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The Enemy Series

Page 25

by M. E. Clayton

  “That’s me showing you that you don’t have the choice you think you do, Roz,” I hissed in her face. God, this girl made me crazy. “You are mine. You always have been, you just didn’t know it.”

  Her eyes searched my face, and I could tell she was looking for the truth behind my words. Roselyn was struggling with wanting to believe that I’d want her for my girlfriend after Deke’s had her, and while I knew this, I didn’t know how to make her understand that I didn’t care about her and Deke. Maybe you had to be a guy to understand.

  Roselyn’s next words proved what I was thinking. “Prove it,” she dared.

  There were only a few girls who wore Windsor’s pant designed uniform. Most of the female population opted for the skirt, and Roselyn was one of those girls, and I thanked God for that fashion choice in this moment. I reached down and had my hand wrapped around the center of her lacey panties and ripped those motherfuckers clean off her body. She gasped, and I knew she’d be wet as rain once I got my fingers inside that tight body of hers.

  Two fingers easily slid in, and with her eyes closed and her hands gripping my forearm, I knew she was going to blow quickly. But this was war we were engaging in right now. This was a fight to be on top. It wasn’t enough for me to make her cum; I had to cement our roles. I needed to prove this wasn’t about anything other than my need for her.

  I needed to exorcise Deke’s ghost.

  I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and ordered her to get on her knees. “On your knees,” I growled. “Get on your knees, take my dick out, and suck it until you’re choking on it, Roselyn.” Her eyes snapped opened, and she looked equal parts pissed off and turned on.

  But she did it.

  Roselyn lowered herself onto her knees and did exactly what I ordered her to do. The second she had her lips wrapped around the head of my cock, I dug my fingers in her hair, held her steady, and fucked her mouth.

  And she let me.

  Roselyn’s mouth wrapped around my dick was one of my most favorite things in the world. While I wasn’t a lunatic like Ramsey or dark like Deke, I loved nothing better than seeing a girl on her knees. Girls have a bad habit of thinking head is some sort of degrading act, but, Christ, if they only knew what that shit did to us. And I’m not talking about in bed with your dick in a girl’s mouth or getting roadhead on the way home from a party; that’s a different kind of foreplay.

  I’m talking about when a girl is on her knees in front of you worshipping you-servicing you. Women are the Holy Grail for men. Forget money, lands, cars, and all that shit. Women are the one thing men were designed to conquer. They are the one thing that we cannot be whole without. So, when the one you love-the one you want, gets on her knees before you when you know she’d just as soon stab you in the neck as to suck your dick, that’s a high incomparable to any drug out there. Making a female submit to everything that makes you a man is the ultimate goal in a man’s life. That’s why men who are run over by their wives or girlfriends are miserable in life.

  There was so much I wanted to say while Roselyn was sucking my dick down, but I had to have her held captive before I released my thoughts. Because the second I started preaching the truth, she was going to want to stop, and that wasn’t going to happen.

  I ignored the urge to shoot down her throat, and I reached down, grabbed her by her shoulders, bringing her to her feet. Her face was flushed, and her lips swollen. I reached down, grabbed her behind her thighs and her legs wrapped around me instinctively. My hips moved forward until Roselyn was impaled on my cock. “Liam!”

  Having her trapped against the door and my body, with my cock buried balls deep and no chance for escape, it was time to clear some shit up. “Look at me, Roselyn,” I ordered, and waited until her eyes could focus. I slammed into her pussy as I grunted out, “This pussy is mine. It’s always been mine.” She whimpered but didn’t comment. “Deke was always just a guest. He was never there for me. He was there for you.”

  “Liam…” she sobbed, and I didn’t know if it was from mention Deke or the pleasure I was giving her.

  “Deke was there to get you off, baby, and nothing more,” I continued, as I felt her pussy tightening around my cock. “I let Deke fuck you because you always soaked the bed when we fucked you together. You can feel ashamed about it, but you can’t deny it, Roz.” Because that’s what all this was about. It was about how she felt about what she had done with us, not how we felt.

