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Beauty Bride 2

Page 1

by Gen Phan


  Taros gives me a gentle shove. I straighten my spine, square my shoulders and pause the edge of the curtain aside. I stride through the velvet shield, entering a world of celebration, wonder and pain.

  I step onto an enormous white granite balcony, almost five feet wide and fifty feet long. The banister has numerous posts of marble carved into the shapes of various demons and succubae. To my right, Lucifer stands at the edge of the balcony, grinning g at me broadly and holding out his hand. I smile back and step forward, taking his hand as he leads me to face the waiting crowd.

  Below me is the infamous Fire Pits, an endless desert of liquid fire rivers and screaming souls. A swarm of demons and succubae kneel on the banks of the rivers, staring up at me expectantly. They're seated accordingly, with the highest ranking demons and fallen archangels knelling closest to us. Behind them, the princes of Hell's many torture circles, followed by their children and the lower ranking demons. Kara and her lovers are in the fourth row, grinning up at me with true honest joy. Claire and her demons are in the row behind them, all giving me the same elated expression.

  I smile back, relieved to see a few people I know here. I feel slightly less alone.

  I pause suddenly, peering out into the crowd. Within the row of human servants, hiding amongst the virile beauties and lithe young men, is my mother. Dressed in rags and chained to iron hoops in the ground, she's taken one hell of a fall from her previous position as a member of royalty. On her arm, I see a brad emblazoned into her flesh, a twisting, swirling mark of black and gold that denotes a servant of Lucifer himself.

  I almost giggle at the irony. Two days ago, she marked her status as part of English royalty. Now, she kneels amongst other damned souls, doomed to serve the royals who live here. Man, karma's a bitch.

  Lucifer turns to me, tapping my shoulder so I snap back to reality. I turn and face him, nearly getting lost in his infectious smile and bright eyes. He's so excited he's almost giddy. I'm certain that he'd be bouncing right now if it weren't for the formality of the occasion. I don't think I've ever seen anyone this happy, but with Lucifer especially, it's a wonderful sight.

  "Lisa Harlowe," he grabs my hand a lifts it, pressing his palm to mine, "You now take on the role of the Hellion queen."

  I nod. "Yes."

  His brows rise an inch. "You're prepared to take on such a demanding, arduous task? Many human souls have passed through these gates, all thinking they could best me. All have failed. You think you can master such a role?"

  I square my shoulders. "I can handle it."

  "You have one last chance to turn away and renounce your duty here. Will you take that chance?"

  I shake my head. "No. I will take my place as queen and rule as I see fit."

  His grin has nearly split his face in half. "And so you shall."

  He turns away again, leaving me standing completely still and staring blankly at him. He faces me again, holding a beautiful crown in his hands. It's made of solid black iron that twists and winds around itself to form the base. Pure gold leaf and multicolored jewels cover every inch of the black band, giving it some since of royal worth. Thirteen razor-sharp twisting spires rise from the knotted band, each nearly five inches in height and topped with a glittering black jewel.

  Damn. Princess Kate, eat your heart out.

  "Lisa Harlowe, I now crown you as the Hellion queen."

  He lifts the crown and places it gently on top of my head. It's surprisingly heavy, but nothing I can't handle. I straighten my spine and smile at him, solidifying my choice.

  He grins back and turns to the crowd. "On your feet, worthless pieces of shit! Show some respect you your queen!"

  The mass of demons shifts as they stand, each inclining their head s in respect to their master and new queen. The succubae follow their lead, inclining their heads regally. I can see Latifah seething below me, her bright yellow eyes locked on mine. She looks like she's about to explode from rage, and I do my best to suppress my smile. Between me being Lucifer's female preference, my boobs and now my crown, I've beaten Layne three different ways and solidified myself as a worthy adversary.

  Human? Yes. Queen? Fuck yeah.

