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Wild: Hangman's Haunt Book 1

Page 8

by Kay Elle Parker

  His dark head bent. Baylee gasped at his warm tongue licking from her sternum, up between her breasts, to the base of her throat. Unless she had a vivid, vivid imagination, she’d swear his tongue felt like a cat’s, liberally covered in tiny, erotic barbs.

  “What agreement might that be?” Daxon surrounded one breast with the silken warmth of his mouth, that tongue lashing against the rosy tip mercilessly.

  What? What agreement? Baylee clutched his head, holding him against her. Her system quivered delicately on cruise control as her brain simply switched off. Her hips bucked against the quick nip of his teeth. “Fuck me, Dax. Fuck me before I combust.”

  “Hmm, such a demanding little thing. First, I think I should rectify my negligence from last night. These beauties were rudely ignored and that’s unforgiveable.” His mouth transferred to the other peak, suckling gently.

  Baylee whimpered. “Touch me, Dax. Touch me, touch me!”

  His hands scoured her body, dragging fingernails lightly over her flesh until she writhed with sensations. He reached her waist, cursed and yanked the blanket away completely, then took a moment to admire her. She wanted to preen with pride at the look in his eyes. At the same time, modesty demanded she cover her nudity from him.

  Daxon growled low in his throat. “Hands and knees, Baylee.”

  She blinked at him. “Huh?”

  “Hands and knees,” he repeated firmly. He rose, towered above her with eyes blazing. “Thirty seconds or I ravage you where you lay.”

  Oh boy. She liked this bossy side of him, Baylee thought. Bossy and predatory and dominant. Maybe dominance was just as sexy as the books made it out to be. She’d had her doubts about that but when faced with him now, radiating power and sex, she found it incredibly attractive on him. “But you’ll see my...”

  He grinned, and her knees went weak. He might be able to change into a big cat at will, but that grin was all wolf. “I’ll see everything, Baylee. Your wet pussy, that tiny ass. I can choose what I want to claim this time around.”

  “Oh God,” she whispered.

  Another growl, throatier and vibrating inside her. Those green eyes were dark and focused completely on her. Slowly, unsure what might provoke him into pouncing, Baylee sat up. She moved forward onto her knees, then yelped when his hands gripped her hips, hauled her so her front pressed against the back of the couch. “Daxon!”

  Muscles contracted, shivered when he ran his nose from the small of her spine all the way up to her nape. Her hands gripped the sofa in a vicious hold, knuckles turning white.

  “You break my control, Baylee. The beast in me wants you, and I can’t hold him back this time. He wants to fuck,” Dax murmured against the soft spot just below her ear, “and I want to let him. He’s hungry, Baylee.”

  She swallowed hard. His weight pressed against her, pushing her into the couch. Hands caressed her sides and she couldn’t help imagining that massive panther eyeing her up as a snack. Dax’s cock, hot and stiff, wedged threateningly in the crease of her ass. He surrounded her, consumed her.

  He worked his knees between hers, edging them apart. She moaned, enjoying the wantonness of her position, the way cool air skimmed over her damp, swollen pussy.

  She flexed her hands nervously under his when they covered hers. Dax’s body made contact with hers from shoulders down to thighs, making her feel small yet protected. Unbidden, a giggle rose.

  The only thing she needed protecting from out here was Daxon himself.

  Oh God, his mouth was a gift. Heaven-sent, sending her straight to hell. This much pleasure had to be a sin, didn’t it? She jerked hard, head whipping round to stare at him with wide eyes. “Daxon, not there.”

  “Here?” A fingertip brushed gently over her tightest hole a second time. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Baylee.”

  “Not there,” she repeated on a breathless moan. “Not when you’re like this.” She knew her friends had tried it; their frank discussions on anal sex had made her blush crimson. Cassie fell firmly on the no way in hell side, Brenna adopted a meh defense, and Allix could give a twenty-minute lecture on the merits and sins of sodomy. “You have to be in control.”

  Two sharp points scraped over her shoulder. “I am in control, baby. Exquisite control.” Dax chuckled, sliding his fingers down, down, into the well of slickness. “He doesn’t, not when it comes to you. But then, he’s an animal. An alpha male. What he sees, what he scents and touches, he wants. Think you can handle him, my pretty girl?”

