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The Enemy Series

Page 9

by M. E. Clayton

  “What about the girl’s climax?”

  She huffed. “That experience was all for the guy. Trust me, a quick fuck like that…the girl isn’t going to cum. She will have to finish herself off after he leaves.” I lasted only three seconds before I started laughing and she joined in.

  After we calmed down, I got serious. “Are you sure being my friend isn’t going to backfire on you? I mean, I know you don’t care, but I have a feeling this little battle of the wills between me and Ramsey will get worse before it finally comes to an end.”

  Roselyn’s silence lasted long enough that I thought she was trying to find a diplomatic way to tell me I was on my own. But it wasn’t until she spoke that I realized her deep thoughts were being centered on me and I was touched. “I agree,” she said. “I’ve never seen anyone go up against Ramsey Reed and I don’t think this is going to end well. But I’m not worried about me, Emerson. I’m protected by some degree. I’m worried about you.”

  My brows pulled together. “Why?”

  “Even though my mom married into it, I have money, status, and an inherited last name to fight Ramsey if things ever got out of control. You don’t have support or backup.” She wasn’t wrong. “Your aunt took you in out of guilt but has no real responsibility towards you. She spends most of her time running around being the perfectly wealthy widow and Bailey hates you,” she pointed out. “If you go up against Ramsey Reed, you’re doing it alone.”

  I didn’t speak about what my father did to my mother. I hadn’t spoken to anyone about it since I spoke with the police and threw it in my aunt’s face. It was no one’s business and the pain of what my father did was still there; still as strong as ever. But if Roselyn was going to stick by me through this disaster with Ramsey, she deserved some sort of explanation.

  She needed to know that if she stuck with me, I wasn’t going to flake on her. “All anyone knows is that my father killed my mother,” I told her, registering the shock on her face at my mentioning what had happened. “That’s what the headlines read, and that’s what the case centered on; my father killing my mother.” I took a drink of my water, buying time to find the words. “But here’s the thing. He didn’t wake up one morning and think ‘I’m going to kill my wife’, you know. He wasn’t on medication that triggered a bad reaction and he started hallucinating or anything like that.”

  “You don’t hav-”

  I waved away her concern. “It’s okay, Roselyn. I want you to know.” She silently nodded her head for me to continue. “My father beat my mother for as long as I can remember. And we’re not talking a backhand across her face or shoving her against the wall.” The memories were as vivid as each day I lived. “He beat her. He beat her like she was a grown man fighting back. But she wasn’t the only one he beat.”

  Roselyn gasped. “Oh, Emerson…”

  I waved away her concern again. “It’s fine, really. He can’t do it anymore,” I said, hoping it calmed her discomfort. “The point is, I’ve endured a hell that most people wouldn’t be able to survive. I’ve fought off bigger men than Ramsey Reed, Roselyn. So, trust me when I say, I’m not scared of whatever he has in store for me.”

  And I wasn’t.

  The unease I was feeling was due from the anxiety of the unknown. I always knew what I was dealing with in my father. Yeah, the abuse varied from time to time, but the situation was always the same. One man, always the same weight and height. At home, always at night. No weapons, always his fists and feet. And no help.

  Never any help.

  This situation was full of unknowns. I had no idea who would come after me, how many or in what manner.

  “Do you really think things will get that far?” she whispered. “Do you really think someone might actually try to hurt you?”

  I thought about that, and I honestly didn’t know, and I told her so. “I’d rather be prepared than underestimate them.”

  She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, I’m not going anywhere, Emer. And I say we embrace this new reputation of yours and fuck our way through Manotile this weekend.”

  I laughed.

  God, if she only knew how far from a whore I was.

  “Why don’t we see how the rest of the week goes before we open our legs to Manotile’s male population. Besides, what about your guy?”

  This time, she was flapping her hand around, all unconcerned. “Nate and I have an understanding,” she answered. “Trust me when I tell you he’s not keeping his dick dry, waiting around for little, ol’ me.”

