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Beauty Bride 2

Page 10

by Gen Phan

  She could at least find a good argument.


  Indeed. Lisa being a human wasn't grounds to expel her as queen. Had she been inept or cowardly, Latifah would have had a stronger choice of argument. Unfortunately, the bitch wasn't bright enough to think that deeply and Lisa possessed none of the qualities that might warrant an expulsion. Luck and the fates favored Lisa.

  Lucifer closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to clear Latifah and that human boy from his mind. Instead, he focused on Lisa. She'd left dinner so quickly -- granted, Lilith had overstepped her boundaries and was rightly punished for it -- and left him almost aching for her presence. He'd thought about her soft body throughout the entire meal, fighting the urge to exit the room and shoot off a round and relieve himself. Instead, he forced himself to focus on the dinner's conversations, promising himself that he would let loose with his queen as soon as the meal had ended.

  The sudden reminder of sweet relief had him quickening his pace. The very idea of Lisa naked underneath him was enough to make his cock rise.

  Fuck it. That woman's got me hook, line and sinker.

  He nearly ran down the hallway, his mind trained on the prospect of having Lisa's tight, sweet body caressing his. The memory of their first coupling nearly drove him mad: the heat, the slickness, her sharp cries of pleasure. They way her hips swayed with every thrust, long strands of her hair plastered to her flesh. It was beautiful and maddening and perfect all at once. And she was a virgin. Even better.

  The images drove him on, forcing him to pick up speed. A trail of fire marked his path along the smooth marble floor, a few feathers breaking off from his wings as he ran. Rounding the last corner, he screeched to a halt, stopping just inches from the enormous door. His lust nearly setting the place ablaze, Lucifer's hand shot out and gripped the handle jerking back sharply and pulling it wide open.

  "Lisa!" He stepped through the doorway, slamming the heavy wooden barrier behind him.

  Confusion stopped him from hauling her onto his shoulder and throwing her onto the bed. Lisa stood before the open wardrobe, stark naked and rummaging through the endless racks of clothing. Every so often she would pullout a piece of filmy lingerie or an elaborate dress, holding them up to her chest and smiling at the mirrors that lined the armoire's doors.

  She should be in bed.

  Lucifer stared at her, confused and unsure of how to act. She'd said she wanted a bath and to sleep, yet there was no smell of soap or wild hair that would suggest that she did either. She spun around while holding a dress against her breasts, admiring herself in the mirror as if she were a nymph. She might as well be. Her waist was lithe but strong. Her long legs, slender yet exquisitely muscled, entranced him as he stared. Her firm ass silently beckoned him closer.

  Fuck. I could bounce a quarter off that ass.

  She laughed softly to herself, a sound that sent a shiver up his spine. It was high-pitched, light and airy...triumphant, almost. As if she'd just conquered a great enemy and was celebrating by herself.

  Something in his mind shifted, a small warning light beginning to flicker. This was so...un-Lisa. She would never normally play with her clothing so childishly or ignore his call so blatantly. And that laugh...

  He shook his head, banishing all negative thoughts from his mind. Of course this was Lisa. Her behavior, was strange, yes, but not unexpected. It was the only time she'd ever been by herself, so it was only normal that she'd explore. Her laugh must be from excitement. After all, she did conquer him in a way that no creature had, so she had plenty to be happy about.

  He cleared his throat, a smile slowly returning to his face. "Lisa?"

  She gasped and spun around, clutching a delicately embroidered gown to her chest. Her hazel eyes were wide with fear and shock, the softened to curious. A tiny, surprised smile broke onto her lips, and she giggled again softly.

  Another warning light began to flicker. She looked at him as if she couldn't believe he was here. Such curiosity, such surprise. Like this was the first time she'd seen him. She was so shy now; no running at him and tackling him to the ground, no sarcastically playful greeting, no seductive smiles meant to entice him close. No, she acted as if... as if she'd never believed him real.

  She gave a soft laugh and she her head slightly. "Hello, darling."


  A myriad of red flags now sprung up in his mind. She'd never called him darling or been this surprised to see him or acted so childishly. His head spun, trying to connect puzzle pieces that weren't made for each other.

  What the fuck is wrong with her?

  Her shy smile faded, replaced with a look of concern. "Sweetheart? What's wrong?"

  Another pet name? Lucifer shook his head vigorously, trying and failing to make what he knew of Lisa and the things he was seeing now meld. None of the pieces matched, and the puzzle started to crumble in his hands. His heart began to race, doubts about the woman he was with starting to bubble up from the pits of his soul. What if she really was this childish, and her calm demeanor and dark intelligence was all an act?

  Lisa's lovely face dropped even more. Skittishly, she dropped the dress to the floor and stepped over the piles of clothing on the floor, slowly making her way towards him. All thought in Lucifer's head stopped. As she walked, her fantastic tits bounced and jiggled, drawing his eyes -- and his thoughts -- away from his inner turmoil.

  Mother of fuck, they're gorgeous.

  As he watched, he noticed her breasts were curiously absent of their delicate piercings. He knew they'd caused her some discomfort when he'd first given them to her, but Lisa was not one to take out something so freely given. That sent another warning off in his head, but the movement and bounce of her tits quieted its harsh ring.

  She closed the distance between them and stepped up close, pressing her magnificent breasts against his chest. Her warm flesh seared his own flesh just as his icy coldness made her nipples pucker. A tiny smile bloomed on his face. She may be acting strangely, but she hadn't lost her touch.

  Warm, slender arms looped around his neck as her long, lean legs stretching up so she could see him better. Thin, flexible fingers wove into his hair, gently tugging and spinning teasing little circles along his scalp.

  "What's wrong?" Her voice was soft and playful.

  He sighed and shook his head, smiling. "Nothing."

  Her eyes brightened a bit. "Good. I'd hate to see my gorgeous husband looking so upset. It mars your pretty face."

  Giving a soft laugh, Lucifer smiled and dipped his head. She inclined hers, allowing their lips to touch, then slowly meld together. It was a long, slow, passionate kiss - a good one by all standards, but yet another warning went off in his head. She wasn't as playful as usual. She let him do every movement, never spiking her tongue into his mouth or nipping his lip to tease him. His old doubts reared their ugly heads again, stronger and more insistent than before.

  Groaning, he broke their kiss earlier than he usually would. Something about Lisa tonight was rubbing him the wrong way. She was off, very off. Off enough to make even him uneasy.

































  Gen Phan, Beauty Bride 2




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