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Head Over Heels

Page 10

by Lena Matthews

  “No.” Parker dug his fingers into her hips and pulled back until only the head of his cock remained, before plunging forward once more. “The only thing I want to hear you do is moan.”

  That was something she could do with absolutely no problem. Cyn dug her nails in to his shoulder as he powered into her. If it weren’t for his shirt, she was sure she would have scarred him for life.

  Normally she loved to be naked with him, to feel their skin sliding against each other. But their need was so powerful, so urgent, there was no time for all the niceties.

  Removing clothing was something that would take too much time. She needed him now.

  “You’re so fucking tight.” He murmured between thrusts. “So tight and hot. How did I go so long without my fix of you?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care.” Talking could come later. “Just don’t stop.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He pushed into her again and caused her to gasp with the force of his thrust. “But meet me halfway there. Fuck my cock, baby, as I fuck your pussy.”

  She had no problem acceding to his demands.

  They worked in tandem with one another. As Parker thrust up, Cyn bore down. She took every inch of his cock into her aching pussy, loving the feel of his hard flesh inside her tender sheath. Tightening her arms around his neck, she leaned back into the wall and arched her hips, enabling him to drive deeper inside her. Her orgasm was so fresh, her body felt sensitive to the touch, but she didn’t care. Cyn would take every second of pain to have one moment of pleasure with him.

  He kept her on the edge, teasing her with fast thrusts then slowing down when she began to peak only to start the whole process again. She struggled to hold him tight, to force him to give her what she wanted, but he proved far stronger than her at controlling his passions. She could see on his face though his own effort to resist her urgings.

  “Parker…please,” she whimpered, begging for what she needed.


  Head over Heels

  “There’s that cry I’m talking about.” Her words were apparently the catalyst he needed to acquiesce to her demands. His cock jack-hammered in and out of her pussy, causing his pelvis to brush against her clit with every thrust. All she could do was hold on and enjoy the rough, wild ride. So much for working together. His loving was fierce and all consuming as the man himself. He took without asking and gave without quarter.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she begged. “I’m so close.”

  “Then come for me, baby. Come all over my cock.”

  He powered into her at backbreaking speeds, pounding her to orgasm with every push. The pressure continued to build with his every thrust until her climax rushed over her, shaking her body from the strength of her release. As she shuddered in his arms, his control vanished, and he sped up, reaching for his own climax as she trembled around him.

  Her spasms had barely slowed when his began. Cyn’s eyes fluttered open just in time to see Parker’s release. Never before had she witnessed something as sensual, so erotic or beautiful in her life as her man giving in to his pleasure. His head fell back, baring his tightly coiled neck to her gaze as he let out a deep guttural groan and came.

  Even though she was sure he came, he continued to pump inside her, but at a slower, less rushed pace. “Jesus…Jesus…” he groaned. His body shook with the force of his release as he finally came to a stop. “Ohh. Damn, woman. You’re going to be the death of me.”

  “I do believe…” she said weakly, “I was the poundee and you were the pounder.”

  His hold on her loosened, but he kept her pinned to the wall. He leaned forward and pressed his damp forehead against her shoulder. She could feel his body racked with aftershocks as his cock was forced to move every few seconds inside her in the most delicious of ways.

  “Are you complaining?”

  “No. Bragging.”

  “That’s my girl.” With a tortured groan, Parker pulled out of her and took a step back, slowly lowering her to the ground. “Bathroom?” 91

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  “Down the hall.” She gestured with her head, too tired to move her arm. Closing her eyes she leaned her head back against the wall, inhaled deeply and smiled. The room smelled like leather and sex. Not a bad combination, but without a doubt, Cyn knew she’d never be able to come in here again without thinking of this moment. Parker made a mark on her life. In more ways than one.

  “If you stay like that, I might be forced to fuck you again.” His smooth words were followed by a cool cloth against her sex.

  “Damn that’s cold.” She opened her eyes and stared into Parker’s laughing visage.

  “It’s not cold, baby, you’re just so damn hot.”

  “Smooth talker.”

  “Just one of the many reasons you love me.” His gaze grew serious. “Isn’t it?”

  Love. Suddenly her mouth felt extremely dry. The woman who normally had so much to say was speechless. There was no doubt in Cyn’s mind she was in love with him, she just didn’t know if she wanted to be the one who said it first. It was so cliché. Regular girl falls for famous rich guy. That was the stuff story books were made of. Hell, Parker had even made movies along those same lines. But this wasn’t a movie and this wasn’t a fairy tale. This was her life. And she was too afraid to ruin it by speaking out of turn.


  “I…” Cyn was thrown for a loop, but apparently Parker wasn’t.

  “Listen, woman,” he barreled on. “Don’t try to pretend you’re not as crazy for me as I am for you.”

  “I’m crazy alright. Crazy for falling in love with someone like you.”

  “Someone like me?” Parker cocked a brow. “What’s wrong with someone like me?”

