Book Read Free

First Impressions

Page 13

by Jay Hogan

  Josh grinned. “Maybe. Still, you only have yourself to blame, you’re the one who asked him to stay.”

  She scowled. “Just wash your own damn sheets and clean up any ‘spills.’” She stabbed her spoon at him. “And keep off my new couch.” She paused, looking sideways at him. “I assume it wasn’t a one-time thing.”

  He shrugged. “It was… unexpected.” He walked their plates to the sink, calling for Sasha to hurry up. The sooner his daughter arrived, the sooner this conversation would finish, and Josh was all for that.

  Katie slid her arms around him from behind. “Okay, I’ll shut up. But if you want my opinion, I think you should go for it.”

  Josh spun and grabbed his sister’s shoulders. He stared down at her, his annoyance fading. Irritating and nosy she might be, but he loved her to bits. “It was just sex. Don’t make it more than it is. I’m not going to date him.”

  “But what about Mr Coffee Date?”

  Yeah, what about him? “We’ll see. He’s more… normal, if you get what I mean?”

  Katie screwed up her nose like she’d eaten something nasty. “Normal, huh? As in reliable, comfortable, boring….”

  Josh kicked the dishwasher door closed.

  Katie threw her hands up. “Okay, message received. I’m outta here.” She grabbed her handbag and scooted out the door, leaving Josh shaking his head. Sisters. Drove you nuts without even trying.

  HE HAD Sasha’s cereal and milk on the table before she appeared, her lunch ready to go on the bench.

  “Hey, Dad.” Sasha took her seat and began to tuck into her breakfast.

  Josh kissed her head and sat opposite, scanning the newspaper headlines until she’d finished. Then he put a hand over hers when she made to leave the table.

  He said, “We need to talk.”

  Sasha closed her eyes and slumped in her chair. “They told you, huh? About Mrs Leland getting mad at me.”

  He squeezed her hand. “More accurately they told me about you getting mad at her.”

  She sighed the dramatic sigh only an eleven-year-old girl could muster. “I don’t see why I have to do it,” she huffed, pushing her plate away and removing her hand from his. “You know what Gramma and Pop are like. It’ll just become some big thing about how everything was better when they were growing up. How people had more respect, blah, blah, blah. Why can’t I just talk to Nana and Pappy John?”

  Josh took her hand again and linked their fingers. After a few seconds, she relaxed into the grip. “Is that the only reason?” he asked, watching her closely. “Seems that’s something you’d be used to by now. There’s nothing else going on?”

  Her eyes skittered away, but the shake of her head was firm enough.

  “Nothing,” she answered.

  He sighed. There wasn’t much more he could do. “In that case I’m going to have to insist you include them in the project….”

  Sasha groaned loudly. “But—”

  “No, not this time. There are plenty of other kids who have to deal with that same kind of stuff from their grandparents as well. Older people are sometimes more rigid, that’s all there is to it. Count yourself lucky your other set of grandparents aren’t the same. At least you’ll have a contrast, right?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I guess. I just don’t see why I have to do it if I really don’t want to. They wouldn’t even know. Can I at least just ask the questions over the phone?”

  Josh raised his brows, saying nothing.

  Sasha’s expression reflected her disgust. “Okay, okay. But I’m not staying more than one night. You’ll pick me up Sunday before lunch, right?”

  Josh levelled his gaze at her. “I’ll drop you off after netball tomorrow and pick you up after softball practice Sunday. There’s no promise it will be before lunch, though.”

  She sighed. “I suppose.” Then her eyes widened. “But the party’s tomorrow. You said I could go.”

  Shit. He’d forgotten about the damn party. “I didn’t say any such thing. And this is schoolwork, hun. The party has to come second, I’m sorry. There’ll be other opportunities.”

  Her look of disappointment was epic, and he suspected it was about more than just a party.

  He ran his thumb across her cheek. “If he likes you enough, he’ll still like you on Monday, whether you go to his party or not.”

  Sasha stared at him in disbelief. “No he won’t! He’ll think I’m just a kid.”

  Josh sighed. “Well, if he thinks that, then he’s not worth it, right?”