  “Liam, please…”

  “Please, what?” I taunted. I knew she needed to cum, but I wasn’t finished with her. “You should have paid better attention, Roselyn,” I goaded. “You should have paid attention to how I always stayed afterwards. You should have paid attention to how only I fucked that tight ass of yours.” Roselyn let out a deep groan, and my dick started leaking as she came around me. “And you should have paid attention to how we took turns in that pussy and never fucked that ass and pussy at the same time. That would have meant you belonged to both of us, and you never did. You’ve only ever belonged to me.”


  I shut the fuck up and was astonished I was even able to get all those words out. I rammed my cock into her body as far as it could go in this position until I emptied by balls in her pussy. “Fuck,” I growled. And then, for some unknown reason, I was pissed all over again.

  Her body was weak and still twitching as I grabbed her chin between my fingers and squeezed hard enough to hear a pop. Roselyn’s eyes widened, and she looked scared.


  “You ever try to break up with me again, and there will be nowhere you can hide from me, Roz,” I threatened. “You ever try to leave me again, even Emerson won’t be able to save you.”

  I let go of her jaw so she could speak. Her lips quivered as she whispered, “You can’t do that.”

  I leaned into the face I wanted to stare at for the rest of my life and asked, “Who’s going to stop me, Roselyn? Name one person in this entire town who can stop me from taking you?”

  “You can’t jus-”

  “Do you need to hear me say it?” I barked. “Because I will, if you need to hear it.”

  Roselyn shook her head so hard, it finally dawned on me how terrified she really was of me.

  Chapter 11


  I was being that girl again.

  The girl who knew what she wanted but was too insecure to reach out and grab it.

  When Liam had asked me if I wanted to hear it, I knew what he had been asking. He was asking if I needed him to tell me he loved me. It had both surprised and frightened me.

  It was everything I had wanted, but I didn’t want Liam professing words of love while he was simultaneously threatening to kill me. I couldn’t be sure that what he was saying would be true and not just words uttered in the heat of both passion and anger

  Liam had left immediately after I spazzed out over his threat to tell me he loved me, and I had spent the rest of the afternoon alternating between fury and tears. Fury that Liam couldn’t tell me how he felt before I made the move for something more meaningful, and tears over being a stupid emotional teenage girl.

  And, now, I was standing by my locker waiting for Emerson so we could walk to fourth period together. Normally, I’d meet her by her locker, but during the crying phases of my evening, I had called her and told her about Liam showing up and the things he had said, and so, she agreed to meet me by my locker so I wasn’t subjected to anymore of Liam’s madness.

  “Hey, Roselyn,” came a voice behind me, “is it safe?”

  I turned around and saw Todd Sanders walking towards me. I could feel my face heat with embarrassment. “Yeah, it’s safe,” I chuckled. “I’m so sorry about yesterday, Todd. I don’t know what got into Liam.”

  Todd cocked his head. “Are you guys dating or something?”

  Or something.

  I seriously didn’t know how to answer him. Liam’s possessiveness suggested that we were in a relationship, but the waters were s
till an emotional murky mess.

  However, I didn’t want to put Todd on Liam’s bad side because that wasn’t a place anyone wanted to be. Liam, alone, was not a person you wanted to go up against, but knowing his back was protected by Deke and Ramsey, you definitely didn’t want to stir up that hornet’s nest.

  So, I lied.

  I lied because, while I liked Todd on a general level, we weren’t friends, and our association wasn’t worth the drama it’d cause if Liam has truly lost his mind. “Uhm, yeah…we are,” I muttered, hating the fact that I was lying. Or maybe I wasn’t. Hell, I didn’t even know anymore.

  Todd gave me a tight nod. “Look, about yesterday…I really just wanted to ask you for some help with Econ. From all the classes we’ve had together, I could tell you were a wiz with numbers, so I just…I didn’t mean to upset you or piss Liam off.”

  “Todd, I-” I didn’t get to finish what I was about to say. Instead, Todd’s brows shot up and he jerked his head so I would turn around, and in doing so, I was greeted with a sight that I see often but am still not used to.

