seat to face her. “What’s going on?”

  The worry in his face tugged at her. No denying she had a soft spot for this boy, but it wasn’t enough to blind her to the possibilities. Her sister’s betrayal drove home how even those closest to you had weak spots, and weak spots could always be exploited. The Council was very, very talented at exploitation. “We’re being tested.”


  She gave him a small smile and opened the door to get out. “Someone who wants what isn’t theirs. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like sharing.”

  Jamie reached over the back of the seat, his hand wrapping around her wrist, holding her in place. “If I don’t know which direction trouble’s coming from, I can’t help.”

  She stared at him until he let her go. “The only help you can provide me is a connection between Sullivan, Sutler, and Dmitri.” More than blood would chill from her tone. Red washed under his skin, but Jamie just gave her a curt nod. Satisfied her message was received, she slipped out of the car and gently closed the door behind her.

  If her knee jerk reaction to Jamie was any indication, her upcoming meeting with Darius did not bode well. Her temper prowled too close to her skin, making it difficult to remember to keep a gentle touch on her words. Stress, exhaustion, and frustration did not make for a happy demon queen.

  As she drew closer, Niall’s tall form emerged from the shadows gathered around the front door.

  The echo of Jamie’s door closing sounded behind her. “Jamie, keep Niall company.” She forced herself not to stalk across the drive.

  “I enjoy my solitude, Ms. Bertoi,” Niall said, as he held open the door for her.

  She paused in front of him, tilting her head back to address him. “So do I, Niall.” Perhaps if she shed her human skin, she could wipe away the traces of amusement lingering behind the Fey’s bland expression. If nothing else it would allow her to loom over him. The temptation almost proved too much.

  Niall’s eyebrows rose as the air visibly wavered around her, but wisely said nothing.

  She continued into the house, feeling the weight of Jamie’s glare until the door closed behind her. Standing alone in the entryway, she took a deep breath, then another. Only when she was satisfied her first response wouldn’t be to literally rip someone apart, did she move farther into Ryan’s home.

  Light spilled from the living room, and the low murmur of voices drifted to her, a combination of light and depth. Carys and Gavin. Their conversation came to a stop when she stepped into the room. “Don’t let me interrupt.”

  Ryan’s living room combined natural elements of wood and stone into an elegant, casual blend. The floor-to-ceiling windows provided the only barrier to the lake and forest existing outside the structure. Carys’s stood near one of those windows, her green silk blouse and black pencil skirt a perfect foil for her porcelain skin and red hair, currently tamed in a neat chignon.

  Gavin sprawled in the smaller sofa, his face grim. “You’re not going to like this.”

  Just once Natasha would rather be greeted with a more positive note. Sighing she made her way around the matching set of chairs to the larger of two sofas congregated around the fireplace. A unique wooden table cut from some ancient tree sat in the middle. The flickering flames and warm light from the lamps played across the table’s polished surface, light and shadow dancing among the tree rings preserved under a high gloss.

  She sank down on the edge o
f the sofa. “Carys, do you mind?”

  The redhead dipped her chin, and the skin-prickling magic ran over Natasha’s skin as the silencing spell fell into place. Considering Darius’s predilection for hiding in the shadows, it would be best if this part of the conversation remained private. “What happened now?”

  Strangely it was Carys who answered. “We finally found a connection.”

  Cautious excitement bloomed. “And why wouldn’t I like that?”

  Carys and Gavin shared a look then Gavin said, “Ever heard of Cinar International?”

  “Sounds vaguely familiar.”

  “It’s a European-based corporation housing several different companies. One of which supplied a rather large anonymous donation to Biovita—one with a string of zeros behind it.”

  “The biotech company in Hillsboro, the one Brant Sutler was working for?”

  Gavin nodded. Instead of the expected relief for finally having a solid lead, he looked more grim than ever.

  A European corporation funding research in an American lab, one situated in their backyard? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to put it together. Dread curled in her stomach. “This Cinar, who’s behind it?”

  Carys clasped her hands behind her back, her shoulders straightening. “I pulled some strings and uncovered their board of directors, both silent and public.”

  Natasha rubbed a hand over her face, a sudden ache taking residence in her temples. “Let me guess, Zayn Aimeric, Leopold DiMarcco, and Corwin Westbrooke all have seats?”

  “Got it in one.” Gavin sat up and leaned forward. “What if we’re not dealing with one or two, but all three?”

  She looked between the other two, not missing the worry under the anger. “Then having Darius on our side just graduated from a want to a necessity.”

  “And if he’s involved?” Gavin pushed.

  She carefully locked away the small voice whispering about Darius’s innocence. Ryan built the Northwest Kyn so their people could survive the upcoming changes. She wouldn’t let one intriguing male stand in the way. “Then we remove him and Zayn, before sending our own message to our esteemed Council—one they can’t misinterpret.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Darius stepped out of the taxi in front of the unlocked gate standing guard at Ryan’s home and began walking down the drive. Evening was just settling in, and the still cool air carried a hint of rain. After finally getting some much-needed sleep, he woke to find Natasha’s home empty. However, she left behind a written summons, requiring his presence this evening.

  He tucked the note away and spent the main part of the afternoon with Zayn. It took a few hours, but he finally got his brother to grudgingly agree to approach the Northwest leaders. Zayn’s one caveat—unearth the Council’s mole first before dragging his name into it. Considering Darius was already determined to do so, that wasn’t much of hardship. Unfortunately, his brother’s stubbornness cost Darius time, time he could have used to dig deeper into the players of this interesting group.

