Book Read Free

Beach Reads Boxed Set

Page 6

by Marie Force

  “Will she be all right?” Liana asked.

  “Believe it or not, she knows where she’s allowed to go.” Travis tied the last of the lines to a cleat. “She’s gotten better about not peeing on the boat.”

  “How long have you had her?”

  “She’s been my best girl for four years.”

  “She’s got you wrapped right around her paw.”

  He faked offense. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Liana reached for his hand, and he stopped what he was doing with the sails to focus on her. “Thank you,” she said.


  “A wonderful, relaxing day. I haven’t had this much fun in a really long time.”

  He kissed her hand and then her lips. “That’s too bad. We’ll have to see what we can do about that over the next two weeks.”

  “I have to spend some time with my mother,” she reminded him.

  He laughed. “Sweetheart, as much as I’d love to spend the next fourteen days in bed with you, I do have a business to run.”

  Liana rolled her eyes. “When exactly is the ‘in bed’ portion of our fling going to begin?”

  He shrugged as he secured the bright blue sail cover over the boom. “I don’t have a schedule.”

  Liana nibbled on her bottom lip and stared at the colorful sunset.

  Travis sat down across from her and reached for her hands. “Don’t stress out about it, Liana. It’ll happen when it happens. And when it does, I want you to enjoy it. If you don’t feel like you can trust me—really trust me—you won’t enjoy it.” He pressed a kiss to each of her hands. “I already know you well enough to know that. Since this isn’t something you do every day, I want you to enjoy it. So let’s take our time, get to know each other a little, and see what happens, okay?”

  Liana sized him up, trying to decide if he was for real. He surely seemed to be, but she had learned to question her judgment in such things. “All right.”

  “Why do you still look stressed?”

  “There’s just one other thing we didn’t talk about, and it’s kind of a big deal . . .”

  “What’s that?”

  “You can’t tell anyone you’re . . . seeing me.”

  Travis sat next to her and put his arm around her. “You can trust me. And you can trust the people around me. You’re not going to read about us in the papers—not because of me, anyway.”

  She studied his earnest face.

  “You’ve heard that before haven’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “This time you can believe it, Liana. I promise you. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Hey, Trav!” A tall blond man came bounding down the dock with Dash trotting behind him. A walkie-talkie was attached to the belt of the cargo shorts he wore with his burgundy North Point polo shirt. He took in the scene on the boat—Liana wearing her denim skirt with her bikini top and Travis still shirtless. “Um, we had a little trouble today.”

  Liana watched as Travis tensed. She wanted to reach out to him but didn’t.

  He stood up. “What happened?”

  “More flat tires. This time in the parking garage at the tower.”

  “How many?”

  “Thirty tires on twelve different cars.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Travis muttered. “Did you call the cops?”

  Beck nodded. “And the garage. They’ve all been replaced.”

  “Thanks. Did you notify the tenants?”

  “Taken care of.”

  “Good job, Beck. Thanks. Oh, this is Liana McDermott. Liana, Peter Beck.”

  She nodded to the other man. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You, too. Well, I’ll let you get back to enjoying your evening.”

  “Thanks for taking care of things today,” Travis said.

  “No problem.” Beck shook his head with frustration. “I don’t know how the bastards keep getting past us, but I’m having cameras installed in the garage tonight.”

  “Good idea. I should’ve done it before now.”

  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Trav. Nice to meet you, Ms. McDermott.” He patted Dash on the head and went back up the dock.

  Travis fixed his eyes on the condo tower as a muscle twitched in his cheek.

  Liana stood up and looped her arms around his waist. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” He leaned back to kiss her cheek. “I’m sorry.”


  “For letting work invade our relaxing day.”

  “I can’t believe there are people in this town who would do this to you. It’s horrible.”

  “So far it’s only a nuisance. I worry they’re going to ramp up their game one of these days and someone’s going to get hurt.”

  She watched him make an effort to shake off his worries and return his attention to her.

  “Let’s have some dinner,” he said.

  “I’ll understand if you need to go into work, Travis.”

  “Beck’s got everything under control. There’s nothing I can do that he hasn’t already done.”

  “You’re lucky to have him.” She nibbled on her lip as she glanced at the clubhouse.

  “Now what are you stewing about?” he asked, smiling as he tapped his finger on her abused lip.

  “He won’t tell anyone he saw me here, will he?”

  “He’s not just my employee, Liana. He’s my best friend. We go back almost twenty years. I’d trust him with my life.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be such a freak show.”

  Travis offered her a hand to help her off the boat and then went back for the cooler and to lock up. When he stepped onto the dock, he hoisted the cooler to one shoulder and reached for her hand. “What’s happened with you and the press?”

  “They’re relentless. So far, they haven’t found me here, and I’d like to keep it that way. I hired a private plane to fly me here from Milan so Enid’s wedding wouldn’t turn into a media circus. They poke their noses into every aspect of my business, making it almost impossible for me to have any sort of personal life.”

  Travis opened the back door for the dog and stashed the cooler in the trunk. “Tell me the rest.”

