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The Devil's Revenge

Page 2

by Jennifer Loren

  “Ryan I don’t think this is a good idea,” I gasp.

  “It’s okay, I love you … we belong together. Nick would have wanted us together … right?” He exhales, smiling at me confidently. Ryan caresses my face back to his and takes in my lips as he massages my breast and presses his erection against me. It feels so wrong, but I do love him, and if I can’t have Nick, then Ryan … I kiss him back and Ryan smiles happily.


  The loud, abrupt sound causes us both to jump up in shock. Ryan runs to seek out the cause of the noise while I cover myself up and wipe the regret from my face. “A picture frame fell off the table in the hall.” He says, looking away from me, already redressing himself. “Now, don’t freak out please, but it was your wedding picture.” We both look at each other with knowing expressions. “What are we doing? I love you Kayla, and as much as I think I could make you happy, I don’t think you will ever see me. You will only ever see him and that’s not fair to either of us. We are both lonely right now, and I think that’s clouding our judgment more than anything.” Sinking his head and laughing he continues, “My judgment. I know I have been pursuing you. You’re a beautiful, sexy woman Kayla. It’s hard to ignore, but I do love my brother and even though he is gone I beat myself up every time I kiss you or look at you or dream about fucking you.” Ryan glances up at me as he starts to leave, “I am going to go on a date tomorrow night. I need … I need to remind myself there are other women besides you.” Ryan kisses me on the head and leaves me alone … alone again.

  Chapter 2


  What the hell was I thinking? I shake my head all the way into my room, relieved we were interrupted before it was too late. I wanted her … damn I wanted her but not for the right reasons. Before I start thinking about her sexy body and soft hair touching my skin again, I head for a cold shower and try to wash my yearning for her out of my head. Feeling better, I leave the bathroom sensing a disturbance in my room. I instantly notice my cell has been moved from my table to the bed. Slowly, I look down at the flashing cell as a message comes in … Did the shower help? I grab my gun and turn, bracing to meet the shadow coming at me. My gun flies across the floor as I take a blow to the jaw but am able to land a solid hit of my own. Fearing for Kayla and Nicky, I rush to get to them and sound an alarm for the guards.

  “Ryan.” A rough voice calls out to me. I turn towards the shadow as he halts our fight with a stance I know well. Suddenly I begin to question my guilt and my sanity.

  I watch Kayla closely as she sits down. She forces a warm smile in my direction and I return the favor, allowing her to get back to business as usual. She is obviously distracted, thinking too much about Nick and not enough about the mission at hand. She was doing so well but now she worries me. I can understand her obsession, Nick haunted me most of last night. But now we both have to get our heads on straight. We are under attack and on the verge of a huge win, but we can’t do it without Kayla. Since she took over, she has been nothing but brilliant. She has made several profitable business moves, many of which I would have never done. But she saw something, and it ended up paying off big.

  Since Dawson and his buddy floated to the shore, Estrella’s confidence has taken a major hit. The police have been all over us since the bodies were discovered. They have no evidence to prove anything, and Estrella certainly isn’t going to tell them what his men were doing. All we have to do now is drive a stake into his heart and kill the beast for good.

  “Estrella wants to talk.” Kayla announces. The news is not a surprise to me, but Kayla’s expression is. She is considering it. “I want to talk to him and see what he has to say. I think there is something he wants to tell me, something we have been missing until now.” Distracted and worn down by grief, she is obviously not deciding based on what she knows to be true but what she wants to be true. She is forcing my hand, and I know she will hate me for it, but I have no choice. As much I hate it, I have to work behind her back and do what Nick would do. Kayla excuses herself and goes to see to other business while I decide that I need to meet my new, silent partner. Calling him on the sly, I make plans to work out our business at a meeting place we use to frequent years ago.

  He emerges from the shadows wearing a dark coat, gloves and a raised hood. As he approaches me, his tenacious eyes become clear. Lamont Cranston is the name he texted me. The shadow? – Real funny asshole. A slight nod and we immediately dive into business. “She’s distracted. I think she needs to know.” I say, watching him closely.