  Lucifer grabs my hand and lifts it high, turning me so we can watch as our admirers cheer us on. Once again, I'm sure most of the applause is forced. Their lives are probably at stake here. If they don't perform well, Lucifer might have them tossed into the rivers. I smile at them, silently promising that I will try to treat them with as much respect and kindness as they deserve.

  With one final cheer from the crowd, Lucifer takes my hand and gently pulls me through the curtain and out the door. Taros closes the door behind us, and we fly down the darkened hallway again. Lucifer's dragging me down the hall again, bursting through on room after another and practically leaving a trail of smoke behind us.


  "What's the rush?" I call out. I don't understand. I'm queen. Why is he so hurried?

  He smiles at me over his shoulder. "You may have been crowned as queen, but we still have to solidify your status!"

  I stare at him, confused. "Solidify my stat-"

  My heart nearly skips a beat. I know that devilish grin. We're going back to bed for round...God, what round of sex are we on? Twenty? I don't care at the moment. All I care about is that we're heading back for another session of ravenous, animalistic sex.

  I nearly burst out laughing and regain control of my feet. Lucifer's been running at an easy, steady pace, but the mention of sex has made my body become very impatient. Shifting gears from "Just been crowned" to "Time for bed", I kick on my afterburners and race ahead of him, grabbing his hand so he doesn't lose grip. As I burst forward, I catch a glimpse of him staring at me in shock.

  I shoot forward, now almost dragging him behind me. "You promised me sex. Let's go!"

  Musical laughter fills the hallway. "Lisa, have a little patience."

  I shake my head. "Not for this! Let's go, you pussy tease! You're making my hormones pissed."

  I hear his laughter again before I feel his hands on my skin. Swiftly and smoothly, he manages to slide his hands around me and lift my body off the ground, cradling me in his arms as he takes off down the hallway. I burst out laughing and loop my arms around his neck, kicking my feet up and lying in his arms as a flurry of dust is kicked up in our wake.

  The door to our bedroom swings open milliseconds before we rush in, slamming shut in the same amount of time. Lucifer sets me down on the floor and quickly steps forward, throwing me off balance and forcing me to stumble backwards into the cool marble wall. He steps up and braces his hands against the wall, pinning me in place and preventing me from escaping.

  As if I'd actually want to leave. I'm on fire now, my hormones raging deep inside my gut. I want him. No, I need him. My body has been craving this since our bath; the small flickers of flame buried themselves deep inside my head, just waiting to be reborn. They got their wish. My breathing heavy, I launch myself at him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, holding myself in place as his arms slip around me and we start another session of eating each other's faces off.

  It's strange, but I honestly love being kissed like this. It's wild and passionate and unrestrained, like neither of us care about the world around us. A stampede of demonic elephants could charge through our room and we'd never notice.

  Icy fingers starts to undo the laces at my back, pulling the velvet threads apart and letting me breathe. I answer back by skimming my hands down the taught lines of his back to the edge of his jeans. I slip my fingers inside the bad, tracing them around to the front and slowly begin to undo his pants.

  I fold the edges of his fly over and slip my hands beneath the soft denim of his pants. My fingers glide ov
er the sharp lines of his muscled abdomen. In a moment of pure lust-fueled courage, I slip my fingers lower, following his treasure trail as far as I can go until my fingers are stopped by his tight jeans. Lucifer moans into my mouth and bucks his hips against me. I stifle a laugh and kiss him harder. Knowing I can turn him on like this is one hell of an ego boost.

  Finally, his fingers undo the last of my dress laces. His hands slide to my shoulders and push the fabric away from my skin. It pools on the floor as Lucifer picks me up and carries me over to our bed. I cling to his shoulders, hooking my legs over his lean hips. Through it all, our kiss never breaks. It slows, but our lips never separate and our breaths start to coalesce as one. I inhale as he exhales, as if the two of us have become one person in two bodies.

  The cool sheets caress my back as he leans forward to lay me down. He pulls his hands away from me just long enough to slide his pants over his hips. His hands return soon enough, stroking and exploring every inch of me. I mirror him, running my palms over the lean muscles in his back.

