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The Escape: A One of the Boys Novel

Page 6

by Crumpton, Teresa

  Damn, I love that woman, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think she was the dominate in the relationship and not the switch. I chuckle at the thought of Wes as a sub. He’d kick my ass if I told him that.

  Me: Thanks for the offer, Calla, but I’d rather not see him moping around with you not there, so I’ll take a raincheck.

  Calla: Suit yourself. If you need to go back tomorrow, let us know early, and I’ll try not to kill us in the kitchen. We were slammed tonight. From what Adam and Nessa told us before they headed home, there was a lot of talk about The Escape during service.

  Me: Fuck, that’s awesome! I’ll check in with them tomorrow, and I’ll keep you posted.

  Wes: Dude stop flirting with my wife.

  Me: You’re not married yet. You haven’t even set a date. I can flirt with her all I want.

  Wes: Fuck you.

  Trey: Just get your ass over here. I think your subbie just walked in.

  Me: I dropped the one I had been playing with before Christmas.

  Trey: Well that explains why I just saw her go upstairs with someone else. Still...get your ass here.

  Me: On my way.

  Pushing my chair back, I rise and step around my desk, grabbing my keys from behind me and my suit jacket from the back of one of the extra chairs in my office as I head out and close the door. As I exit the corridors and club, I try to acknowledge the staff that pass me as I leave. I have one foot out the door when I hear my name being called. Turning, I come face to chest with Teagan.

  “You leaving early?” she asks.

  “Yes. Sorry, I was going to text you once I got outside,” I explain, needing to leave before I do something crazy. Well, crazier than telling her how fucking hot she looks in that dress. Again. I really want to rip the damn thing off her and have her spread-eagle across my bed wearing only those stilettos heels.

  I shake myself out of those thoughts and try to focus on what Teagan is actually saying.

  “I understand. If it wasn’t opening night, I’d want to duck out too. Go relax. We had a great night. I’ll send you the numbers before I leave.” She bites her lower lip. It’s sexy as hell, and I’d rather be the one doing it.

  “We can go over the numbers tomorrow. I’m going to meet Trey for a drink at a club we frequent.” I rock back on my heels to get a little distance from her.

  “So you’re heading to Crave?” she inquires, and I do a double take.

  How does she know about Crave? Is she in the lifestyle? Have I seen her there and not realized it?

  “You know about Crave?” I need to know more. My questions sit on the tip of my tongue.

  “I do.” Two words. That’s all she gives me, and I want to scream.

  “Have you been inside?”

  “I have.” She doesn’t give anything away, but now I have answers. She’s at least curious about the lifestyle. I can work with that. Now, my curiosity is focused on her, and all her limits––both hard and soft.

  “Maybe I’ll see you there. That is, if you feel like playing. ‘Night Teagan.” Her mouth drops open slightly as I step way and make my way to Crave.

  Did I really just invite Teagan to Crave? I must be losing it. Fuck me!

  Even at midnight, with pedestrians milling around in the warehouse district, it doesn’t take me long to get over to Crave. Most of the foot traffic is heading for the parking garage or to the corners to make things easier for their Uber drivers. And with Crave only a ten-minute walk from The Escape, I’m walking through the doors within no time.

  The guard at the door gives me his normal head nod greeting as his partner, a new kid by the look of it, opens the entrance door, allowing me access to the members only area. Only members know about this entrance. Everyone else has a different way into Crave. From this vantage point, as I scan the room, I can see everyone, including Trey off in a corner booth. That is the beauty of this entrance. You can truly see who’s here to play as soon as you step foot inside.

  Crave, unlike other clubs, doesn’t open its doors until ten o’clock, and for its members, it stays open really late. It’s not like it’s easy to get your freak on within a time limit. And tonight, I definitely need to get my freak on. As I head for Trey, one of the scantily clad subies passes by with a tray of champagne. I take a glass and keep moving.

  “Hey, man. How’s the pickin’ looking tonight? Anyone of interest?” I ask as I step up to Trey’s booth.