  “No! She is followed wherever she goes. It’s best she continues like she has been, with everyone watching her. Then, no one will see me coming.” Cranston breathes with authority.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, right now. This is a partnership. We both have to agree to everything, especially when it comes to Kayla and Nicky.” Before his powerful stance crosses to me, I lean in to him. “I don’t care what you have to say about this matter because nothing you can say will change my mind. They are my responsibility now and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that they stay safe.”

  “You’re getting pretty bold these days. You just make sure you keep a calm head and don’t …” He grumbles.

  “I know!” I huff with a low groan. “Tell me what you got.”

  “I don’t have much yet, but something isn’t right. Estrella’s son is moving numerous goods in and out of their warehouses. A lot of it, and he doesn’t seem to be worried about anyone questioning anything. The inspector comes down and barely gets out of his car. They are moving three times more product than before.”

  Shrugging him off, “so they are paying him off, nothing new.”

  “Even being paid off he wouldn’t allow that much product to move, especially out in the open. No, there is something more to this. Someone else is calling the shots. No way Estrella would do these things, not without assured protection.” Cranston looks worried but I don’t understand why.

  “Dirty cops?”

  “No more than the usual suspects. I am telling you, Ryan, the amounts they are moving even with dirty cops, is still too risky. When is Kayla supposed to meet Estrella?”

  “He is supposed to call her in a few days. They will decide at that point when and where to meet.” His long sigh worries me even more, he has always been good at knowing when something is wrong. “Keep her away from him as long as you can. Until I can find out what he is up to, I don’t want her anywhere near him.”

  I laugh, “And how the hell I am going to keep Kayla from doing something she wants to do?”

  “They are your responsibility now, so you should be able to figure it out. Right?” His harshness is expected but not appreciated.

  I walk away, leaving him to disappear into the shadows from which he came.

  I meet with Kayla and Dwayne where she is meeting with one of Senator Welch’s lackeys, a Mr. Brandon Knox. He sits back with his repugnant smile and expensive suit, eyeing Kayla like she is a piece of meat. I don’t even know why she is bothering with this guy. He doesn’t know anything, he just likes staring at her legs and breasts. We should be checking out Estrella’s men, watch him, watch his partners, watch his distributors … something! Damn, what is she doing with this guy?

  “So Mr. Knox.” Kayla says, in a soft voice.

  “Brandon,” he says, taking Kayla’s hand. “Please call me Brandon. I would love to hear you say my name.” He says, looking deep into her eyes while I eye Dwayne with disgust. My impatience with the situation is starting to become too much for me.

  Kayla sweetly smiles at him and crosses her legs seductively, “Brandon then. Well, Brandon, what exactly do you do for Senator Welch?”

  “Oh the usual, nothing exciting. I would much rather talk about you.” Brandon stops, looking over at Dwayne and I. “Is there a time or place that we could have some dinner alone or a quiet drink?”

  “I think that might be possible. How about my place this Saturday?” Kayla suggests, to my instant

  “Saturday would be perfect,” Brandon said, drooling all over himself.

  Once the so-called meeting is done, we head home and I glare at Kayla with disapproval. “Do you have something to say to me?”

  “What the hell are you doing with this guy? He has nothing to offer us? And now you are going on a date with him? He’s not even that good looking, Kayla.” I gripe.

  “First, I do believe he has something to offer. And second, don’t ever question me. And third, if you’re going to let your jealousy get in the way of your judgment then maybe I need to get someone else to …”

  “You can’t trust anyone else! And I am also not jealous, but I am not going to stand by and watch you get fucked by this loser.” I yell at her.

  Her head suddenly snaps towards me as I stare her down, “Then I suggest you not be home on Saturday night.” She says, with no give and all determination. I forget she is immune to the Jayzon eyes. I never tried to use them on her before, but it’s a little scary to try so hard and have her not even flinch. I am supposed to control her somehow? How the hell I am going to keep her away from that meeting with Estrella?

