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The Gaia Project

Page 3

by Claire Buss

  'Do we have the means to get a full exploration team out there?' asked Martha.

  Jed nodded. 'We've got the Force skimmers, they'll do the journey alright. I've got a few people in mind for the team. If it's alright with you, we'll leave tomorrow.' He felt excited, this would be his first mission as Captain and although it was concerning that Devereaux had gone incommunicado, he didn't think anything would've happened to the man. He was too annoying to go missing.

  'Make sure you're fully prepared for every scenario, Jed. You will need a diplomatic envoy as well as Force operatives. I do think you should take an archivist and scientists as well as a security force. We don't even know whether 15 will let you in. After all they're still Corporation and we're not,' said Martha.

  'I don't think that will be much of a problem,' Ruth observed. 'City 15 has always had strong Anti-Corp roots. It's where the first revolution happened.'

  'And failed,' muttered Sean under his breath.

  'Well, be careful, please.' Martha's headache was receding somewhat but the churning whirlpool of worry in her stomach more than made up for the lack of pounding. 'I don't want anything to happen to anyone. Could you leave the details of your team with me, please Jed?'

  'Will do.'

  'What's next on the agenda, Sean?' asked Martha.

  'Citizens have been expressing their unease again at the lack of a forcefield. There's been a lot of chatter on the sweeps about letting in disease and vermin although of course those are only rumours. We've had no such actual reports.' Sean looked up from his handheld. 'The new security teams seem to be going down well.'

  'Good, well done Sean. That was a great idea, to have the public responsible for their own safety gets everyone more invested in the city. If no-one has any objections I'll get the updates office to re-sweep the batch of notices we used last month, the ones about the safety beyond the city walls.' Martha looked down the table but there were no objections so she made a note to action that point. It was something Sean could do but Martha liked to keep her hand in with the day-to-day when she could. 'I also think it's time to roll out a new campaign to encourage citizens to try the fresh food that is coming in from Camp Eden - can you put together some sweeps please, Sean?'

  Sean nodded and made a note. 'Food sachets are running low as well, Governor Hamble. We do need to come up with a more permanent solution. Perhaps if we reached out to City 9?'

  Jed's ears perked up. 'I think we should wait until we've been to City 15 before we go any further afield,' he said. 'They are likely to be a bit more receptive than a Corporation stronghold.'

  Sean smiled and shrugged.

  'I quite agree, Jed. One step at a time.' Martha glanced outside at the view overlooking Main Square below. She smiled at the bee that bumped into the window before her attention was distracted by the small crowd gathering at the base of the building. 'As you all probably noticed there is a peaceful protest happening this afternoon in the square. I believe it's another demonstration against the closure of the baby labs but let me assure all of you, that decision is final and will not be revoked.'

  'But Governor, all the people want is to raise a family. Like you.' Sean looked a picture of innocence. He had been pushing Martha for weeks to re-open the labs. 'Surely you don't want riots like we had when citizens found out about the baby sales?'

  'We did not have riots. The people reacted emotionally to a shocking situation and I will not blame them for that. But my decision is final. Those labs are not opening again until we find out where all the documented babies grown disappeared to, because they certainly aren't here in City 42.' Martha's nostrils were flaring as she tried to keep her anger under control. She had been absolutely horrified to learn that extra babies had been grown out of their reproduction labs. She was more disturbed that they were unable to find out where the babies had been sent thanks to the computer shut downs. It was something she was desperate to find out. Martha sounded firm yet her brow was creased with worry. 'Dr Lee, do you know why we haven't had more natural pregnancies?'

  The Surgeon General huffed a little before answering. 'As we said before, it will take time for each individual reproductive system to recover from the illegal radiation we all experienced. Everyone will be different, it could take months, it could take generations. We have had some miscarriages which, whilst they are sad news for the couples involved, are encouraging. It shows our natural systems are gradually getting back to normal.'

  'Is there anything more we can tell the public?' asked Sean.

  'Not really, but we can re-sweep our previous messages, if you think that will help.' Dr Lee looked to Martha, rather than Sean and she nodded in agreement before turning her attention to the next item, education.

  Professor Kamir had chosen to step down from his position as Head of Academy and consequently his place on Martha's ruling committee. Ruth had been put forward as liaison due to her teaching background and it was agreed by everyone present that she was an excellent replacement, but Martha wasn't sure whether Ruth was coping well with the new role and motherhood. It was tough on both of them.

  'Ruth, how are things at Academy?'

  But Ruth didn't answer. She was staring off into space, her head cocked as if she were listening to something else. There was a bee crawling around the window frame closest to her. Martha had to say Ruth's name three times before she realised everyone was looking at her, waiting for her to speak.

  'Academy. Right.' Ruth tapped her handheld a few times then read out her report woodenly. 'New curriculum implemented. Lots of interest on the new courses, less actual uptake. Post graduates are filling in staff gaps where possible. Attendance is still good.' She looked up to see whether she could get away with that recap.