  “Not really,” he answers, and I slide onto the seat across from him. “I’m staying a little longer, but I’m beat.”

  “I understand. Thanks for staying...even for a little bit. Have a drink with me then head out,” I offer, taking a sip from my glass.

  Trey raises his hand, and the subie heads our way with her tray. She sashays as she moves in our direction, as most subies do when wanting attention. Little does she know, she’s barking up the wrong tree with Trey, and while I normally will go for just about any sub, right now, I’m craving a short, feisty redhead.

  “Thanks, doll,” Trey says as he takes one of the flutes from the tray.

  The sub pouts as she saunters off.

  “So, what brings you out of your shell tonight?” Trey studies me. “Or should I even ask? I think I have a pretty good idea what––or should I say who––is turning you into knots.”

  “And you’d be right. She had on this tight cocktail dress tonight, and I wanted to rip it off of her. To make matters worse, Scotty, one of my security guys, made a comment, and I wanted to take his head off. Mind you, he doesn’t swing that way, but he was flirting like he does with everyone, and I about lost my shit.”

  “That begs the you really think having just anyone is going to help?” he questions, taking a drink of his champagne as he watches me.

  I swear he can read people like a book. At least he can when it comes to his friends, and it’s fucking freaky as hell. Wes warned me. Trey sees way too much.

  “You’ll love this. Teagan comes here occasionally, and dumbass me invited her tonight.”

  “Holy shit you didn’t?” Trey chuckles. “Now that’s some crazy assed shit Wes would do. Though, at least you’re not telling her to go fuck someone else.”

  “You know, one of these days you’re going to get bitten again, and then we’ll get to fuck with you.”

  “Touché, my friend. Touché. When that day comes, I’ll gladly take all the shit y’all want to give me. But I don’t foresee it happening anytime soon,” he admits, holding up his glass and clinking it with mine.

  Finishing his champagne, he places the empty on the table and slides out from behind the booth.

  “Night, my friend. Don’t do anything stupid while you’re here,” he warns as he heads toward the exit.

  Toasting my friend one last time, I bid him goodnight and a safe journey home, and I finish my drink. As soon as I set down my glass, one of the male subs comes to clear the table.

  “Would you like anything else, sir?”

  “Yellow Spot. Neat, please,” I request, and he scurries off to fetch my drink. That’s when I spot her entrance from the other side of the room. The side non-members enter.

  It’s time to play....

  Chapter 11


  Every time I step inside Crave, it’s a new experience. Granted, I’ve only had a handful. And yes, I wanted to make Rex think I come here all the time. In reality, it’s only been a few times. I’m always catching glimpses of different demos, outfits, and how the seating area is set up that I didn’t notice on my first visit. What hasn’t changed is the black leather and chrome furnishing with the red accents, whether they are soft pillows, or curtains that provide the idea of privacy when, in all actuality, they’re sheer. Which, of course, is great for their exhibitionist and voyeur clientele. Everything was created to set the mood and to indulge your appetite––whatever that might be. Or so I’ve been told.

  I’ve never actually seen the playrooms, at least not here at Crave. So far, no one
has interested me, and I have a very particular taste. At the club I used to belong to, I helped train the newbies, and from time to time, I did a few demos with some of the doms I trusted, though those were few and far between. I’ve never fully trusted a dom enough to give them the power they crave. Losing control is not an option. At least not for me. And yet––I’m here.

  Why the hell did I show up?

  Because I didn’t think he’d actually ask me to come out. Even after our kiss on New Year’s Eve, he went home with someone else.

  So why does he want me here now? Better yet...why do I want to be here with him?

  From the corner of my eye, I notice Rex sitting in one of the booths to my right, so I make my way to the bar. If we’re going to play this game, he can come after me. I’m not falling at his feet, no matter how sexy I find him.

  As I step up to the bar, the stool closest to me is vacated, and I slide onto it.

  “What can I get ya?” the bartender asks with a smile as he looks me up and down.