  “Nothing.” She tossed her hands up in the air in resignation. “That’s my whole point.

  From the moment you swept into my life, you’ve done everything right.”

  “And that’s wrong?”


  “Oookay.” He dragged the word out as he regarded her with an amused expression on his face. “You know that makes no sense, right?”


  Head over Heels

  What did that have to do with anything? “Does it have to?”

  “You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You know that, right?”

  “And that’s why you love me.”

  “One of the many reasons.” He gave her a lazy cocky smile. “So we both just admitted we’re in love with one another, right?”

  Damn it! Would she ever learn to just leave well enough alone? She sighed heavily before admitting what he already knew. “Right.”

  “Then we should do what people do when they’re in love.”

  She dropped her gaze to his zipper then looked back into his eyes. “Again?”

  “That’s not what I meant. But don’t lose that idea.” His expression became serious for a moment. “This long distance stuff is for the birds.”

  That was no lie. “I know it’s terrible.”

  “Then do something about it. Move in with me.”

  Well, that sounded all well and good until logic weighed in on the matter. She adored Parker, but she just couldn’t uproot everything. Or could she? Then again, maybe he wasn’t asking her to. Cyn tilted her head to the side and studied him. “Are you considering moving to San Francisco?”


  “Then we have a little problem. My life is here. My job. My home.”

  “Have you thought about branching out? I’m sure there are drag queens in L.A. that need shoes. Just think of it. The Glass Slipper II.”

  Cyn felt as if she were on a roller coaster. First seeing him, then their frantic love making in the back room, quickly followed by their declarations of love for one another, only to have him spring this announcement on her. She didn’t know up from down.<
br />
  The idea of a long distance relationship was a daunting one, but so was moving to a new city. Her family and friends were here. It was all she’d ever known. But then seeing Parker earnestly standing before her, she knew she didn’t want to lose him. There had to be a way to make this work. “Parker…I…” 93

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  He silenced her by placing a finger gently across her lips. “Don’t respond now. Give me your answer at the ball.”

  Cyn moved his hand away from her mouth and locked their fingers together. “The ball?”

  “Yes. Meet me at nine o’clock in the center of the dance floor.”

  “Cinderella had until midnight.”

  “Yeah, well, Prince Charming’s heart wasn’t on the line.”

  Damn him. Did he have to make this harder? Before she could respond to his heartfelt comment, the bell over the front door rang. “Shit. It’s my dad.”

  Talk about being saved by the bell. Cyn didn’t know if she’d rather answer Parker’s question or face her father after making love in his store.

  “It hasn’t been twenty minutes,” he whispered, stepping out of her way.

  “Tell that to him. “ Cyn grabbed her underwear from the ground and slipped them back on. She smoothed her skirt down and ran her fingers through her hair. “How do I look?”

  “Like you’ve just been made love to against the wall.”

  “Ha, ha, ha,” she grumbled, brushing past him as she entered the storefront once more, with Parker right on her heels “Back alrea—”

  “Well, isn’t this cozy?” Cyn paused in mid-step and looked into the knowing eyes of Franny, flanked by the twins on either side of her. “Tell me, Cynthia dear, whatever were the two of you doing back there?”

  Well, fuck!

  From the look on Cyn’s face, Parker surmised their visitors weren’t welcome ones.

  He hadn’t relished being caught by her father making love in the back room, but he was willing to bet Cyn would have rather dealt with her dad than the people smirking at her now.

  He could tell from the tense set of her shoulders something was up. Her ire sent his protective gene into overdrive, forcing him to step up from behind her to stand next to her 94

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  and show a united front. “I thought you locked the door,” he said softly out the side of his mouth.

  “I did.”

  Which could only mean one thing. These was Cyn’s wicked almost step-mother and her evil daughters. From the way she’d described them, Parker half expected the older one to have a slightly green complexion with a furry wart on her chin, and the two younger ones to sprout horns, but they didn’t. In fact, the three ladies were very attractive, despite the snarky grins they wore like press-on nails.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Cyn crossed her arms over chest and stared at the three women, unyielding. He could tell from her stance she wasn’t going to allow them to intimidate her and it made him smile. His woman was a feisty little thing and he wouldn’t have her any other way.

  “I think the question is what were you guys doing?” The question came from the mother.

  “Whatever I want. At last check, I’m grown.”

  “And at work,” the woman fired back.

  Cyn lifted her chin, meeting the icy woman’s gaze straight on. “Funny, I didn’t think you knew what the word work meant.”

  “I’ll have to see if your father finds this situation as amusing as you obviously do.”

  “You’re going to tattle to my dad.” Cyn’s smirk fed into the other lady’s wrath.

  “You’re such a smart ass.”

  “Do you really want to resort to name calling, because I can think of a few choice words to sling your way.”

  “Hey, you better not insult Mama.” One of the younger ones piped up. Of course she blanched when Cyn turned her attention toward the girl. Parker felt as if he was in the middle of a ping pong match. There was no doubt in his mind who was going to win though. Cyn was more than holding her own.

