The Habsburgs- The History of a Dynasty
Page 42
—. (1992)(a). Spain 1516–1598: From Nation State to World Empire. London: Blackwell.
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Macartney, C. A. (1968). The Habsburg Empire 1790–1918. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Okey, Robin. (2001). The Habsburg Monarchy: From Enlightenment to Eclipse. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Pérez-Bustamante, Rogelio. (2000). El gobierno del imperio español: los Austrias (1517–1700). Madrid: Comunidad de Madrid, Consejería de Educación.
Press, Volker. (1986). “The Habsburg Court as Center of the Imperial Government,” The Journal of Modern History, vol. 58, Supplement: Politics and Society in the Holy Roman Empire, 1500–1806, pp. S23–S45.
Ribot, Luis. (2006). El arte de gobernar: estudios sobre la España de los Austrias. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Schindling, Anton and Walter Ziegler, eds (1990). Die Kaiser der Neuzeit 1519–1918. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Spielman, John. (1993). The City and the Crown: Vienna and the Imperial Court, 1600–1740. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press.
Tanner, Marie. (1993). The Last Descendant of Aeneas: The Hapsburgs and the Mythic Image of the Emperor. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Tapié, Victor-L. (1969). Monarchie et peuples du Danube. Paris: Fayard.
Taylor, A. J. P. (1948). The Habsburg Monarchy 1809–1918. London: H. Hamilton.
Vocelka, Karl. (2001). Österreichische Geschichte 1699–1815: Glanz und Untergang der höfischen Welt. Vienna: Ueberreuther.
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Wandruszka, Adam. (1964). The House of Habsburg: Six Hundred Years of a European Dynasty. Garden City: Doubleday.
Weissensteiner, Friedrich. (1995). Große Herrscher des Hauses Habsburg: 700 Jahre europäische Geschichte. Munich: Piper.
—. (2003). Die österreichischen Kaiser. Vienna: Ueberreuter.
Wheatcroft, Andrew. (1995). The Habsburgs: Embodying Empire. London: Viking.
There is an enormous literature on both kingship and state-building; on dynasties per se it is smaller. The following is a partial listing.
Asch, Ronald and Adolf Birke, eds (1991). Princes, Patronage, and the Nobility: The Court at the Beginning of the Modern Age. New York: Oxford University Press.
Blickle, Peter, ed. (1997). Resistance, Representation, and Community. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Bonney, Richard. (1991). The European Dynastic States 1494–1660. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—, ed. (1999). The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c.1200–1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burns, J. H. (1992). Lordship, Kingship, and Empire 1400–1525. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Dewald, Jonathan. (1996). The European Nobility 1400–1800. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Duggan, Anne, ed. (1993). Kings and Kingship in Medieval Europe. London: King’s College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies.
Henshall, Nicholas. (2010). The Zenith of European Monarchy and its Elites: The Politics of Culture 1650–1750. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jussen, Bernhard, ed. (2005). Die Macht des Königs: Herrschaft in Europa vom Frühmittelalter bis in die Neuzeit. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Nexon, Daniel H. (2009). The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe: Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires, and International Change. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Monod, Paul Kléber. (1999). The Power of Kings: Monarchy and Religion in Europe 1589–1715. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Schneider, Reinhard, ed. (1987). Das spätmittelalterliche Königtum im europäischen Vergleich. Sigmaringen: J. Thorbecke.
Shennan, J. H. (1974). The Origins of the Modern European State, 1450–1725. London: Hutchinson.
Skinner, Quentin and Bo Stråth, eds (2003). States and Citizens: History, Theory, Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Spruyt, Hendrik. (1994). The Sovereign State and its Competitors: An Analysis of Systems Change. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tilly, Charles, ed. (1975). The Formation of National States in Western Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tilly, Charles and W. P. Blockmans, eds (1994). Cities and the Rise of States in Europe. Boulder: Westview Press.
Watts, John. (2009). The Making of Polities: Europe, 1300–1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 1: From not so humble beginnings
Additional sources
Baum, Wilhelm. (1996). Rudolf IV. der Stifter. Seine Welt und seine Zeit. Graz: Styria Verlag.
Brunner, Otto. (1992). Land and Lordship: Structures of Governance in Medieval Austria. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Debris, Cyrille. (2005). “Tu, felix Austria, nube”: la dynastie de Habsbourg et sa politique matrimonial à la fin du Moyen ge. Turnhout: Brepols.
