When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 9

by Olivia Rose

  "We should head out now, anyway. Let me just make the rounds and we'll get you back, okay?"

  "Sure," I smile, and he and Rico make their way into the crowd leaving me with Scottie.

  "Well, tonight definitely left an impression, that's for sure. I don't get any excitement like this in Rocky Falls," she chuckles.

  "How can you be so chill about it all?" I ask, still a little thrown.

  "Because nothing really happened. People came, talked some smack, and left. Hell, not even a punch was thrown, though I'd totally have put money on Mason and his crew. These boys are built. I mean, it's not like anyone pulled a gun, so I'm chill."

  "I guess you're right," I say, biting my lip.

  "Of course, I am. There's nothing to worry about, don't get lost inside your head about it."

  I take in what she said. She's right, nothing happened, not really. It could've been way worse. I shake it off and smile at her. Mason appears at my side again, taking my hand.

  I look down at our joined hands and I think about what he called me. My girl. My heart skips.

  "You guys ready to head out?"

  "Sure am, but can we grab a burger on the way back? I'm starving," Scottie announces before Rico lifts her over his shoulder and runs off with her toward the car.

  "You sure you're okay?" Mason asks as we head toward his car.

  "I am. Scottie defused the bomb inside my head so we're good. She's right, nothing really happened, just some heated words. It could've been worse."

  "It really could have been. I'm sorry I put you in danger like that. Joey and those guys—they're seriously bad news."

  "Were they your friends?"

  "I guess you could say that. No-one in those circles are friends, not really. You're either in or you're out; they don't do half measures. I was lucky Grams moved us when she did."

  "I'm really glad she did." I smile up at him and squeeze his hand.

  "Me too, tiger. I should get you back quickly; last thing I want is Monica on my case."

  "Well, erm," I say, looking at my feet. "She's kind of away for the night. If you wanted to come in or something?"

  He stops in front of me and lifts my face to look at him.

  "You don't need to hide from me, Erin. Ever. But you also don't need to rush this. Remember, I'm not going anywhere."

  "I know, I just thought it might be nice or something. I'd feel safer if you were there."

  "You'll always be safe if I'm around. Of course, I can stay. Just don't think I'm going to push you for anything you're not ready for," he says, leaning down close to me. I push myself into him and can feel how hard it is for him saying no right now.

  "Maybe I'm ready. Maybe I don't want to wait," I say, my voice wispy.

  He groans, taking my mouth with his. His hands are in my hair and he's devouring me. All thoughts but how good it feels to be pressed up against him leave my head.

  "Come on, lovebirds!" Rico yells out, breaking the spell and pulling us apart.

  "Fucking idiot," Mason grumbles, kissing me softly before pulling away fully and leading me to his car.

  We drive home, calling for a burger for Scottie, music playing, enjoying the trip. Rico chats away about all sorts of random crap that has us in hysterics. By the time we get home, it feels like I've known him forever.

  "You sure you want us to stay?" Mason asks me quietly as Rico and Scottie climb out of the car. I nod, biting down on my bottom lip, betraying my nerves. He might be right. I might not be ready for us to do anything, but I wasn't lying earlier, he makes me feel safe.

  "Okay, then," he says following me into the house.

  The butterflies in my stomach are doing the light fandango and I'm not sure this was a good idea after all. I mean, I've kind of just offered Mason the promise of a hot night, and in truth, I haven't really got an idea about what the hell I'm doing. I've only ever slept with Evan, and that was... well, let's just say, it wasn't how I thought it was going to be. It had left me feeling kind of... wrong.

  The touch of Mason's hand on my hip is enough to send skitters down my spine.

  "You want a drink, boys?" Scottie asks, heading to the fridge where she knows there will be the jug of homemade sweet tea Mon always has in the fridge.

  "Sure," Rico says, flopping down onto one of the sofas.

  Scottie returns handing a glass to Rico and joins him on the sofa. Some joke passes between them that I don't really hear. I'm knotting inside. Mason has taken his jacket off and it looks like he really is staying.

