Another Motherfaker: The G.D. Taylors Series

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Another Motherfaker: The G.D. Taylors Series Page 13

by Willow Aster

  “Yes. I’m actually shocked she isn’t taking him. But she said the long flights are too much for him these days and she thinks he’d be better off with me. I don’t mind. I love the little guy. Hell, he’s the warmest member of my family lately.” I can’t help but laugh as he links our fingers together and leads me toward the front door. We shut off the lights and set the alarm, before making our way outside.

  We talk about all the things we will be doing with Louie over the next two weeks as we Uber to my parents’ house. I’m preparing to be inundated by my mother about my responsibilities to her favorite child, Louie François.

  When we arrive at my parents’ house, we find my father sitting in the den staring at a piece of art.

  “Hey there,” I say and move closer, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “You doing okay?”

  He nods and squeezes my hand. His gaze doesn’t meet mine. He’s been avoiding my gaze for too long and it’s time to remedy that.

  “Yes, darling,” he says, eyes back on the art. “How are you?”

  “I’m well. Caden’s with me.” Caden comes around and shakes his hand, but my father doesn’t get up. That’s also a new habit of his, but the man is getting up there in age, so I’m guessing he’s tired.

  “Stop fussing over the man. Come here, you two. I need to go over Louie’s itinerary before we sit down to dinner.” My mother moves to stand directly in front of my father, which startles me. “Alban, we’ll be back shortly. Caden, I’m glad you’re here because Louie has a lot of luggage that you’ll need to carry to Cosi’s condominium.” She always says the full word, over-enunciating every syllable.


  As if she’s a toddler who’s just learned a new fascinating word. She thinks condo sounds too informal. This word she likes.


  I glance over at him and chuckle. “His outfits, of course.”

  We follow my mother down the hallway into the mudroom, where three Louis Vuitton bags sit. An overnight bag, a garment bag, and a duffle.

  Yes. The dog has monogrammed luggage.

  “What could he possibly need a garment bag for?” Caden asks as he studies the pile before him.

  “His robes. His dinner jacket if you two decide to take him out. His Hawaiian shirt in case you take him to a pool.”

  “I don’t even have a dinner jacket,” Caden says under his breath while Maman is busy shuffling things around.

  I smirk. “You’re a bit less formal than Louie.”

  “The dude humps a giraffe. He’s not better than me,” Caden whispers in my ear as my mother moves across the room to gather Louie in her arms.

  It takes all I have not to laugh. Louie is wearing what looks like a navy and green silky gown with a little hole in the back for his tail. The arms are wide and make his walk look extremely awkward.

  “Maman. What is he wearing?”

  “It’s a caftan. You know, for travel.”

  “A what?” Caden asks.

  “Travel attire, dear. His jammies are in the duffle. We brush his teeth twice a day. I’ve left extensive notes for you in the bag.”

  “I don’t think you brushed my teeth twice a day,” I say as I glance inside the duffle bag.

  “We didn’t know the importance of dental care back then.” She waves her hand around and sets Louie on his feet.

  I’m fairly certain brushing twice a day has been a known rule for much longer than I’ve been alive. And it doesn’t appear to have done Louie much good in the teeth department.

  “Is Raffi in the bag?” Caden grunts, because he knows that if there is one thing we need to bring with us, it’s definitely Louie’s four-legged lover.

  “Yes.” Maman pulls a silk hanky out of thin air and dabs at her eyes. I don’t see liquid there, but maybe she’s considering crying?

  I’ve only ever seen her cry over Louie.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. “Dad seems a little out of it too.”

  “No one is out of anything, Cosette,” she says defensively. “Let’s go take our seats for dinner. Your father is starving.”

  My father didn’t appear to be starving or interested in anything aside from staring at a piece of art that we’ve had since before I was born when I saw him a few minutes earlier.

  We head to the dining room, and I look over at Caden and shrug. My mother is not the most predictable woman normally, but she’s acting even more erratic than usual. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek.