  Her bottom pushed back toward him, teasing him with a sexy little wiggle. “You know you freak me out when you refer to yourself as him, right?”

  “I am him, he is me.” Daxon licked along her throat, nibbling on the fluttering carotid pulse. “We’ve been as one since I can remember, but he is a creature all his own, Baylee. Never forget that. He will claim you, he will mark you, he will keep you no matter the cost.” His tongue slicked over his own bite mark on her shoulder from their first time. “He’s primal, a hunter. He doesn’t know gentleness, or how to make love. He fucks like the beast he is.”

  “Stop it.” Baylee heard her voice tremble. Dax’s words were like potent wine, fogging her mind with images of animalistic humping. She knew he’d heard it too; his chuckle rumbled with triumph. “Do something, Dax.”

  “Me or him, Baylee, while you still have a choice.”

  Hell of a decision, she mused. Every nerve on high alert, her sex on fire and breath coming in pants...she only felt this way with him. If she wanted more of him, surely she should get to know all of him. She could handle some rough sex. “Tell him...tell him no anal or all bets are off.”

  “Not even a finger?” Dax purred.

  Oh Jesus. He had a Scout’s badge in pressing her buttons, obviously. Baylee bit her lip, indecision eating at her. Could be the only time she had to experiment, she reminded herself. “Just one. You—he—just be gentle, okay? Please?”

  “Don’t fret. We’ll take good care of you, baby.” Daxon nuzzled at her hair. His hands gripped her hips; she winced at the bite of his fingers into her flesh. “Just relax and take me, Baylee. He’ll take over—you’ll know the difference. If you struggle, he’ll retaliate.”

  Wonderful. Just wonderful. Her breath caught in her throat as he pushed inside her, through tight flesh still sore. Her eyes rolled back in her head, an unusual sensation, when he struck the end of her. “Dax.”

  She got a snarl in reply. Warily, she twisted to face him and gulped audibly. He hadn’t been kidding, she discovered as her limbs went weak with shock. The face staring back at her with obsessive intent wasn’t entirely human. At first glance, maybe, but not when she was all but nose-to-nose with him.

  Ears, nose and mouth had altered slightly, taking on the vague outline of the panther’s features. His hair seemed to have grown slightly, only an inch or so, into smooth velvet pelt. She saw the tips of two large, sharp canines peeking from under his top lip and wondered if she should have asked what happened if he bit her.

  Too late now, she remembered. He’d already given her a hickey of biblical proportions.

  His eyes changed shape, became darker and less...aware. No, that was wrong. Not less aware, if anything more aware. Less emotional. This beast didn’t understand emotion on the same level as his other half. He was wild, untamed and off the damned chain.

  “Oh shit, Dax.”

  Another wet snarl. Hands tipped with lethal claws slid up her body, palmed her breasts, cupped them. She felt the dangerous points dig lightly into her flesh.

  He could rip her apart with less energy than it took to sneeze.

  His hips began to move, little jerks as though realizing his cock rested inside her, comprehending what his mission was. She tensed as he ran his nose over her shoulders, across her hair.

  Stronger thrusts, piercing the soft sheath cradling him, building into a wicked tempo. She hissed, cried out, fingers gouging into fabric in an effort to keep herself grounded. Pleasure washed over her as
he brushed a spot inside her, sparking flashes of color.

  Daxon altered position, pushing her up so her stomach rested on the edge of the sofa back. His grip on her breasts shifted, hooking under her arms to clutch her shoulders, giving her no room to dance with his thrusts, to absorb each powerful stroke.

  Thick growls filled the air alongside her mewling whimpers. God, she could get used to this. Her eyes fluttered as an orgasm whispered through her blood, escalating into a tsunami that wiped out her nervous system.

  She clenched down hard on his cock, eliciting a victorious roar of delight from him, and a savage moan from her. “Dax, Dax, Dax.”

  His body worked like a steam engine, well-oiled and tended to, pumping inside her as effectively as any piston. Fast slap-slap-slaps became their soundtrack, the bass line to their vocal accompaniment. The wet smacking of his shaft hammering through her pussy should have embarrassed her, but all Baylee could think was more.