  “Irish Mule, thanks,” I reply, my eyes locked on his.

  “You new?” He grabs the Jameson bottle, preparing my drink as he makes small talk.

  “I’ve been here a time or two. Do I seem new?” I wonder as he places my drink in front of me.

  Picking it up, I take a sip.

  “Just curious,” he says as a hard body presses in close to me, and I turn my attention to the intruder.

  “Can I help you?” I ask a clean-cut guy who can’t be much older then myself, snark very evident in my tone.

  “Is that anyway to respond––”

  The bartender opens his mouth to respond to the asshole, but I cut him off.

  “First off, if you think for one minute that you have any control over me, you need to think again. I could eat you for breakfast. Secondly, I’m not interested in whatever you want. Go find someone else to play with.” I turn my attention back to the cute bartender, and the clean-cut guy gets the hint, muttering under his breath as he walks away.

  “Damn, girl!” The bartender holds out his hand in introduction. “I’m Justin.”

  I take his hand and shake. “Teagan.”

  “Teagan, do you work over at The Escape?”

  “I do. I’m the GM.”

  “I’ve been hearing great things since you took over. Not that The Escape has ever had issues, but the last GM didn’t have the best reputation. Plus a few of your co-workers are members,” Justin comments, nodding slightly in Rex’s direction.

  “It’s nice to know I’m doing something right,” I remark with a smile. “I have my suspicions about a few of the guys I work with. I knew Rex was a member. I’ve seen him here...and he’s the type.”

  Justin chuckles. “Yeah? What type is that?”

  “Oh, you know the type. He has presence. All eyes follow him, and it’s not just because he has a pretty face. He’s a dom.”

  “You got that right––on all counts. So what about you? Have you fallen for his charm?” Justin asks me.

  “Did you?” I pose the question, and Justin winks. “Let’s just say I’m on the fence when it comes to Mr. Honeycutt.”

  “That’s what happens when you’re interested in someone that drives you crazy. Trust me. I’ve been there. It’s not easy, and it really sucks.” Justin commiserates, passing over another drink and shooing me off.

  “I guess that’s my cue,” I quip.

  “What’s your cue?” The deep timber of the man I want to hate’s voice sends butterflies scattering in my belly.

  Swirling around on my stool, I come face to chest with Rex. My eyes roam up his torso, until I meet his smoldering eyes.

  “That’s between Justin and me. It’s none of you business,” I tell him.

  “We’ll see about that. Let’s go have a drink and discuss some things.” He holds out his hand to help me off of my stool. When I’m on my feet, he picks up two drinks from the bar with one hand as his other rests on my lower back.

  “So demanding. I might work for you, but that doesn’t mean I’m yours,” I retort but keep moving.

  “I know,” he agrees as we make our way over to the booth he’d been occupying.

  The rest of our short walk is silent, except for the murmured conversations we pass and the low hum of Principles of Lust by Enigma. Between the heat radiating from his hand and the sexual music, I’m getting turned on. Though it could also have something to do with a few of the sexual acts happening around the room, as well. I do like to see a dom at work, and there are a couple handling their subs around the room for others to see.

  When we get to the booth and I slide in, I understand why Rex choose this spot. He can practically see everyone in the room from here, and I’m guessing he also likes to watch. Adjusting his pants, he slides in next to me, close enough to touch if he wants but keeping the illusion that he’s not.

  “Do you see anything you like?” he asks, almost whispering.

  “I do,” I admit, taking my drink and sipping the whiskey. The burn of the alcohol sliding down the back of my throat adds fuel to the warmth building in my core.

  Being here and being what I am, I’m tempted to take what I want, even if it’s only for tonight. But Rex has to have control, and I’m not so sure I can give him what he wants and still take what I need.

  “Tell me. What is it that turns you on? What do you want?” His eyes never meet mine as he watches those around us.

  “If I tell you, what do you think is going to happen? You’re smart, so I know you don’t think I’ll fall into one of these rooms with you. And we can’t overlook the fact that you’re a dom, and while I am a switch, my tendances fall on the dominant side, as well,” I respond, the butterflies in my stomach slowly losing their flutter.

