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Love Accidental

Page 7

by Brooke Noelle

  He shrugged off my concerns. “That’s Aiden. He’s fine. A little stressed about the upcoming launch is all. He’s a really good guy.”

  I nodded my head, not sure if I agreed. “I have the notes from the meeting. I’ll put them into bullet points and send you a memo.”

  “Good,” he said, his focus on his laptop screen.

  Something had grabbed his attention. I needed to find out more about the new app he was launching.

  “Tell me something: How do you know when you’ve found something big?” I asked, truly interested.

  He looked up from the screen and shrugged one shoulder in his expensive Armani suit. “I just know. Sometimes you get a feeling. Other times it’s what our research shows our customers are looking for.”

  I nodded my head. “So, do software designers bring their ideas to you, or do you go out and actively look for them?”

  He smirked. “I don’t go out anywhere. Ideas come to us every single day.”

  It was clear he was holding back. He didn’t want to reveal all his secrets. “Are there bidding wars between companies like yours to try to secure a product?”

  “Sometimes. Money talks. I think it’s only fair that a man or woman or team of kids gets paid a fair price for something that is going to make my company even wealthier. What I don’t like are those companies that bully and intimidate software designers into giving up their product. To me, that isn’t fair. There are also some people I know who get introduced to an idea and then set their R&B department on it to come up with something nearly identical before the original hits the market,” he said, his gaze narrowing on me. “That’s dirty business and I don’t like it.”

  He was describing the exact tactics my father was accusing him of. For the first time since I’d met Zachary, I was beginning to doubt my father. I didn’t like that feeling at all. Zachary had to be telling me this to cover his tracks.

  “Isn’t that healthy competition?” I asked.

  “Not in my book. Stealing secrets is bad business. Some people need to get out of the way if they can’t do the job.” His voice was firm and had angry undertones. “We all work hard, but some people would rather cheat and connive their way to the top.” He smirked. “And then, when the jig is up and there is nothing left to steal, they’ll topple to the ground like the garbage they are.”

  “Wow. You seem to take that very personally,” I replied, noticing his clenched jaw and flaring nostrils.

  Clearly, I had hit a nerve. I wondered if my dad was on his radar. Did Zachary consider him a direct competitor? I planned on doing some mingling at the party to get a better feel for Zachary’s people as well as the vibe in the company. No matter how much I tried to hate the man, I didn’t get that feeling about him. Everything I had seen so far told me my father was wrong. He had gotten bad information and I was infiltrating a man’s company and home for no good reason. I didn’t like the way it made me feel. Suddenly, I was the shady one sneaking around and trying to steal information.

  It left a bad taste in my mouth, one that had me rethinking everything—except maybe sleeping with the man. One little taste of him. That was all I wanted.

  Chapter Eleven



  I woke up earlier than usual. I was anxious and nervous about the new product. I had paid a shit ton of money to a group of college students for the idea. I had learned a long time ago those were the best ideas. The kids were the ones using the apps, and they knew what they wanted and needed. My company’s new app was going to change the way people shopped online. Everything would be available in one place. Consumers wouldn’t have to look around for the best prices. It was going to be done for them. Companies were going to be scrambling to lower their prices to get that coveted top spot. I was expecting big things, and I hoped it worked. There were similar apps, but mine was superior and I knew it.

  I jumped out of bed, full of nervous energy. It was early, like way early. It was still dark outside. I needed to get rid of some of the nerves, which meant exercise. I slipped on my swim shorts and headed for the terrace pool. I loved swimming at night with just the lights in the pool to illuminate the area.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” Brooke’s voice startled me when I came up for air, my arms perched on the edge of the pool.

  I looked up to find her standing there, smiling, wearing a purple satin robe that fell mid-thigh.

  “I never can on launch days.”

  I climbed out of the pool, grabbed a towel, and quickly dried my face and hair before wrapping it around my waist and sitting in the lounge chair next to the one she had sat in.

  “I made you coffee, but maybe you don’t need any caffeine,” she teased.

  “I could always drink coffee.”

  She handed me the cup.

  “Thank you. Since your up early, I’d like to go into the office early.”

  “Now? It’s five in the morning,” she said, clearly aghast.

  I looked at her, wondering what that little robe was hiding, and smiled. “We’re both up. Did you have something else you wanted to do to pass the time?”

  Her cheeks flushed, and I knew I had hit the mark. “Point taken. I’ll shower and get ready to go in.”

  I watched her leave, feeling satisfied that I’d been able to put her on edge. The woman had been coming on to me for days, so it was about time I turned the tables. I was pretty sure she was only flirting and playing up the sexual tension between us to try to get under my skin. I didn’t want her to know it was working.

  I finished my coffee, watching as the city around me woke up. Lights came on and the sound of traffic from far below increased. I imagined everyone else going to work, preparing for the same old job. I was going to work and expecting to have an amazing day. It was exhilarating.

  When I was dressed and ready, wearing one of my new Versace suits, I took a few deep breaths and went in search of Brooke. I stopped when I saw her primping in the large oval mirror in the sitting area.