  Sitting back in my seat, I take a deep breath and try to refocus. “Kayla, I don’t understand why you are so focused on this guy. He has nothing to do with Estrella and can’t help you in any way.” I ask her with a softer tone.

  “I don’t know why.” She turns back to me as I look even more confused. “I don’t have any facts or evidence, but I know Welch has something to do with all this. I believe he is the one behind Nick’s death, and I am using this guy to get to Welch.” Kayla leans in towards me, “I looked into Estrella’s eyes, and I know a spineless weasel when I see one. No way did he have the balls to take out Nick without someone even stronger pulling his strings. I hope to work out a deal with Estrella. Not to simply work together again, but to work together against Welch, who I think killed Nick.”

  “Are you crazy? Welch is vying for the vice presidency, and if Jonathan Coulton wins the nomination he is surely going to get that position. You’re planning on starting a war - with the expected next Vice President of the United States?” I question her.

  “The war has already started, and he is the one that started it. I don’t have a choice Ryan. We have to get him before Coulton gets that nomination.” Kayla sits back in her seat, her gaze drifting back out the window as if she is meticulously planning her attack.

  My excuse for getting out of the house was a lame one and I am sure Kayla thinks I am sneaking out to meet some girl. All things considered, I wish I was. Getting laid would be a nice change in my life.

  These late, foggy night, meetings are becoming a nuisance. Feel like I am in some old black and white thriller movie. Standing back, I see his shadow approach from out of nowhere and I immediately begin shaking my head.

  “What’s wrong now?” Cranston asks with impatience.

  “I really think we need to bring Kayla in on this? And before you give me hell about it, you should know that she is going after Welch now.” His eyes widen and I start to believe I am going to win this argument. “That’s right, she thinks he is behind everything. She is only working that deal with Estrella because she hopes to win him over and get him to help her go after Welch.”

  “Is she crazy?” Cranston yells at me.

  “That’s what I said, but you know how she is. You can’t talk her out of something when she is so dead set on doing it.” I lean back, feeling relieved, after unloading the critical information onto his shoulders. “You should come back with me now and we can all talk …”

  “No! You need to watch her and keep her away from both Welch and Estrella. I will look into Welch on my own. She needs to stay out of that hornets’ nest.”

  “But how the hell am I supposed to …” His rigid stance only angers me. I fist my hands and stomp silently cursing. “You know this is getting ridiculous!” I wait as he silently stares at me. “Okay … okay fine! And what should I do about this Knox guy who is coming over to fuck her on Saturday?” His eyebrows raise, “oh yeah, that’s right, she is using him to get information about Welch so she has invited him over and she is planning on …”

  “I know damn well what she is planning. You just make sure you are there and check out these numbers for me too.” He says handing me a list of phone numbers and walking away without another word.

  “Great, thanks so much for your help.” Fuck this - I am going to go get laid.

  Chapter 3


  “I am telling you, Ryan snuck out last night to meet someone and it wasn’t a woman. I don’t know why Nick trusted him so much but are you sure you can trust him?” Dwayne asks me as I try to think of something to say.

  “He took care of Nicky and I when he could have easily left us behind. Why would he go against us now?” I try to persuade him.

  “I don’t know but something is going on, he is fighting you every step of the way against Estrella and Welch and now he is sneaking out to meet people we know nothing about? You should be careful Kayla, you shouldn’t trust people so blindly.” Dwayne continues to urge me.

  “And you? Can I trust you?” I snap in frustration.

  “Are you accusing me of going against you now?” Dwayne laughs harshly. “Don’t do that. I am not saying Ryan is changing sides, but you might want to keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on me too if you want but I will tell you I am a stubborn man. Once I set my alliances I stick with them until death. You may not be Nick but Nicky is and I will protect that kid’s interest like he is Nick. You can believe that.” Dwayne eyes me briefly before walking away.