  Suddenly, Rico sees the battered edition of Monopoly on the bookshelves and lets out a squeal. "Monopoly! Oh, my god, I love that game. Who wants to play?"

  Scottie looks at me and flicks her brow.

  "Come on, guys, it will be fun!" he insists.

  "When has Monopoly ever been fun?" Scottie asks. "I'm sure I can think of far more fun things to do," she says pouting in Rico's direction while grabbing his hand and pulling him back onto the sofa. Within minutes, they're kissing the face off each other and Mason and I are stood there like complete idiots, trying not to blush.

  "Want to go out on the back porch for a while?" I ask.

  Mason cracks a grin. "Yeah, I think I would," he says walking by Rico and slapping him round the back of the head. "Be a gentleman. This is Monica's home, remember that!"

  "Uh huh," Rico replies during a short upcoming for air.

  Out on the porch, Mason sits down on the step, his glass of iced tea in his hand. It's a beautiful night and there is something completely captivating about the sight of Mason's back facing the dark of the woods beyond.

  "It's a beautiful night," Mason says, tilting his head up to the stars.

  "Yes, it certainly is," I reply, flopping down next to him and sloshing my tea over the rim of the glass.

  He smirks at me and I know he thinks I'm a total klutz but loves me for it. I'm wiping the tea from my jeans when he takes my hand.


  I turn to see he's got his serious face on again.

  "I meant what I said about taking your time. I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love to make love with you, right now, here on this porch," he sniggers before turning earnest again. "But it has to be right—for you, I mean."

  Hearing that phrase, 'make love' fall out from between Mason's lips has made me flush hot with embarrassment, but he doesn't seem flustered by it. He seems like we're having the most normal conversation in the world. It wasn't like that with Evan; there was no discussion, not like this. He just asked my permission and forged on ahead with getting his rocks off. I can tell that isn't Mason's style, and as if hearing my thoughts, he cups my cheek in his hand and pulls my forehead to his.

  "I want it to be special because you deserve it to be special, Erin. When I make love to you, I want you to meet me halfway. To share yourself, not just your body. I know that's a lot to ask, and I know that's going to take trust, so I'll wait until you're ready. I mean, really ready, to do that."

  As he's been talking, our lips have grown closer and the last few words are tracing my mouth, sending shivers scattering all over me. His breath is hot on my face, and the smell of him is like some kind of vaporous drug. My head is swimming, and it's only the strength of his hand holding my head that is keeping me from falling.

  I close my eyes and let the whole world shrink down into this single place. The place where Mason and I are kissing and nothing else matters. His fingers graze my scalp before moving down so that he can lift me onto his lap. He is all muscle and structure, and my body wants to press as deeply into it as it can. I feel the bulge in his trousers pressing between my legs, causing my body to betray me. God, how it wants Mason Knight—it's like a hunger I've never known. My hands run down his back, navigating the contours of his muscles, feeling the power of his bulk. His hands stroke the curves of my hip, his thumbs grazing the edges of my breasts, causing my nipples to tighten and my breath to catch.

  Sensing me tense, he moves his hand away and looks
at me. I smile before nibbling his bottom lip and falling back into his kiss, reassuring him he's okay. Clearly, it works because it's not long before his hands are back on the edges of my breasts and his thumbs are grazing my buds, swelling under my tee.

  "Erin," he breathes out my name, and he sounds in sweet agony. His laughter bubbles against my lips. "Erin, stop," he says, taking hold of my hips and adjusting me. "I need to stop," he says, nodding and pressing his lips together, a smirk appearing.

  "Why?" I ask, thinking something is suddenly wrong.

  He sees the flash of anxiety in my eyes and his eyes head downward to where the bulge in his trousers is practically straining at the stitches.

  "Oh," I say, blushing. "Sorry."

  "Ha, don't be sorry, tiger. Just... well, just give me a minute to calm the fuck down."

  I giggle and remove myself from his lap. I can't deny, I'm curious to see what's under the fabric—curious and mildly terrified all at the same time. There's also a part of me that is weirdly proud that it was me that did that to him. Suddenly, I feel a weird kind of power.