  Taking up the entire span of the hallway, Ramsey, Emerson, Deke, and Liam came striding my way. Have you ever seen a group of people so beautiful and commanding that everyone around them stops to stare? A group of people so…magnetic, your life pauses just to see what they were going to do?

  Well, that’s what Ramsey, Emerson, Deke, and Liam were; the royalty of Windsor Academy.

  I knew some students placed me in their ranks, but I wasn’t. I was a far cry from Windsor’s top food chain. Anyone who married into this world would never measure up to what these people were born to become. I’d been living in Sands Cove for almost four years, and I still didn’t belong.

  I had been raised amongst mortals. I had experienced real life. I would never feel comfortable in diamonds or furs. I would never feel comfortable with more than one fork on the table. I would never feel comfortable controlling the world, and I envied Emerson’s ability to give zero fucks about the power around her. She wasn’t easily impressed, and I wished for that kind of freedom sometimes.

  The best self-love a person could practice was not caring what other people thought. Once you let go of that chain, a whole new world opens up for you. I thought I had mastered that with my rainbow-colored hair, slapped-together clothes, wild makeup, and nose ring, but there was a difference between expressing yourself and truly not giving a fuck what people thought. I expressed myself, but I cared what people thought to an extent, this evident by keeping Liam and Deke a secret from the world. Had I been stronger, I would have told everyone to go eat a dick.

  All four powerhouses stopped when they reached my locker, but where Ramsey, Emerson, and Deke stopped a couple of feet away, Liam didn’t stop until he was standing next to me, eyeing Todd again. I also noticed Ramsey’s hand latched onto Emerson’s wrist, holding her in place. “Why do I keep finding you with my girl, Sanders?” he snapped.

  “Come on, Liam,” Todd grimaced. “It’s not like that.”

  “Liam, could you just not?” I pleaded, frustration in every word.

  Of course, Liam ignored me. “Look, Sanders, I really don’t care why you’re talking with Roselyn, only the fact that you are talking with her,” Liam stated, seriousness conveyed in every syllable. “I won’t tell you a third time to stay away from Roselyn.”

  I watched as Todd threw his hands up in surrender. “Hey, Liam,” he said, bargaining for peace of mind. “I just…yeah, no problem, man. No problem.”

  I waited until Todd’s back was long past before I whirled around on Liam. “What is your damage?” I cried. “He wasn’t doing anything but talking to me!”

  The bell for fourth period rang overhead, but we all ignored it. “I don’t give a fuck,” he roared. “Until you tell me what I want to hear, there’ll be no motherfucking guys around you, Roz.”

  I glanced over at Emerson and said, “See what I mean? He’s crazy!”

  Ramsey snorted, while Deke laughed.

  And Emerson?

  Emerson just looked at me with sympathy in her pretty grey eyes. I knew the only reason she wasn’t interfering was because, after last night’s cryfest, she knew how I felt about Liam. She wasn’t going to meddle unless she had to. Emerson shrugged a shoulder. “They’re all crazy,” she stated simply.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  I turned back towards Liam. “Liam, you have to listen-”

  Liam grabbed me by my arm and shook me a little. “I don’t have to listen to fuck other than you telling me what I want to hear, Roselyn,” he repeated. “And until you do, I will fuck up any guy who comes nears you.”

  “Are you insane?” I already knew the answer, but the words just shot out. “You can’t do that!”

  His fist hit the locker, and that stopped everyone in the hallway. And, as if orchestrated like a dance, Deke, Ramsey, and Emerson fanned out behind Liam to give us some privacy. Emerson was trying to protect me, while Deke and Ramsey were trying to protect Liam.

  “Oh, yes, I fucking can, Roz,” he spewed. “And I’m going to until you tell me what the fuck I want to hear!”

  “Why are you pushing this, Liam? Why can’t you just…back off a little? Give me time to-”

  “I’ve been sliding inside your body for damn near a year,” he growled low enough so that only I could hear him. “What the hell do you need time for?”

  I hadn’t meant to.

  I really hadn’t.

  But because I was such a confused mess, I couldn’t stop the words, or pull them back once they were out. “So. Has. Deke,” I snapped through clenched teeth.

