When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 10

by Olivia Rose

  "Oh my god, dude!" Scottie hoots, giving him a high-five. "That was EPIC!"

  "You are amazing," I tell him softly.

  "It needed to be done. Guys like that can't keep thinking they run this place."

  "Well, that might be true, but no-one else has ever done what you just did. That takes some balls. Those guys like to work in packs; I just don't want you getting hurt."

  "I'll be fine," he reassures me. "Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours. My biggest worry is that it comes back on you."

  He looks me intensely in the eyes, one hand on my hair. "You need to tell me if anything happens."

  I nod at him. Then his head moves closer and he kisses me gently. I swear, it doesn't matter how or when he kisses me, it takes my breath away. Every. Single. Time.

  "I mean it, Erin."

  "Yes, caveman. Put that club away. You, protector. Me, helpless. I get it," I giggle.

  I always thought high school would be something I just survived, but with Mason around it's becoming more than that, and I'll never be able to thank him enough.

  "Too right. Me, Tarzan. You, Jane," he says, scratching his head like an orangutan, and I can't help but laugh.

  "Yeah, yeah. Okay, Tarzan, time for class," I say standing.

  He follows suit, picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

  "Oh my god, put me down!" I squeal.

  "Say please," he teases.

  I take in the rest of the cafeteria and see everybody—I mean, everybody—is looking at us and laughing. I'm dying up here. "Please?" I squeak. He puts me down slowly, before pulling me into him.

  "People are watching," I whisper.

  "So?" he murmurs, kissing me again, sweeping me away and leaving me breathless.

  "If you two are about done, I'm just going to puke in this bucket, then get to class." Scottie's voice filters in and I pull back from Mason, blushing.

  "We're done," I say and Mason laughs.

  "Oh, darlin', we've barely even started."

  THE REST OF THE WEEK passes without any major incidents, but I can't help but feel tense. Good times just don't happen for me. It feels like the calm before the storm.

  "Erin, how is it possible there is only three weeks until Christmas?"

  "Erm, do you want me to actually answer that?" I say to Monica, pulling on my boots, preparing to head to the mall with her.

  Last minute Christmas prep is totally our thing; though this year, I have more presents to buy than normal. Mason, Parker, and his grams are joining us again, so is Rico. Apparently, he usually stays with Mason, and after Thanksgiving, Monica was more than happy to have him with us.

  "We have so many people for Christmas this year; it's going to be amazing to have a house buzzing full of people. It's exactly what I would've wished for. I might have a guest coming, too," she tells me, before leaving the room.

  "Oh yeah? Anyone I know?" I question.

  "Not yet. Anyway, we'll see."

  "Okay. Secretive, but okay," I laugh.

  "You ready?" She asks. Her hair is thrown up in a messy bun, leggings are tucked into her boots, and an Aztec print dress swings around her thighs.

  "Sure am. You been dieting again, Mon? You look... skinnier than normal."

  "Ha! You're sweet; it's just the pattern on this dress. Or you know, all that extra exercise I've been getting." She winks at me and I stick my tongue out at her.

  "Gross," I laugh. "Let's just go shopping and not talk about your exercise, yeah?"

  "Sure thing, sweet pea!" she laughs, grabbing her car keys, and pushing me out of the door.

  The mall was insane, but we managed to get everything. I splashed out a little this year, but I know it'll be worth it.

  We pull into the drive and I see Mason's black Camaro waiting on the road. I climb out of the car, but don't see him.

  "She's too good for you, asshole!" I hear Evan shout from the back of the house.

  "You're just pissed because she picked me. You had your chance. Now get out of my face," Mason replies, his anger contained, his voice low.

  I walk around the corner of the house and see them stood in the alley between the two houses, facing off. Mason looks tightly wound, even with his back to me.

  "You're just getting my sloppy seconds anyway. You wanted a challenge, but guess what, I got there first. How sweet she tastes. Just admit it!" Evan shouts at him.

  "Dude, you've lost your goddamn mind. Erin is so much more than the sum of her mistakes," Mason says, turning and seeing me. His anger flares brighter and I step between them, with my back to Mason.