  We finished our lunch and managed to do it without uttering Ramsey Reed’s name again. I meant what I had said earlier. I wasn’t scare, but I didn’t consider myself stupid, either.

  I was going to have to watch my back.

  Chapter 17


  It wasn’t working.

  Or maybe patience wasn’t my strong suit.

  Either way, Emerson was holding out a lot stronger than I thought she would, and it wasn’t working out for me.

  Deke had been right.

  It was maddening to hear people talk about her the way they were. Since Monday, I have witnessed students calling her names, shoulder checking her, throwing garbage in her direction, and the worst of it, guys making lewd gestures at her and telling her all the ways they wanted to fuck her.

  A couple of times, Liam and Deke had to hold me hostage in the restroom because I was on the verge of breaking someone’s neck.

  Emerson should have been irritated enough by now to have come to me, but her stubborn little ass was trying to hold out to the bitter end.

  This fucking girl.

  I had Deke keep tabs on her during fourth period and had him text me which direction she went in after class. I needed to push this along. Plus, I missed her.

  I missed her scent.

  I missed her closeness.

  And, fuck me, if I didn’t miss that fire in her eyes.

  I hung back behind to the right hallway leading towards the library. The eatery pavilion was to the left, and I knew she’d be coming this way. Liam had fourth period with Roselyn, so I texted him to deter her so that Emerson was alone on her way to lunch.

  As soon as I saw Emerson walking down the hallway, I stepped out and snatched her by her arm, dragging her to me and down the hallway. I didn’t stop until I had her behind the library building.

  I turned her around and slammed her up against the wall, towering over her. “You’ve had enough yet?” I asked.

  Emerson laughed.

  She fucking laughed in my face, and I cursed my weakness.

  Emerson straightened her spine and looked me in my eyes. “Had enough of what, Ramsey?”

  I couldn’t help myself. I reached out and place my hand flat against her chest. She didn’t stop me, though. Not even when my hand slid down lower and lower until it ran down over her right tit. I let my hand travel further south until it was resting on her hip.

  My dick harder than concrete.

  I gaze never wavered from hers. “So, you like being called a whore and having trash thrown at you?”

  “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I don’t care what any of you think of me,” she retorted. “So, what if everyone thinks I’m a whore?” she asked, right before she went for my jugular. “It’ll make it all that much easier when I do start spreading my legs for whoever catches my eye.”

  I could feel my teeth grind and my right fist clench. It didn’t matter if she was lying or not about her intentions, the thought of another guy touching her hazed my vision. But I wasn’t going to back down. “Oh, yeah?” The words were like acid burning my soul, but I said them anyway. “If that’s the way you want to play it, just make sure you’re using protection. Wouldn’t want any little bastards being thrown into the mix, now, would we?”

  “Don’t worry, Ramsey, I’m not that careless,” she threw out casually. “Besides, I have no problem swallowing their loads if it comes down to it.”

  I sunk m
y fingers into her hipbone until she winced out a yelp. Emerson had no idea what her smart mouth was doing to me. She did not understand that with every word that left her mouth, she was cementing herself to me.

  For fucking life.

  Ask anyone and most people will tell you that 18-year-olds can’t make that kind of commitment. Most grownups will tell you that an 18-year-old doesn’t know their own mind yet. There is no way an 18-year-old should contemplate commitments of forever. That eighteen years of living is nothing compared to the remaining sixty years left.

  But I’m not most 18-year-olds.

  And Emerson didn’t have a say in which direction her life was going to go. It was going to go in the same direction as mine.

  It’s only been two weeks, but the only reason she wasn’t married to me now was because she wasn’t eighteen yet. Her school files claim she won’t be eighteen for another few weeks.

  My grip on her hip must have been more punishing that I intended because she finally gave in after another whimper. “Get your hands off me, Ramsey.”

