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My Friend’s Sister

Page 7

by Bishop, K. M.

  I sauntered over to where he was hovering in the small crowd of friends who had come by to watch this. “That was a sweet hit,” Kip said. “I’m impressed.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “I said I might show up,” he replied.

  “Yeah, but I took that to mean that you didn’t really want to.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “I’m glad you don’t have me all figured out yet.”

  That was true. He was doing a good job of keeping me on my toes. That was fun.

  “How long have you been here?” I asked curiously.

  “I got here about ten minutes ago. I figured I’d check out a bit of the game and ask you if you wanted to grab a bite to eat. I thought you might be hungry.”

  “I’m starving actually,” I said. “But I’m also a filthy mess. I’m not sure I’m good company for going out on a date.”

  His eyes perked up. “Oh, you automatically assumed it would be a date?”

  I smiled. He’d caught me slipping. Damn. I was losing this game wasn’t I? I could still recover ground. I just had to play it cool.

  “I assume nothing,” I said. “I was just going off the information I’ve been given from you so far. If I have the information wrong, it’s because you have given me the wrong impression.”

  “Nah, date it is,” he chuckled. “You’re deduction skills are spot on.”

  “Good. Glad to know I’m not slipping in my old age.”

  “And I don’t care if you are dirty. You look fantastic to me.”

  “What did you have in mind?” If he thought I was going to try to go to a restaurant like this, I was game but it was going to be weird.

  “I brought a six pack of beer in a small cooler. And I thought we’d pick up a pizza, head over to the park and just hang out at one of those picnic tables over there. It should be quiet and nice this time of night.”

  That did actually sound very sweet, very romantic. I was going to enjoy that quite a lot actually. “Ok, sounds like a plan.”

  “Let’s go. Your chariot awaits,” Kip said.

  About a half hour later we were sitting at the picnic table in the park eating pizza and drinking beers. Kip had driven us in his BMW. It was super sweet. I’d never really ridden in a car that nice before. I typically was not impressed by money, but I couldn’t deny the fact that it was a nice ride. And now we were having a casual, fun date.

  “This pizza is fantastic,” I said as I chewed a big mouthful. I tried to cover my mouth with my hand, but I was so hungry that my manners were going out the window. I realized that I hadn’t eaten since lunch about nine hours earlier and after the game, I had worked up an incredible appetite. Kip seemed to enjoy me enjoying the food.

  “I know right? Gino’s is an artist. That is one of the things I’ll miss most about this area,” Kip said.

  “So, I take it you aren’t planning to stay after school?”

  He laughed. “No. I’m not sure where I’ll be sent or what team I’ll sign with.”

  “You really are confident that you’ll get signed?”

  I realized the instant I said it that it could have been perceived as an insult, but I ran with it and let it go. Kip just smiled and looked deeply into my eyes. “Oh, I’ll get signed. I’ve worked too hard not to.”

  “Great. I wish you all the best in that. My brother hopes to get a contract too, but I’m not sure if he is quite good enough. He is kind of delusional.”

  “Yeah, I can see that,” Kip replied. “He isn’t really talking to me at the moment.”

  “Why? I thought you guys were pretty good friends?”

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t want me going out with you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That bastard. He thinks he can control my entire life. Well, he can go to hell, right?”

  “That’s basically what I told him. I’m fairly sure if he knew we were doing this, he would want to fight me.”

  “Really? Well, then let’s clue him in,” I said. I took out my phone, slid next to Kip and held it up to take a selfie of the two of us. “Smile!”

  We both smiled as I snapped the photo. Then I slid back to my side of the table and instantly posted the photo on a social media site that I knew my brother would see.

  Kip was laughing hysterically. “You are bad. He is going to shit a brick.”

  “I don’t care what he does. He has to learn that he can’t tell me or anyone else what to do. He’s always been such a bully, ever since we were kids. He thinks he can just muscle his way in control of everybody. But the truth is, he is soft inside. I think he does it all out of fear.”

  “Yeah, I get that,” Kip said. “I’ve seen a lot of that sort of thing before. I’m almost used to it in the world that I grew up in.”

  “What was it like? Being a Hollywood kid?”

  “Oh, so you have done your research,” Kip smiled.

  “A little bit. Well, my friends mostly. I didn’t really know who you were until they pointed it out.”

  “Did that make a difference to you?”

  “Not at all. But it is interesting. It makes you a little bit unique and not one of the typical cookie cutter guys from around here. I’ve never known anyone from Hollywood, especially with genuine ties to the industry, so I’d love to pick your brain a bit.”

  “Cool. Well, I hate the industry.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yep. It is littered with nothing but fake people who are all clamoring to be loved by people they don’t even know. It’s very sad. It’s a breeding ground and hub for narcissists. And my father has since the day I was born breathed down my neck to make me into one of those fake people who would follow his footsteps into the film business. He wanted me to be an actor so badly.”

  “And you have no interest in acting?”

  “I like acting just fine, but everything else that went along with it—I’d never be able to stand. Luckily, I found football at an early age and I’ve never looked back.”

  “He has to be proud of your football playing, right?”