Krieger, Karl-Friedrich. (1994). Die Habsburger im Mittelalter. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
—. (2003). Rudolf von Habsburg. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Lhotsky, Alphons. (1967). Geschichte Österreichs seit der Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts. Vienna: Böhlau.
Ritscher, Alfred. (1992). Literatur und Politik im Umkreis der ersten Habsburger. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Schneidmüller, Bernd and Stefan Weinfurter, eds (2003). Die deutschen Herrscher des Mittelalters. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Chapter 2: Austria’s destiny
Heinig, Paul-Joachim, ed. (1993). Kaiser Friedrich III. in seiner Zeit. Köln: Böhlau Verlag.
—. (1997). Kaiser Friedrich III.: Hof, Regierung und Politik. Cologne: Böhlau.
Rill, Bernd. (1987). Friedrich III. Habsburgs europäischer Durchbruch. Graz: Verlag Styria.
Silver, Larry. (2008). Marketing Maximilian: The Visual Ideology of a Holy Roman Emperor. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chapter 3: The greatest generation
Blockmans, Wim. (2002). Emperor Charles V 1500–1558. London: Arnold Publishers.
Doyle, Daniel R. (2000). “The Sinews of Habsburg Governance in the Sixteenth Century: Mary of Hungary and Political Patronage,” The Sixteenth Century Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 349–60.
Fernández Álvarez, Manuel. (1999). La España del Emperador Carlos V. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.
Fichtner, Paula Sutter. (1982). Ferdinand I of Austria: The Politics of Dynasticism in the Age of Reformation. Boulder: East European Monographs.
Kohler, Alfred. (2001). Karl V. 1500–1558. Eine Biographie. Munich: C. H. Beck.
Maltby, William. (2002). The Reign of Charles V. New York: Palgrave.
Rosenthal, Earl. (1971). “Plus Ultra, Non plus Ultra, and the Columnar Device of Emperor Charles V,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 34, pp. 204–28.
Soly, Hugo, et. al. (1999). Charles V, 1500–1558, and His Time. Antwerp: Mercatorfonds.
Chapter 4: The European superpower
Allen, Paul C. (2000). Philip III and the Pax Hispanica: The Failure of Grand Strategy. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Fernández Álvarez, Manuel and Luis Fernández y Fernández de Retana. (2002). La España de Felipe II. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.
Kamen, Henry. (1999). Philip II of Spain. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Parker, Geoffrey. (1998). The Grand Strategy of Philip II. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Pérez Bustamante, Ciriaco. (1979). La España de Felipe III. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.
Rodríguez-Salgado, M. J. (1988). The Changing Face of Empire: Charles V, Philip II, and Habsburg Authority, 1551–1559. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Williams, Patrick. (2001). Philip II. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Woodward, Geoffrey. (1992). Philip II. London: Longman.
Chapter 5: Division in faith and family
Edelmayer, Friedrich and Alfr
ed Kohler, eds (1992). Kaiser Maximilian II. Kultur und Politik im 16. Jahrhundert. Munich: Oldenbourg.
Evans, R. J. W. (1973). Rudolf II and His World. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Janáček, Josef. (1987). Rudolf II. a jeho doba. Prague: Svoboda.
Rill, Bernd. (1999). Kaiser Matthias. Bruderzwist und Glaubenskampf. Graz: Styria Verlag.
Vocelka, Karl. (1985). Rudolf II. und seine Zeit. Vienna: Böhlau.
Chapter 6: Endless war
Alcalá-Zamora, José and Queipo de Llano, eds (2005). Felipe IV: El hombre y el reinado. Madrid: Villaverde Ediciones.
Elliott, J. H. (1984). Richelieu and Olivares. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
— (1986). The Count-Duke of Olivares: The Statesman in an Age of Decline. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Hengerer, Mark. (2008). Kaiser Ferdinand III. Vom Krieg zum Frieden. Vienna: Böhlau.
Mears, John A. (1988). “The Thirty Years’ War, the ‘General Crisis,’ and the Origins of a Standing Professional Army in the Habsburg Monarchy,” Central European History, vol. 21, pp. 122–41.