  His first stop, Natasha’s court. Knowing his presence would taint what he heard, he kept to the shadows and listened. His patience eventually paid off as the discontented whispers rose and revealed themselves. Unfortunately, they were thin on strength but fat on petty jealously. The more he listened and watched, the more convinced he became that support of Sullivan’s bid for Natasha’s seat had more to do with envy than an actual grab for power. The death of Sullivan’s lover hadn’t filtered through her court as yet, which meant Natasha was keeping that piece of the night’s adventure hidden. A decision he highly approved of, not that she’d care.

  However, Sullivan’s death dominated conversations. While the majority agreed Sullivan’s attitude and mouth had pissed off the wrong demon, it wasn’t Natasha’s name being bandied about. Not because she couldn’t do it, but because popular opinion believed if she wanted to kill him, she would have done so in full view of her people, leaving no question as to the who in the equation.

  She was a formidable leader, one both feared and loved. Feared because she enforced the rules of her house without fail, and loved for the same reason. The Amanusa were, by their very nature, volatile. It was why self-control was so highly prized among the demons. Without that, the havoc they could wreck would wipe out not just them, but all they touched. Amanusa leaders established strict rules, and the punishments could be harsh. To be the one enforcing those rules required an intimidating amount of strength, balanced by compassion. His little queen would never admit to compassion, but it was there.

  For every sly insinuation from petulant wanna-be power players, there were others willing to defend their leader and her actions. Other names were tossed out. Strangely enough, one of them belonged to Natasha’s little toy, Ryder. As much as Darius would love a reason to tear the prick limb from limb, there was nothing behind the speculation, just simply passing commentary on the possibility of Ryder ending Sullivan’s petty aspirations before they got in his way.

  The end of the drive came into sight, cutting Darius’s musings short. Two men stood in place before the entryway—just beyond two parked sedans and a deep blue, almost black, sports car—the prick in question and a tall Fey, one of the Wraiths from the previous night’s meeting. It took a moment to pull up the name. Niall. The glint of the porch light flickered off of Niall’s glasses as he dipped his head in acknowledgement. Next to him, Ryder straightened.

  It took a few minutes to cross the remaining distance. He stopped in front of both men. “I’m assuming Natasha’s inside?” Darius kept his attention on Niall, effectively dismissing Ryder.

  Niall stepped to the side. “They’re waiting for you.”

  They? Considering who stood watch, he bet Carys was in there, maybe even Gavin and Raine. He should have never left Natasha’s the night before, because something was definitely going on.

  Before he could move up the steps, Ryder stepped in front of him, the red rings in his eyes blazing in a tight mask of anger. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you better not have anything to do with the mess of shit sitting at Natasha’s door.”

  “I don’t create messes, I clean them up.” Darius let his demon rise and stretch, a reminder of who and what Ryder confronted. Ryder’s barely disguised flinch pleased both halves of his nature. “Better hope I don’t find your stench lingering around.”

  His taunt found its mark as Ryder’s hold slipped, his eyes bleeding crimson while the air around him shimmered with his other form. Before the little shit could sign his own death warrant, the door opened.

  “Do I have to separate the two of you?” Smoke and spice, laced with feminine exasperation, cut through the mounting tension.

  With his back to Natasha, Ryder flashed his canines at Darius as he issued a silent snarl. Darius returned it.

  “Jamie, move.” The curt order revealed Natasha wasn’t unaware of their exchange.

  The younger demon reluctantly moved aside, only looking away when Natasha gave a quiet huff of impatience.

  Darius’s snarl turned into a lazy grin as he faced her, he and his demon appreciating the picture she presented.

  Cunning intelligence and wells of secrets swam in those periwinkle eyes, offering an unwanted challenge to the man and beast. Her white-blonde hair was caught in a deceptive tangle, a few lone strands brushing her shoulders. The soft, seductive material of her deeply hued sapphire dress clung to her curves with tantalizing precision. Danger and beauty in one small, alluring package.

  Perhaps Zayn had reason to be worried about Darius’s fascination with this woman. Either that, or Darius needed to get laid. “And here I thought you finally decided to trade up.”

  “Trade up?”

  “For a more mature challenge.” He moved up the steps, deliberately crowding Ryder aside. “I wouldn’t want you to become bored, darling.”

  Devilish amusement glinted in her gaze. “No, I believe boredom is the least of my worries.” She stepped back and let him enter the house. />
  He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

  She placed her palm against his arm, the heat of her touch bleeding through his shirtsleeve. Without turning, he pushed the door closed in Ryder’s face.

  Opening the door to find Darius and Jamie engaged in some sort of testosterone-driven showdown piqued Natasha’s interest. When she realized the tension screaming between the two males had to do with her, she found a perverse pleasure in the situation. Jamie’s possessiveness was new, but amusing. Unfortunately, he would never find himself in the running for her attentions. She wasn’t blind to who came first in his heart—him. Besides, not only was he young, he wasn’t strong enough to capture both halves of her nature. Both woman and beast would eat him alive. Literally.

  As for the male walking silently beside her, that was another story. Memories of the kiss they shared brought a surprisingly intense need to life. Before it could burn too bright, she shut it down. Tall, dark, and deadly could elevate any female libido, but it was what existed behind the face that fueled her fascination.

  Most males proved predictable, and nothing Darius did came close to that. Perhaps it was because she was uncertain of what his goals were, but Darius drew her beyond the physical. There were depths there, secrets calling to her blood like a drug, tempting her to delve deep. It didn’t matter that, as a scion of Blood of Death, death could ride his touch as easily as passion. In fact, it added to his allure.

  If it wasn’t for the web of conspiracy surrounding the Northwest, she might have considered sating her curiosity. Instead, she would have to be satisfied with small indulgences until she was certain of the part he played. Her hand flexed against his arm, her nails pressing a quick bite before she let him go as they stepped into to the living room where Gavin and Carys waited.

  “Our guest has arrived,” she announced unnecessarily as she swept into the room, leaving Darius to follow.


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