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Another Motherfaker: The G.D. Taylors Series

Page 14

by Willow Aster

  “I’d be icing your gums if you knocked your teeth out too,” she says.

  I offer my hand to Louie, who looks like he’s survived a traumatic event, and he leans forward to lick it.

  “You’re all right, buddy. And I forgive you. God knows Gus has done worse than this.”

  Cosette leans forward and kisses me quickly, because clearly we’re both still gun-shy about how Louie will respond.

  “I love you, Caden.”

  “Love you too, lover.”

  The next few days go by without issue. Louie is down two teeth, and we put him in the guest room when we have sex so we don’t risk another attack. Everything else is smooth sailing. Cosette had to tell her mother what happened because Vivienne FaceTimes her daily to see Louie. There was no hiding the two missing teeth. She toned down the story, saying that Louie must have been nervous to sleep in a different room.

  We left out the fact that we were getting ready for a little bump and grind, because Cosette was mortified by the whole thing. Vivienne did not take it well and let us know that she was looking into veneers.

  Yep, motherfucking doggy veneers.

  The dude only had three teeth, so why does it matter if he is down to one now? She felt that his self-esteem would take a hit, and she was going to speak to some specialists about it.

  I can’t make this shit up.

  I don’t make it G-rated for my brothers. I tell them exactly what went down. Everyone else thinks it’s hilarious, but Gus shivers and says he won’t be coming by until the cockblocker from hell is gone. His words, not mine. The whole story traumatizes him. And he’s avoided the dog at the hotel, because yes, we take the dude to work with us every day. Vivienne insists he not be left alone for more than twenty minutes. I can assure you, we spend a lot more than twenty minutes having sex every night, but what she doesn’t know won’t kill her.

  This morning, I’ve taken Louie out on his walk and Cosette is making us breakfast when we return. We’ll be headed to the hotel for a busy day soon.

  There’s a knock on the door. When I tug it open, Gus stands on the other side.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? Since when do you knock?” I chuckled, opening the door and stepping back to let him in.

  “Cosi texted me that she was making breakfast. She swears that CBLF will be on his best behavior.”

  Yes. My brother came up with the name. Cockblocking Louie François. Cosette’s cheeks pink and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Stop being a baby and sit down,” I say, as I lean over and kiss my girlfriend and Gus drops down at the dining room table.

  “I’m the only one brave enough to come in here and face the tiger,” he says.

  “Spence, Emma, Jesse, and Mya were all here last night for dinner. None of them had a problem.”

  He gasps. “You had a party?”

  “We had dinner,” I say, rolling my eyes, because I’m in no mood for my brother’s theatrics. I was hoping to come back and get a few minutes alone with my girl, because when it comes to Cosette, I can’t get enough.

  Who’s the cockblocker now?

  Maybe we could put Gus in the guest room with a few strips of bacon, and he’d leave us alone.

  “And you didn’t invite me?”

  “We did invite you. You said you had a date,” Cosette says with a laugh.

  “That’s right. Thanks, Cosi. At least one of you has my back.” He looks down when Louie moves toward him.

  “Dude. He’s fine. Stop being ridiculous.” I laugh as Louie checks Gus out.

  Louie jumps up on two legs and wraps his little body around my brother’s calf and ankle. He proceeds to hump him with the same passion he makes love to Raffi several times a day. I respect his passion, I just don’t like him trying to cut mine short.

  “What in the motherfuck is happening?” Gus quakes and his back straightens as if he’s under attack.

  I set a plate with eggs, bacon, cantaloupe, and an English muffin down in front of him. “Looks like someone’s found a new lover.”

  Cosette covers her mouth and reaches for Louie’s collar. “Sorry about that. He usually only humps Raffi. I’ve never seen him go to town quite like that with a human.”

  “It’s the pheromones. This is why the ladies are all over me. Apparently, it works on four-legged creatures too.” He shrugs and takes a bite of bacon as if this is to be expected.