Tomás y Valiente, Francisco. (1982). La España de Felipe IV: el gobierno de la monarquía, la crisis de 1640 y el fracaso de la hegemonía europea. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.
Wilson, Peter H. (2009). The Thirty Years War: Europe’s Tragedy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Chapter 7: Rise and fall
Kamen, Henry. (1980). Spain in the Later Seventeenth Century, 1665–1700. London: Longman.
Mikulec, Jiří. (1997). Leopold I. Život a vláda barokního Habsburka. Praha: Paseka.
Redlich, Otto. (1961). Weltmacht des Barock. Österreich in der Zeit Kaiser Leopolds I. Vienna: Rohrer.
Ribot, Luis, ed. (2009). Carlos II: el rey y su entorno cortesano. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica.
Schumann, Jutta. (2003). Die andere Sonne. Kaiserbild und Medienstrategien im Zeitalter Leopolds I. Berlin: Colloquia Augustana, 17.
Spielman, John P. (1977). Leopold I of Austria. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Chapter 8: Opulent stagnation
Kampmann, Christoph, et. al. (2008). Bourbon, Habsburg, Oranien: konkurrierende Modelle im dynastischen Europa um 1700. Cologne: Böhlau.
Redlich, Otto. (1962). Das Werden einer Großmacht. Österreich von 1700 bis 1740. Vienna: Rohrer.
Rill, Bernd. (1992). Karl VI. Habsburg als barocke Großmacht. Graz: Verlag Styria.
Chapter 9: Enlightenment and reform
Beales, Derek. (2009). Joseph II. Volume 2: Against the World 1780–1790. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Browning, Reed. (1995). The War of the Austrian Succession. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Capra, Carlo. (2005). “Habsburg Italy in the Age of Reform,” Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 10(2), pp. 218–33.
Crankshaw, Edward. (1969). Maria Theresa. New York: Viking.
Dickson, P. G. M. (1987). Finance and Government under Maria Theresa 1740–1780. New York: Oxford University Press.
Koschatzky, Walter. (1979). Maria Theresia und ihre Zeit. Salzburg: Residenz Verlag.
Kowalská, Ewa. (2002). “Aspects of Rationality in the Relationship of State and Church: The Case of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Eighteenth Century,” Dialogue and Universalism, no. 8–10/2002, pp. 41–9.
Szabo, Franz A. (1994). Kaunitz and Enlightened Absolutism 1753–1780. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wandruszka, Adam. (1963–5). Leopold II. Vienna: Verlag Herold.
Wangermann, Ernst. (1973). The Austrian Achievement 1700–1800. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Yonan, Michael. (2011). Empress Maria Theresa and the Politics of Habsburg Imperial Art. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Chapter 10: Revolution and reaction
Bridge, F. R. (1990). The Habsburg Monarchy among the Great Powers 1815–1918. New York: Berg.
Drimmel, Heinrich. (1981). Franz von Österreich: Ein Wiener übersteht Napoleon. Vienna: Amalthea.
—. (1982). Franz von Österreich: Kaiser der Biedermaier. Vienna: Amalthea.
Roider, Karl A. (1987). Baron Thugut and Austria’s Response to the French Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rothenberg, Gunther Erich. (1982). Napoleon’s Great Adversary: The Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army, 1792–1814. New York: Sarpedon.
Siemann, Wolfram. (2010). Metternich. Staatsmann zwischen Restauration und Moderne. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Sked, Alan. (2001). The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815–1918. London: Longman.
—. (2008). Metternich and Austria: An Evaluation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tritsch, Walter. (1952). Metternich und sein Monarch. Darmstadt: Holle Verlag.
Chapter 11: To succumb with honor
Bridge, F. R. (1972). From Sadowa to Sarajevo. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Cassels, Lavender. (1973). Clash of Generations: A Habsburg Family Drama in the Nineteenth Century. London: J. Murray.
Fejtő, Ferenc. (1997). Rekviem egy hajdanvolt birodalomért: Ausztria-Magyarország szétrombolása. Budapest: Atlantisz.
Gamerl, Benno. (2009). “Subjects, Citizens, and Others: The Handling of Ethnic Differences in the British and the Habsburg Empires (Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century),” European Review of History, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 523–49.