  She stiffened, overwhelmed by the next climax; this one ripping her to shreds. Not a wave, not a smooth eradication of her thought process. Oh no, this one broke her apart piece by piece, sent her swirling into a riot of chaotic sensation.

  When Daxon growled, when his grip turned painful and his body went rigid, Baylee braced herself as best she could for the fallout. Unprepared for those brutal canines to pierce her flesh, she screamed when he clamped them down on the opposite shoulder to where the original bite rested.

  Inner muscles tightened around his cock as he ground deep. Hot seed lashed into her welcoming sheath in long spurts that must have been either gloriously enjoyable or incredibly painful if the way his body lurched could be any indication.

  She lost all train of thought, knew nothing but thrilling release born of pain and pleasure. Writhing, she grabbed hold of his hands where they held her immobile, and let herself fall away into the abyss.

  Chapter Six

  The weight of him woke her, a warm heavy blanket draped over her back. She blinked awake slowly, focusing on the dry earth beneath her. A sleepy moan escaped her as she shifted uncomfortably; they’d fallen asleep where they’d finished, she thought with remarkable calm.

  Round two had been phenomenal, she could readily admit, but she didn’t think round three was viable.

  “Did we get hit by a truck?” Daxon’s voice sounded rough, almost gravelly. He wasn’t fully awake yet, and the vulnerability made her smile.

  “No. Not unless it was a sex truck.”

  He chuckled as he stretched, the movement flexing his half-aroused erection deeper inside her. “God, you feel divine. This tight little pussy was made to fit me, Baylee.” He flexed again, stealing her breath. He nuzzled her neck languidly, taking his time.

  “It’s past dawn,” she moaned, hating the way she still responded to him even when her body hit exhaustion. Loving the notion she responded to intimacy in a way she’d only ever dreamed about. “My friends will be mounting a search party for me.”

  The sound he made spoke of dark humor. “I know what I’d rather mount. Black-haired, pale-skinned beauty.” His lips whispered over her skin. “Stunning blue eyes that go glazed and blurry with orgasm.” His hand skimmed over her hip, easing her tighter against him.

  Baylee hissed, caught her breath at the pressure of discomfort. “Dax, oh God...” Of its own accord, her head tipped back against his shoulder, her body arching away from the couch. “I don’t think I can...shit.”

  “Too sore?” Soft, concerned, his voice stroked over her.

  “” Baylee whimpered desperately. She didn’t know what she was, didn’t care. Daxon filled her in ways she’d never imagined, the sensations firing nerve endings like miniature gunshots. Even the pain twisted, morphed into the first sweet stirrings of pleasure. “I want to see your face, Dax.”

  He leaned away from her, his hands shaping her back as he did so. She mourned the loss of his warmth, the solid feel of his body against hers. He chuckled, and the sound resonated inside her; deep, dirty, dark. “I like this view, Baylee. Maybe you’re right, we should change positions so you can see my face...and the way my cock fits inside you perfectly.”

  Her belly twisted with delicious desire. “Daxon, you’re a tease!”

  “Who’s the tease?” He asked, skimming a fingertip over her rear entrance. “Did you like this when he touched you here?”

  Baylee blinked, glanced over her shoulder with an eyebrow half raised. “You didn’t touch me there, Dax. I gave you permission but then you never...”

  “Seriously? He didn’t take advantage of this pretty little ass? Well, that’s surprising.” Daxon tapped a finger against her lips. “I won’t make the same mistake. Suck, Baylee. Get it nice and wet for me.”

  “It freaks me out when you separate yourself into two different personalities, Daxon.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I remember everything, even when I’ve shifted forms. But there are occasions when he takes over so completely, I’m lost. We work as one but sometimes we’re two different entities co-residing in one body; it’s only polite to acknowledge him.”

  “Freaky,” she repeated firmly.

  “Okay,” Dax relented with a grin. “Be a brave girl and suck my finger. I promise if you enjoy what I do to you with it, I’ll try my hardest not to refer to him again. Deal?”

  This had to be the most illogical, ill-timed discussion in the history of sex conversations. Baylee narrowed her eyes at him. “That’s blackmail.”

