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His Playmate

Page 6

by Ace Fawn

  Diego smirked at his realisation, making Levi frown. “What? Why’re you looking at me like that?” He asked.

  When Diego didn’t answer, Levi sneered.

  “You’re gonna pay for making your gang kidnap me.”

  “I already have, kid,” Diego said before he glanced at Wolf, who simply stood by and watched his son’s interaction with his new lover.

  “Sorry about the uh…kidnapping, kid.” Diego said before gripping Levi’s wrists with both hands and pushing him away. It wasn’t hard enough to send Levi toppling over, but it was enough to make it clear that Diego didn’t appreciate getting grabbed at like that.

  Levi was about to reach for Diego again, but Wolf’s firm voice stopped him.

  “That’s enough, Levi.”

  Levi was quiet. He looked from Wolf to Diego and back before letting out a heavy sigh and walking out of the office. On the way out, Levi bumped into Rex. He mumbled curses under his breath, ignoring the temporary pain in his side. Bumping into Rex was like bumping into a tank, though Levi tried not to think about the handsome bodyguard as he went to his own bedroom.


  “Adios, Wolf.”

  Diego slid into the back leather seat of the sedan parked out the front of the house. Wolf leaned in, pressing a kiss to the corner of Diego’s lips before he pulled back and looked at him for the last time in his captivity. As promised, Diego was going to be set free.

  “Take him wherever he wants,” Wolf told the driver.

  “Yes, sir,” the driver said before he rounded the car and got into the driver’s side.

  Watching Diego for a little bit longer, Wolf had the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t want to let Diego go and it was obvious, but he was indeed a man of his word and went through with what they had agreed upon.

  “Stay out of trouble, Diego,” Wolf said before closing the passenger side door of the car. He took a step back, watching as the sedan started up and slowly rolled over the crunchy gravel for its departure.

  “Stay out of trouble? Yeah, right,” Diego smirked.

  He watched Wolf out the tinted window from the backseat. There was a sense of excitement to be going back out into the city, to have his freedom back. Then there was a new feeling that started to overwhelm him when the car drove pass the black glossy gates and made a large distance from the house. A feeling of emptiness consumed him. It felt like a part of him was being left behind.

  “Damn you, Wolf,” Diego said under his breath. “Damn you.”


  Wolf stood by the front door; hands deep in his pockets as he watched one of his men drive Diego away. He stood out there even after the car had gone out of sight. Watching Diego leave felt like there was something being taken away from him.

  He was glad to have his son back, but now there was an empty spot where his new lover used to be. Wolf figured that he probably shouldn’t have given the word to let Diego go, but it was done now. Regardless, Diego was still his and although Wolf had let him go free, he still owned the younger man.

  Behind him stood Levi, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He watched his dad with a scowl on his face. The boy was bright enough to understand what was going on. This wasn’t a simple exchange. Something more had happened between them, and it pulled the familiar sense of resentment within Levi towards his father.

  “Is he your boyfriend or something?” Levi asked, gaining Wolf’s attention.

  Turning in the spot to look at his son, Wolf didn’t answer verbally. Instead he smirked before looking back out to the beautiful view of luscious trees and the expanse of his property.

  When he got no answer, Levi figured that his assumption about his father and Diego was correct. Levi didn’t know how to react since his father’s new lover was the one who ordered his gang to kidnap him in the first place. He had a hard time understanding Wolf, but it wasn’t exactly a simple matter either. Levi hardly saw his own father in the first place. The idea of Wolf spending more time with Diego stirred the heavy feeling of jealously within the boy, but he knew it would be foolish to keep pushing the matter onto Wolf.

  Pushing off the door frame, Levi scoffed. He walked back into the house without another word, leaving Wolf alone.


  Returning to his gang brought back a sense of familiarity and control. It was a feeling that flooded Diego’s senses and brought him back to his usual state of mind. He was no longer the submissive. He was no longer in Wolf’s possession. Instead, Diego was the leader again, the dominant man who had a gang to run. Now that Diego was back, he wanted to go on ahead with plans he had before his capture.

  His arrival back was well welcomed. Diego had missed his gang, but that gnawing feeling in his chest was persistent, even after spending a few days recollecting himself and his gang. He missed Wolf, but tried to keep himself busy to help keep his mind off all that had happened between them.

  Several weeks later and Diego still couldn’t shake the thought of Wolf out of his mind. Since he was let free, there was no form of communication between them. He figured that maybe it would have been the last time speaking with Wolf, but he was most definitely wrong with that assumption. He didn’t know when Wolf would try to get in contact with him again, but there was a feeling that made him believe Wolf was going to come back for him some time.


  Diego planned this move for several weeks.

  The weapons were ready. The gang was ready. After Diego had sat them down in the empty warehouse just off the docks and told them his plan, they spent the upcoming days preparing.

  It was night and the time was drawing near. A package would be arriving for an opposing gang but Diego had plans to take it for himself. If this mission went right, that would mean a huge win of money. He would be set and would finally leave this city like he had planned a long time ago.