Gerő, András, ed. (2009). The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Revisited. Boulder: Social Science Monographs.
von Hirschhausen, Ulrike. (2009). “From Imperial Inclusion to National Exclusion: Citizenship in the Habsburg Monarchy and in Austria 1867–1923,” European Review of History, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 551–73.
Komlos, John, ed. (1983). Economic Development in the Habsburg Monarchy in the Nineteenth Century. Boulder: East European Monographs.
—, ed. (1990). Economic Development in the Habsburg Monarchy and in the Successor States. Boulder: East European Monographs.
Lackey, Scott W. (1995). The Rebirth of the Habsburg Army: Friedrich Beck and the Rise of the General Staff. Westport: Greenwood.
Rauchensteiner, Manfried. (1993). Der Tod des Doppeladlers: Österreich-Ungarn und der Erste Weltkrieg. Graz: Styria Verlag.
Rothenberg, Gunther Erich. (1976). The Army of Francis Joseph. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press.
Wandruszka, Adam and Peter Urbanitsch, eds (1973–). Die Habsburgermonarchie, 1848–1918. Volumes 1–9. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Wawro, Geoffrey. (1995). “The Habsburg Flucht nach vorne in 1866: Domestic Political Origins of the Austro-Prussian War,” The International History Review, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 221–48.
Winkelhofer, Martina. (2008). “Viribus unitis”: Der Kaiser und sein Hof. Ein neues Franz Joseph Bild. Vienna: Amalthea.
Adrianople, Peace of 111
AEIOU motto 1–2, 49–50
Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of 185–6
Albrecht I (1255–1308) 19–21
Bohemian crown, 20
Eternal League 19, 21
German king 19
marital alliance with Philippe IV of France, 20
nobles’ revolt 19
opposition and murder 20–1
rebellion in Styria 19
sons 21–3
uprising in Vienna 19
Albrecht II (1298–1358) 22–3
institutionalize rule in Austrian lands 22–3
Albrecht V (1397–1439) 28–9
achievements 29
practice of alienating imperial property 28
support to Emperor Sigismund 28
Anabaptism 71, 89
April Laws 225
Arras, treaty of 90
Augsburg, Peace of 63–4, 67, 72, 81
Austerlitz, battle of 214
Bach system 239
Barcelona, battle at 129
Battle of Nations 216
Berlin Conference, 1878 255
Bismarck, rise of 243
nbsp; Black Death 22
Blenheim, battle of 160, 168
Breitenfeld, battle of 136
Calvinism 72, 107
Cambrai, Peace of or “the Ladies’ Peace” 64–5, 74
Campo Formio, treaty of 212
Caporetto, battle of 260
Carlos II (1661–1700) 155–60
agricultural output 157
claims to succession 158
defeats by France 158
genetic problems 156
intellectual life in Spain 157
Juan José, rule of 156–7
Mariana (mother) 156
negotiations over succession 158–9
physical infirmities 155–6
Ryswick, treaty of 158
weakness of empire 157–8
Castilianization 86
Cateau-Cambrésis, treaty of 94
Catholicism 71–2, 94, 99–100, 103, 106–9, 111, 116, 118, 124, 132, 134–5, 139, 141–2, 151, 162, 165, 178–9, 182, 194, 263, 272–3
Charles II see Carlos II
Charles V (1500–58) 55–6, 59–68
affairs of “the Indies” 66
Charles’s abdication 67
Christendom, defender of 64–5
comuneros revolt 64
conquest of America 66
control of northern Italy 64
Diet of Regensburg in 1541 62–3
early life 59
Great Peasants’ War in 1524 62
Mühlberg, battle of 63
“New Laws” of 1542, enforcement of 66–7
new taxes 60
outbreak of Reformation 61–2
peaceful resolution to religious conflict in Germany 62
Peace of Augsburg 63–4, 67
popular in his Spanish kingdoms 60
Protestantism 63
reorganizing administration of territory, 61
revolt of germanías 60–1
rule in Holy Roman Empire 61
treaty with Ferdinand 67
Wahlkapitulation (“electoral capitulation”) 59
Charles VI see Karl VI
Cherasco, treaty of 125
Congress of Vienna 215, 216
Convention of Reichenbach 198
“Council of Blood” 89
“Council of Troubles” 89
Counter-Reformation 6, 99, 100, 107, 109–10, 113, 121, 131–2, 132, 137, 142, 145, 151–5, 157, 162, 163, 178–9