  We sit for a while, both basking in our own little bit of bliss. Mason Knight is truly the most incredible creature I have ever known.

  "I'm going in to rescue Rico from Scottie," I say, smiling as I jump to my feet.

  Really, I'm rescuing Mason from me, because I know if I stay here just a few more minutes, I'm going to have bundled him to the floor and ripped his clothes off before making love to him under the stars, and I really don't think that's a good idea—not yet.


  The smell of all things Thanksgiving drifts up to my room, and I sigh happily. Scottie and I stayed up late with Monica last night prepping everything, and after breakfast earlier she shooed us out of her kitchen. I swear it's her favorite time of the year. I can't remember the last time I felt this content.

  Scottie knocks at the door and opens it wide.

  "Come on. Let's go down and try to help. I feel so bad just sat up here now I'm dressed."

  "I know what you mean. I've just been lying here staring at my ceiling, but you've met Monica right? She's never letting us interfere with her cooking. I can't wait to see how she reacts to Mason's grams in her kitchen!" I laugh. A loud knock at the front door makes my heart race, because it means they're here. I rush past Scottie who just laughs at me. Reaching the front door, I smooth down the dress Monica and Scottie basically forced me into, and open the door to see Uncle Jamie stood in front of me holding a bottle of wine, surrounded by Mason, Parker, their grams, and Rico.

  "Oh well, wow, hey everyone. Come on in, please." Scottie bounds over and hugs Rico with a squeal, as Jamie gives Mason the side eye. Monica appears from the kitchen and hugs Jamie.

  "Monica, you know Mason. This is his grams, and his brother Parker. Oh, and his friend Rico."

  "I hope you don't mind the extra mouth, Monica, but this poor boy turned up on my porch this morning looking far too skinny." Grams says with a wide smile and wraps Monica in a hug. "I can already tell you're good people."

  Monica hugs her back and leads her and Jamie into the kitchen, leaving me with Mason and Parker, as Scottie and Rico commandeer the TV and put on the football.

  "Hey," I say shyly. All of a sudden this seems very real, with all of our people together under one roof, and I'm not really sure how to act.

  "Do you mind if I watch the game?" Parker asks sweetly and I shake my head letting him go.

  Mason puts his arms around me and pulls me in close, kissing the top of my head. "Hey, tiger."

  "So, how about you come and sit down with me, Mason, is it?" Jamie appears from the kitchen and stands behind me. I blush so hard at Jamie's blatant father role moment.

  "Sure thing, sir. Do you like football?"

  "Please, call me Jamie. And do I like football? Is the Pope Catholic?" He winks at me and grabs Mason's shoulder, leading him to the sofa which Scottie gets ousted from as the boys take it over.

  "I guess we should go and try to play referee in the kitchen. This much testosterone around a pig skin is way too much for me," Scottie rolls her eyes but smiles softly at Rico before dragging me into the kitchen which is filled with roaring laughter and I wonder what reality it is I'm living in today.

  We dive in and help Monica with the final pieces for dinner, then begin with the madness of setting the table and serving the dishes to the table.

  "Dinner's ready," Grams yells through to the living room and the four guys filter through to the dining table at the back of the kitchen, Jamie taking his spot at the head of the table by the turkey.

  "Wow, Monica. This looks amazing, thank you again for having us," Mason says as he hugs me from behind. I take his hand and lead him to the table. I sit between him and Monica, with his grams opposite us. Scottie and Rico sit next to her, with Parker squeezing in between Jamie and Mason.

  We bow our heads as Jamie leads grace, and then the table is filled with noise of chatter and cutlery on bowls and plates, while I sit back and enjoy what might just be my best Thanksgiving ever. I never thought I'd have a big family. I've always been content with just me, Monica, and Jamie, but I don't think I ever really appreciated the joy family can bring until this moment.

  "Are you okay, pretty girl?" Mason asks, and I nod my head, unable to speak with the depth of emotion flooding through me. He squeezes my hand reassuringly and I see both Monica and Grams notice each with a smile of their own.

