When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 6

by Olivia Rose

  "Tiger really is a fitting name for you. Enjoy your cat nap?" He chuckles.

  "I did not sleep, I just got reallll comfy," I protest.

  "Your snores said otherwise."

  "I do NOT snore!" I say, horrified. I mean I hope I don't. Please, God, no.

  "It's cute. Kinda like a purr," he teases.

  "Oh, shut up, you brute, I do not!" I say, swatting his arm.

  "Violent too, I'll have to remember to keep those claws in check."

  "Oh my god, I'm going now," I say, opening the door.

  "Night, kitten."

  "Night, asshole," I say, slamming the door shut. I can hear him laughing as I walk up the driveway. I send him the finger, laughing as I open the front door. He's still laughing as he restarts the car, letting the engine turn until I'm safely inside.

  "Fun night?"

  "Holy shit!" I squeak, holding my heart.

  "I scare you?" Monica asks with a childish glint.

  "Something like that. What are you still doing up? It's gone one."

  "Couldn't sleep. Soooo, did you have fun?"

  "It was quite possibly the best night of my life. Bar none." I sigh, dropping down onto the sofa beside her, taking a spoonful of her ice cream.

  "I'm glad to hear it. Evan dropped by tonight..." Monica says with disdain. I really don't get why everyone has such a problem with him, I mean, yes, he can be a jerk sometimes, but it's not like he's a bad person.

  "He didn't seem happy at all when I said you were out with a boy; who I'm assuming from the cuss words he threw around is called Mason?"

  "That's right. I don't get his problem with Mason, it's weird; but anyway, can we reconvene in the morning? I'm wiped."

  "Sure thing, honey. Goodnight."

  "Night, Mon."

  I make my way up the stairs with a smile on my face, before falling face first on to my bed.


  I wake up the next morning with a smile still on my face. It's early when my alarm goes off, and I'm shattered, but it was totally worth it. I hear my laptop ringing from across the room. I look over to see Scottie's face staring at me. Throwing off the covers, I pad across the room and grab it before getting back into bed.

  "Morning," I yawn.

  "Hey, bitch. Why are you so sleepy?"

  "Late night. You okay?" I ask, pulling the comforter around my shoulders.

  "Late night? You? Huh?"

  "I went to a Jaded Hearts gig with Mason," I tell her casually, trying to play it down, because 3... 2... 1...

  "HOLYSHITOHMYGODWHATDOYOUMEANTELLMEEVERYTHING!" she gushes without taking a breath and I can't help but laugh. She always makes me laugh.

  "This is no time to laugh at me, Erin Michaels! Don't you dare hold out on me!"

  "What? There's not much to tell. He invited me to the gig after we went out last weekend. We talked about our epic love for Jaded Hearts, then he surprised me with tickets yesterday. Nothing major."

  "Nothing major, my fucking ass! This is HUGE! You went out, and not just out... out with the new hot guy in town!"

  "Stop it, he's just my friend. I mean, he kissed me, but we're just friends."

  "Shut the front fucking door! He kissed you? These are important details; I demand to know abso-fucking-lutely everything!"

  "You're such a potty mouth, you know that, right?"


  I sigh and fill her in on the night, before she ends the call. She wasn't able to come for cupcakes this morning as she had something to do in Austin. Not that there's much more to tell her, because like I said, it really was no big deal. Except, he kissed me. After saying he's not going to push me...

  I push the thoughts to the back of my brain. I can't focus on all that right now, not when Evan is stood at my bedroom window again. I roll my eyes and make my excuses to Scottie before opening the window.

  "You could knock on the front door like civilized people, you know? Or don't you want people knowing I'm your dirty little secret?"

  "Seriously? Already, Erin? I just got here."

  "Yeah, well, when you only talk to me in private, what am I meant to think? What do you want?"

  "I came to check in on you. Monica said you were out last night, with Mason? He's not a good guy. You need to steer clear of him."

  "That's real funny, 'cause it's what everyone keeps saying to me about you too, Evan."

  "I'm being serious, Erin. He's been telling people at school he's only hanging out with you because you sucked his dick real good, and he's just waiting for you to put out."