  Great, I just pissed off one of my biggest allies. I need to figure out something to make it up to him and repair the relationship.

  This is the first time since Nick that I have dressed for a man. This outfit would bring Nick to his knees, so I can only imagine what it will do to a man like Brandon Knox. When Brandon arrives I greet him with an innocent smile and am pleased to see his jaw drop to the floor. “I hope you are hungry, I have had a great meal prepared for us.” I said, reaching out to take his hand and leading him to the dining room, his tongue dragging along behind us. The conversation is sweet and innocent, but I can’t help but notice his eyes wander between bites of food. “More wine?” I ask, while already pouring into his glass.

  “What a wonderful meal, but I don’t think I could eat another bite. Could I convince you to join me somewhere more intimate?” He asks. Smiling, I hand him his wine glass and lead him to the sitting room near my bedroom. “That is a great painting,” he says, pointing across the room. I glance towards the painting, catching his reflection in the glass as he skillfully spikes my drink. I force a smile and he hands me my glass.

  “I should probably stop while I am behind, I never know when my son will wake up and need me.” I am regretting bringing this low life into my home.

  “Oh no reason to stop now, I promise I will take care of you and make sure your little boy is okay too.” He says, dragging his repulsive lips along my neck and giving me cold chills in the process. I caress Brandon’s head as Dwayne sneaks in behind him. I swiftly pass the targeted items from Brandon’s pocket to him and he takes off quickly. Now I only need to keep him occupied long enough so Dwayne has time to make copies of Knox’s keys and entry card into his office.

  Using skills I learned early in life, I shy away from him as he eyes me with hunger. “This is moving a little fast, don’t you think?” I barely get the words out before he pulls me in close and kisses me. I giggle innocently, but it does nothing to calm him down. His hands become a little more determined and he again forces my drink into my face but I push it away. Frustrated he sticks his finger in my glass and begins trying to finger the wine onto my tongue.

  “Come on baby, suck on my fingers. I would like that very much.” His heavy panting only increases with every advantage he manages to take. It is becoming a struggle to get control of him without being forceful. Bran
don becomes more and more unyielding in his pursuit of me. Waiting for me to open my mouth to speak, he pours my drink into my mouth. I have to choke to try to spit it out. Falling away from him, he pushes me to the floor and pins me down with an expectation for our night together that I was not planning on.

  “Don’t tell me you are nothing but a tease. Don’t do that to me Kayla, I promise you I will treat you like you have never been treated before.” He says, pushing my hand down his pants.

  Once my head starts to spin, I push away from him, “I think I hear my son, let me check on him and I will be right back with you.” I fight off his hands as best I can, but a piece of my dress rips off before I can get away. Hiding in my room, I try to call Dwayne to find out how much longer he is going to be. Luckily he is close and I only need to hold off Mr. Hands for a few more minutes. Suddenly, I hear a loud thump and rush out of my room to find Ryan standing in front of me with a confused expression.

  “What was that?” He asked me.

  “I don’t know.” I open the door to the sitting room and find Brandon laid out on the floor naked and unconscious. “Oh my God! What did you do?”

  “Me? I didn’t do anything! I just got here!” Ryan yells at me.

  “Oh Ryan! Please! Did you have to hit him?” I say as I check the knot on his head.

  “But I …” He checks the situation out more closely. “Why is he naked? Were you going to fuck him?”

  “Just help me get him up and dressed.” I say, dismissing his question as I notice the bastard’s lack of size. He was supposed to impress me with that?

  “I don’t think so. You wanted him here, you deal with him. Can’t believe you want to deal with that,” Ryan says, smirking at Brandon’s exposed cock.

  “Ryan, help me! I can’t believe you hit him. How am I going to explain this?” He starts to argue with me but instead does his usual frustration dance before finally helping me. “Help me put him in my bed.” Ryan drops him back to the floor. “He is passed out. I will just say we were having rough sex and he hit his head. He won’t remember anything … especially with the blow you gave him.”


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