  "I have no idea what the hell this is, but it needs to stop. Right the hell now."

  "I'm not the coward here," Mason retorts. "You're the one who let your stupid bitch of a girlfriend use your phone to target your supposed friend. She needed stitches that night!" He roars.

  "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about!" Evan rears back to punch him, but he stumbles and I blink as I watch—as if in slow motion—his fist coming toward my face. The pain as he connects with my face is enough to make me want to pass out. Mason catches me, and makes sure I'm sat down safely before he jumps on Evan.

  "Boys! Stop this. Right now!" I hear Monica calling out to them, but I can still hear flesh connecting.

  "Mason," I groan. "Stop, please." I look over at them. Mason is on top of Evan, his fist repeatedly connecting with Evan's face. "Whatever it is, it's not worth it."

  I hear Evan groan as Mason climbs off him and comes to my side.

  "Erin, I'm sorry. I just saw red. Are you okay?"

  "I will be; I just need some ice, I think," I say, and he tucks his arms underneath me and carries me inside. My eye has started to swell shut, but I catch a glimpse of Evan limping into his house before the door closes behind us. Mason sits down on the sofa and pulls me onto his lap as Monica brings me a pack of peas wrapped in a towel.

  "This should help the swelling," she says, putting it against my eye. I hiss as it stings my face, but I apply pressure, knowing it will help.

  "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" I ask Mason, as Monica hovers about, fussing, making sure I'm okay.

  "It was nothing. He was being a jerk. He doesn't get to talk about you like that. It would have been fine if he hadn't hit you, but then I saw red. I've seen you hurt too much already. I don't want to see you hurt again, especially not when I could have prevented it."

  "It's done. It's just a little swollen and bruised," I sigh.

  It hurts like a bitch, but I'm not going to tell him that. Especially not right now. "What were you doing here anyway?"

  "I knew you were shopping with Monica. I was going to come and offer some muscle for the ungodly amount of shopping I'm sure you pair hauled," he says.

  I laugh. "Well, you'd be right about that. I thought Monica's car was going to die with all of the weight."

  "Well then, let me go and do that, and then I'll come back and check on you. You stay here, and don't move a muscle okay?" he says, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

  "I've got her, Mason. She's not moving, don't you worry. But your help with all the bags would be great. If you can just pop them in the kitchen, thank you."

  "Sure thing," he says, lifting me and putting my back down on the sofa, before walking out. I watch him through the window as he stares incredulously at the amount of bags in the small car. I laugh along with Monica.

  "He's a good boy, Erin... but his temper worries me," Monica says softly.

  "He didn't hurt me, Monica. It was Evan. And you can't tell me you wouldn't have done the same if you were him," I argue.

  "I guess you're right," she sighs. "You two might not have known each other long, but anyone with eyes can see that boy is head over heels in love with you," she says, stroking my hair. "Men like that don't come around too often, you hold on tight to him."

  I nod at her as Mason struggles through the door, loaded up with bags and rolling his eyes at me. Mason is fooling around
like some crazy clown and I wonder if Monica was right when she said he was in love with me.


  Christmas break rolls around, and the swelling and bruising on my eye has finally gone. Tegan, Chrissy, and Becca loved taunting me about it, but when they heard how I got it, they stopped, because God forbid, someone defend me the way Mason did. It caused something of a ceasefire though, and they steered clear of me and Scottie for the rest of the term.

  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and I'm finally helping Monica decorate our tree. Scottie volunteered to help, but all she's done so far is eat half of the popcorn for the popcorn string we're making.

  "You guys really go all out for Christmas, huh?" She asks, looking around at the house. I never thought it was over the top; Monica loves Christmas, so we've always made a big deal of it.

  "Yeah, we do. I love Christmas, and so does Monica."

  "Kudos. I wish we did. I mean, Mom and Dad try, but there are so many of us that the little ones come first, ya know?" Scottie says.

  She has four younger siblings, besides her twin Jake. I can't even imagine a house that full.

