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If You Say So (KPD Motorcycle Patrol Book 6)

Page 15

by Lani Lynn Vale

  “Shhh, baby,” he ordered gruffly. “I don’t want to share you with him.”

  My clit stroked deliciously over his pubic hair as he called out to good ol’ Rick.

  “We’re fine, Richard,” Luca said calmly.

  He sounded as if he was just having a leisurely nap with the blinds closed instead of fucking me blind.

  I would’ve laughed had I had any breath left in my lungs after the orgasm I’d just had.

  Tiny little aftershocks were ricocheting through me as he continued to fuck me just as hard as he had been earlier.

  If Richard had been listening more closely, I was completely sure that he would hear our skin slapping together.

  “Okay, I’ll be back after my rounds to see if you’ve changed your mind,” Richard said, sounding just as happy and go-lucky as he had been the first time that he’d brought us drinks.

  I inhaled deeply, groaning when his cock started to slow.

  “What are you doing,” I gasped behind his hand.

  He let my face go for the time being, his hands once again going to my ribs.

  “One more,” he ordered.

  I was already shaking my head incredulously.

  “If I give you one more,” I told him. “I’ll die.”

  His low rumbling chuckle caused shivers to dance down my spine.

  Then he surprised the ever-loving hell out of me by switching our positions.

  One second I was on top of him, and the next I was leaning over the lounger with my ass in the air.

  My knees were planted in the soft cushion, and he was standing behind me, his cock once again inside of me.

  My bathing suit bottoms groaned as the seam was roughly yanked farther to the side, exposing me more fully to his gaze and his thrusts.

  This time, with his new position, he really did have all the control.

  He controlled the depth—oh, God. So freakin’ deep.

  He controlled the speed—so fuckin’ fast.

  And he controlled my orgasm.

  The orgasm that I thought I was going to die if I experienced? I’m pretty sure that I did for a minute there.

  “Fuckkkkk,” I cried out.

  There was no way in hell that nobody heard that.



  But at this point, I really didn’t care.

  My breasts were swaying with his movements, jerking back and forth with each lunging thrust that he filled me with.

  My head was spinning.

  And damn straight if another orgasm, just as strong as before, didn’t take me over.

  It was only as he was pulling out of me, spent and sated, that I finally came back to myself.

  I blinked owlishly at the small tent, wondering how much time had passed.

  “Jesus,” I breathed. “How much time has passed? What the hell just happened?”

  His hands on my hips finally lifted as he pulled his cock out of me.

  I felt the immediate wetness of his release started to trickle out of my pussy, but he quickly slid my bathing suit bottoms back to the side to help cover it.

  I stood up, swaying slightly, and he caught me by the hips.

  I turned in his hold, threading my arms around his neck, and went up onto tippy-toe to press my lips against his.

  “If we’d done this before you left,” I told him. “I would’ve been jumping into your big green bag and riding with you all the way to the other side of the world.”

  His lips twitched at that and then came down on mine.

  “I’m not sure you being over there would’ve been a good thing,” he teased. “But you’re right. I’m not thinking this kind of thing would’ve ever been enough had we known.”

  I squeezed him even tighter, then let him go to look for my top.

  It was on the ground next to the lounger, covered in sand.

  I grimaced as I pulled it on, hating the itchy, uncomfortable feeling of the sand pressed against my breasts.

  “Come into the water with me?” I asked hopefully.

  He helped me get my top hooked then followed me out into the quickly-darkening afternoon air.

  “Gonna have to go soon,” he said as he took a look around.

  There weren’t many people left at all now that I was out of the tent.

  There was one rather amused man that was sitting in his cabana three down from ours, though.

  I blushed and looked away, finding Luca looking at me with glee lighting his face.

  I rolled my eyes and walked back to the ocean.

  Not only did I have sand where there most definitely shouldn’t be sand, but I also had other, more pleasurable things leaking out of me.

  With one look in his direction, I made a mad dash for the water.

  “Bet you can’t catch me!”

  Chapter 15


  -The element of confusion


  The day her friends arrived, Frankie was happy. I could see it in her face. In the way she moved and acted.

  Then she met her friends for lunch.

  Or, more specifically, we met her friends for lunch.

  “Are you sure that you want me to go with you?” I asked. “I can stay…”

  She shot me a panicked look. “I want you to go.”

  It was then that I realized that she was scared to let me out of her sight.

  It was understandable. The last time she’d done it, I hadn’t come back.

  “There are going to be other spouses and significant others there,” she said, trying to cover her panic. “In fact, it’s going to be odd if you don’t go. They will wonder why seeing as they know you came with me.”

  Excitement started to slowly leech into my veins.


  Because Frankie didn’t try to hide me. Didn’t try to pretend that she liked me, but then hid me when people showed. I wasn’t her ugly secret.

  “How many of your friends made the trip?” I asked, feeling like a subject change was in order.

  “Six of them,” she said. “Nell, Chen, Abigail, Ashley, Jessica, and Carina. Nell, Chen, Abigail, and Carina have either a spouse or significant other.”