  "Shut your face, Evan. Mason wouldn't say something like that."

  "Are you sure about that? Because I heard it from Tommy, just after he was speaking to Mason. The other guys on the team said they'd heard it too. I'm just trying to look out for you."

  "Well, maybe I don't want you looking out for me. You don't seem to have a stellar reputation for good judgment—I mean, look at your goddamn girlfriend. You said you'd speak to her, get her off my case, but her and her flunkies destroyed my clothes yesterday after gym. Maybe you should just leave me the hell alone, Evan," I say, panting with anger. I don't remember ever feeling this angry. Maybe it's the humiliation of what he told me, but I don't believe it. Mason isn't that sort of guy.

  "You hardly know the guy, Erin."

  "GET OUT!" I scream, grabbing the glass off my nightstand and throwing it at him.

  "Fucking hell! You've actually lost it," he screams, ducking the glass.

  Monica bursts in the room, and sees me about to burst into tears, the broken glass, and a raging Evan by my open window.

  "Evan, I suggest you leave, and think twice before coming back here. If I find you in here again, I'll be speaking to your parents. Now leave, through the front door, not the window, let's have a bit of grace," she tells him quietly, her anger just barely contained. She has no idea what's gone on, but she's instantly in my corner and on my side, and I love her for it. Evan storms past her, followed by the loud slamming of our front door.

  "That boy," she mutters, shaking her head. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

  "I'll be fine; he was just being a jerk."

  "Oh, honey, you can call him an asshole," she says, and I giggle. Hearing her cuss is weird. "Hey, I just call 'em as I see 'em!"

  She walks over and hugs me tightly. "Well if that's all, I'm going to go climb back into bed for a few hours. I'm exhausted."

  "Are you okay, Mon?" I ask. She looks really tired, and thin. How have I not noticed how thin she looks?

  "I'm fine, don't you worry that pretty little head. How about after I get in a few more z's, we go shopping? Stationery supplies, and all things book?"

  "Hell, yes!"

  "That's my girl, and there's that smile. Wake me up at eleven and we'll head out, okay?"

  "Sure thing, Mon. I can't wait."

  I LET OUT A LONG GROAN as soon as I wake. I really do not want to head in to school today. If it wasn't already bad enough, what with the whole Tegan and her shower 'joke', Evan is bound to be orchestrating some kind of revenge—and then there is Mason. Mason who kissed me. Kissed me!

  Evan's little bit of 'friendly information' infiltrates my moment of happiness. I really can't believe that Mason would say those things—not to those idiots, not at all. I've always prided myself on being a good judge of character... ha! Who am I kidding? If I was that good, then why the hell did I sleep with Evan? I let out another groan. My life is a mess.

  Struggling out of bed, I scrape together the most attention un-seeking outfit I can find, pulling my hair into a messy knot before packing my bag. I really should have had a shower, but one look at the clock told me that was a luxury I couldn't afford this morning. I promise myself a long, slow soak in the bath tonight; a reward for surviving what is promising to be a day full of shit.

  I survive the morning relatively unscathed, and I'm just beginning to relax when I see Mason heading down the corridor. It's pretty empty, and he's already seen me so there's no esc
aping. I take a deep breath and try to fight the blush creeping over my cheeks as my brain refuses to ignore the memory of his kiss.

  "Hey, tiger!" He says with an ear-splitting grin. "You okay?" He asks, his eyes running over my shambolic state.

  "Just great," I say, rolling my eyes. "Best day ever."

  "Whoa, what's the deal?" He says, side hugging me.

  I'd promised myself I wouldn't blurt everything out to Mason. That I was going to keep the whole thing between me and Evan far away from him. But I can practically hear the accusations chattering about in my head, and I know I'm losing the battle to keep them in.

  "Oh, it's nothing," I say, sighing. "Just the usual shit. You know what it's like."

  His face turns serious, and he looks at me with his brow raised. "Why don't you tell me what it's like?"

  I wriggle free from the weight of his arm. "It's really not worth talking about."

  He shrugs. "Okay, but if you do want to talk about it, I'm all ears," he says, taking my bag.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Carrying your bag for you?"