  In some rational part of my mind, it feels strange to be kissing and touching this dark, broken fallen angel so passionately. But my irrational heart and body want nothing more. I feel so comfortable lying beneath him, his enormous weight above me, his hands all over me. I feel like more than just his queen or wife. I feel linked, as if by fate we were draw together and connected like this. It's how my heart feels. And it feels good.

  Shit...I love him.


  It's a blast of dynamite to my once unlovable ego. What was so strong and impassive has melted away and freed the warmth and passion hidden within. I do love him, and he's mine to love all I want. This cold, dark, hollow creature is mine to hold and love and cherish. And I will. I swear I will. I'll treat him like the king he is. Like the ruler his is. Like the lover he is.

  He shifts forward an inch, rubbing his stiff erection against my thing. I smile against his lips and arch my hips, signaling that I have no issues with whatever he wants. He smiles against my mouth, and angles his hips against mine, his cock pressing against my sex. My fingers dig into his skin, and I can barely hold back my excitement. Finally! After all those interruptions in the bath, I need him to relieve me of all this pent-up energy.

  He doesn't disappoint. He takes aim and drives in harder then ever before. It's wonderful, a burst of fire that flies through my veins and melts my bones. My heart is racing and my body rejoicing. I imagine him driving into me like a wildman and sending me high out of Earth's orbit.

  He doesn't go berserk. Instead, he pulls back slowly, leaving me slightly confused and starving for attention. He gives another brutal thrust into me, and more delicious fire flows into my veins. Again he pulls away slowly, forcing me to feel every inch of his cock as it drags against the walls of my pussy. It feels beyond incredible, and I shiver beneath him.

  His slow game is torturous and wonderful at once. It's steady and even, without any hurried franticness or unnecessarily quick finishes. It's the epitome of slow and steady, and it's all I've ever wanted. If I could choose one way to send the rest of my life, this would be it.

  Somehow, I manage to retain most of my thinking mend. I decided that while his new sex trick is wonderful, I feel distant from him. Gently, I pull at his shoulders, trying to coax him down to me. He comes easily, his arms collapsing under him as his body settles against mine. He's icy cold, solid as a rock and heavy, but nothing I would ever sacrifice. I can still breathe easily against him, and the feel of his chilled skin against my own is heavenly.

  Cautiously, I pull my mouth away from his, tilting my head back and gasping for air. My arms encircle his back as he grinds against me. I accidentally dig my fingers in too far and he bucks hard against me, making me lose my breath for a moment. It feels so good I contemplate doing it again. No, his steady, knowing pace feels much better in the long run. I run my fingers over where I clawed him, soothing his cool skin. He responds my nipping my neck and drawing a soft groan from my throat.

  Despite his slowness, my body responds quickly. There's already a bonfire burning in my belly, and it's just a matter of time before it explodes. I close my eyes and hold on, biting my lip as more bursts of fire explode inside me. Honestly, I feel like I should be getting arrested. Pleasure like this should be illegal.

  My body erupts before I'm ready, but it's not disappointing. It's a slow burn, coursing through my veins one inch at a time. I bit down on my lip as the fuse burns, then disintegrates. There's no wild screams, no reckless clawing at skin. My body tightens around him as I gasp silently feeling a rush of power and life flow through me, rendering me speechless for an instant. It's beyond beautiful, and I want to lie back and roll around in this feeling forever.

  Above me, Lucifer tenses. He's hushed as well, only letting out a soft groan as he climaxes. I feel the gallons of his seed flow into me, filling me to the brim and solidifying our bond. King and queen, master and mistress, we're bound together in this endless circle of damned souls and dark demons. Just us, and no one else.

  He collapses on top of me, his breathing slow but strained. I giggle softly and run my hands over his back, soothing his chilled skin and thanking him for such a wonderful gift. His hands slide under my back and hold me flush against him.