  Astounded by his ability to read her, she looked up at him. “There was this guy once,” she said softly. “He wasn’t like the others. He was decent, and I liked him. But before we’d even had a chance to see what would develop the media had ripped his life apart. They interviewed his kindergarten teacher, for God’s sake. It was a nightmare, and it didn’t take him long to realize I wasn’t worth it.”

  Travis trapped her against the car, which was still warm from the sun. “So let me get this straight. You’re afraid if the media catches wind of this I might run away before we have sweaty sex?”

  She blushed. “Something like that.”

  He captured her mouth in a hard kiss. “Not a chance, sweetheart.”

  “You say that now . . . Talk to me when they’re interviewing your kindergarten teacher. If you’ve got deep dark secrets, they’re bound to find them.”

  Something resembling fear skirted across his face. Then he rebounded with one of those devastating smiles. “Bring it on. I’ve already decided you’re worth it.”

  “You’re a very nice man, Travis North.”

  He ran his thumb along her jaw. “Do you want to go home and get changed?”

  “I brought a change of clothes, but nothing fancy. Just a sundress.”

  “Good.” He held the car door for her. “I’m taking you to Chez North. It’s a fabulous restaurant that no one knows about, and the dress code is very casual.”

  He drove them the short distance across the property from the marina to The Tower. In the parking garage, two police officers were finishing their investigation.

  “Evening, Mr. North,” the older of the two officers said when Travis stepped out of the Jaguar.

  Travis nodded to the cop. “Sergeant. Did you find anything?”

  “Nothing we ca
n use. Another clean job. I’m sorry about this. I know it’s aggravating.”

  “It’s starting to go beyond aggravating,” Travis commented as he helped Liana from the car.

  “Hey! You’re that model! Louie come see. It’s Liana McDermott.”

  “Listen guys,” Travis said. “Ms. McDermott’s trying to have some R&R without the media finding her. Do you mind keeping it quiet that she’s in town?”

  “No problem,” the older cop said. The younger one all but panted as he stared at Liana.

  “Give me your cards, and I’ll send you a photo,” Liana said, “to show my thanks for your discretion.”

  The cards were produced, and Travis reached for them, shaking the hands of both cops. “Thanks, guys. Let me know how the investigation unfolds.” He escorted Liana into the elevator and handed her the cards. “From your adoring public.”

  “Thank you for thinking fast. I hope they keep quiet.”

  “What about all the people at the wedding?”

  “I’ve known most of them my whole life. They wouldn’t dream of selling me out. Besides I’m old news to them by now.”

  “I’m sorry you have to live like this.”

  “The alternative is worse, believe me.” She shuddered just thinking about how crazy the media could get when they got their hooks into a big story.

  They arrived in his apartment, and he held the elevator door for her. “Has it always been this way?”

  “It wasn’t so bad at first. But the whole celebrity culture has just exploded in the last few years with more tabloids, news shows, the Internet, and they’re all out to get the big scoop. It’s so out of control.”

  “You’re imprisoned by your celebrity.”

  “Yes,” she said, impressed by his insight. “Most people don’t get that. They say ‘Poor you, it must suck to be you.’ Well, sometimes it does suck to be me.”

  “I can see what you mean.”

  “I had this friend in New York,” she said sadly. “A girlfriend. I don’t have a lot of them, and I liked her. She sold me out to one of the tabloids for ten thousand dollars. She told them I was in town and a couple of other things I’d confided in her. Nothing earth shattering, but it was personal. Anyway, the media frenzy drove me out of town, out of my own apartment.”

  Travis put his arms around her. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. That must’ve hurt.”

  “It did,” Liana whispered. “It still hurts to even think about it. I’ve kept my distance from other women ever since.”

  “Why don’t you have security?” he asked as he released her to open a bottle of wine.

  “Because I refuse to live like that. I’d rather take my chances than have an entourage.”

  “But if it meant your safety . . .”

  “So far, I’ve never felt physically threatened by it. I suppose if that day comes, I’ll have to make some changes. I’d hate that though.”

  “I’d hate to think of you in danger. You should talk to Beck while you’re in town. He knows a lot of people in the security business and could hook you up with someone good.”

  She shrugged as she accepted a glass of wine from him. “I’ll think about it. It just feels like I’d be crossing a line if I hired security, like I’d be letting them win or something. I’m not sure if that makes sense.”

  “It does.” He studied her for a long intense moment.


  “Do you ever think about giving it up and doing something else?”

  “All the time, but it’s the only thing I know how to do. I never went to college, and I’m no good at anything else.”

  He took her by the chin. “This face is a multi-million-dollar enterprise, sweetheart. You’re already sitting atop a pretty big business. You’d be selling yourself short if you think you couldn’t parlay those skills into something else that would allow you to have a more normal life.”

  “You really think I could?”

  “Of course I do,” he said with a lingering kiss. “Do you want to wash off the salt?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “You can use the bathroom in my room. I’m sure you remember where it is.”