  I was nodding as I led her to the truck Tim had rented for us.

  We were meeting the crew in a bar at the beach. Then going for an evening cruise on the coastline.

  I’d been told that the boat ride also had free beer. Well, free if you didn’t count the two-hundred-dollar ticket that you had to purchase to ride on the boat in the first place.

  Like everything that we’d noticed over the last few days of being in the busy gulf coast town of Destin, Florida, it took a long time to get anywhere. Everybody and their brother was out trying to do the exact same thing we were. Meaning it took us thirty minutes to drive eight miles when it should’ve taken us no less than ten.

  “I like it here,” Frankie said softly. “I think a beach wedding would be so cool.”

  I looked over to see her staring at a bride that was walking down the long length of a beach. Her groom waited on her to arrive with a massive smile on his face that would’ve lit up a room.

  “It would.” I found myself agreeing. “What would be cooler is if he found a wedding ring in the ocean and proposed while he was here. Then thought, fuck it, let’s get married.”

  She turned her eyes to me and stared. And I realized that I’d revealed too much in my musings.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Do you still want to get married, Luca?” she asked as she twirled the ring around her finger nervously.

  Previously, where that ring would’ve once pissed me off to see, I only saw possession there now. She was mine. Mine, mine, mine.

  A car honked behind me and I turned my face forward to see that the light was green. Gently accelerating, I wondered how I should answer her question.

  Did I want to get married to her still? Hell yes. The idea of her carryi
ng my name felt right.

  “Yes,” I said. “But…”

  She gasped and I looked forward once again to see a small Honda Civic whip into my lane.

  I had to slam on my brakes and do some evasive maneuvering to keep from hitting him.

  “Holy shit,” she breathed. Her hand stayed on her heart for a long while. “I think that’s one of my friends.”

  “Hopefully your friends are better doctors than they are drivers,” I muttered. “Jesus Christ.”

  She was right, too. When we got to the restaurant that we were meeting at, the Civic whipped into a spot that was two down from the one that I took.

  When we got out, two blondes poured out of the Civic.

  When Frankie rounded the backside of the truck, they spotted her and headed our way.

  “Frankie!” blonde number one cried. “You made it!”

  “I did,” Frankie agreed. “Barely. You almost took us out, Jessica.”

  Ahhh, so the taller of the two blondes was Jessica. Noted.

  The shorter of the two blondes snorted. “We did not.”

  “Oh, you totally did,” Frankie said. “Ashley, I swear to God, I could see the tire tread quite clearly right before you whipped into our lane.”

  Ashley rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  Frankie rolled hers, too, and walked in my direction, her hand coming to meet mine.

  “Y’all, this is…” She paused, unsure what to say.

  “Luca,” I murmured. “My name is Luca.”

  That was about the only pleasant conversation between Jessica, Ashley, Frankie, and myself.

  The moment they saw me, their eyes went wide.

  One would think that they wouldn’t be working toward becoming a doctor with how they acted.

  “Does that hurt?” Jessica asked, almost reaching out and touching my face.

  Frankie slapped her hand away.

  “Jessica,” Frankie hissed. “I realize that you’re beyond curious by nature, but you don’t have to be an ass to be curious. You could ask and not touch. Never touch.”

  Jessica shrugged. “I’m sorry. I’m just… it looks like it hurt. How did it happen?”

  Frankie ground her teeth together, went to snap at her, but I shook my head.

  Grabbing her hand, I said, “Y’all ready to go eat?”

  Jessica and Ashley started walking away, teetering in their too-high-to-walk-straight high heels.

  Frankie shook her head at the two.

  “Jesus,” she said. “Sometimes I feel like I’m parenting a couple of two-year-olds when it comes to them. Do you know how embarrassing they are?”

  No. No, I had no idea whatsoever.

  But I did realize that people were curious when it came to my scars.

  Who wouldn’t be?

  I mean hell, the only thing that wasn’t fucked up on my face was my lips, eyes, and nose. My cheeks were scarred to hell and back. There was a burn mark that started on my right cheek and moved down the length of my neck.

  And my ears were malformed.

  Honestly, I was more used to people staring.

  It was kind of refreshing to have someone come right out and ask if it hurt instead of staring and whispering about me as if I couldn’t hear every single word they’d said.

  “Baby,” I said. “I’m fucked up. I know it. Everyone else knows it. You just need to be prepared because this won’t be the last time it happens.”

  She made a disgusted sound underneath her breath.

  I laughed and squeezed her hand. “Come on. I want to get the best spot I can.”


  “Hey, Frankie!” Ashley cried. “Come take a picture with us!”

  She grabbed my hand and led me to where her group of fellow residents had gathered.

  My hand tightened on hers.

  I most certainly did not want to be in a picture with her friends.

  Which, she must’ve sensed, because she slowed.

  But, then Chen held up his hand. “Not him, just us!”

  Frankie narrowed her eyes.