  Back then, he didn’t have to think about Wolf. Now it was a different story. Diego was becoming more hesitant. This is what he wanted. This mission was going to give him the money and grant him the access to leave this city for good but there was something powerful holding him back.

  Even if Wolf wasn’t with him in that point in time, Diego was still being affected by him. He was holding himself back slightly, not focusing where he should have been.

  Diego pulled on a mask to cover his face and slipped into the docklands at night. The moon cast a glow down on him and his gang, being the only source of light to guide them along. Diego and two other members of the gang stood by the docks, watching as the boats tied to the shore bobbed with the waves of the ocean.

  A smaller boat arrived to the docks, cutting the engine. A man grabbed a wet duffle bag with one gloved hand and dropped it onto the pier by Diego’s feet with a thud. The boat soon took off and Diego had one of his men grab the bag.

  “That was easy,” Diego commented as he walked away from the water. He thought they were going to leave without any problems. The rival gang was nowhere to be seen even after the exchange. A strange feeling began to swirl in the pit of Diego’s stomach. It was quiet. Too quiet. The two other gang members didn’t seem to sense anything would go wrong.

  But all that preparation seemed to come at a loss. Bright blue and red lights flashed. A sudden loud siren from the police vehicle stabbed into the silent night air.

  “Shit,” Diego cursed. He ran with the heavy bag, his other gang members scattering and escaping at all angles. Still running, Diego rounded a corner. He saw a wire fence and threw the bag over before climbing up onto it.

  Once he made it to the top of the fence and swung his leg over, Diego was surrounded. A bright beam of light from a helicopter above shone down on him.

  “Get down and put your hands up, you’re surrounded.” The police in the helicopter said over a speaker. Diego stayed up on the fence a moment longer, looking at his surroundings. He was indeed surrounded by police holding up rifles that were directly pointed at him

  This wasn’t the time to die. Diego knew that he had no other choice but to come down and do as told. He dropped from the fence onto his feet. They didn’t give him a moment to move any further, a police officer grabbing Diego and pinning him to the floor. Handcuffs were latched tightly onto his wrists and Diego was hauled up to his feet and shoved into the back of a police vehicle.


  “You have a visitor.”

  One of the prison guards dressed in a uniform caught Diego’s attention. Handcuffed hands in front of him, Diego walked into the visitor room. The handcuffs were removed from his wrists and Diego walked further into the room, a look of surprise crossing his features when he saw who had come to visit him.

  On the other side of the glass Wolf sat, dressed in an expensive dark blue pin stripe tailored suit. His dark hair was pushed back neatly, showing off his chiselled jaw and handsome features. Wolf’s piercing blue eyes were always on Diego, never straying.

  Diego slowly sat down and pulled the phone off the hook. He brought it to his ear, looking into those eyes he loved so much.

  “How did you find me?” Diego asked.

  “I’ve been looking for a month. It’s about time I found you,” Wolf answered.

  “Why’re you here?” Diego asked.

  “To take you back home.”

  Diego narrowed his eyes. “I’m not going back with you.”

  “Yes you are.”

  “I’m not your property.”

  “Try saying that again but look me in the eye next time.” Wolf said.


  For a brief moment, Wolf was quiet. He watched Diego carefully. Even though Diego didn’t say it, Wolf knew that he was glad to see him again. Those words didn’t need to come out of Diego’s mouth for Wolf to know just how much the young man had missed him and needed him.

  “I know you regret leaving me more than you regret ending up in here. Which I may add that your gang is the reason you’re in here. It wasn’t hard for the police to bust you since it was a set up. You’re going to be inside for five years over failed drug smuggling.

  “You think I don’t know that?” Diego growled.

  “You want to know what I think about that?” Wolf asked as he watched him.

  “I don’t give a damn what you think,” Diego glared. “I don’t need saving.”

  His emotions were getting the better of him. He needed Wolf and they both knew it. The only chance that Diego had for getting out of here was now. There was only a certain amount of time that he could continue fighting back and he knew that he had to accept the realities and put his trust in Wolf.

  “I think what you did was stupid. Even when I told you to stay out of trouble. Now you need me to get you out of here and take you back where you belong. With me,” Wolf stated.

  “I don’t need you.”

  Diego was generally good at lying, but he found it hard to lie to Wolf.

  “Yes you do, Diego. I know what’s good for you. You’re only fooling yourself by thinking that you don’t.”

  Looking away, Diego sighed. Wolf was right and he knew it. Even when he was locked up, there was really no escaping Wolf. Somehow he had found him. Diego didn’t know how, but it was impressive. Wolf was a powerful man, but just how powerful could he get?

  “I didn’t think I’d see you again,” Diego admitted.

  Wolf smiled. Finding Diego may have taken some time, but now that he found his boy again, he wasn’t going to let him leave again.

  Their time was limited here, and Wolf had the right plan to put into action and get Diego out and back by his side, where he rightfully belonged.