  Nancy has brought my father to the table and before I take my seat, my mother stops me.

  “Wait. Cosi, I need you to help me in the kitchen. Caden, you can sit and visit with Alban.”

  Help in the kitchen? My mother has a staff that works for her. She’s never so much as placed fruit in a bowl in the kitchen. She shows up to meals. She helps plan the menu. But assisting in the kitchen is definitely not something I’ve ever seen her do.

  She pushes through the swinging door and I follow.

  “Maman, what is going on with you?” I ask, as she leads me to the far corner near the breakfast banquet.

  “Nonsense. You know how I get about leaving Louie,” she says as she shakes her head. This is not a true statement as I’ve never actually seen her go anywhere without the dog. “What is going on with you and Caden?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “You seem so touchy. It’s so unbecoming. People don’t want to see that kind of display, Cosette.”

  “What? We’ve just been holding hands.”

  “Exactly,” she says, with one brow raised. “Take your lead from Juliette. She’s proper about those … things.”

  “Maman. Stop. I’m happy. I’m not going to not hold my boyfriend’s hand because you think it isn’t proper. Maybe you and Juliette should consider being a bit more affectionate with your own husbands.” I cross my arms over my chest. I’m not going to be judged over something this silly.

  “I do not know what has gotten into you, but I promise you that kind of show will not sit well with Louie.” She rubs her hands back and forth as if she’s just cleaned up this little mess.

  I can’t help but laugh. I cover my mouth with my hand to try to stop it before I compose myself. “I am happy to watch Louie while you’re gone. You know that I adore him. But if me holding my boyfriend’s hand is going to upset your dog, then perhaps he should stay with Juliette at the ice palace.”

  She gasps and then leans in to whisper as if she’s telling me the most scandalous of secrets. “You know Louie is not a fan of your sister.”

  “I do.”

  “Fine. I guess I can’t force you to respect my wishes while I’m gone. Apparently, it’s too much to ask of my youngest daughter.” She turns and starts to walk back toward the dining room.

  “Pack your bags, kids. We’re going on a guilt trip,” I sing out behind her and she whips around. She has the faintest smile on her face. There just might be a sense of humor buried deep under her Gucci caftan.

  “I do not know what has gotten into you, darling.”

  We join my father and Caden at the table, and it’s the first time I’ve heard my father speak tonight. He actually has a smile on his face as if he’s enjoying the one-on-one time with my boyfriend. My father hasn’t enjoyed being in a group for a while. He is approaching eighty years old, so Maman says it’s all very normal. But I’m happy to see him share this moment with Caden.

  Caden is relaxed and content and I can tell he’s enjoying the conversation.

  My mother starts barking orders at Nancy to bring out the food and my father turns to look at her.

  “I have a headache. There’s too much shouting.”

  I meet my mother’s gaze and silently ask her what’s going on. Her eyes widen and she snaps her fingers over her head.

  “Nancy, take Alban to bed. He’s exhausted.”

  “I thought he was starving?” I say, shaking my head with confusion.

  “Cosi, will you please stop arguing wi
th me? We need to discuss Louie’s bedtime routine.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it,” Caden says over a chuckle. “Good night, Mr. Dubois.”

  I watch as my father gets to his feet and I hurry over to kiss him on the cheek before he leaves the dining room.

  I want to ask my mother what’s going on, but she’s so hellbent on giving us a detailed breakdown of their evening routine, I don’t dare interrupt.

  Chapter Seventeen


  We just had the most bizarre dinner at Cosette’s parents’, and I can tell she’s bothered by it, but we’re both so consumed with getting Louie settled we don’t discuss it.

  For the first time since I’ve met the Dubois’ family, I actually had a nice conversation with her father. I think getting some time alone with him worked in my favor. He’s a nice guy. Not snobby like Cosette’s mother at all. He asked a few questions about my business and seemed genuinely interested. I didn’t feel any anger or disappointment from him about the fact that I’m dating his daughter.

  “Okay, he’s in his jammies and ready for bed.” Cosette walks out with Louie in tow. He’s wearing cheetah print pants and a button-up top and I can’t help but laugh.