  She turned and looked at me before bursting into laughter. “No one is going to believe we didn’t plan this on purpose!”

  I looked down at my suit and then at her almost identical outfit, albeit with a short skirt and those black heels she was so fond of.

  “Did you know?” I asked, suddenly suspicious.

  She rolled her eyes. “How could I possibly know what you were going to wear? I can change if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  “No. It’s fine. Weird, but fine.”

  Walking into the office with her by my side, I felt confident, powerful, and ready for the day. We did get a few looks in our matching Versace, but nobody dared mention it. I didn’t bother bringing up the question of how she could afford the outfit. It was a waste of breath. I knew she was wealthy despite her trying and failing miserably to pretend otherwise.

  Brooke was in my office when Aiden strolled in. It was our tradition to hang out for the first half of the day when a new product launched. We kept a close eye on sales and reviews and watched to make sure there were no issues. The key to a good launch was to be ready for anything, even the inevitable disasters that tended to sneak up no matter how prepared we thought we were.

  Aiden let out a long whistle. “Triple! Triple what we predicted for sales in the first hour!” he exclaimed.

  I stood up and gave him a high five. “I knew it was a good one.”

  “Yeah, you did. I will never doubt you again!”

  We celebrated a little longer before it was time to get back to our normal day. We had the party that evening, and the office would be closing early, giving everyone the chance to go home and change into their formal wear.

  I learned that I was a big fan of purple. I had never paid much attention to the feminine color in the past, but Brooke seemed to favor it. Back at the house, she was now walking toward me in a full-length purple gown that hugged her body. I was mesmerized.

  “You look beautiful,” I told her, not caring if she knew my op

  “Thank you. You look dashing,” she said with a warm smile.

  I couldn’t stop staring at the understated dress that looked as if it were truly fit for a princess. The shimmering sparkles that covered the dress added enough pizazz without going over the top. Her hair was styled up and she wore simple diamond earrings and a bracelet. She didn’t need anything else.

  “Shall we go?” I murmured, tearing my eyes away from her exposed neck. I had the overwhelming urge to suck and nibble at the pulse point, knowing I would be enveloped by her familiar scent.

  Brooke mingled with the guests at the party, moving around the room, laughing, and chatting with various members of every department. I was surprised to see how warmly they accepted her. No one, beyond myself and Aiden, knew who she was.

  “She’s an attractive woman,” Aiden commented.

  My eyes had been following her around the room all night. I couldn’t stop looking at her. I wanted to rip the dress from her body and bury myself deep inside her. It was an overwhelming need. I wasn’t sure I could deny it another night.

  “She’s ravishing,” I mumbled, drinking from my champagne flute.

  “Have you figured out what she’s up to yet?”


  “Have you slept with her yet?”

  I shot him a glare. “No.”

  “Good. I doubt it’s going to stay that way for long judging by the way you’re looking at her. You look downright animalistic. Rein it in,” he lectured.

  I shook my head. “I can’t get her out of my mind.”

  “That’s her plan. She’s seducing you. You know that. Be careful.”

  He didn’t get to say anymore before his lovely fiancée came to stand with us. Brooke sauntered toward us, her gaze holding mine.

  “You don’t look like you’re having much fun,” she commented.

  Aiden whispered into Samantha’s ear before quickly excusing the two of them.

  “I’m enjoying myself. I like to people watch.”

  “I noticed. I was beginning to think I had a hair out of place,” she said with a knowing smile.

  I looked at her, letting her see the desire in my eyes. She had started this. I wanted to finish it.

  “You know you look perfect.”

  Her arm brushed against mine as she stood close to me. “I only wanted to look perfect for you.”

  My heart was thumping in my chest, and I had never been so damn horny in all my life. It was the forbidden fruit. I wanted a little nibble. What could it hurt?

  “I should mingle. There are a lot of investors here, and I owe them a thank you for taking a chance on me.”

  “Should I go with you?”

  I turned to look at her, wanting to tell her no but wanting to keep her close as well.

  “Please,” I said, extending my arm, watching her loop her arm through mine and feeling like the luckiest man in the world. If only this weren’t all a game.

  With her beside me, we made our way around the room, drinking one glass of champagne after the other. I was riding a high and loved being able to share it with a beautiful woman. I had to remind myself to slow down on the drinking. I couldn’t afford to lose my control around her. No matter how fucking sexy she was, she was dangerous. I had to keep my wits about me.

  Aiden caught my eye several times throughout the evening, lecturing me without saying a word.

  “Are you ready to get out of here?” I whispered close to Brooke’s ear as we stood next to each other, smiling and nodding to the partygoers.

  “More than ready,” she replied, looking into my eyes.

  The more she drank, the more she touched me. Her hand rested on my forearm, or she held my hand. I found myself touching her as well, wrapping my arm around her shoulders or steering her through the crowd with subtle touches at the base of her spine. We had been doing a slow dance of foreplay all night, and I, for one, was ready to take it to the next level.

  “I’ll call for the car,” I told her, my voice husky with need.