  There were no objections to the report so Ruth moved on to the other update she had available. 'Archive has been busy. They are ensuring all citizens have access to relevant information but all terrorist related items are strictly monitored and still require governor approval before they can be accessed.'

  Sean coughed and Martha looked at him. 'Did you have anything to add to the report, Sean?'

  'No, no, you go ahead Ma'am.'

  'Right, well, I think that's everything on the agenda. Any other business?' Martha cleared her handheld screen, hoping to be able to make a quick getaway for once.

  'Um, I have a couple of items - if it's alright?' Sean asked.

  'Of course.' Martha concealed her surprise, she thought Sean had raised everything with her in the short briefing they'd had before this meeting.

  'There has been a significant social backlash on the issue of Corp Tech.' Jed looked up sharply and Sean raised his hands in defence. 'It's not coming from me. This is actual chatter. I can show you the screen grabs if you like.' He went to activate the main screen in the room but Martha forestalled him.

  'That's not necessary, Sean. I know many citizens feel we should reopen Corp Tech and continue working on the projects we have been able to recover but until we can solve the supplies issue I think we should be focussing on making sure everyone has enough to eat and any medical needs are met.

  'But I think...'

  'No, Sean. Now is not the time.' Martha's voice came out sharper than she intended making Ruth flinch slightly. She took a calming breath. 'Anything else?'

  Sean had reddened at the admonition but still had one more point he wanted to raise. 'The er... matter of the worshippers. They are starting to become a social nuisance, the new security teams have informed me...'

  This time it was Jed who interrupted. 'Do you mean the Gaia followers? How are they a social nuisance?'

  Sean bristled. 'Well, they insist on communing with nature right out in the open, causing obstructions in public places and there has been effigy.'

  Ruth barked a laugh. 'You can't stop people from meeting in public places - they are public, they have every right to meet.'

  'Yes but...'

  'No, Sean. Ruth is right. If citizens want to meet in public spaces and ce
lebrate nature, I for one am certainly not going to stop them. As for the effigy, leave it. It's a symbol of hope for many people. Art should be treasured, not destroyed.'

  'But they're planting flowers? Encouraging bees!' Sean protested.

  'And that is a good thing, Sean. Trust me,' replied Martha.

  Sean twisted his mouth slightly as he reluctantly nodded and put his handheld down.

  There was a moment of silence. Jed stood up to leave. 'We done?'

  'I think so, Jed. Can you wait in my office though please? I'd like to sign off on your guard selection and approve all your supplies.'

  Jed nodded and the Surgeon General scooped up his papers in relief. Martha turned her attention to him. 'Treat the essentials, as best you can,' she said. Dr Lee nodded and left the room with Jed close on his heels. Sean bustled out shortly afterwords.

  The two women left looked at each other, mirroring their exhaustion.

  'Are we done for the day?' Ruth asked hopefully.

  'Nearly. You head home. I'll see you there, I want to sign off on Jed's expedition team. I want to make sure he has decent medical and scientific support as well as brute force. Plus there's the Archivist position to fill - do you think Kira would go?'

  Ruth screwed up her face, frowning. 'I don't think she'd leave Grace behind.'

  'No, you're right. But if this really is a diplomatic mission then there will be plenty of security and there's no reason to think they wouldn't be safe. It's only City 15.'

  'Alright, well you'll have to ask her and see what she thinks. Try not to get caught up in anything else. You look tired.'

  'Thanks, I thought I'd try and give you some competition.' The two friends smiled at each other wearily before leaving the conference room together. One to head home to worry about the children, the other to worry some more about all the citizens who relied on her to keep them safe.

  GOVHAM: Our monthly meeting report is available to download. Together we're looking after City 42.

  ANON17: How does shutting down diagnostic pods help look after us? It's a conspiracy! Killing off the undesirable!

  MED4C42: Diagnostic pods will be temporarily offline. If you have any serious health concerns, visit your nearest med centre.

  GOVHAM: Re-sharing our Safety Beyond the Wall info jack. Download yours today and discover the wonders outside. Together we're looking after City 42.

  ANON17: Don't believe a word - it's a toxic wasteland! Bring back the force-field! Bring back the force-field!

  MSCHILD: Maybe no force-field is the reason why no pregnancies? Open the baby labs! It's not fair.

  MED4C42: Find out more about the natural pregnancy cycle. Download your info jack & get up to speed. You could be next!

  ANON17: Rehashing - resharing - same old, same old. Lies, lies, lies, lies!

  CAMPEDEN: Visit our online tour today. Discover how the hydroponics centre is growing fresh food for you & your family. It's safe - it's healthy - it's delicious!

  ANON40: I'd rather eat a dry sachet.


  >>1. The new Corp Tech supporters group is gaining momentum. Previous employees are desperate to start working on the latest tech. Can I leak the new neural implants yet?

  2. Shall I have the appointment of Jed Jenkins to Captain of the City Guard invalidated?

  3. They've decided to turn off the medical diagnostic pods. Will you be bringing medical supplies? Things are running low.