  We all three laugh and Cosette sets Louie on the couch with Raffi.

  I’m surprised by how normal our routine is now. We’re one working unit.

  And I wouldn’t change a GD thing.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I can’t believe the opening for the hotel is approaching so quickly. Caden and I are working more than ever and I’m thankful my mother returned from her trip to take Louie home. As much as I love him, he’s a handful and I need to focus.

  We’re at the fun part of the project. I’m going floor by floor, making sure everything is hung and placed correctly in each room. I’ve never worked on a project of this magnitude and I’m really enjoying it.

  My mother strolls through the door of the suite I’m currently working in. This is a boutique hotel, so the details matter. There is nothing cookie-cutter about this decor. We want it to be unique and inviting.

  Simple elegance is the vibe I’m going for.

  “Maman, I didn’t expect to see you today.” I walk toward her, kissing each side of her face. I pause to scratch Louie’s head and he tries to wriggle free as he frantically licks my hand.

  “I wanted to check on things. My name is on this building even if you’ve creatively done your own thing.” She looks around the space and her nose is scrunched with disapproval. But that is her natural state most of the time, so I don’t take it personally.

  “We are hoping to finish up this floor today. I tried calling Dad yesterday again, but I haven’t heard back from him,” I say. I was surprised when my mother returned to the States alone. She insisted my Uncle Perry wasn’t in good health and my father wanted to be there to support his brother.

  “Darling, I told you he’s at the hospital with Uncle Perry. Don’t pester the man. He’ll be back in a few weeks.”

  “Since when is speaking to him, pestering him?” I place my hands on my hips and raise a brow as I wait for her to respond.

  “Since his brother had a heart attack. He needs to be there, darling. Don’t be needy. You have a boyfriend for that nonsense. Or is that over? Jeremy is running the show at the restaurant in your father’s absence and he keeps asking me about you.”

  “That’s interesting, since the man calls me daily, so there shouldn’t be anything to ask you. He never called me this much when we were together. It’s ridiculous. And it’s disrespectful to the man I am dating. I’ve asked him to stop several times. Maybe you could speak to him?”

  “How can I say something?” she huffs as she strides through the suite studying every piece of art we’ve just hung.

  “You could say, ‘Hey Jeremy, seeing as you’re like family, I’d like to ask you a favor. Stop stalking my daughter. You’re making her uncomfortable.’”

  “Nonsense. You’ve known him your entire life. You aren’t uncomfortable.” She lifts the gold sculpture off the table and looks underneath for a name.

  “It’s not a name brand, Maman. All of the materials in the project come from local artists. The man who designed that piece is an up-and-coming artist in the city. He was just featured in Manhattan Live Magazine,” I say proudly.

  “Up-and-coming? What does that even mean? Until you’ve arrived, no one really cares.”

  I pull out the desk chair because she has managed to suck the life out of me in the few minutes we’ve been talking, and I sit down.

  “Anyway, I’d appreciate it if you spoke to Jeremy.”

  “Cosi, you’re being very selfish,” she says, running her fingers along the wood on the tabletop and then turning her hand over to check for dust.

>   “How am I selfish?”

  “Because I’m asking Jeremy a huge favor, and following that up with a request to stop contacting his longest and dearest friend seems cruel.”

  I am far from Jeremy’s dearest friend, but I won’t even go there.

  “What is the favor?” She’s piqued my curiosity.

  “Your father and I want Jeremy to step up at the other restaurants. You know … in your father’s absence.” She pulls a beef stick from her purse and hands it to Louie.

  “What? Dad will be home in two weeks. He has managers at each location. Why would he need Jeremy to step in?”

  My mother rubs her temples. “You know you’re exhausting, right? The endless questions are too much.”

  “I asked a few questions,” I say, shaking my head as the woman is acting completely crazy lately.

