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Royally Loved

Page 38

by McKenna James

  Hard clicks against the cold floor echoed off the walls, alerting us of someone’s approach. We turned to see Ali and Klaus make their way down the hall. My guts tied themselves into terrible little knots when I laid eyes on her. She looked like a model straight out of a fashion magazine, a chic dress in a flowing teal fabric. Ali once again wore her lips bright red, confident and proud. But what sent my heart into overdrive was the smile she gave when her eyes locked with mine. She stuck her hand out to shake.

  “Your Royal Highness,” she greeted.

  Patrick cleared his throat. “Proper protocol is to bow, Diplomat Smith.”

  “It’s fine,” I interrupted, reaching out to take her hand. Her fingers were long and delicate, the surface of her palm impossibly smooth. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Likewise,” she giggled quietly. “You remember Klaus?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “And I’m sure you’ve met Patrick.”

  “Yes,” she echoed, grinning.

  Patrick cleared his throat. “Right, well, now that we all know who’s who, shall we get down to business?”

  “You can let go of his hand now,” Klaus whispered to her.

  Ali laughed nervously and finally let go of my hand. “The hotel has an on-site restaurant,” she explained. “Maybe we can conduct business over a few drinks.”

  “An excellent idea,” I beamed.

  Klaus looked to me and then to Ali and then back to me before frowning. He mumbled something in his language under his breath, too quiet for me to hear. Ali nudged her elbow into his side, shutting him up instantly. She gestured in the direction of the restaurant.

  “Shall we, gentleman?”



  I couldn’t concentrate. There was absolutely no way I could. Every time I tried to focus on the matter at hand, I’d accidentally distract myself with a stolen glance at the Prince. Klaus had informed me that Sebastian’s advisor would be stopping by to finalize our joint relief mission, but he hadn’t said a thing about Sebastian showing up to personally take care of matters. I was a proud and capable woman when it came to my work. Very little could distract me from accomplishing my goals. But now, sitting across from Sebastian at a small square table, everything had officially been thrown straight out the window.

  “The reserve army is already on their way to Belwald,” explained Sebastian. “Once they arrive, they will set up several emergency response posts at key locations to get to as many people as possible.”

  “When are they expected to reach their destination?” asked Klaus, who was furiously scribbling into his black notebook.

  “Later this evening,” answered Patrick. “Early tomorrow morning, at the latest.”

  Klaus nodded. “Excellent. I’ve already reached out to my contacts within the Sunyata Air Force. They’ve got all the supplies loaded and are waiting on your troops’ arrival. Isn’t that right, Ali?”

  I snapped to attention, inhaling sharply. I swear I wasn’t lost in Sebastian’s eyes. That would have been foolish. I was here to work, to help people. This was no time to admire the light flecks of hazel around the circumference of his pupils. This was no time to admire how his eyes reminded me of dark, melted chocolate.

  “Right,” I managed. “Yes. Everything’s good. Good to go.”

  Klaus removed his glasses and started to polish the lenses, even though he’d done it just minutes before, while Patrick chewed on the inside of his cheek. Klaus eventually replaced his frames and clapped his hands together.

  “Well, I guess that concludes our business here.”

  “Excellent,” sighed Patrick. “We should really get going.”

  “Already?” asked Sebastian. “We just got here.”

  “I told you. I just needed to hand them some files.”

  “Maybe I wanted to spend a bit more time with the diplomat.”

  I smiled at him, unable to hide my amusement. “Is that so?”

  “You know,” he mumbled, “to build better diplomatic relations.”

  “Right,” mumbled Patrick slowly.

  “Diplomatic relations,” snorted Klaus.

  I kicked Klaus in the shin under the table. “I think that’s a fantastic idea.”

  “You do?” inquired Sebastian.

  “Drinks over lunch fits my schedule better than a dinner.”

  “I’m honored you could fit me in. To your schedule, I mean.”

  I choked on the laugh that forced its way out of my lungs. “Well, I’m glad. That I could fit you in.”