  I loosened my grip and accidentally showed my hand. “Why can’t you just fucking give in, Emerson?”

  “Why do you call me Emerson whenever we’re alone, but as soon as you have an audience, I’m Charity?” she asked instead of answering me.

  “To humiliate you,” I told her honestly.


  I decided to stick with honesty. Besides, it’s not like anyone would believe her if she said anything. “So I don’t lose sight of who has the power between us.”

  Emerson stepped forward and pressed her big, heavy tits against my ribcage. “Are you saying I have power over you, Ramsey Reed?” she mocked. “

  Fuck yeah, she had power over me.

  “I’m saying that I’m convinced that you’re such a dirty fucking slut, that my dick would be willing to do almost anything to see just how filthy you can be in bed,” I sneered down at her. I was such a fucking liar, but I couldn’t help it when it came to Emerson. She had me all kinds of fucked up and I didn’t know if I was coming or going with this girl.

  I’ve never lost control of my thoughts or feelings before, but since meeting Emerson, I didn’t know if I wanted to fuck, fight or bump dicks.

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll be able to hear all about what I can do in bed in the locker room,” she bit back. “I mean, boys still engage in locker room talk, right?”

  I ignored her taunts and, instead, I lean down into her, smashing her tits against my body. I curled my hand around the nape of her neck and breathed in her ear, “Let me fuck you, Emerson.” She did her best to disguise her whimper, but I heard it, nonetheless. “Let me spread you out on my bed and run my tongue all over your sweet curves.”

  “Ramsey, stop…”

  I smirked. There’s only one reason she’d be telling me to stop, and that was because I was turning her on. “That sounds about right, Emerson. I’d lick your body until you begged me to stop.” The hand on her hip slid upwards to hold her tit. “But I won’t. I won’t stop,” I promised her. I kissed the shell of her ear. “I won’t stop touching you, licking you, tasting you, fucking you…owning you until I was done. I won’t stop until you’re a withering mess of satisfied female.”

  Her hands pushed at my chest, trying to escape me. “I’ll never let a man own me,” she said, so softly, I almost didn’t hear her.

  I pulled back and looked down at her. Her face was mutinous and I’m pretty sure I had her until I said I was going to own her. Emerson was probably imagining owning as the version her mother and father showed her.

  God, if she only knew the truth.

  Emerson had me wrapped around her little finger. If she said yes to me, right now, I’d drown myself in whatever crumbs she threw my way. But she couldn’t know that.

  She could never know that.

  My hand reached up and caressed her jaw. “That’s where you’re wrong, baby,” I said, breaking the news to her. “I will own every little piece of you, eventually.” Her eyes blazed, and my cock got harder. “You’re going to be mine to do whatever I wish.”

  And then she fucked me up again. “And what if what you want is to beat and rape me?”

  Here’s the part where I’m supposed to vehemently deny wanting to ever do those two things to her. This is where I tell her I’d never hurt her.

  But I don’t.

  While I would never beat her or take her against her will, I do plan on hurting her. A lot. I plan on taking our lovemaking to the very edge the consensual violence she craves. So, instead, I answered her, “Then I’ll beat and rape you, Emerson.”

  Her silver orbs dilated, and I knew it was all over for me.

  Chapter 18


  I was caving.

  I felt it in the very marrow of my bones.

  When Ramsey held me captive at lunch and talked about all the things he wanted to do to me, I was a wet mess.

  I was turned on by his whispers of violence, and even though I knew it was sick, I couldn’t help myself.

  I suppose that’s another sin I can lie at my father’s feet. Because of him, I wouldn’t even know how to be in a healthy, respectable relationship.

  I gathered my books and finally left the library. All week long I had been staying behind until most of the kids left because that’s when the taunting and shit got really bad. It was as if they felt safer because we were technically out of school.