  4. There is continual backlash about the force-field remaining switched off. I have made sure that all the equipment remains intact.

  5. You gave me no instructions for City 15 - they are sending another team out there.<<









  Chapter 4

  C42N: City Guard or enforced control? Have your say, join the virtual conversation in social hub beta.

  GOVHAM: City Guard's first mission is to City 15.Together we're looking after City 42.

  ANON17: Why is City Guard going to City 15? Take-over bid? Watch out 15!

  'Who are you taking with you?' asked Kira as she sat with her husband while he gathered his gear together. She was smiling as she watched him, he seemed more like himself since getting the promotion and the mission. Ever since Pete's death, Jed had been more short-tempered. He'd had fights at Force over imagined slurs, refused to work with anyone else and had become withdrawn. He wasn't sharing things with her anymore. She understood it was part of his coping mechanism but it sometimes made her feel like a stranger in her own marriage.

  'Oh you know, some of the lads from Force - Ash, you've met him. And there will be a couple of others.'

  Kira waited for him to elaborate but he didn't. 'Um, won't there be some sort of scientist and medical presence as well? Isn't it a diplomatic mission?'

  'Martha wants me to take Max so I was going to speak to him next. Don't worry about the medical though love, we're all trained in first aid. We'll have med kits with us.' He continued stuffing clothes into a bag.

  There was a short silence, broken only by Grace's happy babbling from the front room. Kira wrung her hands together, trying to find the right words. She couldn't bring herself to tell him about her involvement so she changed tack.

  'You will, I mean, it's not dangerous is it? You're going to be alright?'

  Jed stopped packing and looked at his wife. His heart ached, he loved her so much but he felt like he couldn't tell her. Things were still so raw and emotional for him. He honestly believed that if he let in his love for Kira then his grief for his sister and Pete would overwhelm him, and right now he needed to keep functioning. One step at a time.

  'We are only going to City 15. We'll be fine. There's obviously been some sort of mix-up on the access codes or something, which is why we can't talk to the city anymore.' He turned his attention back to packing.

  'But why have they stopped sending their skimmers over? Do you think they will try to attack us?' She winced hoping he hadn't noticed exactly what she'd said.

  'I hardly think that's likely, love.' Jed zipped up his bag. 'City 15 have never been staunchly Corporation. I bet they've followed our lead and got rid of their board of directors. They've probably been locked out of their main systems, like we were.'

  'You really think that?' Kira was doubtful.

  'I'm sure. Everything is going to be fine. I've got to chat to Max over at Eden now. Alright if I use the main vid?' Kira nodded. Jed picked up his bag and left the bedroom but Kira couldn't get rid of the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  It took a few minutes for the connection to Camp Eden to clear. There was a lot of static on the vid feed and broken sound until finally it resolved into a clear image.

  'Hi Jed, sorry about that. We had a loose wire, looks alright our end now.' Max plonked himself down into a camping chair, looking as tanned and laid-back as ever.

  'Yep, reading you loud and clear here as well,' Jed replied.

  'So what's going on, how can I help?'

  'Yeah, sorry it's not a social call. We, the governor's office I mean, are putting together an expedition to go over to City 15 and I'd like you, and Dina, to come with us,' Jed explained.

  'Really? Why do you want us?' Max beckoned to someone off cam and Dina's face appeared.

  'Hi Jed! How are you? How's Kira and Grace?'

  Jed grinned at Dina's infectious cheerfulness. 'Hi D. We're all fine, but as I was saying, we want you and Max to c
ome on an expedition to City 15 with us.'

  'Oh exciting! Are we going?' Dina looked at Max who nodded.

  'I guess we are. But, Jed, you still haven't told me why you want us along?'

  'Well, we've had no luck making contact with City 15 since Corporation left 42. And we're running low on medical and food supplies, as you know. Governor Hamble wants us to reach out to 15 personally and find out how we can build a working relationship with them. Having you guys there will help us explain what happened with the water supply and the new food we're growing at Camp. Plus...' Jed trailed off and looked to make sure Kira was still occupied and hadn't come into the room. He hunched closer to the vid screen and lowered his voice. 'We haven't had any response, to any of our communiques. And a previous envoy has gone missing. I think there might be something seriously wrong.'

  'What do you mean?' Dina frowned. 'Do you think Corp have done something?'

  'I don't know. But it's a possibility.'

  Max broke the silence. 'Okay Jed, we'll come and help, of course we will. When do you need us?'

  'Appreciate it, Max. Tomorrow. I need you at City 42, first thing tomorrow and...' Dina cut across him.

  'What do you mean first thing tomorrow! We're doing important work here at Eden. We can't drop everything at a moment's notice to travel to a city where they may or may not want to talk to us.' Dina's cheeks were flushed as she finished speaking.

  'Easy, Dina. Jed, of course. We'll be at Main Square for 9am don't worry.' Max put a placating hand on Dina's shoulders and shook his head slightly as she opened her mouth to complain some more.


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