  “Good God,” Klaus murmured under his breath, pressing the palm of his hand to his eyes. “You know what? I’m not that hungry. I think I’ll go for a walk.”

  The corner of my lip twisted up into a grin. “A walk? You don’t know the area.”

  Klaus rose from his seat, shifting uncomfortably. “It’ll be an adventure. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “I’ll come with you,” offered Patrick, standing up immediately.


  “Yes.” The Wyvernbank advisor gestured toward the restaurant exit. “Please.”

  Klaus nodded, picking up what Patrick was putting down. “Do you need anything before I leave, Ali?”

  “I think I’m good.”

  “Your Royal Highness?” said Patrick.

  Sebastian’s attention was solely on me when he said, “No. I think I’m good.”

  “I’ll instruct the driver to wait for you out back. Your security team will remain with you. You have my number if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Patrick.”

  Klaus and Patrick left in a hurry, eager to get away. When they both disappeared behind the restaurant doors, Sebastian and I burst out laughing.

  “Well, that was fun.” He chuckled.

  “I’ve never seen Klaus that embarrassed.”

  “And I’ve never seen Patrick squirm like that.”

  “Do you think we’re cruel for picking on them?”

  “Not at all. I can’t speak on behalf of Klaus, but Patrick knew what he was getting into when he was hired.”

  “Have you known each other for very long?”

  “Patrick’s been my advisor since I was thirteen.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time.”

  Sebastian nodded. “I like to think I recognize talent when I see it. I’d gone through five advisors before I found him. He was the only one who could deal with the pressure of the job. What about Klaus? Has he worked with you long?”

  “He’s been with me for several years. I actually met him and his husband at university. Well, his ex-husband. Not that that’s important.”

  “Well, he’s in good hands. Patrick grew up in the area.”

  “Do you think they’re going to spend their time gossiping about us?” I giggled.

  “Probably. I think it’ll be good for Patrick’s health to have someone in a similar position to vent to.”

  “I think so too. Klaus threatens to quit every other week.”

  Sebastian threw his head back and laughed. “What a coincidence. So does Patrick.”

  “Talk about drama queens.”

  “I know, right?”

  I bit my lower lip, shifting my weight in my seat. “Are you sure this is okay? You joining me for drinks?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Well,” I swallowed at the dryness in my throat, “you know. Everybody’s cell phone is a camera these days. I’d hate for you to be suddenly swarmed because someone snapped a picture of you and posted it online.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “My security team’s highly trained. They’ve got the whole block covered. And Patrick’s already gone through the trouble of tipping the hotel staff generously for their silence.”

  “It sounds like you’ve had a lot of practice.”

  His expression fell slightly, smile shrinking a bit. “It’s one of the many perks of being the Crown Prince. I’m too popular for my own good.”

  “I can’t imagin
e what that’s like,” I admitted quietly.

  “It’s not so bad. You get used to it pretty quick.”

  “I don’t know. Doesn’t it get lonely?”

  Sebastian exhaled, smiling fading away completely. “It does.”

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled hurriedly. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “I already told you I don’t mind. I prefer to surround myself with a few good, honest people than a crowd of dishonest ones.”

  “That’s a great way to look at it.”

  He shrugged. “I like to think so.”

  A calm silence fell between us. It wasn’t as intense as the one we had back at the gardens. There was still tension in the air, but this time, I felt a whole lot safer. In the gentle light of the noonday sun, Prince Sebastian seemed like the farthest thing from a dangerous man. He was sweet and kind. He had a sense of humor hidden away within him. Sebastian was undeniably handsome and charismatic, focused on every word that I spoke and every movement I made.

  “Will you tell me about Sunyata?” he asked softly. “I’ve never been. What’s life like where you’re from?”

  “It’s a beautiful country,” I recounted. “We’re surrounded on all sides by mountains and the boreal trees that grow on their slopes. It’s the perfect place to visit if you love the snow.”

  “I’m not a big fan of the cold.”