  The impossible happened; his smug grin widened. She snapped her teeth when he waggled his finger at her, growling playfully. “That’s hot. Deal or no deal, baby?”

  She sighed. “If it hurts, you stop.”

  Daxon wagged his finger sternly. His voice adopted a steel undertone, a dominant edge. “If it hurts beyond reason, I’ll stop. Trust me to know how far I can push you before you break, Baylee.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “But I get to punch you if you don’t.”

  “Absolutely.” He kissed her shoulder and, ignoring her yelp of protest, eased free of her clenched sheath. He flipped her over, urging her to wrap her weakened legs around his hips, then rolled so he sat on the couch with Baylee straddling his lap. “Face to face, just as the lady requested.”

  As much as she liked their previous position, Baylee found she liked gazing into his eyes more. The connection between them deepened, roots spreading, holding. She held her breath as his cock pressed into her slowly; she felt her teeth clamp together when she sank down onto him. “Christ.”

  “Just rock gently,” he murmured and traced her lips with that damned finger. “There’s no rush, Baylee. Slow and steady, nice and gentle. Just relax.”

  Baylee hissed at him, riding him tentatively. She closed her eyes at his bidding, opened for him. Her lips closed around his finger, suckling cautiously on the long, thick digit. She tasted the tang of salt from his skin as her tongue swirled around it. His groan bolstered her confidence; she grabbed his hand with both of hers, holding it still as she tormented his lucky finger.

  “Fuck. Baylee, sweetheart, you do that to my cock and I’ll give you anything you want.” His head thumped back, exposing the thick column of his throat and the strained cords in his neck. “Anything at all.”

  Caught up in the moment, she released his hand and fell forward, her mouth attacking his open vulnerabilities. She scraped her teeth over those cords, licked the sweat from his skin. Her reward came in the form of a hard jerk deep inside her, a shocked groan, and his hands slapping down on her buttocks.

  She rode with the motion of his hands guiding her, urging her to rock and bounce, grinding his cock into places she’d thought impenetrable. A barrage of words filled her throat, choked her with the incessant need to declare her love for this man she barely knew.

  “Just relax,” Daxon murmured in her ear before his tongue traced the curve. His fingers traced the open valley between her buttocks, homing in on the tight little orifice hiding there. “Don’t struggle, Ba
ylee. Relax, trust me.”

  Her body resisted. Baylee grimaced, a squeak of protest chirping free as his blunt fingertip pressed into her. Her back arched, forcing him deeper inside her pussy in an effort to escape the insistent pressure.

  “No, baby,” he crooned, his free arm curling around her, holding her tightly to him. “Don’t fight me. It won’t hurt if you relax, let me in.” The digit requesting access moved down, gathered liquid arousal from where they joined, then tried again.

  She wriggled, wondering how the hell she could ‘relax’ when her body sent emergency flares into air. She grunted in an embarrassingly unladylike fashion as her defenses faltered for a moment, allowing Dax to breach her.

  His mouth closed over hers, kissing her with furious passion. She moaned, the sound absorbed into him, and ceased struggling. It couldn’t be natural to feel this full, she mused, or to appreciate the extremely naughty awareness of having Daxon finger her rear.

  “Oh, she’s clever,” Dax praised softly. “So clever. Does it hurt?”

  Baylee shook her head before she dropped it heavily onto his shoulder, breathing hard. Her body, contrary bitch it was, seemed to like the sharp nip of pain and the slow burn following along like a lost puppy.

  “Good. Good girl. Ride me again, Baylee. Just like before. Start slow, get used to the feel of me inside you.” He grinned at her, cocky bastard, and rested his free hand at the small of her back. “If it gets too much for you, tell me red. Got that?”

  Safe words? They’d progressed to safe words? Baylee blinked in surprise. She pushed herself up, gave a broken ah sound as things shifted inside, pressed against hot spots of raw nerves. “You’re really into this dominant thing, huh?”

  The grin didn’t waver by an inch. “Want me to spank you and see if you ask me that question again? Dominance isn’t a thing, baby. It’s a behavior and a lifestyle. A part of who I am.”


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