  “What I’m going to propose is not something I’ve ever done before. In fact, it goes against what I want. But for you, I’m willing to take the chance,” he admits, turning to face me, his eyes boring into mine.

  “I’m listening,” I encourage, my mouth watering. I swallow hard, fighting the urge to kiss him again.

  “I propose we explore each other’s kinks for one night, and one night only. We get this desire out of our systems so neither of us loses our shit at work. Tonight, we put all of our wants, needs, likes, and dislikes on the table, and Monday night, we fulfill all of them the safety of Crave.”

  I drain my whiskey in one final gulp. Did he really just ask to have me for one night?

  “You really think one night will work? That you’ll have me out of your system that quickly?” I laugh humorlessly. “Damn, you must not think I’m that good. I’ll let you in on a secret, I’ve trained subs. Hell, I’ve even trained a few doms too, so trust me. It won’t be that easy.”

  “I don’t expect it to be easy, but as you said, I’m a dom, and you’re a dominant switch. That makes things a little troublesome. Wouldn’t you agree?” he asks, watching me as I lean back in the booth and think about his proposal.

  Rex brought up a lot of good points. And honestly, how can I not take him up on his offer? One night, no strings attached, and I get to have him. I’d be stupid not to take this opportunity. Wouldn’t I?

  Am I willing to tell him all my darkest desires and give him the opportunity to try to fulfill them? If I let him have control, will he use it against me? Will we be able to work together after? And more importantly, can he put me into subspace?

  “If I say yes to this, can you promise nothing will change as far as our working relationship? I love my job, and I certainly don’t want to jeopardize it,” I say, glancing away from him to watch a couple at a table across the way with their curtain closed.

  The barrier just adds to the appeal and lust permeating the room as the woman lays across the table, her head hanging off the edge while the guy has her legs spread open feasting on her. The scene is fucking hot, and it only gets sexier as another man walks through the curtain, unzips his pants, and dangles his growing cock at her mouth.

>   As she takes his cock, I make my decision.

  “Yes,” I tell him, and my core starts to ache at the anticipation of waiting to have him and being used by him.

  “Are you sure?” he confirms, following my line of sight. “While I have been known to share, I won’t share you. Not even if you beg for it.”

  I whip my head back, locking my eyes with his. “Don’t worry. I won’t ask that, or even beg for it,” I respond. “And while it’s hot as fuck, that takes away too much control for my liking.”

  “Why don’t I get us a bottle of something to enjoy while we discuss our expectations. What would you like?” He’s playing with a few strands of my long hair.

  “How ‘bout a bottle of Prosecco?” Before I even finish my thought, Rex’s is gesturing one of the subs working as a cocktail waitress over to our table with his hand. He places our order and takes two flutes from her tray, passing one to me and keeping the other.

  Eyeing Rex, I take a sip, allowing the bubbles to add to the allure of the atmosphere. Neither of us says a word until the bottle of sparkling wine arrives, and Rex closes the red curtains surrounding our table, giving the illusion of privacy. And for the most part, it does cut people off from trying to eavesdrop on our conversation. Besides, the patrons of Crave want a show, and tonight, they won’t be getting one from us.

  “Limits, likes, dislikes, and most importantly...desires,” Rex states, turning his focus on me.

  It’s subtle, but it’s obvious to me that his body is buzzing with the need to touch as we have this discussion, but he holds himself back. Just barely. His leg rubs up against mine, and his arm rests atop the back of the booth. I shift in my seat so my body is turned toward him, giving Rex my full attention.

  Taking another sip, I spill my secrets. “I only have four hard limits. Everything else is free reign.” I watch his eyes darken with interest.

  “What are those four hard limits?”

  “Knives, needles, odd bodily fluids, and gags.” And with that small list, he knows everything he could possibly need or want to know for our playdate. In return, he holds nothing back, as well.


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