  “Most people aren’t. But I personally love it. My fondest memories are of evenings spent warming up by the fire and sipping hot cocoa. Or watching snowflakes flutter from dark clouds to cover the streets in white.”

  “It sounds quite magical.”

  “It is. But your country is beautiful too.”

  Sebastian grinned. “I imagine the temperature change comes as quite a shock to you.”

  “Yes. I don’t know how you stand the heat.”

  “Have you had a chance to see the sights? I highly recommend visiting the northern beaches, if you have time.”

  I shook my head. “I’m afraid I’m only here until the conference is over. I’m on the first flight back the next day.”

  “Oh,” he muttered quietly. “Right.”

  “Right,” I grumbled, displeasure washing over me.

  Returning home the day after the conference had always been the plan. A week-long visa had been specially ordered and expedited for me so that I could attend. Once all of my meetings were wrapped up, I had to head straight home or face forcible deportation. A terrible bitterness settled in my stomach. The end of the conference was only six days away. My time here was much too short for my liking, but there was very little I could do about it. I had to return and report to my superiors, needed to get home to my family, had a life I needed to get back to.

  Even if all I wanted was to stay.

  The atmosphere took a sudden shift off the deep end, the quiet between us now feeling much more solemn.

  “I think…” He trailed off.


  “I think I should get going.”

  “Oh,” I huffed, unable to hide my disappointment. “I understand. I’m sure you’re busy.”

  Sebastian rose from his chair, reaching into his pants pocket to pull out a couple of bills to leave a tip for our waiter. He walked around the table and stood next to me, extending his hand for me to take. “May I walk you back to your room?”

  Warmth spread across my chest, heart rattling inside my rib cage. I nodded slowly, licking my lips absentmindedly, as I took his hand. “You may.”

  We made our way out of the restaurant and took the elevator up to my floor. I hooked my arm around his elbow as we walked, breathing as steadily as I dared. I felt oddly light, like the giddiness welling up inside my core was making me float. Sebastian’s warmth was a wonderful comfort, a welcome sensation that kept me grounded in reality. We stopped outside my hotel room door, facing one another with less than a foot of distance between us.

  “This is me,” I sighed, looking up at him. I couldn’t ignore the way he intensely studied my lips.

  “I hope the rest of your week goes smoothly,” he said politely, voice delectably deep.

  “Will you…” I swallowed. “Will you be attending any other meetings?”

  “A few,” he replied, leaning in closer. “I hope we have the chance to run into each other again.”

  “I hope so too.”

  “I guess this is where I say goodbye.”

  “Goodbye, Sebastian,” I whispered.


  But we didn’t part ways. Instead, Sebastian quickly slipped his fingers through my hair as I grabbed him by his jacket collar, both of us pulling each other in to crash our lips together.



  The taste of her lips was sweeter than anything I’d ever tasted before. I breathed her in, dizzy off the scent of her vanilla shampoo, floral perfume, and coconut butter lotion. Her hair was so ridiculously soft that I thought I was carding my fingers through a gentle stream of water. As we stumbled in through the door, Ali gasped into my mouth, giggling with me as she helped me out of my jacket and made quick work of my button-down dress shirt. Her nimble fingers were efficient and firm, eagerly grabbing and tugging at the fabric of my shirt before throwing it off entirely. She pressed the flat of her palms against my chest, guiding me backward until the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed. I sat immediately and reveled in the way Ali climbed up onto my lap, grinding her hips against me as she deepened our kiss.

  She parted her lips slightly, providing me with permission to explore her mouth greedily with my tongue. I slid my tongue over hers, wrestling for dominance as we breathed each other in. Ali dragged her teeth along my bottom lip and sucked hard, drawing out a languid moan from deep within me. I circled my arms around her slim waist and pulled her flush against me as she hooked her hands around the nape of my neck. I fumbled with the zipper on the back of her dress, dragging it down slowly to expose her back. Before I could fully undo the garment, Ali lay against me and pressed my back into the mattress.