  He took a giant step back and threw his arms behind him like he was being handcuffed. And in a voice colder than I’ve ever heard, he said, “Get her away from me before I fucking kill her.”

  Emerson rushed up, and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, hauled me off, as Ramsey and Deke blocked Liam from coming after me.

  “Jesus Christ, Roselyn,” Emerson breathed. “What the hell did you say to him?”

  I started crying like that stupid, stupid girl again. “I reminded him that Deke’s been in my bed too,” I sobbed out shamefully.

  Once we were safely tucked away in the girls’ restroom-fourth period forgotten-Emerson looked at me and said, “Roselyn, that’s not fair.” I nodded to let her know I agreed. “You can’t project your…guilt onto Liam. He’s not holding what you guys had with Deke against you, and you shouldn’t hold it against him.” She ran a hand down my arm. “Why can’t you just believe him?”

  “Be…because I’m…”

  “Because you’re what?” she prodded.

  I looked up at my best friend and blurted out the truth. “Because I don’t know how to be the girl who wasn’t shared. I don’t know how to just be with Liam and not see Deke.”

  Emerson’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Well, hell,” she muttered.

  Chapter 12


  It was sixth period, but Ramsey, Deke, and I were at my place. Deke and I were playing one-on-one ball while Ramsey was working the weight bench. I had a love for basketball, so half of my home gym was a one basket half-court.

  When Emerson ushered Roselyn away, the guys had dragged me to the parking lot-school forgotten-and had driven me home. And because my homicidal urges were so strong, they stayed with me to make sure I didn’t head back to school and murder Roz in front of the entire school.

  “You need to figure your shit out, and soon, Lee, or else I’m afraid you guys will end up killing each other,” Deke panted as he played defense, trying to prevent me from scoring. “You two are starting to remind me of Ramsey and Emerson.”

  Ramsey grunted from where he was lifting. “Fuck you, dude.”

  “It’s true,” Deke insisted as he reached over my shoulder to try to slap the basketball out of my hands. “And Linnie’s a sweetheart, so the murder-suicide is going to be completely blamed on you, Liam.”

  I wanted to argue that I wasn’
t as unstable as Ramsey and Roselyn wasn’t as crazy as Emerson, but I couldn’t. Roselyn had me feeling absolutely unhinged with frustration. I was trying to be reasonable and understand where she was coming from, but I just couldn’t grasp fully what her problem was. She’s been perfectly fine being in a relationship with me and Deke all this time, but, suddenly, the titles of boyfriend and girlfriend got thrown in there and they’ve seemed to have messed her all up.

  “I just don’t fucking get it,” I huffed turning on Deke and shooting for the basket and making it. “She said she wanted a boyfriend. I offer and, suddenly, that’s not good enough.” I planted my hands on my hips. “I mean, what the fuck?”

  Ramsey set the weights back onto the bench and sat up. “What exactly is her issue?” he asked. “You haven’t really said.”

  The basketball game forgotten, Deke sat down on the bench next to the ball cage, while I stood where I was. “I haven’t said because I really don’t know,” I admitted. “She keeps talking about herself like she’s…I don’t know, not worthy or some stupid shit like that because Deke and I have been with her together. Like that automatically disqualifies her from being a serious girlfriend.”

  “So, this is about how she feels about the arrangement you guys had,” Ramsey surmised. “It’s not about how you feel, but how she feels, right?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “I suppose.”

  “Dude,” Deke joined in, “it’s so obvious, I’m tempted to call you stupid.”

  I looked over at him and lifted a brow. “Oh, do tell,” I deadpanned.

  Deke laughed, and I flipped him off. “Oh, come on, Lee,” he chuckled. “What did you expect?”

  My eyes bugged out of my head. “I expected her to say yes to being my girlfriend since I’ve been fucking her for the past year, Deke,” I snapped. “That’s what I expected.”

  Deke shook his head, and it was a shame he had the basketball in his hands, or I would have thrown it at his face. “You act like you don’t know who her best friend is, Lee,” he said, further confusing me.


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