  "Well, we have more than enough if you guys want to join us, Scottie. The more the merrier," Monica says, beaming. "We already have guests coming, so please don't feel like you're intruding."

  "Erm, sure. I'll speak to my mom about it later."

  "Okay, sweetie. Let her know I'll call her tonight to work out the details." She smiles. "More hot chocolate, girls?"

  "Yes please," I say as she dances into the kitchen. Like I said, this is one of her favorite holidays.

  "Are you sure it would be okay?" Scottie asks me.

  "Oh yeah, Mon loves having a full house. It's rare it happens these days. She'll love it."

  "Awesome," she beams, before starting on her popcorn string again. This Christmas is going to be amazing.

  I'VE SPENT MOST OF my Christmas eve helping Monica prepare for dinner tomorrow and wrapping gifts. I love doing it; there's something calming about the precision of it all, tying the ribbon and fastening bows. Maybe I'm weird, but who cares. I get dressed ready for midnight mass. The one thing about Uncle Jamie being the local pastor... Midnight Mass is a must.

  I head downstairs to find Monica asleep on the sofa. I shake her awake gently.

  "Hey, sleepyhead. You ready?"

  "Sure am," she says, yawning and stretching out. "Been a long day!"

  "Sure has, let's go, then come back and sleep. We've got some time before people arrive in the morning."

  "Sounds like a plan, Batman. Let's go."

  We wrap up and climb into the car. By the time we get to the church, the place is packed. We manage to park and head inside. I see Mason, Parker, and Grams, waving them over as Monica speaks to Jamie.

  "I didn't know you guys were coming," I say to Mason, smiling up at him as he reaches us.

  "Grams dragged us," Parker moans and Grams flicks his ear.

  "Have some respect, boy," she demands.

  "Hi, Grams," I say. She pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tight. She might be old, but you'd never dare say it to her face.

  "Hello, sweetheart."

  "Put the poor girl down, Grams," Mason jokes as she lets go of me.

  "Hey, guys," Monica says coming over with Jamie. "You all ready?" She asks.

  Jamie makes his way to the front of the church and we all sit together like family.

  AFTER MASS, WE CONGREGATE outside while Monica talks to Grams and Scottie's mom about what time everyone is heading over in the morning. Mason wraps me up in his arms, keeping the chill away.

  "Happy Christmas, Erin," he whispers into my ear. He pulls back and hands me a small box. I just look at the black velvet box with a sense of both excitement and dread. I already know that it's going to be too much.

  "Open it," he prompts.

  I open it slowly and see a silver necklace sparkle in the light. At the bottom of it is a pendant in the shape of an infinity sign. It's set with small crystals. They look like diamonds. It has the inscription 'Always and forever'.

  "Mason, this is..." I say breathlessly, "...this is beautiful. Thank you."

  He takes the necklace from the box and turns me around, before clasping it around my neck.

  "It doesn't even compare to you," he says before leaning down and kissing me, taking my breath away again.

  "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you, Mason Knight, but I thank my lucky stars every single day."

  "You kids ready to head home?" Monica calls out, and we turn back to her. I lift my hand to my necklace. I can't believe he got me something so beautiful. So thoughtful.

  Always and Forever.

  THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR comes before we realize the time, and it's not long before the house is full of life and laughter. The women are all in the kitchen with Monica, drinking egg-nog. Parker brought over his Xbox, and he's at war with Scottie's two little brothers, her dad, Rico, and Jamie. I'm not sure exactly what they were playing, but it looks energetic, that's for sure. Presents are waiting until after dinner, which caused major groans and tantrums, but they died down pretty quickly.

  I'm sat in the garden with Mason, and Scottie, who is loving the swing on the oak tree back here.

  "Have you guys thought much about what you're going to do after high school?" Scottie asks.

  "I'll probably just start working, and keep helping Grams with Parker," Mason says. The sadness in his voice hits me.

  "What would you do if you didn't have to do that? If you could do anything?" I ask.