  “He has multiple pairs of jammies? And are those monogrammed?” I ask.

  “Yep. He has several pairs. Don’t ask. My mother is all about this guy.” She drops down to sit on the couch, and Louie moves to her lap.

  I take the seat beside her and pet his little head. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I hate seeing my dad get older. He seems so distant and fragile. I’m not used to that. And the way my mother dismisses him every time I’m there is alarming. Like she can’t stand the idea of anyone being around him. Did you two have a nice visit?”

  “Yeah. He was actually great. I’m glad I was able to have a moment alone with him.”

  She smiles, but I don’t miss the concern etched on her face. “Me too. Well, I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. Are you ready for bed? Do you mind sleeping here tonight?” We usually trade off apartments, but I figured we’d be staying here while Louie was visiting.

  “I’ll sleep wherever you are, lover.” I lean over and kiss her. Louie yelps and I scoop him up and head toward Cosette’s bedroom.

  “Good answer.” She follows me into the room.

  Louie has a dog bed at the foot of the bed and Vivienne even sent a small wooden step stool so he could get onto the bed. This dog has more gear than most newborn babies. I was thankful that the Dubois’ driver Herb was able to give us a ride home, as the amount of gear for the dog would have been embarrassing to try to shove into an Uber.

  Cosette and I head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. We brush our teeth, and I watch as she scrubs her gorgeous face and applies moisturizer. I glance at Louie curled up in his bed and stop to scratch his belly before we climb into bed. He might not be as high maintenance when he isn’t with Vivienne.

  “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t put him in all the clothes while we have him here. Make him a little more normal, you know?” I ask.

  Cosette chuckles. “I don’t know if we should change up his routine. Being away from home might be traumatic for him.”

  “Whatever you want, baby.” I pull her closer and my mouth crashes into hers. I push up on my knees and pull away just long enough to tug the tank top over her head.

  “You’re insatiable.” She laughs but then pushes herself up and kisses me hard. I didn’t bother putting on a T-shirt, and Cosette’s hands are in my briefs tugging them down my thighs as we speak. It doesn’t take long for us to both get naked, and her breath is coming hard and fast, which only urges me on. I flip her on her back and prop myself above her.

  “I love you, Cosi.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispers. “So much.” A tear runs down her cheek and I catch it with my thumb.

  I haven’t said these words to a woman in a long time, and I’m convinced this is the first time I actually mean them. I love this woman with everything I have. I don’t know how it happened, or when it happened, but I’m all in.

  I lean down, claiming her sweet mouth.

  Something latches onto my ass and I pull back and howl.

  What the motherfuck is going on?

  I scramble to my knees and see a leopard-clad Louie hissing at me as he stands on the bed.

  “Dude. What the fuck?” I say as he lunges at me again. I have no choice but to pin him to the mattress. The little guy is out of control.

  Cosette is on her feet beside the bed and she cries out. “Don’t hold him down. He doesn’t like to be restrained. Please, Caden. Let him go.”

  “Are you serious? He’s acting fucking crazy.” I hurry off the bed, keeping the little bastard in place as I move to stand beside her. He may be a little guy, but his eyes make him look like a crazy motherfucker at the moment.

  “Yes. He must just be scared. Maybe my parents don’t have sex in front of him? I don’t know, but I promise he won’t do anything if you let him go,” she pleads.

  I lift my hands slowly, as I’m standing there butt naked beside a naked Cosette, terrified that this eight-pound bastard is going to attack me.

  “You’re okay, buddy,” I say, hoping to soothe him.

  Before either of us can react, he launches his body through the air. I’m so stunned I reach for Cosette to cover her, pushing her forward onto the bed, and he sails past both of us like a magic bullet on a motherfucking mission. I hear the crash before I turn around and Louie Francois is facedown on the wood floor. Cosette flails out of my hold and hurries over to him. When she picks him up, he has a tooth dangling from his mouth, there’s one shark-sized tooth lying on the wood floor, and there’s blood spilling out onto her hands. The bastard only had three teeth, and after this one falls out, he’ll be down to one.