  "Because it's heavy."

  "I can carry my own bag," I say, trying to snatch it back. "Do you think I'm some loser who can't even carry my own bag? Do you think that kind of fake kindness fools me?"

  Mason stops in his tracks and looks at me like I'm deranged. He looks genuinely hurt and I know Evan is a shit-stirrer, and he's winning.

  "Hey, I don't know what's happened this morning, but: one, I was just carrying your bag because it looked heavy; and two, there's nothing—I mean nothing—about me being kind toward you that is fake anything. Why would you say that?"

  Shit, I've done it now, I think, screwing my eyes together. "I'm sorry," I mutter. "It's just..."

  At that moment, one of Evan's football boys walks by and greets Mason with an overdramatic, "Morning, Mason," followed by a nod and a wink in my direction.

  A hot wave of humiliation washes over me. God, Evan was fucking right on the money.

  "I've... I've got to go," I stammer, trying to escape before the tears let loose. I take back my bag and dash off in the other direction, ignoring Mason's calls after me.

  After a relaxing soak and an evening of self-care, I come to understand Evan has got exactly what he wanted. I've flipped out at Mason and now he thinks I'm a complete bitch. There had been nothing to suggest Evan's shit-stirring was true. I'd just completely overreacted to nothing more than the same-old, usual stupid, pathetic jock behavior. The look on Mason's face should have been enough to tell me everything I needed to know—he was a genuinely kind guy. It was just, I wasn't used to people like that; you know, kind.

  I go to bed thinking how I can make it right with Mason, but it isn't long before a message pings on my phone and I see Mason has beaten me to it.

  Mason: Just want to check you're okay. Know you had a bad day and I'm sorry if I made it worse. I'm here if you want to chat. If not, I'll see you tomorrow, tiger.

  I smile and feel the flutter in my stomach that has started to attach itself to thoughts of Mason. Fuck Evan! He's not going to ruin this for me.

  Me: I'm fine, just the normal crap got too much today. It got a bit overwhelming.

  Mason: Those bitches think they're so fucking extra LOL. Just remember, they're peaking in high school, and none of them are as beautiful as you, pretty girl. Now let me hear that tiger ROAR!

  Me: You did not just use the word extra like that. OMG! Who are you and what have you done with Mason? And I keep telling you, I'm no tiger.

  Mason: Grams was watching some drag queen show earlier, and absolutely howling at it, I might have caught some of it. If you tell anybody that, I'll have to kill you. For reals though, tigers are strong, fierce, and beautiful. You are definitely a tiger, even if you don't know it yet. You can handle those girls, and that dickwad, Evan. If he bothers you again, you let me know. I think it's about time he started to understand things are changing.

  Me: Thank you. Maybe I'm just a tiger cub for now, and as for Evan, I can handle him. I'm realizing that he really is just a pretty boy jerk.

  Mason: *fist pump* YES! At last the princess sees the frog for who he really is.

  I roll my eyes; this conversation is just getting ridiculous.

  Me: Well I suppose that makes you my knight in shining armor, huh?

  Mason: Nah, I'm not a fan of horses. I'm just the lesser evil, with a bigger heart.

  Me: You are no kind of evil, Mason. I should probably get some sleep, it's been a long day.

  Mason: Sweet dreams, pretty girl.

  IT'S BEEN A FEW WEEKS since I yelled at Evan, and for some reason, things have been eerily quiet. Well, other than this crazy friend-thing with Mason. Monica had her meeting with Mr. Hardman. I don't know if that's got anything to do with it, but whatever it is, I'll take it. These last few weeks have been bliss. In the quiet times, I wonder if they've moved on to torturing someone else, and I feel a little guilty for being happy, until I realize I deserve this happy. I've gone way too long without it, and I don't want to give it up any time soon. The hubbub about Mason seems to have died down too; he's just another guy at school now and not one more whisper of what Evan told me has passed me, so I guess I was right, he was just being an asshole. I mean, sure, Mason is friends with some of the guys on the team, but that doesn't mean anything.

  "Hey, friend," Scottie calls out as she leans against my locker. "We still on for tonight? Tacos and studying, the perfect combination."