  “Garrett is in the photo, and he’s not ‘us.’” Frankie stiffened.

  Chen opened his mouth to say something, but it was the asshole that I fucking hated without a shadow of a doubt that opened his jerk mouth.

  “Yeah, but we actually want to be able to post the picture on social media,” Victor, Nina’s doctor husband, countered. “If he’s in it…”

  He left the thought hanging.

  But I didn’t need him to finish his sentence to understand.

  He thought that I’d ruin the picture.

  And maybe he was right.

  I squeezed Frankie’s hand, telling her without words that it was all right.

  But she didn’t think it was all right.

  Not even a little bit.

  And I’d barely gotten her calmed down after what Ashley and Jessica had done before dinner.


  She was already shaking her head.

  “No,” she said. “It’s not okay. Even if you say it is, it isn’t.”

  I didn’t have anything to say to that.

  “Let’s go,” she said. “They can take their picture without us.”

  The boat ride hadn’t happened today.

  That’d mostly been because the majority of the people that’d come out to dinner with us had been drunk off their asses and hadn’t wanted to take a break from drinking long enough to get on a boat.

  Which was why they’d ended up at the bar, and then on the beach where there was a continuation of the bar.

  “Where are we going?” I wondered.

  She veered off the beach and led us to the other side where they were loading people onto the boat that we’d been supposed to ride.

  She waved at the man. “Hey, are we too late?”

  The tanned man with bright white teeth and bleach-blond hair shook his head.

  “Nope, just on time, actually,” he said as he held out his hand for Frankie to take.

  Frankie did, then climbed up into the back of the boat before smiling at the captain who handed her a lei.

  I nodded at the man that was watching me stoically.

  “You military?” he asked when I climbed up and took my first step up onto the boat.

  “Yes,” I said simply.

  The man looked indifferent for a few long seconds before saying, “Thank you for your service.”

  I nodded once and kept walking down the length of the boat, making my way to where Frankie was grabbing a mug of beer.

  I picked up one on my way, too, grinning at the bar attendant.

  “Thanks,” I said, taking a sip of the lukewarm, watered-down beer.

  “Welcome,” the man said cheerfully.

  He was scarred like me, but looked like he’d sustained his wounds many, many years ago.

  “You by yourself, man?” he asked conversationally.

  I shook my head and indicated Frankie who was watching a couple of seagulls fight over a piece of bread that a kid had just thrown.

  “That’s my girl,” I said, gesturing with my head only.

  “Ahh,” he said as he started filling up another beer, then handed it to me. “She’s a cute one. Did good, man.”

  I did.

  I didn’t know how I did, but shit. I was so thankful for her.

  I hadn’t realized how jealous I was over a dead man until that dead man turned out to be me.

  The sheer amount of yearning that I’d felt for Frankie, day in and day out, had been overwhelming.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “I did.”

  “You get those in the war?” he asked curiously.

  I nodded once.

  “Me, too,” he said. “I was one of the first men to step on the ground over there. Our unit was the first.”

  That had my heart picking up.

  “You were?” I asked.

nodded once.

  “I’m glad you made it home,” I said. “Being out in the sun… that doesn’t fuck with your scars?”

  That’d been one of the things that I’d been told to be wary of—the sun. That they were still healing and to always, always put on sunscreen and make sure that I didn’t give them a chance to burn.

  “Not anymore,” he said, taking a sip of the beer that he’d just poured. “I…” He trailed off when the man that’d helped Frankie into the boat came up to his side. “Everybody ready, Brady?”

  Brady nodded in the man’s direction.

  “Yep,” he agreed. “Ready to rock n’ roll, Captain.”

  “Captain?” I asked, a smile forming.

  The captain started the boat up, and a lot of the kids started to squeal in excitement.

  The skipper took over the beer while the captain moved toward the wheel.

  “Yep,” the captain said. “Bought this boat with my inheritance. Funny thing is, I joined the Army because I wanted to prove a point to my pop. Wanted him to know that I was worth something besides sucking him dry. Then 9/11 happened and I knew what I wanted to do with my life after that. Almost died over there. I think it shook both me and my pop up bad.” He paused. “This boat was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  Frankie’s hand met mine just as we were pulling out of the slip where the boat was housed while it wasn’t in use.

  I looked down at her to see her smiling wide at me.

  “You’re smiling,” she said, her eyes going to the captain and back.

  A look of recognition hit her as she did, and I gave her a squeeze.

  She squeezed me back, giving it all she got.

  My lips twitched.

  “Was that supposed to hurt?” I asked curiously.

  She bared her teeth at me.

  “It did hurt, admit it,” she ordered.

  I snorted. “Hurt like crazy,” I lied. “Let’s go sit down.”

  We sat in the front of the boat again, right in the nose.

  A few people cast us wary glances—well, more me than Frankie—but ultimately behaved themselves.

  And I ended up having one hell of a time.

  With Frankie under my arm, the setting sun in my face, and no responsibilities for the next few days, my life didn’t seem anywhere near as daunting for the days ahead.


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