  She jerked her hand from his and stomped her way to the dishwasher, shaking her head in that “are you really such an idiot?” way. “You don’t understand anything!” she shouted, escaping to her bedroom.

  Josh remained at the table and forced down a mouthful of cold coffee. His daughter was 100 percent correct. On the subject of preteen girls, Josh understood nothing.

  ANXIOUS NIGHTMARES and a sackload of aching muscles clouded Michael’s sleep. He battled to ignore the craving for a shot or two from Katie’s well-stocked bar to take the edge off. Instead he pondered how his well-ordered life had descended into such chaos over the course of one week. Of course, that included Josh. It baffled him how he became this pathetic, needy man whenever the other guy was around. He didn’t bottom, and he didn’t do sweet and caring. Not anymore, not for a long time. End. Of. Story.

  His body had fidgeted until close to 4:00 a.m., when he finally managed to sink into something resembling sleep. When he woke, the bruising was at its worst, fifty shades of green and blue. Every bone and joint in his body protested the attack, not to mention the physical workout Josh had put him through between the sheets. He fought a smile at the thought of the man and lost.

  His ass still flinched at the stretch a little, but Michael didn’t mind that particular sting as much as he thought he should. Not that he’d admit that to the other man, and he had no intention of revisiting that particular scenario until they’d reversed roles. Josh had a fine ass, deserving of all kinds of closer inspection, and Michael was just the man to do it.

  A text came in at eight thirty to say Josh would be at Katie’s by nine but nothing more. Michael secretly hoped they’d be horizontal by nine fifteen and decided to opt on the side of caution. He showered and breakfasted in a record fifteen minutes, somewhat disturbed by his enthusiasm, but willing to ignore it for the sake of efficiency.

  He intended to head to the hospital later that morning; he might not be fit for doctoring, but he could make a dent in the backlog of paperwork spilling across his desk. Then he was to meet Mark and finish looking through their photo files. He’d be lying to say he wasn’t a little nervous about that, but he’d be damned if he’d be scared off.

  Scratching at the back door quickly gave way to nails flailing on the hall tiles as Paris made his way into the house and launched himself at Michael. At least someone was pleased to see him. Michael dropped to the floor, ignoring his aching joints, to let the dog run circles around him.

  “Hello to you too, gorgeous,” he said, scruffing the shepherd’s neck and planting a kiss on the mutt’s forehead. “Yeah, I love you too.”

  He sensed the minute Josh entered the kitchen, his freshly showered citrus-and-spice cologne instantly messing with Michael’s dick. He said nothing straight off, no need to appear too excited to see the guy after all, and instead bundled the shepherd into the backyard.

  “There’s a treat out there if you can find it,” Michael told the animal, sliding the glass door shut and smiled as Paris planted his nose to the ground and took off. “Smart dog.”

  Warm breath fanned out across his neck, and arms slid tight around his waist. Goddammit. The guy had ninja skills.

  “He can smell it a mile off.” Josh hummed against his back. “You’ll spoil him.”

  Michael leaned back into the contact. “I like to spoil my men.” Ugh. Where did that sap come from?

  A pair of lips pressed to his shoulder, nipping and nuzzling a line up to his jaw,
and a hand slid under his shirt. Michael’s cock was granite in an instant. Christ. He had no control around this guy.

  He rocked back, relishing the unmistakable interest he felt in Josh’s groin, and Josh locked his teeth on Michael’s shoulder in reply. The sensation shot straight to Michael’s dick. “Miss breakfast, did we?” he teased, angling his neck to give him better access.

  Josh’s fingers found a nipple while the other hand wrapped around Michael’s dick and…. Fuck. If he didn’t get some breathing room soon, it was gonna be all over before the fat lady even got dressed, let alone sang.

  He twisted to face Josh, hands on the other man’s chest. “Whoa there, mister. I’ve got a reputation to uphold that doesn’t include creaming myself in ten seconds flat. Arrogant asshole, remember?” He planted a firm kiss on Josh’s lips.

  Josh grinned. “I remember.”

  Michael stole another kiss, then another. “Yum. And good morning to you too.”

  Josh grabbed his hips and slammed their groins together, his tongue sliding through Michael’s lips to claim his mouth. Alrighty then. He was clearly on a mission, and Michael had no problem with that.