  Liana blushed even as she looped her arms around his neck. “I think I can find the way.”

  “The towels are in the cabinet. Use anything you need.”

  “Okay, thanks.” She could tell she startled him when she slid her tongue along his bottom lip. “Want to join me in the shower?”

  He devoured her lips, and before long her knees were weak from wanting him.

  “Is that a yes?” she asked, using her best sultry voice.

  “Remember when you said you were no good at flirting?”


  “You were wrong—very, very wrong. Now, go take a shower like a good girl while I make us some dinner.” He peeled her arms from around his neck and turned her around, giving her a nudge toward his room.

  She cast one last coy look over her shoulder. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  He fell face first onto the sofa. Are you serious, North? What the hell is wrong with you? Liana McDermott—the supermodel—just invited you to take a shower with her and you said no? Are you out of your freaking mind? As Travis lay there and thought about why it was he had said no, he began to worry. He acknowledged he already cared about her and wanted to treat her right. Furthermore, he wanted to be different than what she expected him to be, so that meant proving to her he wasn’t just after the body she had offered to him more than once that day.

  Despite her earlier bravado, she wasn’t a one-night stand kind of girl. And from the sound of it, she’d never had a man who treated her like a lady. He wanted to be the first. Was there anything wrong with that? Was there anything wrong with waiting until he felt she was ready for what she wanted from him? As long as you don’t fall in love with her in the meantime…

  In the shower, Liana replayed every minute of her day with Travis. She was starting to believe he might be different from all the others. In a way she was almost glad he had said no to joining her in the shower. He had proven to her that he had meant it when he said he wanted to get to know her better before they jumped into bed.

  She had to admit it was refreshing to be with someone who seemed to like talking to her as much as he liked kissing her. I could get used to being treated the way he treats me. I like him, more than I’ve liked anyone in a long time—maybe more than I’ve ever liked anyone. You just met him last night, Liana. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Well, since you’ve offered him a fling and are currently standing naked in the man’s shower, I’d say you’re already ahead of yourself. I should be ashamed of myself for the way I acted with him today, but I’m not. It felt good to be a little shameless with a hot guy.

  She thought about what he’d said about making a life for herself outside of modeling. He seemed convinced she could do it, and clearly he knew something about business. I’ll give it some thought, she concluded, as she turned off the shower and wrapped herself in one of his thick towels.

  He’s special, she decided. He’s thoughtful, considerate, fun, successful, sexy as hell, and so handsome he could’ve been a model himself. All together that makes for quite a package. She used her towel to wipe the steam from the mirror. I feel safe with him. When was the last time I felt safe with anyone? Not since I lived at home with my parents. The realization was almost startling. “Just don’t be stupid and fall in love with him. You’re leaving in two weeks. There’s no sense risking your heart over something that can’t go anywhere.” But even as she whispered the words to her reflection in the mirror, she accepted that her heart was already in play.

  Chapter Seven

  Liana emerged from Travis’s bedroom and was greeted by soft lighting and music. She could make out his silhouette on the patio where he tended to the grill, and Liana felt a sinking sensation in her belly as she took in the romantic scene. Falling in love with a man capable of this would be far too easy. Just a fling, she
reminded herself as she made her way through the spacious living room to the patio.

  “Did you make out all right in there?”

  “It was great, thanks.” She noticed his hair was wet and that he had shaved. “How did you manage to shower and do all of this?”

  He held out a hand to bring her close to him.

  Oh, he smells so good!

  “I used the guest shower, and I marinated kabobs this morning in the hope of luring you to Chez North tonight.” He closed the lid on the grill. “They need a few more minutes.”

  “You surprise me.”

  “Because I can cook on a grill?” He laughed. “I’ve lived alone for a long time, and I like to eat, so I know enough to be dangerous in the kitchen.”

  “I’ve never had a man make dinner for me before,” she confessed.


  She shook her head.

  “You’ve missed out on all the simple things living that glamorous life of yours, haven’t you, sweetheart?”

  “I’m beginning to think so.”

  “We’ll have to see what we can do about that.” He reached into the pocket of the black cargo shorts he had changed into and withdrew his cell phone. “Want to check on your mom?”

  Touched by his thoughtfulness, she took the phone from him. “Thank you.” He went back to the grill while she dialed her mother’s number.

  “Oh, hi, honey,” Agnes said. “You just caught me.”

  “Are you going out?”

  “Just down to Aunt Edith’s and Uncle Charlie’s. They’re feeling blue since the wedding’s over and invited me for Chinese takeout.”

  “They’re probably blue over the bill,” Liana said.

  “No doubt,” Agnes said with a chuckle. “Are you having a good time?”

  “We’ve had a lovely day.”

  “He’s a very nice man, Liana.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “You know, if you wanted to stay out all night, I’d never know . . .”

  “Mother! What’s come over you?”

  “Don’t be absurd, Liana. You’re twenty-eight years old. If you want to spend the night with a nice, ridiculously handsome man that your cousin hand-picked for you, don’t let your mother stand in the way.”


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