  "I'd travel, and I'd sketch. There's so much out there I want to see, to explore—to experience," he says wistfully.

  "I didn't know you drew," I say, surprised.

  "What can I say? I'm a man of mystery," he jokes.

  "What about you, Erin?"

  "I always wanted to help people. I got an early acceptance into pre-med at UT, so I guess that's me. What about you?"

  "I got into Julliard," Scottie says quietly.

  "Holy shit, Scottie! That's amazing! I didn't even know you wanted to go."

  "That's because I didn't tell anyone. I've always felt embarrassed people would want to watch me. I've always danced. It's something I always wanted to do, but it's not really a thing here. But I got early entry on a full ride. I've still got to tell my parents, but I don't know how to."

  "Are you kidding? This is amazing! You need to tell them; they'll be so proud of you!" I squeak, jumping up and hugging her. "Just like I am."

  "I applied to Curtis too. I didn't think I'd actually get in."

  "Dude, this is amazing! Gah, I am so happy for you!"

  "Maybe I'll go tell my folks; it's a better present than I got them already," she laughs and heads inside.

  "So, travelling, huh? Have you ever thought about just heading out and going?"

  "Maybe, once upon a time, but it's just not possible now, not with Grams and Parker needing me. Especially not when my girlfriend is going to be some big-time doctor. I'm pretty sure she'd miss me if I was gone," he says, nuzzling into my neck.

  "Miss you? Someone's full of themselves," I tease, and he starts to tickle me. "I'm joking. Mercy!" I squeal and he stops his assault.

  "I'm going to give you your present now, before everyone else," I tell him, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out his present.

  It took some working with Monica and with Grams, but Monica said I could dive into my trust fund early. I didn't even know I had one until a couple of weeks ago when I found her at the kitchen table surrounded by papers. She told me she was finally getting her 'house in order' with me being near college age. I knew her family had money, but Monica had never made a big deal over it. She explained her and my Uncle Jamie were 'trust fund babies'. Apparently when their parents passed away, it was all left to them, and one day, it would all be mine. I didn't ask many questions. I was too busy being shocked. Then I had the idea of what I'd like to do for Mason's Christmas gift and when she agreed I was super
-excited that I could do this for him.

  I hand him the A4 envelope and sit back and watch as he pulls the map out of it, along with the note telling him about our trip across the USA, with tickets to all sorts of gigs from our favorite bands, and a route all planned out across the summer before I head to UT.

  "Is this real?" he asks me, his eyes wide. The look on his face is enough for me to know this was a good idea. He pulls me into his lap and hugs me, before standing and twirling me around.

  "You said on our first date that you wanted to travel the world one day, that you wanted to road trip and backpack and see everything the world had to offer. You opened up the world to me, so much, Mason. So I wanted to give you some of the world too."

  "Erin Michaels, you have the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known. This is beyond perfect, but how can we do this? It costs so much, and Grams and Parker will need me over the summer. I don't know if I can do this... no matter how much I want to," he says, looking solemn as he puts my feet back on the ground.

  "Mason, your heart is so selfless, which is exactly why you deserve this. You do so much for everyone else. Let us do this for you. All of the details are sorted, everything is in place. All we need is you and your Camaro, and we'll have the best summer of our lives."

  "I think I might just be falling in love with you, Erin Michaels."

  "I think I might be falling in love with you too, Mason Knight."


  I've been back from break for two weeks, and this week has been hell. The number of sign-ups for tutoring has increased with finals coming. Between that, studying, and actually being able to see Mason, time has been tight. But, by some miracle, the ceasefire from Tegan and her cronies from before Christmas seems to still be in place, and I'm persona-non-grata.

  I'm walking down the corridor to the study room where I'm meant to be meeting Mason, when I hear his voice. It's muffled, but wow, does he sound angry. I round the corner, and see him in the room with Evan. Yep, he's angry. Now I'm closer, I can hear them both, though it's still muffled, thanks to the soundproofing of the rooms. I push the door open to see Evan shoving Mason and failing. We've been back at school one week, and they couldn't last this long.


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