  I could only stare in stunned amazement as she straightened her back, bracing herself with a hand on my stomach. She dragged her hands down my bare chest, admiring hard muscles beneath tight skin. Ali pulled her dress off, leaving her in nothing but a black lace bra, a matching lace thong, and dark pantyhose stretched up the length of her legs. Her lips were swollen, blue eyes half-closed and entirely full of want. Ali continued to circle her hips about, grinding hard against my growing erection. She leaned forward to once again capture my mouth with hers, giggling breathlessly as she did so.

  I grabbed Ali by the waist and spun us around, pinning her against the bed with nothing more than the weight of my body. I quickly slipped off the edge of the bed and undid the front of my pants, the tightness of the fabric starting to become uncomfortable. Hooking my thumbs over the waistband of my briefs, I pulled the remainder of my clothes off in one swift motion. I sucked in a breath through my teeth as the cool air of the hotel room hit the sensitive skin of my swollen member, which stood tall amid a bed of wiry hairs. Alison’s eyes widened, licking her lips hungrily.

  Without another word, she got onto her knees and crawled to the edge of the mattress. She placed her hands on both of my hips to hold me in place as she teased the head of my cock with the tip of her tongue. The contact had been light, but it was more than enough to ignite a fierce hunger within me. Ali wrapped her lips around my length and swirled her tongue about relentlessly, sending pulses of pleasure through me. I closed my eyes and groaned, once again running fingers through her long hair and fisting my hand at the base of her skull. I let out a sharp grunt when she swallowed me down to the base, the head of my cock hitting the back of her warm, wet throat.

  “Ali,” I whined.

  She hummed, the vibrations of her voice down my shaft sending chills slithering up and down my spine. Ali hollowed her cheeks as she bobbed her head, flicking her tongue about without abandon. A tight pressure deep within my gut started to f
orm, growing in intensity as she continued to suck me down. I couldn’t wait any longer, desperate to know what she felt like. I cupped her face and tilted her chin upward.

  I applied gentle pressure to Ali’s shoulders and guided her back onto the bed. I grabbed her by the waist and dragged her to the edge, leaning down to pepper heated kisses down her neck, trailing my lips down to her breasts. Reaching behind her, I quickly undid the clasps to her bra. Once undone, Ali threw the delicate fabric away. I cupped her weighty breasts and kissed her tender chest, teasing at a nipple with a careful graze of the teeth. I squeezed, not hard enough to hurt, and earned myself a desperate whine. The sound of her voice was enough to make me feel crazy, enough to have my cock throb with heat and desire.

  “Is that your only pair of tights?” I asked.

  “No, why?”

  I palmed the thin fabric covering her crotch and yanked, tearing a large hole in her tights. Ali gasped, patches of her skin flushing red with arousal. I raked my eyes over her and exhaled slowly as I committed her form to memory. Splayed out before me on the bed, she looked like a work of art. Her hair fell upon the sheets like a dark halo, her bare breasts heaved as she panted, and the way she reached down to slip her hand beneath the band of her thong to tease herself was utterly divine. I couldn’t remember the last time I wanted anybody more. I wanted to make sure she enjoyed every second with me as I would with her. What little time we had together, I wanted to make the most of it.

  I pressed my index finger against her wet entrance, palm facing up, while nudging the string of her thong to the side. She writhed beneath my touch, back arching as she threw her head back and closed her eyes. After adding a second and then third finger, nothing but filthy noises escaped her lips. She grasped at the sheets beneath her, digging her nails for traction.

  “Sebastian,” she gasped. “Please, just– I can’t wait any longer. I need you.”

  Without hesitation, I aligned myself between her thighs and slowly pushed into her. The warmth and slickness of her tight walls nearly left me winded, a never-ending wave of pleasure washing through me. Ali snaked her arms around my neck and held me close as I started to thrust my hips into her at a steady pace. I swallowed her delicious moans, dragged my tongue across hers as slowly as I dared, relishing in every little whimper she made each time I snapped into her. The bed creaked in protest under our weight, but it was quickly drowned out by the sound of our synchronized panting.


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