  He didn’t answer right away, taking a bite of his pizza and then a big gulp of beer. “He wants to be, I think, but truthfully he is hoping that I’ll grow out of it, or that I’ll parlay football success into a film career of some sort. That’s what he hopes anyway. I don’t see it happening.”

  I swigged off the beer and sat there watching Kip’s eyes as he spoke about his father. I could tell he loved his father, but that there was so much bad blood between them that the relationship might never be really salvaged. I felt sorry for him then. In a lot of ways, Kip was alone. But he did not act the least bit lonely. He was too strong for that. In fact, he thrived on it. And I admired that in him.

  He was a good man. But he’d tried hard to project an image of tough, self-reliance to the extent that it might push people away. He was probably not even consciously aware that he was actually doing this either.

  I wanted to change that in him. Maybe one day I would. Was I actually thinking about seeing Kip for the long term? Yeah, it was definitely possible. I liked him. There was a strong spark between us.

  I wanted that spark to continue with the two of us as I got to know him better. I found myself wanting to reach over and hold him closely to me, to kiss him and let him know that he was more amazing than even he would ever know.

  But how did I know that? How did I feel that way about this man I barely knew? What was happening to me?

  “So, why aren’t you in college?” Kip asked.

  “Well, I had some offers, some sports scholarships. I definitely could be there now, but I decided I wanted to wait a bit and see what other options came my way. It was a stupid idea because now I’m bored and a little confused about my life and where it is going. I feel like everyone else is moving forward and I am staying behind. I honestly hate feeling that way.”

  “Don’t sweat it. You can do what you want. They aren’t going to stop having colleges any time

  I laughed. “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.”

  Kip grabbed another slice of pizza and took a big bite. He had a voracious appetite. I was already getting full after three slices. I wondered how much he worked out in the gym that allowed him to eat like this.

  “What are you planning to study when you do go?” Kip asked.

  “I was thinking maybe something in fashion or sports science.”

  “Those are two interesting fields that don’t have much to do with each other,” Kip said. “How are you going to decide between the two?”

  “I love sports, so sports science and exercise physiology is really calling my name, but I’ve recently started my own fashion vlog and I’m having a blast doing that. So, right now it’s up in the air. Hell, maybe I’ll study both of them.”

  “That would be legit,” Kip said. “You could probably do anything that you want to with your life.”

  “Sure,” I said. “I like to think so. But why does anyone have to choose one thing, especially at our age. Do I know what I’ll like doing at forty? That’s not even halfway through our supposed working age range, and yet people are expected to choose their lives at eighteen, right?”

  “Right,” Kip said. “I know I want to play ball, but I won’t be playing forever. I’ll do it until it either stops being fun, or my body won’t take it anymore. Then I’ll branch off into something else. But it’s silly for people to stand around and worry about what their friends and family are going to do with their lives.”

  “Which is one of the reasons that Billy is so frustrating,” I said. “I shouldn’t have posted that picture. He is probably going to want to fight you now.”

  Kip laughed. “Tell him to bring it anytime he is ready.”

  “Well, try not to destroy him too badly.”

  “I’ll do my best, but I can’t make any guarantees.”

  “This food was excellent,” I said. “Thanks. Great choice.”

  “Sure,” Kip said. “Say, I see some fun playground equipment over there. I haven’t been a slide in forever.”

  “What? You are too big, I think. We both are.”

  But Kip was already walking over to the slide and climbing to the top of it. He smiled at me and then dropped down to the slide and started to slip down it. He got about five feet before he got stuck and had to wiggle side to side to keep himself going downwards. It was hilarious to see this big, elite athlete arguing with this kid’s toy.

  When he finished and stepped off the side he was rubbing the sides of his legs. “Good thing I’m wearing long pants,” he said.

  “You are crazy,” I said. “I thought the thing was going to tip over with you. I’m pretty sure you far exceed the weight limit.”

  Kip pretended to be hurt. “Are you implying that I’m fat?”

  “No, I’m implying that you aren’t eight,” I replied.

  “Ok, just trying to be sure. By the way, it is now your turn. I showed you how easy it was. You got no excuses.”

  I shook my head, but found my feet marching over to the slide. This was lunacy. But it did look like a bit of fun, at least enough to amuse each other which was what this was really about. Kip’s eyes were gleaming as he watched me climb to the top. I was aware that the softball pants I was wearing clung to my tushy fairly well and Kip was probably enjoying the view as I climbed the ladder. Fine. He could take an appreciative glance if he wanted to.

  I reached the top and spread my arms to the world to announce that I was doing this stupid, childish thing. Then I plopped down and slid along the slick surface of the ride. I faired a little bit better than Kip did, but even I barely fit as I pushed my legs together and let gravity work hard to get my bulk down the slide.

  And it was fun. I bounced off the slide at the bottom and ran and jumped into Kip’s arms who was cheering me on there. I wasn’t sure where that impulse came from, but there he was waiting for me with open arms and I went for it. Now I was wrapped up in his warm embrace. He felt so good, so strong, so stabile and almost loving holding me there. Our eyes met, lingering in each other’s gaze tuning the rest of the world completely out as he leaned down and put his lips to mine.