  “Mmm,” he purred, somewhat embarrassed by the sound. Then he pushed Josh away just enough to put some air between their bodies while still resting their foreheads together. The blistering heat in Josh’s gaze sent a shiver straight through him.

  “Cold?” Josh smirked, arching his hips to rub up against Michael.

  Michael was so close to shooting his load he had to count backwards from fifty, so he pushed Josh away, again, this time planting his hands on those broad shoulders to keep him in place.

  “Time out,” he blustered. “Or I’m going to embarrass myself, again.”

  Josh cocked an eyebrow, his gaze taking in Michael’s tented sweats. “I could help with that. We’re trained to serve, after all.”

  Fucking hell. All the lustful attention should’ve had Michael feeling right at home, should’ve had him messing with Josh’s blatant desire, but for some reason he felt more vulnerable than he had in a long time.

  He scooted into the kitchen, putting the breakfast bar between them for good measure. Josh grinned, wicked and delicious, and Michael groaned. Oh, for fuck’s sake. He held up a hand.

  “Believe me,” he said, “I look forward to being ‘served.’ I really, really do. But perhaps we could discuss our plans for the rest of the day first?”

  “Having trouble keeping up, are we?” Josh smirked.

  Michael just rolled his eyes.

  “Okay, message received.” Josh was clearly trying to keep a straight face and losing. “Our plans, then.” He leaned his elbows on the breakfast bar, his gaze slamming into Michael’s with heated intent. “Well, my plan is to have your arse naked in under a minute and fucked senseless until you can’t remember your name, shortly thereafter. You got a better one?”

  Holy ever-living hell. Michael’s jaw fell open and his brain packed its bags and headed south to visit its cousin. How the fuck did this man own Michael so easily without even breaking a sweat? They only had to share the same space for a few minutes, and Michael was cowering behind a damn breakfast bar with a raging hard-on. It was some evil, witch shit, for sure. The guy played havoc with Michael’s equilibrium. Aware he was still staring, Michael slammed his gaping mouth shut and tried to thread a few thoughts together.

  “Ah… yeah—” Jesus, get a grip. He cleared his throat and rolled out his best leer. “Well, since you put it that way… I’d of course be happy to take the advice of one of our ‘boys in blue.’ Or a version of his plan, at any rate.”

  Josh raised a brow. “A version?”

  Michael answered with a smirk. “You heard me. A version. But I need to be at the hospital by ten thirty.”

  Josh frowned. “You sure going to work is a good idea? How’s the bruising? Nice shiner, by the way.”

  Michael rolled his eyes. “Bruising is fine.” He scowled and stabbed a finger at the other man. “Not that you seemed overly concerned about it yesterday. It appears I can be fucked senseless with no concern, but doing a bit of paperwork is a bad idea?”

  Josh blushed, and oh my living Lord the man was delicious.

  “Point taken,” Josh said, and a flicker of guilt crossed his face.

  “It was fine,” Michael reassured him. “More than, as you well know. But I’m not gonna just sit here and twiddle my thumbs. I was going to go to the funeral, but I’m guessing you’d say that wouldn’t be smart.”

  “Bang on,” Josh agreed.

  “Figured. Besides, there’s paperwork I can do even if I can’t cover the shift. And I’m meeting with Mark to go through those headshots.”

  Josh stiffened. “Well, I wouldn’t expect the man himself, they’re pretty busy.” He sniffed. “He’ll have organised some admin guy to hold your hand.” He pushed off the breakfast bar and turned to check on Paris.

  Huh. Michael smiled, sensing a subtle shift in the delicate balance of power between them. “Nah,” he replied innocently. “He said to text when I got there, and we’d grab a coffee first, maybe a late lunch.” Not actually what the man said, but what the hell. This was proving fun. He watched as Josh chewed on his bottom lip, still pretending to look at his dog.

  Michael added, “He’s a nice guy. Kind of cute, actually.”

  Josh’s gaze flicked back to Michael, his eyes dark. “Wouldn’t have thought he was your type.”

  Michael kept a straight face. “Wouldn’t have said you were either.” Liar. “And yet here we are….” He never got to finish the sentence before Josh had him crowded him up against the bench, caging him like prey.