  She outwardly shuddered, and I knew she was as hot as I was. I quickly said my good-byes, grabbed her hand, and practically pulled her outside to the waiting limo. In the back of the car, I offered her another glass of champagne, pouring one for myself but only sipping from it.

  Unlike other trips in the car, where we sat across from one another, I climbed in and sat close beside her. I had this need to touch her that I couldn’t explain, and I didn’t want to bother trying. I had decided the moment I saw her walk into the room in that dress that I was going to have her. I had to for the sake of my sanity.

  By the time the car stopped in front of my building, I was on the verge of exploding. I could see her panting and knew she was in the same super-charged condition. I grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the limo and walking fast toward the elevators. The anticipation of finally getting to taste her was making me crazy. I was being irrational and was grateful I would be in the privacy of my own home where no one else could see me lose control.

  The elevator doors slid closed, trapping us, completely alone, inside the small space. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  My arm snaked out, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her body against mine. I slammed my mouth over hers, her lips parting under the pressure, giving me the access I needed to delve my tongue inside and finally get that first sweet taste. Her hands moved up to my hair, holding my head in place, pulling me closer to her as her pelvis ground against my body.

  I groaned, my erection rubbing against her. I was so fucking desperate to have her, I felt like a teenage boy. I ran my hands down her back, searching for the zipper that would drop the dress and finally expose her body to my hungry eyes.

  When I heard the elevator slide open, I never took my mouth from hers as I walked her backward, guiding her through the double doors, past the sitting room and into my bedroom. I wanted her in my domain. I was finally going to satisfy the lust that had been burning since I’d first laid eyes on her.

  Chapter Twelve


  Wednesday night

  My dress dropped to my ankles, and I didn’t hesitate to step out of the pool of fabric and kick it out of the way.

  Zachary’s mouth pulled away from mine, his hands on my shoulders as he took a step back, looking over my body with such intensity, I felt the lap of flames scorching my skin.

  “Do you ever wear panties?” he asked in a guttural voice.

  I smiled. “Sometimes, but when there’s a chance of a quickie in a broom closet or a bathroom stall, I like to save myself the trouble.”

  His eyes darkened another shade a second before his mouth devoured mine once again. His hands roamed my naked body with a roughness that heightened my need for him. He was everywhere at once. I suddenly had the need to touch his hot skin and began yanking at the jacket he was wearing.

  “Slow down,” he whispered against my mouth.

  My eyes popped open. “Slow down!” I screeched, not wanting to point out I was standing in my heels and nothing else while he was fully clothed.

  I attacked him. That was the only way to describe it. I yanked the jacket down his arms and, without caring about the shirt he was wearing, yanked it apart, sending buttons flying as I pulled it out of his waistband at the same time.

  He figured out I wasn’t playing and worked at the belt before undoing the button and zipper and shimmying out of the pants. I pulled at the hem of his white undershirt, lifting it over his chest, stopping when I couldn’t reach any higher and planting my mouth against one of his nipples.

  He sucked in a breath as he pulled the shirt over his head. My hands went to the tight boxer briefs he was wearing and pushed them over his hips. His heavy cock sprang free, and I felt my own juices pooling at the sight of how big he was.

  Oh, he was going to be good.

  Both of us stood there, naked and gaping at each other’s bodies. I didn’t know where to start. I wanted all of him.

  Reaching out
, I tried to grab his dick with my hand, but he moved out of the way. I looked up, questioning him. He slowly shook his head.

  “No. Not yet.”

  I pouted, but not for long. His mouth closed over my mine in a slow, thorough perusal that involved his tongue licking my lips before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth and making me hotter than I knew was possible. I was squirming, rubbing my naked body against him, relishing in the feel of those crinkly hairs irritating my smooth skin.

  “Back up,” he ordered.

  I glanced behind me, saw a couch, and figured what the hell. The giant bed on the other side of the room looked a bit more inviting, but I didn’t care where I took him as long as he took me. With his hands around my waist, I let him walk me backward across the dimly lit room.

  “Sit,” he ordered.

  I hesitated a brief second, then threw caution to the wind and lowered myself onto the leather couch. His beautiful cock was there, right in front of my face. I reached up and grabbed it, taking one quick lap before he jerked away.


  I craved the man and wanted a better taste. I reached out again only to have my hand slapped away, his other hand shoving me in the chest, sending me flying backward against the couch. The fire dancing in his eyes should have scared me. It didn’t. It made me hotter.

  “Lie back and spread your legs,” he demanded, dropping to the floor in front of me.

  I closed my legs, shaking my head. It was too intimate for a first time. He raised an eyebrow, and I knew I had fueled the fire instead of putting a damper on things.

  He reached down and pulled my heels off before running his hands up the back of my calves to my knees. His blue eyes bored into me as he slowly opened my legs, exposing me completely. He reached one hand up and rubbed it between my breasts before gently caressing one and then the other. I was panting in anticipation of what was about to come.

  The same hand traveled over my stomach, and I watched its slow descent down my body. He held my gaze as his finger stroked down my slit. My mouth dropped open and my eyes closed at the exquisite touch that was so gentle, it belied the earlier aggressive passion.


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