  “Oh my God, Caden. He knocked his tooth out. We need ice,” she cries, and she uses a sheet to wrap around her body as she cradles the crazy Tasmanian devil that is currently throwing me major stink eye.

  Yeah, I rang your bell, you one-toothed motherfucker.

  I just told the girl I loved her, and now I’m getting this cheetah-clad ball of motherfucking fluff an ice pack after he tries to rip my face off? What the fuck just happened?

  I grab some ice and wrap it in a paper towel. When I return to the bedroom, Cosette is wrapped in a white sheet cinched just above her perfect tits. I’m guessing I won’t be seeing those again tonight. She’s cradling the four-legged cockblocker and I move to sit beside her on the edge of the bed.

  “How is he?”

  Her eyes well with emotion and her bottom lip trembles, and it makes my chest squeeze. Even when I ended things with Leah after years of dating, I felt nothing. Aside from a bit of relief. But Cosette being upset that her dog tried to kill me and knocked his own teeth out—that makes my chest squeeze?

  This girl clearly owns me.

  “Caden,” her voice breaks on a sob. “One tooth fell out and one is dangling.” She holds her hand out to show me the single tooth and I’ll be damned if the little dude doesn’t have teeth that look like they belong to a great white.

  “Oh, man. That’s … a lot.” I hand her the paper towel with a few ice cubes inside. She pushes one ice cube up to the edge so it’s poking out and rubs it over his little mouth.

  Louie François is not the same crazed lunatic he was just minutes ago. He has a faraway look in his eyes and he appears wounded.

  He attacked me. But now I’m the bad guy?

  “What are we going to tell Maman?” she says, swiping at the single tear running down her cheek.

  “The truth? We didn’t do anything wrong here. He lost his shit and knocked his own teeth out.” I lean over to look at the pearly white one currently dangling from his gums like it is on its last thread.

  Did Vivienne use whitening strips on her dog? For the few teeth he has, which is basically the one still in there and the one dangling, they are impressively white and shiny.

  “We can’t tell her we had sex in front of him.” She shakes her head and continues rubbing the cube against his gums as he lies there lifeless against her chest.

  Louie would be the worst kind of criminal. He has zero follow-through. No conviction. He goes for the attack and then plays the victim card.

  And it’s fucking working like a charm.

  Even I feel bad for the little bastard and he tried to rip my face off.

  “Technically, there was no sex involved in this scandalous attack. We can tell her that we were getting ready for bed, and the little dude lost his shit. And he did, Cosette. This is on him,” I say, and I’m not backing down on this one.

  She smiles and a little chuckle escapes her perfect lips. “This is on him? He knocked his teeth out, Caden.”

  “Exactly. He clearly has a problem with foreplay. Or nudity. This is all your mother’s fault.”

  Louie’s dangling tooth drops into Cosette’s hand and she shudders but continues stroking his head.

  “How is this my mother’s fault? She’s not even here.”

  “Because she’s been dressing him in these crazy outfits and therefore, he’s not comfortable with nudity. Dogs were meant to be naked. He clearly has issues. And don’t even get me started on the fact that his reaction makes it quite clear that no one has ever had sex in that house. Except him and Raffi.”

  Her head falls back in laughter and then she pulls herself together and studies me. “We said I love you for the first time tonight. This is not how I saw that going.”

  “Oh really? You didn’t expect for us to finally say those three little words, only to be followed by a vicious attack by Louie François? Ending in blood and gnashing of teeth?”

  “I did not.” She shrugs and she looks a little sad, which makes me want to move the sun and the moon to make her smile.

  “It doesn’t matter where or when we say it, or what happens around us. We love each other. Whether Louie knocks his teeth out, or Gus walks in on us, or your mother insults me. None of it matters. This.” I motion between us. “This is all that matters. And I love you even more for icing that asshole’s gums after he attacked me.”


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