  “Well, it’s far too many. Juliette just supports me. She doesn’t question everything,” she snips. She loves to play my sister and me against one another.

  “That’s because she doesn’t care about anyone but herself.” It’s not the kindest thing to say, but it is most definitely the truth. I’ve asked my sister to come see my new place multiple times, and she refuses to leave Manhattan. She’s a snob through and through and my parents’ business is of no interest to her. Unless it affects her trust fund, and then she will definitely get involved.

  “Don’t be petty. Your father wants to take on a partner. He’s getting older and we want to travel more.”

  “He hates traveling. He loves work. And he’s a complete control freak. He has the people in place that he wants to run everything.” I was shocked he allowed Jeremy to get involved with one restaurant. “Now he’s giving up part of his ownership in all of them? Why?”

  And why Jeremy who has so little experience? I keep that one to myself.

  She closes her eyes and takes a few breaths. “Cosette, I cannot do this with you today. Your brother has yet another appointment with the veterinary specialist about his implants, no thanks to you and your crazy shenanigans while I was gone. And have I brought it up once to you? Have I asked you what happened over and over?” She yanks her bag over her shoulder and stares at me.

  “You’ve brought it up every day since you returned and you’ve made me replay the events leading up to the accident no less than a dozen times. You’ve grilled me about your dog losing two teeth and I’m not allowed to inquire about my father?”

  Just then Caden walks through the door, and there’s a shift in the air. The man has a way of calming me, and I move toward him instinctively.

  Needing that comfort.

  That warmth.

  “Hey there, what’s going on?” he asks, and he pulls me into his arms before reaching forward to scratch Louie’s head. The two are thick as thieves once again. We’ve put the traumatic night completely behind us, aside from my mother insisting on seeking a veterinary dental specialist.

  “What’s going on? My own daughter is grilling me when I’m dealing with a lot right now. My darling boy needs implants, and Cosi doesn’t even realize the impact this will have on him. They are going to insert a titanium screw into his gums, for goodness’ sake. All because you two were frivolous with his care.”

  What in the actual hell is going on with her? Is this still about me breaking up with Jeremy?

  “Mother, you’ve got a titanium screw loose yourself. What is going on with you? The dog has had three teeth for most of his life. Why in the world are you now insisting on getting him teeth? He’s always been toothless. Now he just has one instead of three. Why is this such a big deal?”

  “I see. So I must have a screw loose if I want to care for my baby?”

  I let out a long breath. “I love you, Maman. Let’s discuss this later. I’m at work, and this is just wrong for a multitude of reasons. If you talk to Dad, please let him know I’d like to speak to him.”

  “I see how it is. Good day.” She storms out of the room and I shake my head with disbelief.

  “You okay?” Caden asks.

  “I’m fine. Just a little worried about my father, but that sent her sideways. What time do your parents arrive?” Caden’s mom and dad are coming to town for the opening of the hotel. We’re having dinner with them tonight and I’m looking forward to meeting them.

  He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. “You know you’re the most patient person I know. Don’t let her get to you. It’s difficult for me to see the way she treats you and keep my mouth closed.”

  I sigh. It’s nice having someone that completely has my back. He’s not on my parents’ payroll, he doesn’t care what my family thinks of him—he is in this for me.

  And it only makes me love him more.

  “Thanks for biting your tongue.” The last thing I want is for Caden to get drawn into her craziness.

  He leans down and nibbles on my ear. “The only thing I’m interested in biting is you.”

  His tone is all sexy as sin, and he chuckles against my skin as my heart starts to race. I swear every time this man touches me, he sets my soul on fire.

  My head falls back as his lips move along my neck.

  “Caden,” I whisper. “We need to get back to work.”

  “I want you to relax, baby. You’re all I give a shit about. This will all get done. You are all that matters.”

  I don’t know why his words affect me so deeply, but a lump forms in my throat and tears start to move down my cheeks. I’m overwhelmed by how much he loves me, because it’s such a foreign feeling.