  “How are you even going to take me back home anyway?” Diego asked as he looked at Wolf. “I’m in fucking prison.”

  There were plenty of ways to get someone out of a prison and if Wolf had to, he would try all methods until he got what was his out and back with him again.

  “I have my ways,” Wolf answered with a smirk.


  It felt good to be driven out prison.

  As to how Wolf managed to get Diego out of there, it was still beyond him. Wolf seemed to be above the law in some way, but it didn’t appear like that at all. Out of everything that had happened, one thing was more than clear. What Wolf wanted, he always got. He didn’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of his power, not even law enforcement itself.

  When they arrived back at Wolf’s house, not even a conversation was shared between them. The interior of the building didn’t change much either. Everything was how it had been during Diego’s captivity, but it brought to him a calming effect, a type of homey feeling that he would get used to again.

  It felt good to be back with Wolf again. By now Diego realised just how mundane his life had been before, even though he kept himself busy with illegal activities. Not having Wolf in his life was something Diego didn’t intend on going through again.

  The more time he spent with Wolf, the harder it became to leave. The lap of luxury and having his needs met was one of the best things he had ever experienced. Slowly, Diego started to leave his life of crime in the form of a gang behind. Instead, he did as Wolf wanted.

  Working alongside Wolf was like a fresh air of change. It’s not like Diego would throw away his life of crime completely. Being indulged in power and wealth made changing Diego’s mind a lot easier. Accepting to work with Wolf rather than against him benefited both men.

  Diego lost everything after getting busted by the cops. His house, his car and all of his possessions combined were all lost the moment he went to prison. An enemy gang had torched Diego’s house after stealing what was left inside. There wasn’t anything for Diego to go back to now that he was out of prison, even if he wanted to.

  There was only Wolf.

  Wolf did what he was best at. He kept Diego and placed him in hiding. That way no enemies would be able to come after Diego and if they did, it was at their own demise. With all the security set up and guarded men patrolling the property at all times, there was a guarantee that no harm would come their way. The cops would stay out of the way too. That was something Diego liked most out of the whole situation.

  This was going to be the start of a new life for Diego. A new life with Wolf. He wanted this so badly and now he could finally give into it.

  His desire to belong to Wolf and have the man belong to him in return became stronger with every fleeting day together. Diego was getting used to his new life and before long it had all spiralled into months.


  In the dimly lit room of his office, Wolf sat behind his desk. Diego was in nothing but a pair of briefs as he sat on Wolf’s lap. He had his arms wrapped loosely around Wolf’s neck, keeping close to the body heat he became so used to.

  Several months had gone by since Diego came back to the mansion. With each fleeting day, Wolf and Diego’s relationship with each other deepened.

  “I have something for you,” Wolf said as he reached for the small box on the desk with a silk ribbon tied into a bow on top.

  He opened the box and placed the lid beside it. Inside was a black leather collar with white gold lettering on it spelling out ‘pet.’

  “Oh you’re going to make me your official pet now?” Diego smirked as he looked at the collar.

  Wolf took the collar out of the box and clipped it around Diego’s neck. The smooth leather felt good and Diego found himself loving the collar. He didn’t need to voice his satisfaction with the new accessory because that smile on his face was enough to tell Wolf everything he needed to know.

  Keeping his arms wrapped around Wolf, Diego leaned in closer and watched him.

  “So what now?” He asked.

  “Well…it will be Levi’s birthday soon. I’ll have to assign him a bodyguard. He will be eighteen.”

  Diego smirked. “Hmm, I don’t think a bodyguard will stop Levi from being a brat.

  “Look who’s talking. You’re the brat too,” Wolf told
him with a smirk.

  “Well it should be someone big and tough,” Diego added.

  “Since when did you care so much about my boy?” Wolf asked as he watched Diego curiously. He did notice a bit of friendly interaction between his lover and son. Needless to say, it was something that Wolf liked seeing.

  “Well…” Diego murmured before he leaned in and started peppering kisses on Wolf’s neck. “He does come from my obsession. Looks so much like his hot daddy too. Just a younger version. You’re going to have a headache when he’s older.”

  Wolf chuckled lowly. He did sense a bit of jealously from the boys at times, but that was understandable considering the both were brats in their own right. At least Diego was good to Wolf’s son. He could see a connection, one where Levi looked up to Diego, even if the younger male didn’t admit it.

  “I see. I’m in a generous mood, baby. You deserve a reward for being so good lately.” Wolf was mildly surprised that Diego didn’t try to pull any crazy moves since he returned. Diego was a vicious young man, but he could be very lovable when he wanted to.

  “What will be my reward?” Diego asked before he bit his lower lip.

  Without another word, Wolf stood, picking Diego up in the process and pressing his back into the desk before him. He pulled Diego’s briefs off and unbuttoned his own slacks, taking his hardened cock out of his pants. Diego wrapped his legs around Wolf’s waist, a smirk still on his lips.

  “Oh I like this reward,” Diego grinned. “I like it a lot.”

  The End




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