  "You bet! I've been looking forward to these tacos all week."

  "Dude, it's only Tuesday," she laughs.

  "Exactly! Too long without tacos!"

  "Monica only made them on Thursday night, and oh my, those ridiculous cupcakes. How you aren't the size of a house astounds me."

  I shrug. I feel Mason come up behind me.

  "I keep her fit," he winks at her and she laughs.

  "Don't be a jackass," I say, blushing and swatting his leather covered arm. He sniggers at me.

  "Was that meant to hurt, tiger?" He murmurs.

  "That's it, Knight. Give it to her real good," Tommy yells as he walks past. Mason sends him the finger. Evan's voice niggles in my head but I quiet it. Mason's not that guy. Is he?

  THE DAY PASSES IN A daze and I can't rid myself of the voice in my head, which keeps saying Evan wasn't lying. I mean, he had no reason to, right? Did he? I push the palms of my hands against my eyes and try to push out the pain behind them. I should just ask Mason flat out. But what if he thinks I don't trust him? Fuck me, I hate Evan. Why did he have to say that shit? And why did Tommy have to talk smack earlier and bring it all to the front of my mind again. High school might only be seven hundred days, but I'll be damned if they're not seven hundred of the most ridiculous, unpredictable, turn-your-life-upside-down, days of your life.

  I make my way to my locker and see Mason already there waiting for me. I watch him leaning against the locker stand without a care in the world. Yes, he worries about his brother and his grams, and he works to help them get by, but other than that, he's just another kid.

  I'm walking toward him when I bump into someone and fall flat on my ass.

  "Sorry, Erin. I was trying to get your attention, but I guess you didn't see me," Evan says, holding out his hand to help me up. I scowl but accept the hand. I don't want to be sat on the dirty floor any longer than necessary.

  "Speaking to me in public now, Evan? What would Tegan say?"

  "She'd probably swear so much that Pastor Michaels would faint, but I needed to speak to you. Do you have a minute?" he asks sincerely. I look over his shoulder and see Mason looking over at us, a frown on his face.

  "Fine, but just one minute." I signal to Mason that I'm okay, and duck into the empty classroom with Evan. "What do you want?"

  "I just wanted to say sorry. I know you still don't believe me, and you're obviously tight with Mason, so I get it. I was just trying to look out for you. We've been friends

  "I wish everyone would stop 'looking out for me' and treating me like a goddamn child. And since when have we been friends forever? I thought we were, but now I actually have friends, I realize you were a real shitty friend, if you were even my friend at all. I was blinded by some silly little crush I had on you from like, six years old, and it was kind of pathetic."

  "Like I say, I'm sorry. I really do want to be your friend."

  "If you really want to be my friend, Evan, then show me proof. Don't just tell me. That saying 'actions speak louder than words', it's true."

  "I'll do better, be better. I miss talking to you."

  I roll my eyes at him and look at the clock. We've been in here way longer than a minute. Mason and Scottie are at the door, looking at me like I've lost my mind.

  "Is that everything? I've got somewhere I need to be."

  "You've changed, Erin," he says with a sad smile.

  "No, not really. You just didn't see me before."

  I walk away and leave him, joining my real friends; happy I'm finally able to be myself.

  FRIDAY ROLLS AROUND, and I've not seen Mason since Tuesday night. He's texted me a few times, but apparently, he's super sick and crazy contagious, so I've been ordered to stay away. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that. I roll my eyes so hard that I think they might stay that way.

  The week has been quiet, even with Tegan and her hit-squad starting to taunt me and Scottie again. I knew it wouldn't last, but I feel bad Scottie has been dragged into it again.

  "Dude, you are not going to believe this!" She says as she rocks up beside me on the quad.


  "Apparently, the fact that you slept with Evan over summer break is out, and Tegan is out for blood."

  I feel the blood drain from my face. How?

  "I'm so sorry this is happening, Erin. I want to squish that stupid bobble-head, but I have to be careful because of my dad's job. But this is all ridiculous, and just another excuse to make your life hell."

  "It's okay. It happened. I just can't believe Evan told her," I say, the shock washing over me. "He swore he wouldn't."


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