  The sky lit up around me. It was all in my mind, but it felt like fireworks going off everywhere around us, and the two of us were locked inside of a tiny little bubble of our own. There was no world. There was only us. And we were alone and free there to be however we wanted to be.

  “Wow, that was nice,” Kip said as he pulled back from the kiss. He was still holding me in his arms gingerly.

  “Yeah, it was,” I replied.

  I let him lean in for another soft kiss.

  Chapter Nine


  The ball slipped out of my hands and hit the ground in front of me. The crowd in the stands booed and hissed at me. I could hear the collective groan from my teammates as I briefly thought about taking myself out of the game and crawling down some little rabbit hole to live out the rest of my days. I was playing like crap. What in the world was wrong with me? I couldn’t get it together and concentrate. I had just dropped a pass that would have resulted in a touchdown for us—a game winning touchdown—and I’d been wide open. The pass was perfect right to me. I’d just boggled it in my hands. I couldn’t explain it. I never played like this.

  But I knew what was really wrong. I couldn’t stop thinking about Alexa. Every single thought I had was about her. Ever since the other night when we’d gone out to the park and we’d shared those amazing kisses, my whole world had been about her. I’d never been this wrapped up head over heels for a woman before. This was something new. It was a very different experience for me. I wanted her so badly.

  I knew that soon we would make love, but I was playing it by ear. I was willing to wait for Alexa. Besides, I had plenty of other women to satisfy my sexual needs. Except, I didn’t want any of those women. I’d actually cut ties with all of them and was saving myself for her. I wasn’t sure why, but somehow I felt it would betray Alexa if I were to hook up with another girl, even though we were not exclusive by any means. We’d only had one casual date and a couple sweet kisses. That was all.

  When I got to the locker room before the game, Billy made his presence known quickly. He’d seen the post that his sister had shared, the picture of the two of us enjoying a fun evening together, and it had enraged him. He burrowed up to me, his eyes filled with anger, venom on his voice.

  “You bastard! I warned you to stay away from my sister. What’s it going to take? Am I going to have to beat you down?”

  I laughed hard in his face. It wasn’t a mocking laughter. It was a genuine laugh because I found both is insipid anger and the idea that he could win in a fight against me to be among the funniest things I’d ever heard. “Don’t waste your breath. I told you that Alexa will make up her own mind who she sees. Not you. So piss off.”

  Billy was about to start something when the coach walked in. Billy hissed at me under his breath. “This isn’t over!”

  Then he stormed off. I wondered when he would make his move. Whenever it happened, I would be ready for the fool. I’d make damn sure of that.

  I huddled back up with my team and tried to ignore all the angry looks they were giving me. This was not the first bonehead play I’d made that day. Earlier I’d totally missed a signal and not been where I should have been to catch a pass. And in the second quarter I’d intercepted a pass, only to lose it on a fumble when I’d been eventually tackled. I was really off my game. I hoped that none of the scouts were taking notice today. But I knew they all would be.

  I kept telling myself it would be ok. They had followed my career since freshman year. They knew my skills and how I played. They weren’t going to throw all that away on one game. It was alright. I would be fine. I just had to get it together and stay alert. We were down by three points. The final minutes of the game were winding down. A touchdown would win it all.

  Chance put the play together and we broke
huddle. I was going to have to catch this pass if expected to win the game. It would be a great way to overcome the pathetic display that I’d put on thus far. I had to keep my head up and forget about all that. I couldn’t be so hard on myself or else it would make things worse.

  As I marched towards the line of scrimmage to take my stance, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There, in the front row was Alexa raving and cheering me on. I couldn’t believe it. She didn’t even tell me she was coming. I wondered how long she’d been there. Did she see my mistakes? Hopefully not. At any rate, she did not seem to care. She was having a great time and cheering.

  When she saw me looking at her she began to wave at me and yell for me excitedly. “Go Kip! Whoo!”

  She was with Kiley and Lilly who were also cheering. It looked like they were having the time of their lives.

  I smiled and took my place on the line. I instantly felt better. Knowing that I was now not so alone out there definitely helped. I actually had a cheering section. I had someone who wanted to see me succeed for all of the right reasons, their own personal ones.

  The ball was snapped and the play was set in motion. I ran hard to my right and blocked the defender in front of me hard, knocking him to the ground. He would no longer be a threat to anyone. I quickly ran down the field and dodged a few other opponents who would try to stop me from making anything happen. Before I realized it, I was out in the open, out in the clear.

  Suddenly, there it was. The ball was coming down out of the sky to meet my chest. I grabbed it with both hands and quickly took off running down the field. My feet were flying now, barely touching the ground as I sprinted down the sideline. Tap, tap, tap, my toes barely scraped the blades of freshly cut grass as my body motored down that field.

  I crossed the end zone and the crowd erupted in cheers. I’d done it we’d won the game. I’d scored the winning touchdown.

  After my teammates congratulated me and the final seconds of the clock trickled down, I jogged over to catch Alexa before she headed off.


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