  "That was good. Different, but good." I whisper.

  He laughs against my neck. "I'm glad you approve."

  I nuzzle his soft hair. "Always."



  "Thank you."

  I giggle again. "Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll be righthere whenever you need me."

  His arms tighten around me. "Promise me you won't leave."

  I scoff. "Like I have a choice?"

  He laughs again. "Touché."

  He sighs and unwinds his arms from my waist, pushing himself up away from me. Istare up at him and smile softly, unbelievably glad that I get to call him mine. Angelina can keep Brad for all I care. I have my own dark angel to sleep with.

  Smiling down at me, Lucifer rolls over and slides off the bed, standing up and making his way back over to armoire. I push myself up onto my elbows, silently admiring his ass as he walks.

  He'd look fantastic on a runway.


  He flings open the doors, rummaging through the racks of clothing once more. I wonder what he could possibly be looking for. Another sexy dress, maybe? Or a tantalizing corset? My mind spins with wicked possibilities, and I can hardly wait to see what he picks.

  "Ah! Here we are!"

  He straightens and kicks the doors closed as he turns back to me. He carries an elaborately carved black oak box in his hands. Black and red jewels are imbedded in the deep cuts of the box, and a small silver latch keeps whatever is inside from flying out.

  What's this?

  He takes a seat next to me, setting the box down on the bed between us. I watch him carefully, slightly concerned yet fascinated as to what this box is for. He grins and reaches forward, undoing the latch and lifting the lid.

  Inside, rows and rows of tiny metal rings and studs cover a rich black satin lining. Gold, silver, platinum, even steel hoops are artfully separated according to color, size ad design. Some of the studs are solid metal. Others have small jewels attached to them by chains. Still others have a small gemstone at the very tip. They're all beautiful, but so confusing.

  "What's all this?" I look up at him with questioning eyes.

  There's a dark smile on his lips, and his eyes are full of mischief and malice. His evil smile never falters for an instant, a detail that suddenly makes me nervous. I pull back an inch, not frightened that he'll hurt me but of what might be going on in that twisted, damaged head of his. This is, after all, Lucifer. He could do anything.

  "Now then, my queen," his grin almost splits his face in two. "About those nipple rings..."

  I stare at him in shock, my jaw smashing through the bed and denting the floor. Nipple piercings? Now? I've just been
crowned as his queen, seen my mother kneeling before me in rags, and recovered from a good session of slow, sweet lovemaking. And he wants to do this now? I sigh. I love Lucifer, I do, but I will never understand this man...creature...thing that he is.

  Taking a deep, ragged breath, I stare him in his bright gold eyes. "Really?"

  He grins. "Yep."

  "Why now?"

  He shrugs. "Why not?"

  I can't think of a good answer, but I'm apprehensive nonetheless. I raise my arms against my chest, covering what I can of my breasts. I start chewing my lip out of nervousness, my heart rate starting to go berserk.

  Lucifer frowns at me, concerned. "Lisa."

  "I don't know," I manage to whisper. "I don't like pain. I got my ears pierced when I was twelve and I screamed like a banshee."

  That makes him pull away and think of a response. "It won't be that bad. It'll only hurt for a second."

  My eyes flick down to the box of hoops and studs. "I'm nervous."

  He offers me a small smile. "You know you get to pierce me, too."

  I stop chewing my lip and cock my head slightly. That does make me feel a little better. If I get to give him a few piercings as well, then at least it's fair. I won't suffer alone.

  "We could have them engraved." His grin is almost contagious.

  Despite my apprehension, I can't help but laugh. "What? Like have our initials in the studs?"

  He smiles and nods. "If you'd like. Might help with keeping other people's hands off our property."

  I shake my head and scoff. "Lucifer, the only way Latifah is ever going to leave you alone is if you kill her or have 'Property of Lisa' tattooed on your ass."

  He thinks for a minute. "I like the engraved piercings instead."

  "Only because you get to manhandle my boobs," I counter.


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