  “Excuse me. One, you don’t tell me what to do because I don’t answer to you. Two, isn’t your mother old enough to defend herself?” This comment elicited a gasp from all 95

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  three women. “And three, you shouldn’t have brought attention to yourself, because I can find insults for you as well, if you think you can take them.”

  Parker had to control the laughter threatening to bubble up at Cyn’s words. His woman obviously didn’t need anyone to defend her. She was a force to be reckoned with.

  The other sister, obviously too stupid for words to learn the lesson Cyn just imparted, jumped into the fray.

  “You think you’re so smart. But you’re not.”

  Cyn leaned forward as if waiting for more, but then laughed. “Is that it? Damn, Drew, you can’t insult someone to save your life.”

  “Listen here, young lady, when your father hears about this he won’t be happy. In fact, I look forward to seeing him taking you down a peg or two. You are too spoiled for words. And don’t think you’re just going to get away with kicking my girls out.”

  “There’s nothing to get away with. It’s already done. And you can tell my father whatever you want. I have nothing to hide. Just make sure it’s the truth.” She stared pointedly at the two younger girls and they actually had the audacity to blink their eyes in confusion, as if they had no idea to what she was referring to. If he hadn’t been aware of their duplicitous nature, he might have bought into the innocent act. But, unfortunately, Parker had been a victim of one of their schemes and he was more than happy to see them get their comeuppance.

  Cyn shook her head in disgust as she turned toward him, obviously dismissing them from her thoughts. “Just ignore the—”

  Her words were interrupted by the arrival of her father bearing an oversized white box.

  The three Cruellas immediately turned toward him and all began speaking at once.

  Although speaking was a relative term. To Parker it sounded as if they were squawking.

  Their complaints were varied, but all came down to one common factor, Cyn.

  Much to his surprise though, while they bitched and moaned about her, Cyn didn’t utter a word in her defense. It wasn’t what he’d come to expect of his little hellion and it took him aback.


  Head over Heels

  “Enough,” Walt said sharply. When the noise continued he roared it. “Enough.”

  As quickly as the braying had began, it ending, coming to a stuttering stop at Walt’s harsh command. The room grew so hushed Parker could hear the clock ticking in the background.

  In the wake of the silence, Walt set the parcel he’d been carrying on the counter and turned back around, crossing his arms over his massive chest. The easy going man Parker had been introduced to less than an hour ago was gone, and in his place was this formidable giant. “I can’t leave you all together for five minutes without War World War Three starting. Without yelling will someone tell me what the hell is going on here? Cyn?


  Cyn opened her mouth to speak but was drowned out by Franny who barreled on full steam ahead. “This is about your daughter disrespecting me for the last time.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” Cyn murmured under her breath, much to Parker’s amusement.

  “Disrespecting you?” Brows furrowed, Walt glanced over at Cyn. “Explain yourself.”

  “Dad, there’s nothing to explain or to get upset about.”

  “I disagree. Did you know—” Franny’s eyes welled with tears, “—she gave the girls a month to move out?”

  A month too long as far as Parker was concerned. Cyn was being far too nice. When Walt turned back to look at Cyn in disbelief, Parker could tell he was the only one who thought that. “Is this true, Cynthia?”r />

  “See…” Fanny’s smug pleasure made her crocodile tears from earlier ring false.

  “Why don’t you tell him why, Franny? Or did the girls even bother to explain it to you?”

  “Staci and I have nothing to hide,” said Drew in a snotty little tone.

  “Do you really want to get into this right now?” Everything in Cyn’s stance indicated she was ready to do battle. “Huh, do you?” 97

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  Walt glanced over at Parker, and then nodded his head sharply. “No, we’ll discuss this at home at a later date.”

  Not to be put off, Franny added an extra dig. “Another thing you might want to add to your list of ‘later’ conversations is why the shop was closed when we arrived.”


  “Yes, locked tight. They,” Franny pointed to Cyn and Parker as if they were some sort of criminals, “were in the backroom doing God knows what.”

  Could this get any worse? Walt’s gaze collided with Parker’s, but Parker didn’t flinch. He met the surprised man’s gaze head on, refusing to cower or feel embarrassed for spending time alone with his woman.

  “Oh, please,” Cyn muttered, crossing her arms over her breasts. “He is my man.


  He was her man. Parker couldn’t hold back his grin. Take that, bitches.

  “And this is your place of work,” Franny shot back.

  “What makes you think I wasn’t showing him around?”

  “I’m sure he’s been around, all right.” Drew sniffed as if her shit didn’t stink. “Lord knows you have.”

  “Watch yourself, Drew.” Walt warned as he turned back around to face the other women. His voice had gone ice cold, and his posture stiff as a board. “What they were doing back there is none of our business. Nor is it anything that hasn’t been done in this store before.”

  “Eww, Dad.” Cyn grimaced. “I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that.”

  “I assure you, honey, the feeling is mutual,” he said with a wink.


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