  Dinner passes in a blur of mashed potatoes, turkey, and conversation. Talks of futures, college, Parker's dreams of football, and Mason's of travelling.

  "You want to travel, Mason?" Monica asks. "Anywhere in particular?"

  "I do, ma'am. I want to visit everywhere. The whole world has a new experience to offer, and I'd love to be able to see it all. Spend a year just travelling the world, road tripping, backpacking, and just experiencing all of the wonder that exists out there."

  "Wouldn't that be dangerous? Even if wonderful."

  "Maybe, but I've experienced my fair share of dangerous, and what I've learned is that even the darkness has light. You just need to look at it properly."

  "Our Mason was in with some bad people before we moved here, but we've all moved on from that now, and I have to say, I'm quite taken with the new friends he seems to have made," Grams says happily as she takes another bite of turkey.

  "Well, I'm glad to hear it. Now, how about you lovely ladies go and relax in the living room while us men tidy up in here before dessert?" Jamie says with a smile.

  "Now that is the best idea I've heard all day, young man." Grams chuckles and stands, taking her amber filled glass with her. I follow her with Monica and Scottie and get comfy in the loveseat in the corner of the room watching as the three of them giggle as they watch the drag queen show Gram's has put on the TV. I can't help but feel a sense of foreboding, that I shouldn't be this happy; but I think that's just years of Tegan's voice inside my head and I push it away. Today I get to be happy and I'm going to make the most of it.

  "I DON'T THINK I'M READY for tomorrow," I tell Mason.


  "You know, reality. I've had a whole week of no Tegan. No pop ups from Evan. It's just been you, me, Scottie, Rico, and just being happy. School's back tomorrow, and that means this happy bubble bursts."

  "It doesn't have to," he says, taking my hand and squeezing it.

  "What do you mean?" I say, skeptically.

  "I mean, you don't have to deal with Tegan and those bitches. I'm in your corner now, so is Scottie. There's power in numbers. We can either deal with it ourselves, or we can involve others and make it stop."

  "You'd do that for me?"

  "Erin, I'd take the moon from the sky for you if it was in my power, so dealing with some little high school bitches..." he shrugs. "I'd go to war for you, always." My heart flip flops at his words. I have no idea what I did to deserve Mason Knight, but I'll never regret the day he burst into my life and shook it all up.


  Monday morning rolls past so full of nothingness that I start to wonder why I was so nervous about coming back. Mason has barely left my side all morning, though he'd say it's because we share class, not because he's my new stalker/self-imposed bodyguard. Not that I'm complaining. Tegan hasn't even looked in my direction. It might be early in the day, but I'm not going to not be happy about it.

  In the cafeteria, I take the seat Mason has pulled out for me and sit with him and Scottie. I don't even remember the last time I ate in here. How lame is that? I sit and watch the world pass by in my happy bubble, until I hear a crash. I look up and see Josh Saunders face to face with Tommy. Josh is covered in spaghetti and sauce, and God knows what else. The rage on his face tells me Josh has had enough. Maybe I should try to reach out to him, seeing as I've been there.

  "What the hell is your problem, loser?" Tommy shouts. "Get the hell out of my way." He pushes Josh backward and I watch in horror as he slips on the mess on the floor then falls backward. Everyone starts to laugh, and no-one goes to help him... until Mason stands up. He walks toward Josh and helps him up from the floor and checks he's all right. Josh storms out of the room without even so much as a thank you. He's the same color red as the cafeteria chairs.

  "You need to stay out of it," Tommy says, getting into Mason's space.

  "Maybe it's you who needs to stay out of it, man," Mason says.

  His face changes and I see how he fit in with Joey and the thugs down at the beach. It's almost a complete transformation, as if his face structurally changes, and I'm mesmerized. The menacing stare on Mason's face is enough to chill my blood. If I didn't know him, he'd terrify me, and if I was Tommy, I'd probably piss myself. Tommy steps back from him, his hands raised, before signaling to the rest of the team to leave. And just like that, Mason makes hero status. I guess that's what he meant by going to war. He comes and sits back down beside me, and I lean over and kiss him.


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