  But it was my car I was most concerned about. I didn’t want any of the kids to see my walking to my car and deciding that messing up my car would be another fun way to fuck with me. I couldn’t afford not to work, and I needed my car to get to the café.

  That was another thing I was grateful for. So far, no one has bothered me at work.

  I was coming around the corner of the library hallway with my backpack slung over one shoulder when the hallway was blocked off by three male bodies. My paced hitched, but I didn’t stop walking towards them.

  They would not make me cower.

  As I approached, I could see that it was Jamie Turner, who was in my calculus class, and two other boys who I didn’t know much about. The boy on the left of Jamie was Roman something or other and I didn’t know the name of the third boy, but I’ve seen him around.

  “Well, well, well,” Jamie sing-songed. “What do we have here?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Get lost, Jamie. I’m heading home.”

  He shook his head and tsked at me. “Nah, I don’t think so, Emerson,” he said, his smile pure evil.

  I raised a brow and masked my nervousness. “Oh, really?” Jamie jerked his chin at his two companions, and they fanned out, blocking the entire hallway. Sure, there was a little bit of space between each guy, but I couldn’t get passed them untouched.

  “See, my friends and I…” he paused long enough to look at each friend, “…were talking and we were wondering what was so special about that pussy you’ve got between your legs that it actually managed to turn Reed into a raving lunatic.”

  My heart started to race, but I kept my facial expression neutral. Or, at least, I hope I did. I readjusted my backpack and replied, “You’re giving me too much credit, Jamie. Ramsey was already a raving lunatic way before he met me.”

  He cocked his head as if he was really giving my comment serious thought. “That’s probably true,” he conceded. “However, even as unhinged as Reed is, you’re still the only piece of ass I’ve ever seen him chase.” Then his face lit up like he just hit on a brilliant idea. “Is that it? Do you give up the ass to him and that’s what has him so sprung on you?”

  This dickface.

  He was talking a lot of shit, but I knew there was no way he’d speak about Ramsey like this if there was anyone else around to hear. I laughed to disguise my anxiety threatening to take over. “Do you honestly believe Ramsey hasn’t already been inside that female orifice? I’m sure Ramsey Reed can get any kind of ass he wants.”

  And then the most entran
ced expression crossed Jamie’s face. “Except you, though, right?”

  I lifted my chin. “Make up your mind, Jamie,” I goaded. “Either he’s had me, or he can’t have me. Which is it?”

  He stepped close enough that I could smell his expensive cologne. “I think it’s both,” he revealed. “I think he’s fucked you in the most unimaginable ways possible and he wanted to keep fucking you, but because you’re such a goddamn whore, you dropped him, moving on to your next cock.”

  I didn’t need to explain myself to Jamie Turner, but I would not ignore the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew what this was. I knew why Jamie and his two friends were here.

  “You’re wrong on both accounts, Jamie,” I snapped. “Now get out of my way.” I moved to make my way around him and that’s when the horror of my situation turned to reality.

  Jamie reached out and grabbed my backpack, tugging on it until it fell off my shoulder and I lost my balance, flying backwards. I heard the thud of my backpack hitting the ground, but I was already being grabbed by three different sets of hands, that I couldn’t place where my bag had fallen.

  It didn’t really matter, though. There wasn’t anything in it that could help me. The only thing that could help me, right now, was my ability to take a hit and my street smarts. I’ve been in too many fucked-up situations to panic now.

  “Get off me, you sonofabitch!” I screamed.

  Jamie’s winded laugh cut through my scream. “Not until after I’ve found out what’s so special about that dirty cunt of yours.” Then he yelled to his friends, “Goddamn it, get her under control!”

  I felt hands on me everywhere trying to pin me up against the wall. They were underestimating me and that worked in my favor. I was able to get my knee up, and with as much strength as I could muster, I slammed my foot into Roman’s knee and his yowl could be heard throughout the hallway.

  The assault was enough to shock and distract Jamie and the other guy that I was able to slip through their hands and take off running.


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