  “Enough talk.” Josh’s voice grew thick.

  A thrill ran the length of Michael’s body. Just being in kissing distance of Josh flipped every one of his switches. The man was like a fucking tuning fork that Michael’s body immediately aligned with.

  He pressed his lips to Michael’s, his tongue flicking along the crease. “So, are we doing this?” he breathed, nipping Michael’s bottom lip. “Or are we just gonna fucking plan it all morning?”

  Michael reached between them and cupped Josh’s balls and Josh arched into the contact with a groan. “Well, you know what they say, officer,” he purred, “failing to plan, is planning to fail.” He undid the top button on Josh’s jeans and slipped his hand inside to wrap around the man’s thick cock.

  “Mmm,” Josh hummed happily. “You know what else they say?” He breathed the question into Michael’s mouth. “Overplanning kills the magic. So how about we just make some fucking magic, already.” His tongue became more demanding, teeth nipping at Michael’s lips, hands holding him exactly where Josh wanted him. He kissed down Michael’s throat to the dip in the centre of its base where he paused a few seconds to nibble.

  “Mmm,” Michael groaned, inviting more, lots, lots more. “Not to labour the point,” he murmured, “but ten thirty, remember?”

  Josh nodded as he continued to nibble.

  “And about your plan,” Michael lifted Josh’s chin with a wicked smile. “I have a slight amendment to make.”

  Josh’s eyebrows twitched in amusement. “An amendment?”

  Michael grinned. “Yes. I do believe, according to our contract, that it’s my turn to fuck you senseless, officer.”

  Josh’s pupils blew, and his eyes turned chocolate black. He captured Michael’s lips and kissed him hard. “Then, need I remind you, doctor, you’re on the clock.” He stepped back and spread his hands. “Have at it.”

  Michael needed no further encouragement. He shoved Josh into the dining room and up against the table, pulling at the man’s jeans. “Get them off, wolf-man. Now,” he growled.

  Josh was out of his jeans in a second, kicking them aside before hauling Michael closer, careful to avoid his injuries. He grabbed the hem of Michael’s tee and had it off just as fast, running his hands over Michael’s chest, grazing his nipples one at a time. Capturing each one in his mouth, he t
ugged gently while his other hand trailed south.

  “Fuck,” Michael hissed, throwing his head back. Somehow Josh was running this damn thing… again.

  “You’re way overdressed,” Josh murmured, dragging Michael’s sweats down to wrap a hand around his cock. “Damn.” He ran a fingertip over Michael’s flared crown. “Do you ever wear underwear?” He held out the finger wet with precum, and Michael took it in his mouth, keeping his eyes locked on Josh as he sucked and tasted himself.

  Josh’s pupils went wide. “Fuck me.”

  Michael smirked. “That’s the idea.” He pushed Josh away and stepped out of his sweats before peeling Josh’s shirt over his head.

  They took a few seconds to appreciate each other before coming together again, Josh wrapping his arm around Michael’s hips, spinning to reverse their positions and trap him against the table. Then he brought their dicks together in a rough-and-ready grind, fingers grazing Michael’s ass, sliding into the crease. The man was a freaking octopus. Michael shifted his weight and spun them both back to where they started.

  “What part of ‘my turn’ wasn’t clear to you, wolf-man?” He sucked on Josh’s lower lip before delivering a sharp nip.

  Josh hissed in a breath. “Ow.”

  “Good. Now, pay attention.” He sank to his knees, ignoring the brief stab of pain, and took Josh’s cock in a single swallow, delivering it hard to the back of his throat.

  “Ugh.” Josh fisted his hair and thrust lightly into his mouth.

  Nuh-uh, sunshine. Michael enjoyed being face-fucked by the right guy, but he wasn’t about to cede his fragile grip on control just yet. He grabbed Josh by the hips and held him still as he slid his tongue up and down the length of his shaft and over the crown. Then he worked his balls, tugging gently and nuzzling deep into Josh’s groin. He hummed as he worked, the sound vibrating through Josh’s cock.

  Unintelligible murmurings reassured him he was on track, and Josh squirmed under the barrage of sensation. His hands were now loose around Michael’s head, tunneling through his hair. Then one slid under Michael’s chin, raising it until they locked eyes.


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