  Alarm bells are going off about my dad and I’m emotional … about everything.

  “Thank you,” my words break on a sob, and he hurries me over to the desk chair and pulls me onto his lap.

  “Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on?” He hugs me so tight and I burrow into him further.

  Needing him in a way I didn’t know I was capable of.

  “I’m just tired. And I’m worried about my dad.” I continue to sob. “My mom brings out the worst in me. I’m worried about the opening going well. And I want your parents to like me.”

  I pull back and swipe at my face and try to catch my breath.

  “Baby. My parents already love you. The opening is going to exceed my expectations because of the work that you’ve done. And don’t stop calling your dad. Trust your gut. But I don’t think your mom would have left him there if he wasn’t okay, right? But I understand that you’re worried about him. And Cosette?” He tips my chin to look him in the eye. “Your worst is most people’s best.”

  I sniff, not believing that in the slightest, but it touches me that he thinks so. “I’m sorry. I can’t believe I’m being such a baby.”

  “You’re the strongest woman I know. I’ve got you, okay?”

  I nod. “I know you do. Thank you for that.”

  “Don’t thank me. You do it for me every day.”

  I shake my head and chuckle. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Caden Taylor.”

  “Just exist, baby. That’s all you ever have to do.”

  There’s a knock on the open door, and the contractor walks in. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  I stand up and Caden moves to his feet, wrapping his arms around me again. “Not a problem. What’s up?”

  “We need you on the fifth floor for a little electrical issue. Do you have a minute?” he asks.

  Caden turns to look at me. “You all right?”

  “Yes, go. I’m fine.” I push up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

  “I’ll come grab you in an hour to head to dinner.” He tugs me back against him and kisses me hard. I can feel my cheeks flame when we pull away.

  “Okay. See you in a bit.”

  I bury myself in work again, which is easy to do.

  “They can’t wait to meet you,” Caden says, as he pulls the door to the steakhouse open.

  “I’m excited. It’s just the four of us? Where is everyone else?” I was surprised when he’d told me on the walk over that
it was just the four of us.

  “My mom is big on making sure we all get equal time, and they want to get to know you without everyone talking at the same time.”

  I can’t imagine that kind of thought process running through my mother’s head. Nothing in our family is equal. It never has been. Juliette is Maman’s favorite, and she doesn’t try to hide it. I’ve always been Dad’s favorite, up until these past few months when just trying to get him to sit down and talk to me is a challenge. My chest squeezes a bit, but I shake it off as the hostess leads us to the table.

  I’ve seen pictures of Caden’s parents all over his apartment, but their smiles are even brighter in person. Caden’s mother, Melanie, exudes warmth. She pushes to her feet and pulls me in for a hug.

  “Oh, my sweet Cosette. You are even more beautiful in person,” she says and I lose my breath at her kindness.

  “Nice to meet you, sweetheart,” Garrett, Caden’s dad, says as he pulls me in for a quick hug.

  Caden hugs both of his parents and I watch the pure joy on their faces. I’m in awe of the love that this family has for one another. I wonder what it must have been like to grow up in a household with this kind of love and care.

  Don’t get me wrong. I have a life most people would envy. I grew up in a sprawling estate. I’ve never wanted for anything.

  Aside from this, right here.

  This deep love and loyalty that pours out from every part of them.

  Caden takes my hand beneath the table. We all order cocktails, and Caden selects a few appetizers. His parents watch him with such pride, and I watch them with such wonder.

  I want to have a family just like this someday.

  “We can’t wait to see the hotel. Caden tells us your design for the property is unbelievable,” Melanie says.

  “I believe he said it was cutting edge. A notch above the rest.” His father smiles at the server as she sets our drinks down and he raises his glass and waits for us to do the same. “To Cosette Dubois, the girl who stole our boy’s heart.”

  I clink my glass with theirs and shake my head. “I’m the lucky one.”


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